From dannimal@engin.umich.eduFri Feb 3 16:03:07 1995 Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 11:56:41 -0500 (EST) From: Dann Fuller To: Subject: Game Log 27 "How Can anything you do suck?" We open with Mok, who returns to Gaia, and finds that little time has passed. Far less time than he remembers being gone, in fact. He gets clothing, and then returns to Castle Amber, only to find that it's totally empty, and he's trapped inside. Discovering this, he decides to have dinner. In the pantry, he sees "Sylvie". But, to his disappointment, it's not Sylvie, but Guinevere. She remembers walking the pattern, and that she used to be Sylvie, but isn't now. Mok goes to the library, and on the way meets Lark, a Laughter look alike. He and Lark discuss origins, and stuff. Lark was talking to Fiona before, but now she's here. The trio heads down to the pattern room, where they run into Bernard, the Mok clone, who is coming up from the pattern room, which is where the oddballs seem to be coming from. Bernie won't let Mok by, because the Castle doesn't want Mok leaving. So, they group decides to have dinner instead. Mok discovers that the Castle got lonely when all the people left, and asked the pattern to make friends for it. Diana enters at this point, looking an awful lot like Sky. Mok tells the castle he will stay if it stops making the ghosts. Sky is approached by a servant, who informs her that living quarters have been appropriated for her in City Amber. Sky and the Servant go into the city to meet Merlin for Dinner. Melanie, the latest float in our parade of kooks, awakes in Shadow, with a migrane headache. She's on a grassy knoll, wondering if she got Kennedy or not. She tries to contact her dogs, and fails. She gathers up her things, and shifts to Avatar form. Sniffing around, she decides to take her Chaos form. She tries to Trump Eve, and fails. She tries to Trump someone else, and fails. She Tries to Trump her Father, and it animates. But, it seems that Dad is busy, and Mel decides to try again later. She flies upward, to see if the fog is thinner up high, and it is. She finds that she has no pattern imprint, so she decides to fly along as she ponders reality. Archimedes is outside the castle, in the vicinity of Random and his family. He watches Sky go off with Merlin. He wonders to himself how the f#*@ing castle can be alive. Random thinks that Finndo is responsible for the deed. It can be undone, but nly by a Logrus Master. Archi then talks with Laughter about the wedding, and what will be worn. They go to find lodging. Archi contacts Llewella about holding the wedding in Rebma, since Amber is Castle-less. She's not thrilled, but accepts the idea. Laughter and Archi walk in on Sky and Merlin....eating dinner. Sky relates the days activity (re: Sandr's attcak) and Archi ponders whether or not to carry out his earlier threat. Sandr is outside with "Ulysses". He wants to teach Sandr how to draw Trump, but Sandr wants to take care of Eve. Sandr wants to go into town, to get lodging. "Ulysses" wants to talk to Sylvie about the U/Sandr sex thing. "Ulysses" has to go find Tianen. Sandr goes to see Eve, explains that they should go get dinner, and finds out that Sylvie has given Eve a kitty. it's name is Hippas. They then go get food. Cameron yells at the castle. The castle hits Cameron with a stone. Sylvie rides up and tells Cameron to stop being a jerk. Cameron stands on the stone thrown by the castle. The castle floats CAmeron and the stone up in the air. Cameron grows wings, and tries to convey the concept of a stalemate to the castle. Sylvie doesn't approve of Cameron's behavior. She wants to go have dinner, since her Dad is gone. They go to the slaughtered lamb for dinner. Ulysses is hanging from Ygg, where he tries to Trump Sylvie. He fails. A wolf comes from inside the tree, and jumps up and bits Ulysses on the neck. The bite hurts, but heals almost instantly. The wolf goes away. Ulysses is confused. The nbext morning, Ygg wakes up. The tree nymph fashions some leaf clothing for Ulysses. He figures, 8 more days to go. Mok is looking for a Trump. He finally gets through to Laughter, the real one. He explains what he's been up to, and Laughter is confused. Archiemedes wants Laughter to pull Mok out of the castle. Mok wants to bring all the fake people out too. So, he does. Mok tries to explain, but all are confused. Sky discovers that Merlin used to be dead. Mok wants to help the Fake people to get back into the castle. Lark doesn't want to go. Mok Trumps Random, and explains the whole duplicate mess, as only Mok can. Random understands. There is a discussion. Mok introduces Diana to Sky, and there is a big group talk about the fog that is around, as well as what to do about the living castle thing. Laughter and Archi go to bed. Lark is hot for Bernard. Laughter and Archi discuss Laughter being pregnant. The pattern Ghosts ditch Mok. Merlin asks Sky out, she disses him, but he wants a rain check. Mok goes to spy on the pattern ghosts. Sky goes to bed, and has a dream. She is sitting on Kolvir, there is no castle. There are only six stars in the sky. One falls, becomes a woman, and walks into a tree. Melanie Trumps Eve again, and then Merron, and then finally gets through to Tianen's house. There are trees everywhere. The house is an orange juice making disaster area. Mel goes in search of some clothing. She steals some from Tianen's closet. She continues wandering around, and discovers that House Halebard is empty. Archi is keeping Laughter