Chapter Eighty-four: "Now that you are lost to me, I'm willing to be your
Riftvan Trumps out as soon as he's done greeting Laughter in the
reception line. Oberon makes his way through the line soon afterwards,
and when Laughter foolishly gives him her hand, and she feels something.
What was that? His blessings. She points out that she's had 36 of those
already. Good, then she won't have any surprises. Hope she wanted a big
Bleys, Caine, Benedict and Oberon vanish as everyone makes their
way to the reception. This is done subtly, so few actually notice them
Ariana is able to sense that the object Riftvan slipped her is a
Takaran weapon. It's magic seems to be the antithesis of her own, and she
doesn't particularly like the feeling it gives her.
The reception is held in the Great Hall of the castle. Laughter
dances the first dance with Foster, of course, and discusses her tarot
card reading. She's decided that the final outcome means she should get
pregnant again. It's Laughter logic, don't ask.
Felix dances with Tamaryn, and expresses surprise at Riftvan's
appearance. Tamaryn is surprised as well, and figures some pretty big
strings must have been pulled to get him to show up. She also hints that
she'd like to sleep with Felix. Felix is his usual, hesitant self, and
contemplates turning on his broach, but the broach tells him this would be
a bad time. Tamaryn asks why he's so nervous. Um... Tamaryn doesn't
find this very encouraging.
Ahab dances with Kimdyl, and asks if she knows why the foursome
took off. She asks who he's referring to. He implies that with her
information network, she ought to know. She is both amused and annoyed by
this. Ahab teases her for a little longer, then caves in and tells her
who's gone. She thinks about this.
Usires dances with Selene, Laughter's mystery bridesmaid. She's a
pretty young thing. Usires attempts to be suave, and asks about her
family. She informs him that it's rude to ask about that sort of thing.
Selene - 1, Viking - 0.
Lyss and Bart dance together. Lyss is a bit clumsy, and towers
over him, which gives him an excellent view. Bart opts to pass on any
conversation, to avoid distracting Lyss further. His feet are very
grateful for this.
Ariana dances with Driscoll, who isn't certain why the foursome
left, either. He seems to be slowly coming to terms with Laughter's
marriage. At one point, he looks amused, and says he was thinking about
the looks Ahab and Ariana gave him during the wedding, when the point for
objections was reached. He was tempted to say something then, just to see
what they'd do, but didn't want to do that to Laughter. They discuss
Foster's experience at the bachelor party, and dance silently for a while.
Driscoll is an excellent dancer, of course.
Driscoll claims the next dance with Laughter, and apologizes for
his behavior. She's still rather mad at him, but eventually accepts his
apology, after drawing it out for a while. She figures she'll see a lot
of him, since she's growing fond of hanging around her sister. Driscoll
figures he's still got ten years to escape that. He hasn't had much luck
with marriages, and he's hardly the catch that he once was for Emer.
Laughter offers her assistance with Hope, once again, and comments on the
tendency of some to fixate on one other person and pursue them. Like,
say, Driscoll, Foster, Beauty, Riftvan...
Felix dances with Eris, who says he's looking dapper. She
mentions that she'll be leaving for a while, since Driscoll's taking her
back to Lazarus. She rather likes the idea, seeing as how she'll catch up
with her friends again, age-wise. Felix tells Eris of Foster's true age.
This makes her feel better, and she relaxes quite a bit. Felix tells her
how Laughter reacted to the news, and she feels even better.
Ahab dispatches some of his people to find out what's going on
with Oberon and co., then dances with Kimdyl again. He tells her that the
Shadow is all set, thanks to Bleys.
Usires eats during the second dance. He thanks Pari for the
enlightening story that he told during the wedding. Pari asks when he'll
be performing such a ceremony for Usires. Couldn't say. Wise answer.
They watch the dancing couples. Viktoria doesn't seen to have realized
that her husband is missing yet, much to the delight of her various dance
Bart gives over the pleasure of dancing with Lyss to others
(hopefully others in possession of steel-toed boots), and finds a
wallflowerish type to dance with.
Jordan dances with Ariana, much to her surprise. She asks what he
thought of the wedding. He enjoyed it. And her? She says it was
interesting, and observes that Foster was rather... pained. Yep. They
both comment on Laughter's ability to muddle through things, somehow. He
asks how she's finding Chaos. She says she's getting used to it, slowly.
