Chapter Sixty-six: "I'm happy, as long as I'm not throwing up."
As the fragment-hunting posse zooms along, Ariana points out that
she does have a Trump of Lazarus, which would get them there faster than
traveling via Logrus. Problem is, Kimdyl and Alex are focusing pretty
hard on the Logrus traveling, and no one wants to interrupt their
concentration. Ahab Trumps Fiona and leaves. Bart Trumps Florian and
does likewise. Ariana follows suit by Trumping Laughter and asking to
come through, since the Logrus is making her nauseous. Laughter brings
Ariana through into the hallway, since Foster doesn't want an audience as
he trips over his new legs. You remember Gordon, his shapeshifting
roller-blades? Well, apparently Gordon makes a decent set of artificial
limbs, too. Ariana tells Laughter that Riftvan is back. Laughter asks
why Ariana looks ill. Ariana explains that she can smell the Logrus, so
being surrounded by it was not a pleasant experience. Laughter doesn't
understand how one can smell the Logrus. Ariana fills Laughter in on
Driscoll's imprisonment, as well as some of what she learned about
Driscoll. Specifically that he killed Laughter's Shadow, Laura, because
she was spying on him for the dragon-slayers. Laughter explains what
happened to her when the Jewel exploded. Ariana offers her assistance in
dealing with the Faerie lord. Laughter says she's waiting for Fiona to
give her a Trump of him, but she'll go after him by herself if she has to.
Foster likes this not at all, until Laughter explains that she meant she'd
go without a Trump of the guy, not alone.
Ariana asks if Laughter still wants to see Riftvan. She does, so
Ariana takes them to her quarters. Riftvan is reading a book and the
children are all playing quietly, prompting Ariana to ask where her real
children are. Laughter tells Riftvan of her pregnancy, and the fact that
Mandor won't let her marry Foster. Foster is none too pleased that
Laughter just accepted Mandor's decision without a fight. Riftvan turns a
penetrating stare on Foster and asks if he really wants to marry Laughter.
Foster gulps and nods. Riftvan agrees to see what he can do to rectify
things. Laughter then tries to explain why she fears Mandor but not
Riftvan, in a conversation which the game log was too merciful to record.
Suffice it to say that her attempts to clarify her meaning only dig her in
deeper. Riftvan humors her, and laughs for a good long time after she and
Foster leave.
Alex takes a Trump call and departs, dropping the posse crowd down
to Felix, Shard, Usires, Rinaldo and Kimdyl. Alex's departure means that
Kimdyl is the only one pulling them forward, and things slow down. Kimdyl
stops when she notices this and wonders where the hell everybody went.
Felix suggests that maybe they should contact Ariana and just have her
Trump them to Lazarus. Kimdyl walks off and wrecks some landscape, then
returns with a smile. Felix looks very nervous and apologizes for making
her angry. Kimdyl insists she's not angry. Felix doesn't believe her.
After a few minutes of this, Kimdyl asks when Felix is going to Trump
Ariana. He quickly does so. Ariana takes the call and suggests that
Felix gather the others together before she comes through with the Trump,
since it will be difficult to reach anyone once they have entered Lazarus.
Felix unsuccessfully attempts to Trump Ahab. Kimdyl can't reach him
either. No one has a Trump of Bart or Alex, which leaves them back where
they started.
Ariana Trumps Alex, but can't get through. Laughter mentions to
Ariana that she has a Trump of Lazarus as well. Apparently she never
returned the one Eris gave her several years ago. They decide to give one
to Felix to use when he's found the others, while Ariana can use the other
to return to Lazarus immediately, since she doesn't want to miss the
attempt to rescue Driscoll. Laughter and Foster volunteer to come with
her, although Foster does so somewhat reluctantly. Ariana asks Laughter
if Fiona mentioned any other side affects of the Jewel shattering, other
than teleporting you to where you were thinking of. Nope, but Laughter
offers to Trump Fiona. Ariana assures her that isn't necessary.