happy. Sandr gets lodging for Eve and himself, and then they have dinner at the Crown Tavern. Eve is homesick. She wants to go back to her mom and dad. Eve likes to play the chase game, especially with Sylvie. There is a discussion of moving to another place. Eve is to stay with Sandr until her father comes back. Sandr explains the concept of Rebma to Eve, who doesn't believe it. They play chess. Then, Eve goes to bed. Sandr tries to find Ulysses in City Amber with the Pattern. He goes to wake Random, and a servant intervenes. The King will be passed Sandr's message when he wakes up. Sandr then looks for Sylvie (in Arden) and Tianen (not found). Cameron and Sylvie finish dinner. She wants to sleep in Arden. Cameron doesn't approve. She insists that Morgenstern and Melody are sufficient to protect her. Sylvie wants to go to Chaos, but neithe rof them trust Tianen. Cameron talks Sylvie out of going, but only after she reveals that she has done something that will let her stop Tianen. She's walked the pattern. Cameron still doesn't want her to sleep in Arden. So, to make sure she's alright, he'll stay with her. Jubal pops in, looks disgusted, and leaves. Laughter comes back to Ulysses, bringing water for him. They talk of why she bit him, the future, the evacuation of the castle, cutting Ulysses down, and stuff. Laughter contemplates getting Ulysses clothing, then goes to get food as well. Laughter thinks someone forced her to bite Ulysses. Ulysses convinvces Laughter to spped up time, so that nine days will go by, and he can get down. She agrees, since last time she just cut him down outright. Mok is watching the doubles in the graveyard. He sees bernard, and is scolded for spying. Lark wants to go live out in shadow. Mok goes back to the castle gate, where his nose is broken by the castle. The castle is pissed at him, and has gotten more friends from Mr. Pattern. The castle is afraid that FInndo has a plan, and it only wants to keep the Amberites safe. Mok goes to an inn. Ulysses is hanging on the 9th day, and Laughter makes a blood bird, that perches on Ulysses' bonds, and begins to peck him free. Laughter goes back into the tree. Ulysses gets free, stretches, then goes into shadow, to get clothing, and get cleaned up Melanie is at House Verdix, talking about what happened to Tianen's place. There is talk of Laughter being the head of a house of Chaos. Then, folk start to notice that the fog is clearing. Mel surprises the chaosites with her Logrus/Shadow abilities. She goes back to Tianen's place, and Trumps Eve. Sandr notices the Trump flair in the pattern lens, and goes into Eve's room. Eve want Mel to come through, but Sandr is in the room. Mel comes through, recognizes Sandr as Family, and introduces herself. Melanie is going to look for Merron, and Eve is going back to sleep. Sandr offers Mel his bed, and she suggests that Sandr look for Ulysses. Sandr wants more info from Melanie. There is witty repartee. Mel says that Eve shouldn't walk the pattern yet. They discuss who killed Brand, and then Cymnea. Archi and Laughter discover that Beauty is fine, and Foil looks as if it is waking up. Laughter brings Beauty to Amber, where they all discuss the wedding, and clothing. Archi then Trumps Ulysses, who explains the shit he has been through. This confuses Laughter and Archimedes. Archi pulls Ulysses through. Melanie Trumps Merron, and tells him of Cymnea's death. He is surprised. Mel relates Sandr's dislike of his actions. They trade stories. Shandril comes into the talk. Mel will get Trumps for Merron, who also wants Eve back. Merron warns Mel not to walk the pattern so soon. Melanie goes to sleep. Laughter and Archi and Beauty go to get breakfast. Sandr finds out that Eve is gone, and then he and Mel go down to breakfast. Sandr explains the living castle thing to Mel. A page informs Mok and Sky of a breaksfast appointment. Mok wants a bath first, and Sky also wishes to clean up. Cameron and Caine are talking about pattern making in Chaos. Caine wants Cameron to go spy on Cameron's Grandmother in the demon underworld. Sylvie wakes up, Cameron breaks the contact. Cameron explains that they should go get breakfast. Sylvie wants orange juice. Cameron threatens to leave Sylvie behind. Breakfast: All are present. Laughter and Mel know each other. Melanie is introduced to the gang. Ulysses talks about the future and past craziness, and is thought to have hallucinated. There is a long discussion of Laughter taking Cymnea's place as a priestess of the serpent. Laughter tries to squirm out of it, but fails. She resolves to go to Halebard, to work this out. Sky and Mok and Archi all agree to go along. Quotes: "Oh my god, I'm talking to walls." -- Mok "No one can eat just one (Sandr)" -- Liam "If we pay enough to the innkeeper, he'll let us do anything." -- Sylvie "You're stuck with them as long as they exist." -- Random "How can anything you do suck?" -- Liam, as Hewitt "I have seen no such 3x5 card." Melanie "Yeah, but they're such nice breasts" -- Archimedes ______________________________________________________________________________ Dann Fuller Journ Tarmakk Prince Ulysses of Amber Mac/IBM Repair Chancellor, Eternal Ban Trump Artist, Alcoholic, CAEN Service Center Technicolor Conjuror Nymphomaniac, and all 313-763-5413 Eternal Citadel, Faerun around fun guy. --- --- Golf, an relaxing break from the hassle of the rat race, constantly interrupted by an annoying little white ball. ______________________________________________________________________________