They spend the rest of the dance playing the question game, with Jordan
asking Ariana about Amber, and her asking him about Chaos.
Ahab's people say they don't know why Oberon and co. took off.
They've also turned up nothing on his earlier request for information on
Pari's background. It's like he didn't exist before he appeared in Amber.
Ahab comments to Laughter on how quickly Foster calmed down after the
wedding ceremony. Foster joins them, and Laughter asks him what happened
at the bachelor party. He won't say.
Felix sits the third dance out, and talks with Gerard. Usires
keeps eating. Ahab leaves. Bart finds another wallflower to dance with.
Suhuy dances regally with Laughter. She points out that he's
probably set a record for gaining and losing a daughter. True, but no one
other than her is going to point that out. She asks how he's getting
along with her mother. Well, they're both at the wedding... He invites
her to grace his Ways, on occasion. They discuss shapeshifting theories,
since she wants to be much better before she has another child. Suhuy
obviously thinks this isn't a standard topic of conversation, but gives
her some pointers on her shapeshifting anyway.
Rinaldo asks Ariana to dance, dips her, and asks how she's doing.
Fine, and him? Up and down. His father is missing, after all. They
discuss Foster's bachelor party, and Rinaldo states that he has no
intention of getting married anytime soon. Too many beautiful women to
meet. She asks if he'll be staying in Amber now. Not as long as Brand is
missing. Oberon won't take no for an answer, so he'd rather not be around
for the question. He's not at all unhappy about Oberon's absence from the
reception. Ariana mentions the other three who disappeared with Oberon,
but he's not sure what they're up to. They both figure that anything
those four can't handle, is nothing they want any part of. Rinaldo spins
and dips Ariana a lot as they dance, which she rather enjoys.
Ahab looks for Oberon, but he's not in his office. He uses
Pattern lens to search for large amounts of Pattern in the castle, and
finds Fiona, Lyss, Eric and Random. He widens his search out to the
grove, and detects some minor magic residue, and some Trump residue, more
than would be accounted for by just Vetch leaving. Ahab returns to the
ball room, and draws Eric aside. Eric doesn't know what's going on,
either, but he knows they left via Trump. He's never been one of Oberon's
favorites, though, so don't look to him for news. All of the major Amber
lords are accounted for at the wedding. The fact that Vetch left has Ahab
worried. Eric says Ahab could always ask Vetch's wife where he is. Ahab
acknowledges the sarcasm in that statement.
Driscoll joins the band for the fourth dance. Laughter dances
with Felix. He asks if he gets to order her around, now. Nope, marriage
means she's of age. Time for him to prepare to retire. And what mate to
retire with... Felix says he has plenty of time. He tells her of the
difficulty they had in getting Foster into his pants before the wedding.
Foster will be so pleased with his dad. Felix figures getting married now
would just be hopping on the bandwagon. He mentions that he was surprised
to see Vetch there, as was his daughter. Laughter says she tries not to
think of Tamaryn in terms of Vetch. She explains that Vetch has to regard
Tamaryn as dead, for leaving his house. Why did he show up, then? Um,
because Mandor ordered him to. And what part did she play in this?
Well... Does Foster know? No. Felix suggests that maybe that's why the
uncles are missing. Laughter figures that Vetch couldn't kill all four of
them. Felix admits that this is true, if they were all together...
Laughter looks horrified, and tells Felix that he's her dad, so he's
supposed to fix this.
Usires dances with Selene, who seems to make note of the fact that
he's dancing with her again.
Bart dances with Fiona, who asks to what she owes the pleasure.
He figures that he's just foolhardy. They dance quietly for a while, then
Fiona brings up the rumors of Bart's impending engagement, and notes that
he seems to make Lyss happy. She also notes that Ahab doesn't like him
very much, but Bart isn't concerned. His plans in Chaos? Practice his
burrowing. They discuss how long Barnabas is likely to live while married
to Llewella. Bart thinks it will depend on Barnabas' acting ability. In
that case, Fiona suggests that he look into bodyguards. Well, he is
marrying Lyss... Fiona thinks it's unlikely that Lyss will follow in her
mother's footsteps. They spend the rest of the dance discussing the finer
points of Rebman sensual massage.