Bart discusses his gender-switching problem with Florian, and they
make fun of Ahab. Bart figures maybe he should be rejoining the others,
so Florian drags him through Shadow via Logrus and deposits him on the
other side of the hill from the posse. He observes that the group is
smaller and tries to swell their ranks by adding Martin. Problem is,
Martin is too far away for Bart to reach by Trump. Usires joins in the
attempt, but provides little help. Eventually Felix pitches in, and
together they reach... a wino? The man recognizes Bart, so they pull him
through. It turns out that it's Martin, but he's managed to lose his body
somewhere. He kind of wants it back, but Kimdyl points out that
retrieving the Jewel fragments is more important right now, so they'll
deal with his problem later. In his current body, Martin is in no shape
to travel with them, so they Trump Gerard and send Martin back to Amber.
Gerard is rather confused to as to why he's pulling through a wino.
Ariana, Laughter and Foster Trump to Lazarus. Foster turns rather
pale upon seeing Ironclaw. Ariana asks Ironclaw how long she's been gone,
and learns it's been about six days. She warns him that others will be
coming through looking for a jewel fragment, and asks him to tell them to
Trump her when they arrive. Ironclaw asks if the fragment belongs to
them. Laughter asks if dragons are related to serpents, because the
fragment sort of belongs to the Serpent. Ariana assures Ironclaw that the
fragment belongs to Amber, and she helps Foster drag Laughter out of there
before she can say anything worse. As they walk towards the city,
Laughter and Foster begin arguing with each other over whose dragon
experience was worse. Laughter seems to think that having your Shadow
eaten by one is much nastier than having one chew your legs off. Foster
is inclined to disagree. Ariana decides that she wants no part of this
death culture and hurries ahead of them, on the pretense of checking for
The shard-hunting posse decides they can't wait for Ahab or Alex
and Trump to Lazarus. They are quite surprised by Ironclaw, since Kimdyl
didn't bother to warn them about him. She grins delightedly at their
reactions, which for most just consists of them shitting their pants.
Battlestar decides that Shard's on his own and runs away. Usires hefts
his ax into a fighting position, which earns him Ironclaw's full
attention. This is definitely a bad thing. Usires eventually sees the
wisdom of lowering his weapon and sitting, as Ironclaw instructs, since
the ax won't save him from becoming Viking flambe. Ironclaw laughs at
this point and relays Ariana's message. Felix Trumps Ariana, who pulls
them through.
After they walk for a while, Ariana, Bart and Felix are all warned
by their devices that something bad is about to happen. Ariana yells for
everyone to take cover and most do, with the exception of Bart, who just
casts his Xenos spell on himself. A group of Lazarians appear on the
road. Ariana recognizes the captain and identifies herself. Once she
confirms that the rest are with her, the Lazarians stand down. They offer
to escort the group to the city and provide them with horses for the rest
of the trip. Foster opts to ride with Laughter, since he hasn't quite
gotten the hang of riding with his new legs.
Kimdyl begins searching for the shard with the Logrus, much to
Ariana's dismay. She manages to distract Foster from joining in for a
while, but he decides to help Kimdyl when they're almost at the city.
When he raises the Logrus, Ariana almost throws up. Laughter notices this
and tells Foster to stop. Foster wants to know why, so she explains. He
can't understand why Ariana can smell the Logrus. Ariana falls as far
back from Kimdyl and Foster as possible, and spots a Lazarian ducking out
of sight behind them. She tells Laughter and Bart of this and asks if
they have a spell that can check this out. Bart says he'll work on
As they reach the base of the mountain in whose side the city
rests, they are greeted by a flock of dragons, including Clytemnestra.
She notices how ill Ariana looks and offers to wait until she's ready to
go. Ariana waits until Kimdyl stops using the Logrus before climbing on
Clytemnestra's back. Rinaldo, Shard and Usires look decidedly worried at
the prospect of riding a dragon. Ariana assures Shard that it's not an
unpleasant experience, but he looks unconvinced. She offers to let him
ride with her, if Clytemnestra doesn't mind. He leaps up behind her
before she even finishes speaking. Felix picks the biggest dragon there,
who bitches loudly and continuously about carrying Felix's weight.
