Facebook-specific Social Capital Scales
used in

Ellison, N.B., Gray, R., Lampe, C. & Fiore, A.T. (In press).
Social capital and resource requests on Facebook.
New Media & Society special issue: Ten years of Facebook.


Facebook-specific bridging social capital M (SD)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network makes me interested in things that happen outside of my town. 3.77 (0.92)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network makes me want to try new things. 3.53 (0.94)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network makes me interested in what people unlike me are thinking. 3.49 (0.98)
Talking with people in my Facebook network makes me curious about other places in the world. 3.60 (0.97)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network makes me feel like part of a larger community. 3.62 (1.00)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network makes me feel connected to the bigger picture. 3.57 (1.00)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network reminds me that everyone in the world is connected. 3.73 (0.95)
Interacting with people in my Facebook network gives me new people to talk to. 3.45 (1.03)
Through my Facebook network, I come in contact with new people all the time. 3.33 (1.09)
Facebook-specific bonding social capital M (SD)
There are several people in my Facebook network I trust to solve my problems. 3.19 (1.10)
There is someone in my Facebook network I can turn to for advice about making very important decisions. 3.57 (1.07)
There is no one in my Facebook network that I feel comfortable talking to about intimate personal problems. 3.50 (1.14)
When I feel lonely, there are several people in my Facebook network I can talk to. 3.57 (1.04)
The people I interact with on my Facebook network would put their reputation on the line for me. 2.42 (1.20)
If I needed a very large emergency loan, I know someone in my Facebook network I could turn to. 2.97 (1.01)
The people I interact with in my Facebook network would be good job references for me. 3.21 (1.04)
The people I interact with in my Facebook network would share their last dollar with me. 2.81 (1.10)
I do not know people in my Facebook network well enough to get them to do anything important. 3.45 (1.01)

Scale ranges from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree