- Problems that require simple calculations, or
formula substitution. These problems will bolster confidence, they
are often limited to the knowledge and comprehension levels of
Bloom's Taxonomy.
Homogeneous Example 1
Heterogeneous Example 1
- Problems that require intermediate calculations or
manipulations. This type of problem may seem unsolvable at first
glance, causing the student to go back and re-read the text and
lecture notes. One needs to know what laws apply to make these
calculations; consequently, this is level 3 in
Bloom's Taxonomy application.
Homogeneous Example 2
Heterogeneous Example 2
- Problems that are over-specified so the student has
to decide which data and conditions are relevent.
Homogeneous Example 3
Heterogeneous Example 3
- Problems that are under-specified so the student has to consult
other information sources in order to complete the problem.
Homogeneous Example 4
Heterogeneous Example 4
The Following Types of Problems will Receive Greater
Emphasis in the Digital Age
- "What if..." problems that promote
Homogeneous Example 5
Heterogeneous Example 5
- Problems, or parts of problems (i.e. extensions),
that are open-ended.
Homogeneous Example 6
Heterogeneous Example 6
- Problems where the student must explore the
situation by varying operating conditions or parameters. Here, the
student may need to create techniques or guidelines to learn
whether or not the solution is reasonable. Ordinary
differential equation (ODE) solvers can be used to explore the
Homogeneous Example 7
Heterogeneous Example 7
- Problems that challenge assumptions. The student
can use ODE solvers or process simulators to redo the problem,
changing the assumptions to learn the effects on the answer.
Homogeneous Example 8
Heterogeneous Example 8
- Problems where groups of students work on
different parts (or the same part) then come together for
discussion. The discussion provides the opportunity for the
students to explore different points of view, as well as interact
and increase their interpersonal skills.
Homogeneous Example 9
Heterogeneous Example 9
- Problems that develop life-long learning. These problems address
the issue of teaching the students to learn on their own. With the
explosion of knowledge that is occuring, it will be essential that
they be able to learn material independently (i.e.. life-long
learning skills).
Homogeneous Example 10
Heterogeneous Example 10
Thoughts >
Ten Types