We have already added a cooling jacket to a plug flow reactor, now let’s do it for the laminar flow. The mass and energy balance for this problem are the same as for the previously problem. The only thing that changes is the boundary condition for the energy flux at the wall boundary. There is a net energy flux leaving the reactor due to the cooling jacket. The boundary condition is simply set to the energy flux.

Mass and energy balance






Boundary conditions

The boundary conditions are identical to the conditions of the previous case, except for the heat wall condition, which simply is expressed as the energy flux:


                         Mass/Mole condition       Energy condition

at z = 0                                 


   at r = 0                                  


             at r = R                         

We already added a cooling jacket once before but that time it was for a plug flow reactor. Do you remember what that looked like? Do you think the laminar flow in this case will make a big difference?