Chapter Eighty-eight: "If this wasn't plot, it wouldn't be happening."
Laughter finishes comforting Beauty, then heads inside to find
Foster. It seems that Beauty mentioned that someone had suggested
Laughter start gardening with her toes, given how big she's gotten, and it
wasn't Laughter. Laughter finds Foster and Tamaryn together, Felix having
taken off to pout in the gardens. Laughter explains what she told Beauty.
Foster isn't sure that telling her about the possible pregnancy was a good
idea. Well, maybe he'd like to fix it, then? Sure. He leaves. Laughter
takes Haris from Tamaryn.
Ahab decides there's not much he can do about Ariana's problem
until Ariana gets back from the Disc, so he looks in on Corwin. He's
still babbling about imaginary stuff, but he's slightly calmer overall
than he was initially, unless he's removed from his small room. Ahab goes
back to dealing with his paperwork. He realizes that Gerard hasn't been
overseeing the Navy in about a week, since he's been helping Felix build
his boat. Next in line is normally Caine, but Ahab has him off doing
something, too. Ahab spends some time going over Gerard's outline for the
Navy. Gerard seems to be planning on involving Felix and Usires with a
large part of the fleet. Caine is a question mark. Ahab works on
arranging for the construction of new ships. Kimdyl doesn't let him work
too late, though. He says he must punish her for the conversation she had
with Ariana the other day. She wants to know if he's going to punish
Ariana, too. He claims they don't know each other that well. She'll do
it then. Uh, no. She says it wasn't only her fault. Ahab points out
that Ariana didn't just invite herself over to tea. Kimdyl argues that
she was just being Queenly. Right, well, she shouldn't have brought up
his genitals. They tussle for a while, until Ahab manages to spank her
and drop her on the bed. She tries to give him a wedgie in return.
Things progress from there in the usual fashion.
Usires calls a meeting of the officers on his ship, to get to know
them and all the various quirks of his new command.
Lyss wants to talk to Ahab about fixing the Rose. Bart is
surprised that Pari didn't teach her anything about the Pattern when she
was growing up. Lyss explains that she learned her Pattern from Ghost and
the Rose. Pari was there, but he taught her of other things. She will
need the Jewel to fix the Rose, though, and Ahab got mad when she borrowed
it the last time, so this is why she needs to talk to him. She figures
that the children will be safe on the Disc with Bart. Bart just licks his
lips in response. Lyss looks angry, and says she thought they were the
only ones who could leave the Disc. Well, it turns out that natives can
leave the Disc. Like who? Well, only Meander has left, so far. Would he
bring Dara back with him? Not intentionally. Bottom line: are her
children safe on the Disc while Bart's there? Um, yeah. She doesn't
catch him licking his lips this time, so she believes him. He licks them
when she's no longer paying attention to him.
Ahab gets a Trump call from Lyss. He takes it while Kimdyl plays
with a favorite part of his anatomy. Lyss observes that this is a bad
time, and she'll catch him later. This is fine with Ahab, as long as she
actually does call him back. Kimdyl does something rather nice to Ahab at
this point, and Lyss decides to go away now. Ahab and Kimdyl are amused.
Some biting ensues, but we won't go into that.
Jenogen explains to Shard what to expect when he gets to the Paths
of the Dead, and then realizes he isn't quite sure what they're like
outside of the Disc. He ties a spell into the locket to help guide Shard
to Uma. Meander doesn't look exceedingly convinced by what Jenogen is
saying, and Ariana notices this, as does Jenogen. Jenogen wraps things up
quickly at this point, and teleports them to the beginning of the Paths of
the Dead. Ariana asks Shard if he'll be all right, since he's rather
pale. He says in her mind that now isn't the most appropriate time.
Jenogen casts a location sort of spell, and tells Shard which path to
start down. Shard disappears into the mists. Ariana is able to trace him
for a little while, and then their link fades, leaving a hole in her mind
that aches a bit.
Meander chooses to mention at this time that what Jenogen was
saying was about 80% bullshit. Ariana isn't surprised. Jackie is though,
and she isn't pleased. She says five words, and Jenogen becomes a rabbit
again. She begins cursing at him, and he hops into a small hole where she
can't reach him. Ariana conjures a carrot for him, but he figures it's
poisoned and won't go near it. Meander asks Ariana what kind of luck
Shard has. Well, he *is* a vampire. Meander mentions that vampires are
sometimes born on the Disc, when one of the parents is a vampire. Not in
this case. Meander begins humming, and Jackie begins to calm down a bit.
Ariana notices that Meander is casting a spell as he hums, and it begins
to make her less angry at Riftvan as well. She conjures some ear plugs
and moves farther away. Riftvan sits down next to her and asks if she's
trying to escape. From him. He wishes she'd get over this self-loathing
thing. She thought he no longer had the patience to deal with it. He has
more time, now, and anger is better than sadness. She says she can be
both. He asks if she's sure she has that much depth. Ariana slaps him,
calls him an insufferable, arrogant bastard, and moves away from him
Laughter brings Beauty some hot cocoa. She seems to be in denial,
trying not to think about precisely how the curse was broken. Laughter
figures denial is a fine place to be, for now, and opts not to disturb
her. Other than asking if she's forgiven Nicholas, of course. Well...
