Dworkin Barimen

"He was a small man. Tiny, might be an even better word. He was around five feet tall and a hunchback. His hair and beard were heavy. The only distinguishing features in that great mass of fur were his long, hook nose and his almost black eyes."

Trump of Dworkin, 5th 
(5th Trump series)

OF Unicorn
"Outrageous Fortune"

Done by Kris Fazzari.

Trump is the work of Wendi Strang-Frost and is © by her. Please contact her before reproducing it in any fashion. For more examples of her work, check out her web page or the "Wavedancers" story in Elfquest.

Quote is taken from Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes In Amber and is © by Roger Zelazny.

Last modified on August 2, 1999 by Kris Fazzari.