Rinaldo opts to ride with Bart, and Foster naturally rides with Laughter,
leaving Usires the option of riding alone, or with Kimdyl. He decides to
ride alone. Bart's dragon begins flirting with him. Ariana asks
Clytemnestra about this, and is told that Bart's dragon is in heat. Lucky
him. The dragons take off. Ariana almost loses her lunch again, while
Foster squeezes Laughter so hard that her ribs are bruised and the wind is
knocked out of her. Bart passes the time by casting a spell to find all
the Chaosites in the Shadow. Unfortunately, he's still doing this when
they land, so he can't dismount without losing the spell. His dragon
begins to nibble his toes. Clytemnestra explains to Ariana that she may
work her way up if Bart sits there long enough. Everyone is shown to
sleeping quarters except for Ariana, who hangs around to wait for Bart.
Bart finally casts his spell, and finds two more Chaosites than he
expected: one in Foster's room and one in the city. He tells this to
Ariana. Neither are worried about the one in Foster's room and Bart says
he'll continue tracking the one in the city.
Ahab asks Fiona if she can remove his curse, but no such luck.
She does cast a spell that inhibits the curse from working, but warns that
it can be easily removed, so it's not a permanent solution. She gives him
a Trump of Lazarus, and he goes through. Ironclaw observes that Ahab
handles seeing him better than the others, and wonders how many more
people are coming along. Ahab Trumps Ariana and has her pull him through.
He notes that she's looking rather green, so she explains about her Logrus
problems. Bart comes by and tells Ariana that the extra guy is gone. She
introduces Ahab to the captain of the guard, so the Lazarians won't attack
him as an invader. Then she brings him to Kimdyl's quarters, which are
conveniently (or inconveniently, depending on your point of view) next to
hers. Kimdyl checks Ahab to make sure all of his parts are present, and
they move on from there.
Foster gets a look at how badly he bruised Laughter's ribs, and is
extremely apologetic. Laughter decides that maybe she can handle some
making out, so long as they don't have sex. Foster is more than willing
to comply. While they're in psychic contact, Laughter's ribs suddenly
heal. She fumbles for a light and shows this to Foster, who denies having
anything to do with it. Laughter is unconvinced.
Ariana decides that being sandwiched in-between Laughter and
Foster's quarters and Ahab and Kimdyl's quarters is a new version of hell.
She goes up to the battlements, hoping the fresh air will settle her
stomach down. There are many dragons roosting up there for the night, but
they don't molest her, since they've been warned by Clytemnestra that
she's not food. She spends an hour up there before returning to her
quarters and going to sleep.
Bart recalibrates his spell to detect Amberites and casts it
again. He finds one more than expected, across the sea and close to
Driscoll. Further investigation reveals that it's Brand, who tells him to
run along. He goes to Ariana's room at about four in the morning and
wakes her up. Once he fills her in, they decide to wake up the others.
Kimdyl responds to Ariana's knock by flicking a Logrus tendril at her.
Ariana is violently ill, the sight of which makes Laughter feel kind of
queasy herself. Bart knocks on Rinaldo's door, but gets no answer. Entry
is finally gained, but there's no sign of the boy. Shard helps Ariana
into the nearest room, which happens to be Foster's, and she lies down.
Foster asks her not to throw up on the bed, if she can help it.
Everyone discusses what to do about Brand. After several minutes
of this, Rinaldo enters the room and tells them that Brand is after Dara,
not the shard, and he told Rinaldo where it is. Apparently the
dragon-slayers are using it to power a giant laser cannon. He also says
that Brand is going after Dara, for what she made him do. He loved Jasra,
you see. None of those present claim any grudge against Brand, if he was
forced to act against his will. Ariana brings Rinaldo to the captain of
the guard. Shard goes with them to help her. The captain looks
displeased when they tell him about the laser cannon, and leaves quickly.
Rinaldo, Shard and Ariana rejoin the others, and much planning ensues. At
one point, Rinaldo feels a Trump contact from Brand, but it fades quickly.
He doesn't feel this bodes well for Brand. Everyone agrees it would help
if they knew the layout of the place where Driscoll and the cannon are.
Foster reveals that he can cast a spell to show them this. It will take
some time to cast, so they agree to meet again when he's ready.
Everyone but Laughter returns to their quarters and goes to sleep.
Laughter and Ariana both feel hungry and go in search of food. They are
waylaid by a guard, who gets quite flustered when Laughter explains that
she has the pregnancy munchies. He quickly shows them to the kitchens and
then gets the hell out of there.
At the appointed time, everyone gathers in Foster's quarters. He
focuses the lens on Driscoll first. Driscoll is shackled to the wall and
in the process of being interrogated by a woman who looks much like
Laughter, except she has Driscoll's blue eyes. He looks none too pleased
with her, and the feeling is obviously mutual. She is asking him for
information about the Lazarians, which he is loath to give. Foster pulls
the lens back so they are able to see the layout of the area around his
cell. Verdegris is penned in an electric cage in a room across the hall
from Driscoll's cell. Foster then displays the area around the laser
cannon. The cannon itself is quite large, but the compartment in which
the shard lies appears to be easily removed. Various plans of attack are
Ariana finds the captain of the guard and asks when the Lazarians'
rescue attempt will take place. He looks somewhat embarrassed and tells
her that it already did, and they lost. Ariana tells him that they've
determined exactly where Driscoll is being held. He offers to take this
to his superiors. Ariana rejoins the others. She and Laughter both feel
kind of woozy.
More planing occurs. Rinaldo searches for something that can mold
Shadow, and hits upon Usires' ax. It won't affect things more than a
couple feet away, but that should be more than enough to break through
doors, chains, etc. Kimdyl and Foster suddenly sit straight up, while
Ariana doubles over and tries not to throw up again. Kimdyl informs the
others that there's been a large Logrus infusion, which seems to be
encircling the Shadow. Rinaldo speculates that a Trump drawn while within
Lazarus might work from anywhere in the Shadow. He begins drawing a Trump
of the outside of Driscoll's cell to test this. It is suggested that
cutting power would make it easier for the attack to work, so Foster
begins casting another spell to find the location of the power plant. The
group finally settles on a plan, which involves splitting into three
teams: one to take out the power plant, one to rescue Driscoll, and one to
retrieve the shard. The power plant group will join one of the other two
teams once the plant is destroyed. When Driscoll and the shard are
secured, everyone will Trump out. Since there isn't time for Rinaldo to
draw Trumps of everyone, someone will have to remain at the entrance point
to the Shadow, so they can pull everyone else to safety. Ahab suggests
that Ariana is the best person for that job, since she's probably too sick
to join in the attack.
Ariana and Laughter head up to the battlements. Ariana asks if
Clytemnestra can arrange to get her back to the entrance to the Shadow.
Clytemnestra says she'll find someone to take her there. Laughter asks
Clytemnestra if she knew about Driscoll's daughter, and explains what they
saw. Clytemnestra claims not to know anything about the woman they saw.
She also tells them that Verdegris can't be imprisoned, so she must just be
biding her time. Laughter decides to modify her treeing spell so that the
subject is sent into a nearby wall instead. She practices this on the
vast amount of dragon shit that is lying around on the battlements. The
shit does indeed disappear, and many jokes are made about where it
actually went. While Laughter is occupied with this, Ariana asks
Clytemnestra if she's pregnant, since the dragon was able to tell when
Laughter was. Clytemnestra is surprised that she doesn't know, and asks
if she wants to be. Ariana won't say, and repeats her question.
Clytemnestra confirms that she's not alone. Ariana looks quite shocked,
and stares out over the battlements until Felix comes up and tells the
women that Foster is ready with his spell. As they walk back to Foster's
quarters, Ariana tells Laughter that she is pregnant.
Laughter and Ariana arrive back in Foster's quarters just in time
to get a glimpse of the layout around the power plant before Foster's
spell fades. Rinaldo has drawn Trumps of the outside of Driscoll's cell
and the area where the laser cannon is located. It is decided that Ahab,
Felix, Shard and Rinaldo will go after the shard, while Laughter, Usires
and Bart go after Driscoll. Foster and Kimdyl will destroy the power
plant with the Logrus, at which point Kimdyl will join Ahab's team and
Foster will join Laughter's team. Ariana will remain in Trump contact
with Laughter's team, since they should be done first. Once she's pulled
them through, she'll contact Ahab's team. The plan will be put into
motion as soon as Ariana reaches the entrance to the Shadow. Ahab talks
to the captain of the guard and fills him in. The captain offers to
coordinate an attack by the Lazarians to serve as a distraction. Laser
pistols are found for Ahab, Usires and Shard, although the log didn't
record where they came from.
