For a time, the connections between Shadows were severed and most Shadows floated like isolated pockets of reality in the Abyss. Through the actions of the Gawain and Edgar, the links between Shadow were restored, however.
Lines in the drawing above represent linkages and Shadow paths. It is possible to move into adjacent Shadows by following any line without using the Logrus. Use of the Logrus makes travel between the conjoined Shadows much faster (making it possible to skip Shadows along the path), but it is still necessary to follow the links. Also note that each line does not represent one link; rather, it represents one or more links. The junctures between some Shadows are quite numerous.
The blue line indicates the approximate border between the territories of Thelbane and Donegal, as it stood at the end of the recent civil war in Chaos. According to the treaty agreement, the two are to remain separate until Shaenan is replaced as Emperor.
The lines stemming from Firegate are one-way gates into the various Shadows.
All text on this page is © 1997-2000 by Matthew Richardson and Kris Fazzari.
Last modified on September 1, 2000 by Kris Fazzari.