Creative Thinkers:
Consider rejecting standardized formats for problem solving.
Have an interest in a wide range of related and divergent
Take multiple perspectives on a problem.
Use trial-and-error methods in their experimentation.
Have a future orientation.
Have self-confidence and trust in their own judgment.
Creative Thinking Questions
Sample Questions from Reaction Engineering
P4-1 Make up and solve an original problem based on the material in this chapter. In preparing your original problem, first list the principles you want to get across and why the problem is important. Also consider relevance, interest, impact of solution, time required to obtain a solution, degree of difficulty.
P8-5(e) Explore the problem. Vary the activation energy, E, the heat of reaction, , or some other parameter to learn their effect in the reaction. Write a paragraph describing your findings.
P8-5(h) Ask another question or suggest another calculation for this reaction.