Ariana sits out the fourth dance, and joins the group at the hors
d'oeuvre table. She watches Laughter put her head on Felix's shoulder in
despair. Felix thinks Laughter should talk to Foster.
The servants announce that dinner is served. Ariana joins Felix
and Laughter and asks if Laughter's figured it out yet. Laughter moans,
and blames Mandor. Foster walks up, decides he wants no part of this, and
drags Felix away as well. Felix explains what's going on. Foster likes
this not at all. Laughter continues to insist that this is not her fault.
Foster returns to reclaim Laughter, and Ariana tells her to rejoin her
husband. Laughter might say the same to her. Ariana would, if she knew
where he was. Foster drags Laughter away. Felix asks Ariana, "What has
Laughter done?" Ariana just shakes her head. Foster suggests to Laughter
that maybe Ariana can smooth things over between Laughter and Riftvan,
since he doesn't want to be next on the hit list.
Bart asks Pari how to set up his own Unicorn shrine. Pari says he
needs only be willing, and arrange it as he sees fit.
Everyone is seated for dinner. Ahab's toast to the happy couple
consists of a quote on marriage from the book of the Unicorn, and the
following: "To Laughter and Foster. May the absence of malice continue to
be an adequate defense." Before the main course, Chameleon rises and
approaches Gramble's table. He gives Gramble a flourishing bow, and
begins speaking quietly. Those near Gramble can hear what he's saying,
but the head table is too far away. As Chameleon continues speaking,
those around Gramble react in a shocked fashion, and Gramble gets a
certain glint in his eye. He nods at the end, and dismisses Chameleon
from the reception. Ouch.
The meal passes without further incident. After dessert is
served, Driscoll begins singing a happy love ballad from Foil. When this
ends, Ahab gets the band to play a wild Irish jig. Laughter dances this
with Felix, so Foster dances with Ariana. While they are dancing, he
tells her that this is still all her fault. What is? Everything. She
points out that, back at her wedding, she refused to let Laughter leave
until she chose one of her suitors. So, if he's going to blame her for
the bad stuff, he may as well credit her with the good stuff. Foster says
he'll have ask Laughter about that.
Ahab gets Driscoll to play some Celtic rock, and sings Robin's
Lament, a song by Jane Yolen, which goes as follows:
Beware of the women who grind up men's hearts
They chew the four chambers and spit out all the parts
They paint their faces with such Byzantine arts
And leave you used up in the morning
Beware of the women who promise blue skies
For there's tornado warnings in the back of their soft eyes
Like a weather forecaster, practiced in their lies
They leave you disaster in the morning
Beware of the women who open like fields
You can plow all their furrows and count up all their yields
But then John Deere comes by with his new-fangled wheels
And leaves you with the children in the morning
Foster asks Laughter if he should be worried about what he's
gotten himself into. No, that's just Ahab's love song to his wife. Er.
Ahab tells Fiona of the conversation he had with Bleys earlier,
about the Shadow he's bringing his family to. If Bleys doesn't return,
will she take over his part in this? Certainly. He'd also like to speed
the Shadow up even more. He'll contact her tonight. Fiona and Suhuy
leave shortly thereafter, after Fiona says goodbye to Laughter. She tells
Laughter to be happy, and always keep Foster guessing.
The tango is next, in what is fast becoming a tradition. Felix
dances with Viktoria, much to the dismay of several other men. Viktoria
doesn't let him down, and he's a little hot and bothered by the end. He
sits the next dance out. Laughter dances with Foster, of course, while
Ahab and Kimdyl attempt to be even more obscene than Viktoria. Ariana
dances with Rinaldo. Even Lyss and Bart make an attempt of it. Laughter
is unsuccessful in getting Julian to tango with Flavia, though.
Ahab approaches Julian between tangos, and tries to shame him into
dancing, since he doesn't buy into this iron-man crap. Julian claims that
there are too many witnesses. Ahab points out that with the disappearance
of the four, this is his last chance to dance before the apocalypse.
Julian isn't biting. Ahab argues that all of the other Amberites are
dancing, so by refusing, Julian is making them all look bad. Julian
supposes he won't be getting rid of Ahab until he agrees. Yep. Julian
grabs a perfectly shaped rose from the buffet, and begins a whole-hearted
tango with Flavia, who looks rather shocked. No one else even comes
close. Ahab is rather pleased. Rinaldo continues dancing with Ariana.
Laughter notices that Eris is occasionally smiling at her, so she
goes over to talk to her. Eris explains that she knows the whole
situation with Foster now, so it doesn't bother her as much. Laughter
offers to teach her some of the spells she used on Foster. Eris doesn't
think she'll need it, since her father probably won't let her date until
he's dead. Maybe Driscoll will listen to Laughter, though. Laughter
figures that as long as Eris doesn't date a vampire... Eris asks who
would. Well, there's Beauty... Eris is shocked that Laughter is allowing
this. Laughter decides that maybe Beauty will stay in Suhuyways while
she's on her honeymoon.
Ariana chats with Tamaryn for a while. Tamaryn admits that she's
having trouble settling into Amber, since she's not sure what to do with
herself, now that she's finally left the house. Ariana asks if she still
wants to learn healing magic. She does, so they arrange to meet in the
infirmary in the morning, after Ariana's lesson with Nicholas. Ariana
asks Tamaryn several questions about the faerie belief in reincarnation.
Tamaryn reveals that it's possible for souls to be reborn in races other
than their own, and there are those who can use magic to explore past
lives. Without such magic, however, people don't generally remember that
they even had a past life. Ariana wonders why anyone would want to be
born again under those circumstances, since you won't remember why you
wanted to come back in the first place. Tamaryn comments that she's not
really a philosopher, prompting Ariana to remark that Riftvan often tells
her the same thing. Tamaryn asks how Riftvan is doing, and is sad to
learn that he's so angry. Ariana is worried that he's going to disappear
for a year, like he did the last time. Tamaryn finds this news
distressing. She tells Ariana that she didn't like the road Riftvan was
forced onto after her mother's death, so she took it upon herself to save
him, knowing that he could never act against her due to the terrible way
that her mother died. He finally responded by locking her in Shadow. She
begins to cry, so Ariana hugs her and comforts her, saying it wasn't her
fault. Eventually, Tamaryn stops crying, and says that she loves her
father. Ariana assures her that Riftvan loves her as well. Tamaryn
observes that they seem to be incapable of letting each other know that.
Ariana thinks Riftvan will come around eventually, once his anger has time
to fade. She tries to cheer Tamaryn up by telling her of Riftvan's
promise not to lie to her anymore. Tamaryn finds this hard to believe,
but figures that if anyone can reform him, it's Ariana.
Ariana changes the subject back to reincarnation, and asks if
Tamaryn knows any faerie sorcerers who can explore the past lives of
others. Tamaryn says that she's been gone for too long, but Riftvan might
know of some. Ariana seems reluctant to ask him, and asks if people ever
makes mistakes about who a person was in the past. Tamaryn's never heard
of it happening. Does she personally believe in reincarnation? Yes.
Ariana is silent for a minute, and then reveals that Riftvan believes she
has Loryn's soul. Tamaryn doesn't seem surprised. Ariana says she's
afraid to discuss it with Riftvan, because she doesn't want to bring up
any painful memories, seeing as how he hadn't intended to tell her about
it in the first place. Tamaryn suggests that maybe he was just worried
about how she'd react to it. Ariana sees her point, and decides to talk
with Riftvan about it when he gets back. She asks Tamaryn what Riftvan
used to be like. Tamaryn says that he was only an assassin by accident of
birth, and held life in the highest respect. He has too much honor to
ever abandon the House while he still lives, though. Ariana just wants
him to be happy. Tamaryn assures her that he's happier than he has been
in centuries.
Ahab tells Kimdyl that they're going to the Israel Shadow this
evening, which causes her to miss a step, at an appropriately risque
moment. She says she'll get him for that, later.
Eris catches the bouquet, and Felix is pushed by Ahab and Foster
into catching the garter. Felix gives Driscoll an apologetic look, and
stops when the garter is just above Eris' knee. Driscoll sends Eris home
after that. Ariana mentions that they made a lovely couple. Driscoll
says Eris will date when he's dead. Ariana points out that it's
inevitable that she will. Ahab pulls Driscoll aside, and begins talking
about all the eligible men he could pair Eris up with. Driscoll isn't
phased, and seems to know something Ahab doesn't. He suggests that Ahab
talk to him when he has a daughter of his own. Ahab smiles a knowing
Laughter tells Foster that she wants to honeymoon in a fast-time
Shadow, so she doesn't miss much in Foil. Haris is being left with Fiona.