Ariana returns to the battlements, where Clytemnestra has found a
dragon to transport her. His name is Mercury, and he is the first albino
dragon Ariana has seen. As his name implies, he was picked for his speed,
so she arrives at the entrance point very quickly. Unfortunately, this is
the point where the Logrus is entering the Shadow, causing Ariana to
wonder if maybe she wouldn't have been better off attacking the
dragon-slayers. Mercury remains to guard her. She Trumps Bart and tells
him that she's in position.
The attack begins. Laughter's group immediately encounters guards
as they appear. Usires shoots some and Laughter uses her wall spell on
the rest. They die rather messily. Driscoll's daughter comes around a
corner and shoots Usires in the shoulder with a laser pistol. Bart uses a
spell to disarm her, and Laughter tries to put her in a wall, but the
woman ducks back out of site before Laughter can finish the spell. Usires
uses his ax to change the cell door material to wood, and chops it down.
He does the same to Driscoll's manacles and picks him up, since Driscoll
is too weak to stand. Verdegris flies in and lands in Laughter's hair, at
which point Ariana pulls them all through. She asks Bart to Trump Ahab's
group for her and begins healing Driscoll. Bart Trumps Rinaldo.
Ahab's group arrives at their destination unnoticed, at least
until Ahab and Shard open fire. Felix kills one guard, takes his gun, and
joins in. Ahab plays it safer than Shard, so he hits less people, but
manages to avoid being shot. Shard is hit a few times, but none of the
wounds are serious. Rinaldo conjures up what looks like ball-lighting,
and sends it careening among the dragon-slayers. During the mayhem that
ensues, Felix goes after the shard. Just as he's about to remove it from
the cannon, he gets a warning that he's in danger from his item. He turns
and ducks, and the shot goes into his chest, collapsing his lung. Ahab
opens fire on the woman who fired the shot, who is, of course, Driscoll's
daughter. He only manages to hit her a few times as she cartwheels out of
the way, but it's enough to take her out of action for the moment. Felix
grabs the Jewel shard, at which point Bart suggests that the others at the
Shadow entrance Trump everyone out. They do. Ahab asks to go last, and
drops a grenade as Ariana pulls him out.
Driscoll, who is mostly healed, is passed through to Gerard in
Amber, while Ariana begins healing Felix. There is no sign of Foster or
Kimdyl. Ahab, Laughter and Felix Trump Foster, who reaches for them and
screams. His second attempt at reaching them is successful, but he is
unconscious when they bring him through. They Trump Kimdyl next, who
indicates that they should wait. She seems to be watching someone. When
she does leap for them, she also screams and falls unconscious, but they
manage to grab her and pull her through. They decide that they've
overstayed their welcome in Lazarus and Trump back to Amber.
The wounded are brought up to the infirmary, while the elders
begin questioning the others. It's late at night in Amber. Ariana
finishes healing Felix and tells Gerard that his lung needs to be
inflated. She offers to heal Usires' shoulder, and he decides this is
acceptable, even if it is being done with magic. Ahab realizes that both
Kimdyl and Foster are in shock, and treats them accordingly. Ariana
determines that their psyches are bruised but intact. Fiona arrives soon
afterwards and examines them. After a few moments, she says that the
Logrus has been removed from both of them, adding that there are few
people who have the skill to do that. Dara is, of course, one of them.
Laughter asks if this is like what happened when the Jewel was shattered.
Fiona says it's not, because the Logrus imprint has actually been removed.
They will have to walk the Logrus again to get it back. Felix points out
that this leaves them with no way to navigate around in Shadow to retrieve
the remaining shards. Ariana finishes healing Driscoll, then offers to
heal Shard. He figures he'll be fine, but relents when she points out
that everyone else has been treated. Driscoll begins arguing with the
nurses, who want him to stay in bed. They eventually give in when Ariana
assures them that he's completely recovered. He kisses her on the cheek.
She tells him to go see his daughter, since she's very worried about him.
He thanks everyone for coming after him, ignoring the implication that
some were simply there to retrieve the Jewel fragment. Ariana slips the
Trump Eris gave her out of Felix's deck and asks Driscoll to return it to
Eris. Laughter asks him to do the same with the one Eris gave her years
Bart Trumps Llewella to let her know that he's safely back. She
notes that he's being awfully quiet and asks if he wants to go home. Bart
looks rather alarmed and says no, he's quite fine where he is. Llewella
says she'll be in Amber in the morning. Somehow Bart escapes from this
conversation without her learning about his curse.
