Received: from by ( with ESMTP id VAA08304; Thu, 21 Apr 1994 21:11:19 -0400 Received: by (8.6.7/2.2) with X.500 id VAA02252; Thu, 21 Apr 1994 21:10:48 -0400 Received: from by (8.6.7/2.2) with ESMTP id VAA02244; Thu, 21 Apr 1994 21:10:45 -0400 Received: from by ( id VAA12711; Thu, 21 Apr 1994 21:10:42 -0400 Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 20:10:43 -0500 (GMT-0500) From: Sean Frost Subject: log 12 To: jamber ,,,,, Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII SESSION 12 Ulysses wants to relay Sandr's message to Benedict. Archimedes tells him to go on ahead and do that thing and shows him to the door. Flora's boy wends his way to Benedict's Manor House (a franchise of Howard Johnson's), where he gets to wait. Benedict graces him with his presence at last, graciously hears the message, and gratefully sends the boy back into play. Sandr is accompanied to dinner by his dear aunt and uncle. On departing, they are snagged by Cameron who wants to know what's up. After hearing how Sandr has refused to pledge loyalty, Cameron thoughtfully points out that as a messiah he has a kingdom of his own. The return of our cadre of heroes to Amber is delayed only momentarily by the fact that someone bypassed looking in their horses mouths by creating convenient openings in their necks. Benedict leads the way, and nothing proves to be in it. He stalks off to Random and the others just kind of slink away quietly. Fiona and Bleys dump their charge on Archimedes, who is quick to pass the buck to Laughter, who takes him into town so he can watch her learn to forge metal. On hearing this plan, Cameron and Ulysses mock her 'till she weeps. Somehow, the four of them wind up in a bar, but quite frankly I wasn't paying close attention. Archimedes decides that his safe has been to easy, so he interrupts Jubal, whom he suspects is out of sorts and homicidal. Jubal treats him poorly and runs off into shadow. Archimedes tries to ignore the fact that his Achilles tendons just rolled up like a blind. Laughter, Ulysses, Sandr, and Cameron return to the Castle, and Ulysses is passed Sandr for the night. They sleep well, unaware of what has transpired. The next morning, they go looking for the Crown Prince, a little ticked that he's not pulling babysitter duty. Thus begins Archimedes' really bad, can't escape the relatives, doped up on pain killers day. Cameron might go to the waterfront, since he discusses Sandr with Caine. Caine says it's just ridiculous, metaphysical poppycock, and he should know dammit. He also claims to have no part of their death culture; he just wants to go to the beach. Sandr returns to his quarters with Laughter and Ulysses, who proceed to knock him around some. He loses at chess to Laughter, demonstrating that while she may not be the Laughter of Love, he should still listen to her, since she is the Laughter of the Higher Warfare and Don't You Forget It. Laughter accosts Archimedes, who cannot escape. Sandr does not feel particularly lucky. I just write it down, folks. I don't pretend to know what it means. Cameron takes up some of Random's valuable time to inform him that Sandr must be wrong because Caine thinks he's even useless as shark bait. Oh, and mom says so too. Random smiles politely. Archimedes would like to let Sandr dig his own hole, but whether it is to be a burial mound or latrene is unclear. Laughter figures, hey, if the Crown Prince is unconcerned with Sandr, why not let him go? She decides to see what Benedict thinks first, and leaves Archimedes to Cameron's tender mercies. Benedict gives Laughter two options: kill Sandr or watch him very closely. She drags Sandr back to the infirmary, where she chastises Archimedes for smoking. Sandr concentrates. Jubal, in his flight from Amber, runs headlong into plot, taking the form of a gimongous army advancing from the general direction of the Rose. He circumvents the mass, and sends out messengers: one to warn Random, one to have Corwin evacuate Adrian, and one to make Tianin wonder what the hell he's about. Sandr wakes up Corwin, after Laughter seeks out her mother in the Grove of the Unicorn. Corwin is rather out of sorts. Archimedes introduces himself and mentions Sandr. Sandr says he woke him up because bad things were happening. Corwin points out that he had figured that much out and stalks off for a bit of lunch. Corwin catches up to Laughter, calls her Lavendar, and dumps water on Bleys. Fiona tells him that his Pattern is gone. He says that he noticed that. Jubal's messenger arrives and confuses Corwin. He returns the favor by not telling Fiona squat. Cameron searches Jubal's room, but he has left behind only several deep gouges in the furniture. Fiona is almost helpful in regards to Sequence. She tells Laughter to hurt whoever woke up Corwin. Corwin returns to the infirmary and asks who Adrian is. He gets details that he'd rather not have. He slings her over his shoulder and leaves, only to replace her moments later when Laughter points out that he doesn't know what's going on. Cameron follows Corwin as far as the Pattern Room, where he decides that his urge to avoid walking the damn thing overpowers his curiosity. Laughter tells Sandr that Fiona wants her to hurt him. She asks Archimedes for a favor. I think it involved Conjuration and Sequence, but I wasn't listening. Corwin drags Jubal back to Amber, calling him a coward. Jubal shrugs and goes to collect Adrian. Random approaches the pair, but a little birdie arrives and gives him bigger fish to fry. Jubal casts invisibility on himself, but his bad stuff and my desire to see what would happen lead him to neglect any more useful precautions. He gets pinned in the infirmary. Archimedes throws bricks at him. He's more concerned about the remains of Sequence. He stays put until Benedict arrives and tells Archimedes to grow the fuck up. Laughter Pattern 'ports to Sandr, whose absence had been noted by Benedict. Cameron Trumps Rhiannon and confirms that Amber is indeed slated for demolition. He drops Adrian and Tianin's names, and his mother deftly recovers them for future consideration. After, he locates Random in the armory with Benedict and is told to locate Sandr. Jubal limps off with Adrian. Archimedes refuses his offer to fix those tendons. His suffering is increased with the arrival of Cameron, who just wants to gloat, I guess. Ulysses arrives in the stagecoach with Sandr and Laughter, who want to go to Foil. He disagrees. Archimedes gets Trumped by Gerard, who is pleased to find him recuperating properly. The big galoot comes through and pokes around his injuries. Sandr determines that the Chaos armies are approaching from the space formerly occupied by the Rose. He offers to 'port them all (Cameron has by now arrived) to Amber, but only Ulysses agrees. Jubal heals in his room and prepares for his departure. Ulysses and Sandr arrive in the armory. Cameron kibbutzes while Laughter gets Sequence re-made. The sword has been made noticeably bitter by its experience. Jubal avoids the Chaos army. Laughter and Cameron return by sea and Trump Caine for a hand through when they get close. From there, they Trump Archimedes, who is glad as ever for the company of his fellows, whoever they might be. Jubal Trumps Archimedes and gives him an offer he can't refuse, but more on that next week.