Beauty is given a Trump of Fiona as her only means of leaving the
reception. She gets the hint.
Foster has Laughter close her eyes, and takes her to a cottage in
an ancient oak forest. The forest has a magical feel to it, like faeries
were there long ago. The cottage has lots of flowers and a king-size bed.
Foster proceeds to make up for the quickie he did earlier, and the next
few weeks pass in a blur. Somewhere in there, Foster asks Laughter why
she picked him at Ariana's wedding. Laughter says she'd already decided
on him, actually, but she didn't want to sleep with a minor. Now, if he'd
only told the truth, she would have picked him much earlier.
Bart and Lyss leave for Jesbyways, forgetting Darby once again.
Gerard and Isabeux take the lad this time.
Ariana returns to Vetchways, and finds that Riftvan hasn't
returned. She examines the Takaran dagger, which looks like it was
cleaned hastily after it was used. She finishes cleaning the blood off,
leaves the dagger on Riftvan's pillow, and goes to sleep. Riftvan is
still gone in the morning. Ariana sends a note to Bart and Lyss, telling
them of Darby's whereabouts.
Ahab and family spend 30 years in the Shadow that Bleys set up.
Fiona warns Ahab that Trump won't work while he's there, due to the
Shadow's high speed. His Pattern mind touch will, but Fiona warns him
only to contact her that way. She doesn't think any of his cousins have
the strength to withstand it. Kimdyl is in bad shape by the time she
finally gives birth. Her morning sickness never abates, and she soon
loses interest in sex, much to Ahab's dismay. As she gets close to the
end of the pregnancy, the baby begins pulling sustenance from her, and her
arms and legs get very thin. Because of the Pattern's presence, she has
to give birth the normal way, and both mother and daughter scream equally
at the end. Once the baby is clean, Kimdyl demands that Ahab give her
that thing. Despite how much she had cursed the child while she was
carrying it, however, they go through a rather tender bonding process,
while Ahab and Nicholas play chess. They name the baby Nimue, and she has
the same pale-blue eyes that Haris did. After a few days pass, Ahab
comments on Kimdyl's girlish figure, and gets treated to a round of the
kinkiest sex he's ever experienced. Not a bad way to end the dry spell.
As the years go by, Nicholas continues to train with Ariadne, and
eventually becomes better than Ahab. Whatever he puts his mind to, he
excels in, so he adapts well to the Shadow. Nimue also trains when she's
old enough, but doesn't reach Nicholas' level. Ahab becomes a fighter
pilot, as does Nicholas, once he's old enough.
Bart spends the night playing with Lyss, using what Florian taught
him. They pull an all-nighter, and finally fall asleep shortly before
dawn. A few hours later, Bart wakes up to a breeze that seems to be
getting stronger and stronger. Ariel tells him that something bad is
happening. Bart has Ariel place a Xeno on him and one on Lyss. This cuts
off the breeze, and he goes back to sleep. The light show wakes him up
again. Hovering at the foot of the bed is a mass of liquid magic,
shooting out tendrils that arch back into it. There's also a 50
mile-an-hour wind blowing through the room. He tries to wake up Lyss, but
can't touch her due to the Xeno on her. In the center of the mass, a
white light expands into a circle, and an image of Meander forms. He
seems to be controlling the spell. Bleys, Caine and Oberon are with him,
and he has a sword cut to his arm. Bleys is bleeding from the head, and
he's not moving his arm. Caine is on the ground with his legs at odd
angles. Oberon is lying very still. The same wind is buffeting them, and
a raven is tucked under the hood of Meander's cloak. He asks if Bart can
give them a hand. Bart drops his Xeno, is hit by the wind, grabbed by a
tendril, and then Meander and the others all arrive on the bed. Lyss sits
up in surprise and pulls the sheet up over her. Bart suggests that maybe
they should find other quarters. Meander catches Bart's arm, and hands
him a Trump card, saying he doesn't know what it is, but he thinks it's
important. Benedict vanished shortly before they found the card. They
were trying to free Corwin, and encountered a woman called Dara, and a
Lord of Chaos she had with her. He thinks Benedict is in the card. Bart
notices that Benedict's symbol in on the back. He very carefully does
*not* look at the front of the card. Meander thinks Gerard should be
Trumped, seeing as how everyone is injured.