Ariana returns to her quarters. The children are all sleeping,
but Riftvan is still awake. She tells him what happened to Kimdyl and
Foster. He comments that Dara's been using the Logrus for so long, that
now it's probably using her. Ariana tells him that her nausea appears to
be due to more than just the Logrus. He asks if she's pregnant again. She
nods. He hugs her and says that's wonderful. She's not so sure. He
conjures some chocolate for her and comments that pregnancy suits her.
She says she thought shapeshifters could prevent this from happening, and
wishes she had one of Fiona's devices. Riftvan says he wouldn't trust any
device of Fiona's. He admits he wasn't doing anything to stop her from
getting pregnant, but he's as surprised as she is. He adds that it's been
a long time since there was a woman he wanted to have children with. She's
not sure she can handle any more, and says she wanted to wait until the
four they have were older. He admits that she spends more time with the
children than he does, so they're more like her than him, but he'll be
able to help her more this time. She points out that he could spend more
time with the children, if he wanted to. He says he's trying to secure
their future. He also points out that this time she'll only have one to
take care of. She figures the Jewel was probably responsible, so there
will be more than one. He offers to check and see how many there are in a
couple of days, when things are more settled. She admits that the
pregnancy is not so bad, she just wishes she'd had some say in the matter.
She also doesn't like how sick she is this time, since it could have
gotten her killed in the rescue attempt. Riftvan counters that it kept
her out of the fight and safe. Besides, it'll only last a month or two.
She asks if she needs to conceal the pregnancy this time, but he doesn't
think so, since the threat grows less and less every day. There's some
attrition from the war, and he's working his way through the rest of the
Hendrakes. He does suggest that she not walk the Pattern, though. He
also thinks that Laughter will welcome the company, and comments that she
and Foster are going to need all the help they can get. Ariana decides
she's too tired to deal with this anymore and goes to bed, taking the ice
cream with her.
Laughter and Ahab talk as they wait for their loved ones to wake
up. Laughter tells Ahab about her problems. He's more than willing to
help her deal with the Faerie lord and offers to talk to Mandor for her.
Foster begins to wake up, but we have to wait until next session to hear
what he has to say.
"Are (Foster's) legs nice?" -- Laughter
"They're much like his old legs, only shiny and metallic." -- GM
"No, I meant personality-wise." -- Laughter
"I always find (traveling by Logrus) very amusing, actually. Wait, have I
ever traveled by Logrus?" -- Laughter to Ariana
"I was under the impression that you felt remorseful about killing
Calamus." -- Ariana
"Well, I take it all back." -- Laughter
"You see, both Riftvan and Mandor can fry my brain, but I like Riftvan."
-- Laughter to Ariana, Foster and Riftvan
"This (Trump) takes us where we're going then? I guess it does, or you
wouldn't be giving it to me." -- Felix to Ariana
"Except for the latest person who tried to rape me. Except he's the only
one." -- Laughter to Foster
"You seem to have startled me." -- Usires to Ironclaw
"Hey, I can edit Laughter's brain anytime I wish." -- GM to the group at
"You're not as good at shitting in your pants as the other ones were." --
"Years of practice." -- Ahab
"I thought it was going to take a while before you were ready (for sex)."
-- Foster
"Well, yes, but I want to be sure." -- Laughter
"I'll go light something. Like, you know, a light." -- Laughter to GM
"(Driscoll) had children with my Shadow? Fuck me!" -- Laughter to the
group at large
"So you're doing this spell, without doing any research?" -- GM
"Well, I'm researching it *now.*" -- Laughter
"I'm happy, as long as I'm not throwing up." -- Ariana to GM
"How's (Felix's) lung doing?" -- Ariana
"Sucking." -- GM
"(I) try Ghostwheel's Trump." -- Ahab
"There's no answer." -- GM
"Well, fuck (Ghostwheel), anyway." -- Ahab
"(Laughter and I) are having a long conversation over the unconscious
bodies of our loved ones." -- Ahab to GM
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