Session 67: "Just remember in the future, when you want to kill me again,
you can, so be gentle."
Melanie is strapped to a chair. She sees Claudio comes in. He
has a sword and lops her head off.
Archimedes returns to his room. He is happy to see Laughter
immediately, instead of in ten seconds. He guesses he has his soul back
and can die now. He tells Laughter this absent-mindedly and collapses on
the bed.
Killian returns to Amber from somewhere.
Niccolo is looking for Archimedes.
Claudio is waiting for Melanie to not be Logrus mad.
Melanie recovers from death. She has a moment of clarity. The
floor of the room is padded. Kaedric is smoking and staring. He tells
her she has been insane for three months. She cannot feel Trump or
sorcery. Melanie comments on Claudio's presence, then Caitlin is
mentioned. Melanie wants to know about the explosion when she lost her
Pattern. Kaedric tries to explain. There was a duplicate explosion in
Atlantis, triggered there by Bleys, Benedict and Archimedes. They were
dual traps. The connection in Ivory was the ring and the vault. Spells
were set for Pattern, triggered through the ring (from Gerard). Any
number of people could have cast it. Melanie modifies it by suggesting
that whoever cast it also had to get the ring from Gerard. Kaedric
suggests she rest. Melanie plans to find out. She asks Kaedric about the
Logrus. Melanie has a few holes in her memory, like anything that
happened after Caitlin wopped her. Her Pattern has been replaced with
something else. She investigates.
Kaedric says to Claudio that it may be awhile. Claudio asks why
he wasn't told of the second explosion, stating that Archimedes is his
liege, after all. Claudio checks on Alora and Graham, then heads to
Amber. Kaedric warns Claudio that he will be speeding up the Shadow that
he and Melanie are in.
A rabbit hops across Ulysses' path. It's in a hurry. Ulysses
suggests they follow. They pass two men fighting. They keep following
the rabbit. It enters a house. The rabbit says they aren't invited.
They argue with the rabbit. They tell the rabbit they want to leave the
Strangeways. Ulysses asks for Fiona's help. Fiona walks him through
threatening the rabbit step by step. They go to court following the
rabbit's directions.
There is a smile following them. Ulysses makes the rabbit cry.
No one is at court, as they are at the arena. The group goes there. A
fight is taking place and they find it difficult to get to the Queen. A
unicorn and serpent are fighting. Ulysses suggests stealing the eye.
There is a cat sitting on Fiona's shoulder. Ulysses talks to the cat.
The cat offers to help them leave if they take it with them. The
combatants are tied in a battle for the realm. The cat knows about the
Strangeways and a book containing maps. The cat takes them to the
library. The book is behind a stone in the library. No one has arrived
via the Strangeways in 5,000 years, the cat says.
They go to the castle and the library. The cat shows them where
the book is. Fiona picks the book up. Ulysses looks over her shoulder to
read the book and looks down her dress instead. Fiona gives the book to
Ulysses and stares at his fly. He spreads his legs for her. There are
maps in the book. The lines of some change as he is looking. Fiona and
the cat look for the way out.
Killian returns to the main hall. Laughter is there. She is
wearing heads on her belt. They have pointed ears. Killian recognizes
her and thinks he loves her.
Niccolo sees Killian and Laughter. Laughter looks at them and
asks if there is anything she can do for them. Killian says not right
now. Killian says it with a lecherous grin. Niccolo and Laughter head
for Archimedes' quarters. Killian follows.
Archimedes is woken up by the knock. Laughter enters. He puts
his head under a pillow. Laughter tells him there is an ambassador there
to see him. She asks if she should send him away. Archimedes says yes.
Laughter heads back out. She says that Archimedes is indisposed.
Then Archimedes hears Niccolo mention the Strangeways and gets up.
Laughter leaves and Killian follows. Laughter stops when she sees
Claudio. She tells Claudio that Archimedes has his soul back. Laughter
places the heads on the battlements. Claudio asks about the explosion.
Archimedes talks to Niccolo. He has to distract him from
pleasantries to get the information he wants. Since Niccolo knows about
the Strangeways, Archimedes draws him a map and says they're leaving in
the morning. Archimedes asks him why he's interested. Niccolo is helping
because a piece of Chaos might be next to disappear.
Melanie tries to figure out the Logrus. They continue to discuss
her madness. Kaedric continues to be less than forthcoming. She asks him
how soon can she take the Pattern? Last time it was done, it was 200
years (Merlin). The buzzing in her head starts.
Claudio keeps an eye on Killian while speaking to Laughter.
Claudio asks about the plan. She tells him they are leaving in the
morning. Killian asks if Laughter is Archimedes' woman. He is ignored.