Bart Trumps Gerard, who thinks he's calling to retrieve Darby from
them. Bart asks if he can leave the boy there for a bit, and says that he
needs Gerard. Gerard says a few words to someone, presumably Isabeux, and
comes through. Bart hustles Lyss out of the room. The others are
transported back to Amber shortly thereafter. Meander thanks Bart for his
help. Bart offers to teach him a simpler spell. Actually, he didn't have
time to craft a spell. Oh. Bart will need to have a talk with him, then.
Meander leaves for Amber, and Bart goes back to bed, after informing Lyss
of Darby's location.
Ariana eats breakfast with her kids, then goes to Amber for her
lesson with Nicholas. Upon her arrival in Amber, she hears a commotion
around the infirmary, and investigates. The guards initially bar her from
entry, but allow her in when Felix arrives on the scene, also
investigating the noise, and vouches for her. Gerard is standing by
Oberon's body with a hopeless expression on his face. Ariana examines
Oberon and finds that he's been stabbed in virtually every vital organ.
There's still a faint psychic presence, so she tries to heal him, focusing
first on his heart. She meets a great deal of resistance, and falls
unconscious across Oberon's body.
Felix Trumps Laughter, but can't get through. He can't reach
Foster, either. He gets Caine's help, and succeeds when Laughter
encourages the feeling she's getting. Felix asks them to come through, so
they dress and do so. Felix takes them off to one side and explains what
little he knows about what's going on. Laughter manages to wake Ariana
up, who looks utterly exhausted. After examining Oberon again, Ariana
realizes that she has had a small effect, but not enough. Laughter asks
if Ariana can use her energy to power the spell, or, better yet, Ahab's.
Ariana's never done that before, and doesn't think Ahab is a good choice,
being the Crown Prince and all, especially given Oberon's condition.
She's not sure why she had so little effect, since she's been able to heal
injuries from Takaran weapons before. Foster tells her that Riftvan
didn't use a full strength blade on him. Oh, that would explain it.
Laughter asks if anyone can freeze Oberon before he dies. Ariana recalls
that Fiona once did that to keep Riftvan from dying. Laughter Trumps
Fiona, who comes through in a bathrobe. After a moment of surprise, she
places Oberon in stasis.
Felix suggests that Ahab should be notified, but he couldn't reach
Ahab via Trump. Ariana tries, and reaches Ahab just as he's returning to
Amber. What a way to come home. He looks quite different, having cut his
long hair very short during his time in the military. Ariana looks
surprised, then tells him to come through. He does so, and is filled in.
Fiona figures they'll just have to wait, and mentions that Riftvan is the
authority on Takaran weapons. Ariana asks if they really want her to
contact him about this. Ahab says no. Bill Roth enters the infirmary and
tells Ahab that, according to Oberon's writ, Ahab is in charge if Oberon
becomes incapacitated. Long live the King.
Meander tells Ahab about the vision he had, which showed that
Corwin is still alive. Oberon wanted to go after him alone, but Meander
insisted he bring others along. Somehow Benedict got trapped in a card,
which is now in Bart's hands. Ahab puts Fiona in charge of retrieving the
card, and sends a page to notify Eric that he is to meet with Ahab in the
armory. He leaves with Meander, and sends another page to find Driscoll,
with a message similar to Eric's, except his meeting is in half an hour.
Fiona wakes Bart up, and tells him that he has something she
wants. Er. She comes through, and he gets a lovely view as she leans
over to pick up the card. She turns it over and looks consternated. She
suggests that Bart not stay in the room for too long, given the arcane
spells without direction that are floating around.
Felix whispers, "I promised I wouldn't tell," to Laughter, and
leaves. Laughter sends a note to Ahab, asking to talk to him when
convenient. Ariana questions Bleys about who attacked Oberon. His
concussion makes him somewhat incoherent, but he manages to explain that
it was done by someone wielding a dagger expertly with the Logrus. He
also gives her a mental image of the man with Dara, who wore Chanicut
colors. Ariana leaves in search of Viktoria.