He repeats the question. They say Archimedes is her man. Claudio offers
to go along if Archimedes wants. For now, he is returning to Chaos. He
tells her that Corwin has his son. Killian explains how that happened.
Claudio adds how Corwin tried to dispose of them via Killian and the
Pattern. Killian looks displeased to be Corwin's son. Claudio tells
Laughter that Alora is ten years old. Laughter asks why. Melanie is
Logrus mad. Melanie got caught in an explosion as well, then Caitlin put
her on the Logrus.
Laughter asks Killian what he wants. Nothing, right now. Killian
drops off the battlements. Laughter walks down.
Niccolo returns to the main hall. Laughter walks through. Flora
shows up. She takes Niccolo to the garden and asks him his impression of
Amber. He shares.
Killian heads back to his room.
Ulysses and the group look through the book. They now know how to
get back to Amber, so they go.
Archimedes returns to bed.
Ulysses goes to see Beauty and relieves some of the tension Fiona
had been building in him. She tells him in a round about way that she's
A small blond woman finds Killian. She is going to teach him how
to be a gentleman. Killian chuckles. She says being Corwin's son
explains a lot. Killian keeps walking.
Melanie wakes up. She was a fish. Kaedric is sleeping. She
cannot get free. It has been a shorter time. Kaedric wakes up. He shows
her the symbol of the Logrus. Kaedric has sped the Shadow up. Melanie
concentrates on the Logrus.
Niccolo dresses for dinner.
Claudio suggests dinner in Amber. Alora looks doubtful. Claudio
says she can see the Pattern. The children want a tour.
At dinner, Random is back. Alora says she needs to be presented
to the King. Claudio takes Alora and Graham to Archimedes first, then to
Random. Random greets them both. Sky skips dinner because of Claudio.
Claudio asks if Niccolo is Random's son. Random introduces Niccolo as the
Chaosite ambassador. General wackiness abounds. Killian is introduced.
Ulysses and Laughter pass barbs. Laughter tells Archimedes psychically
that she thinks Ulysses kissed her mom. Archimedes gets snagged in his
first thought, then tells her she should check on Fiona's side of the
story. Niccolo toasts Amber/Chaos relations.
Graham asks for his tour. Niccolo introduces himself to Alora and
lets her know that Melanie is Logrus mad. Ulysses says something witty.
Claudio tries to get Niccolo to shut up. Killian interprets this as
Niccolo should be killed and looks to Archimedes for approval. Archimedes
says no. Claudio is taking the kids to the Pattern room. The kids are
making plans. Claudio discourages them. He lets slip that there are
protective spells hung around the Pattern. Graham tries to brainrape him.
Claudio is unhappy. He returns Alora to Chaos, then comes back to Amber.
Archimedes explains recent events to Random after dinner.
Benedict, Bleys, Killian and Ulysses will leave in the morning to look for
the Jewel.
Melanie is still looking at the sigil. It has been a long time.
She stared at the sigil the whole time. Kaedric wants her to stare at the
sigil again. When she does so successfully, Kaedric releases her after
drugging her. She wakes up in her own room. They talk. Alora visits.
Melanie has been gone only eight hours for Alora. Alora has been playing
with Graham. She and Melanie speak. Melanie explains that she took the
Killian returns to his room. He braids his hair and paints his
Claudio writes a quick note to Kaedric admitting his sins. He
gets a Trump call from Kaedric. Claudio pulls him through. Alora ratted
Claudio out. Melanie is going to be pissed. She's sane now. Claudio
tells Kaedric that Alora knows about the Logrus madness. They go to the
Pattern room to hang some spells. Graham is hiding with Sky.
Niccolo turns in early.
Claudio casts protective spells on his room.
Archimedes makes love to Laughter.
At three a.m., Killian heads for Sky's room. He goes inside. He
is as quiet as he can be. He discovers that Sky is not sleeping on the
couch, but a small boy is. He climbs into bed next to Sky and cold crocks
her, then rolls her up in the bedding and heads to the Pattern. He is
stopped by guards. He tries to explain the baggage as being a wounded
dog. He eventually has to kill the guards. He then walks the Pattern.
Archimedes is awoken by pounding at his door. Guardsman have been
killed. Archimedes Trumps Benedict on his way to the Pattern to let him
know what is happening. He arrives to see Killian walking the Pattern
with a large parcel over his shoulder. Archimedes can see blue wisps of
hair peeking out from the bedding. Archimedes Trumps Claudio and pulls
him through. Claudio begins walking the Pattern after Archimedes fills
him in. Archimedes asks if Claudio can take Killian in a fight. Claudio
thinks not. Archimedes follows him on the Pattern. Benedict Trumps
Ulysses and fills him in. Ulysses goes to the intersection of the worlds,
but finds that Killian is in a blocked Shadow.
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