Ahab meets with Eric, gives him a brief summary of what's
happened, and puts him in charge of the armies. Then he Trumps Deirdre,
who smiles when she sees him. He brings her through and explains that
he's in charge, since Oberon is in stasis. Deirdre is disappointed that
he's still alive, but figures the spell can always be removed. Ahab asks
to borrow her assistance. Of course. After all, she left her Trumps in
Hendrakeways, so she conveniently has no way to return there. He asks her
to work with Eric on the armies.
Ahab asks Meander for the rest of the details. Meander explains
that his visions showed Corwin alive, but imprisoned. Bleys was able to
glean enough from the images to get them to the border. Meander shares
the vision, and Corwin does not look well. He is in a dark hole, and
appears to be about 70-80 years old. Ahab doesn't think Meander should
blame himself, since Ahab warned Oberon that someone was trying to kill
him. Then he Trumps Kimdyl, tells her he's in charge, and she's Queen of
Amber. He is told that Driscoll can't be found, so he sends Ariana an
official note with his seal, putting her in charge of tracking Driscoll
Laughter goes to Suhuyways to retrieve Beauty and Haris. She
explains to Beauty that Ahab is King now.
Lyss shakes Bart awake, and asks how he can sleep. He realizes
that the magic is still there, and checks himself for damage. Lucky for
him, he seems to be fine. He thinks there's still a sort of connection
between his room and where Meander and the others were. He smiles, and
asks how Lyss would like to return to the Discworld. He needs to spend
some time there, hanging on a lot of spells, and planning his next move.
She picks Darby up, and they're off.
Ariana finds Viktoria, and gives her the description of Dara's
accomplice. Viktoria IDs the guy as Cort, a Count in Chanicut. He has a
rather strong mind, and dabbles in magic. She asks why Ariana wants to
know. Ariana explains what happened. Viktoria wants to see Bleys.
Ariana takes her to him, and explains about his concussion. Viktoria
thinks Cort knew Dara when she was Queen, but who didn't?
Ariana sends the information about Cort to Ahab, and gets his note
about finding Driscoll. She Trumps Laughter, and asks to borrow her Trump
of Lazarus. Laughter hands it through, and asks why she needs it. Ariana
explains. Laughter thinks Ariana should bring company with her. Is she
volunteering? Sure. Foster is roped in, too. Ariana says she'll contact
them again shortly, and changes into her armored clothing. For some
reason, Foster is convinced that Ariana is going to go without them.
Ariana Trumps Laughter again and comes through. She asks if Laughter
knows of a fast-time Shadow where she can rest before they leave, since
she's still exhausted from trying to heal Oberon. Laughter claims not to,
but Foster says he does. He uses magic to send Ariana to the Shadow where
he and Laughter stayed during Laughter's pregnancy. The trip makes Ariana
throw up. It's bad to abuse your body while pregnant. Ariana rests for a
while, eats, and then rejoins Foster and Laughter after only a few minutes
have passed for them.
Ariana, Foster and Laughter Trump to Lazarus, and say hello to
Ironclaw. Foster still finds the big dragon unnerving. Ironclaw says
that it's been 20 years since he saw them last. Driscoll came by 10 years
ago. Ariana Trumps Driscoll and tells him that a lot has happened, and
his presence is required in Amber by the King. He'll be there shortly.
Ariana asks Ironclaw about the war. He tells her that it ended five years
ago, and there's a tentative truce in place. She inquires after Mercury,
and is relieved to learn that he is also still alive. Driscoll and Eris
arrive at this point, Eris now being 23. They all return to Amber, where
Ariana notifies Ahab that she has found Driscoll. Driscoll and Eris
leave. Ariana tells Laughter and Foster what she learned from Riftvan
about Chameleon's motivations. It doesn't improve Laughter's opinion of
him much.
Ahab sends out a notice that everyone is to meet in two hours in
one of the halls.
Ariana heals Bleys, who kisses her hand in thanks. This earns him
a smack from Viktoria, which only makes him smile wider. They leave
shortly thereafter. Ariana rests until Tamaryn arrives in the infirmary
for her lesson. She looks rather confused by what she finds upon her
arrival. Foster and Laughter return to Foil, while Ariana explains what's
happened to Tamaryn. Then she has Tamaryn stay in psychic contact with
her while she heals Caine, as a means of teaching Tamaryn how she does it.
Caine wakes up after five minutes or so. Ariana tells him of Ahab's
meeting, and suggests that he get some sleep. He does so. Tamaryn says
that Ariana has found a way to shapeshift others, despite the fact that
she lacks the skill herself. Quite an accomplishment. Ariana is doubtful
that it's shapeshifting, and thinks her ability owes more to her
stubbornness than anything else. She didn't want to fail again, as she
did while learning faerie magic. Tamaryn learns the story behind this,
and asks to see her hand. When Ariana complies, Tamaryn proceeds to
examine Ariana's being, and finds a psychic block in her mind, one that
prevents her from learning sorcery. Tamaryn can't tell who placed it
there, but can tell that it's not more than ten years old. Which would
place it right around the time that Brand cast a spell on Ariana, Felix
and Driscoll...
A page enters the infirmary at this point, and tells Caine that
Ahab has requested his presence. Caine grumbles and leaves, leaning on
the page a bit for support. Ariana asks Tamaryn who might be able to
remove the block. Tamaryn tells her it would take the person who put it
there, or someone more skilled. The discussion returns to how Ariana's
healing works. Tamaryn is convinced that it's shapeshifting, since the
block prevents Ariana from using sorcery. Ariana asks how her transfusion
spell works, in that case. Tamaryn thinks it must use conjuration,
despite the fact that Ariana hadn't learned that skill at the time she
developed the spell. Ariana finds this discouraging, since she was hoping
to cure Shard with magic. Tamaryn suggests that she work on helping Shard
accept what he is, instead. Ariana considers this for several minutes,
then sends Ahab a note, asking if Shard is invited to the family meeting.
While she's waiting for a reply, she asks if Tamaryn is going to the
meeting. Tamaryn says that she isn't an Amberite. Ariana points out
that, technically, neither are she and Fiona. The page returns at this
point, with Ahab's reply. He tells her to inform Shard of the meeting,
and to let him know that he's welcome to return to Amber, or to make his
own path.
Ariana Trumps Shard, who pulls her through to a hotel room out in
Shadow and invites her to have a seat. She tells him what happened to
Oberon, and that Ahab has invited him to the meeting. He finds this hard
to believe, but is convinced when he reads Ahab's note. They decide that
Ariana will Trump him from the meeting place. She asks why he's no longer
in Foil. He explains that Laughter hasn't asked him to return since she
kicked all the non-natives out before the wedding. He can't say that he
blames her. Ariana figures that it just slipped Laughter's mind. She is
quite tired from healing Bleys and Caine, and inadvertently falls asleep
in the chair. Shard does not wake her.
"Why are you so nervous?" -- Tamaryn to Felix
"He wants to sleep with her, but he doesn't want to see her in the
morning." -- Sean
"Now that you are lost to me, I'm willing to be your friend." -- Driscoll
to Laughter
"(Laughter's) a nice, Catholic girl, with druidic, paganistic tendencies."
-- Laughter to GM
"You're about as Catholic as Henry VIII." -- Jason
"Surely there is something out (on the dance floor) that catches your
eye." -- Pari to Usires
"This isn't Pari, it's Caine, shapeshifted." -- Liam
"(Feldane's daughters) make for ample air-headed conversation." -- GM to Bart
"Oh, they're perfect for Bart." -- Kris
"With Haris' grandparents, he's going to be a force to be reckoned with."
-- Mer
"You'd think that, but look at Laughter." -- Jason
"You realize that you're not one of Ahab's favorite people?" -- Fiona
"I'm not marrying Ahab." -- Bart
"That would be ill-advised." -- Jason
"I may be responsible for the deaths of three princes and a king. Foster
can sleep with Viktoria, for all I care." -- Laughter to GM
"I am not a prize to be won or lost, I made my own decision. Not a
decision made on logic, mind you." -- Laughter to Foster
"You won through deceit. How Vetchlike." -- Laughter to Foster
"Oh shit, where did we leave the kid!" -- Bart to GM
"I run over to Ariana, and do my level best to arouse her. I mean rouse
her." -- Laughter to GM
"Long live the King." -- Bill Roth
"Fat chance of that." -- Ahab
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