She'd like some time off, to think about things. Laughter is worried that
she's taking this too well. Beauty asks if Laughter wouldn't be more
concerned if she wanted to fence with Nicholas tomorrow. Well, yes.
Beauty figures she'll have to talk to Nicholas, and asks if he was eager
to do what he did. Laughter explains that he had to be coaxed, since he
figured it would screw up any chance they had together. Beauty asks how
Laughter would react if she was in Beauty's shoes, and it had been
Driscoll who broke the curse. Er. Been mad for a while, and then gone
back to Foster. And if there was no Foster? Then she would already have
been with Driscoll. Beauty thinks that's too simple. She decides she'll
stay in Foil, for a while. There are a lot of rosebushes to be cleared,
after all. It'll be therapeutic. Laughter says she'll leave Beauty some
Trumps, then leaves a Trump of Nicholas and Rath in her desk drawer in the
library. Subtle she ain't, folks.
Ahab finishes up with Kimdyl and Trumps Laughter, who is holding a
tray with empty mugs and a plate of cookie crumbs on it. Ahab wants to
know how Beauty is handling it. Laughter comes through and explains.
Ahab wants to make both Nicholas and Beauty cry and then throw them in a
room together, rather than let them brood. Laughter finds this idea a bit
appealing. She sees no reason to stop the morning fencing lessons, since
Ariana is still taking them. With this settled, she returns to Foil.
Usires informs one of Caine's spy guys of Dara's failed execution.
Morning in Foil. Laughter gets a Trump call from Nicholas, who
wants to know if there's anyone to teach. Well, Foster, and probably
Ariana. And, if he goes slowly, he can go over forms with her. Nicholas
arrives, but Ariana doesn't show up, so Laughter Trumps her. Is she
coming? No, she's busy. Tomorrow? Maybe. She asks Laughter to give
Nicholas her apologies. Laughter finally places the background in the
Trump, and asks why Ariana is at the beginning of the Paths of the Dead.
Ariana won't say, nor will she assure Laughter that she won't go down
them. Laughter breaks the contact and does Tai-Chi forms with Nicholas.
Ahab discusses the new fleet with Gerard, who looks chastened for
neglecting his duties. They're going to do some recruiting from the
Golden Circle. Gerard leaves to set things in motion. Lyss Trumps Ahab
shortly afterwards, and comes through. She explains that she wants to fix
the Rose. Ahab tells her no, then says he's just kidding. When does she
want to do it? She hadn't thought that far ahead, yet. It figures. Lyss
contacts Bart via her spell, and asks when she should do this. Well, when
does she want to do it? She's figuring now, before she loses her nerve.
Just in case, she doesn't think he should watch. She'll contact him when
it's over with. Sure thing. Naturally, as soon as she ends the contact,
Bart deposits the children with his mother, and goes to the Rose.
Ahab gets the Jewel and a posse of guards, then leaves word with
Kimdyl and heads to the Rose with Lyss. Ariadne is watching Lyss with a
funny look, and asks how this idea got planted. Ahab is guessing Bart.
Ariadne points out that Ahab did approve of it, though. Yeah. So, if
Lyss dies, does she get a piece of him? He tells her not to get ahead of
herself. They need the Rose, since Dara is still running around. Lyss
tries to teleport them to the Rose, and is smacked by Ahab, who points out
that tiring herself out beforehand is dumb. So he does it. Lyss shrieks
when she sees Bart at the Rose, and tells him to leave. Nope. Ahab asks
if she really wants him to leave, because if she does, he can arrange it.
Ariadne would be happy to oblige. Lyss takes Bart's hands, and asks if he
thinks she can do it. Yes. Does Ahab think she can do it? Whatever.
No, really, he's sure she can, so get on with it. Lyss borrows a knife
from Ariadne, steels herself for ten minutes, and then begins.
Ariana develops a massive migraine, and passes the rest of the
night in misery. Near dawn, she is able to sense Shard again, and the
headache begins to fade, at which point she realizes that Shard was using
the link to home in on her. She spots him before anyone else does as he
emerges from the mists. He's very pale. He hands her the box, which she
hands to Jenogen. Jenogen looks inside the lock, and smiles. He says
they will need a healer for this, and pays little mind to Ariana's claim
that she is one, causing Jackie to give him a nasty look.
Jenogen teleports everyone except for Shard into Caolan's castle,
then puts up a shield to protect them from the guard's arrows. Ariana
tries to Trump Shard, but he doesn't answer. Caolan arrives, looking like
he'll be having a talk with his sorcerers about this fiasco. People
aren't supposed to be able to teleport into the castle, you see. Ariana
explains that they were successful, and need Uma's body. Caolan takes
them outside to Uma's mausoleum. Ariana goes inside. Jenogen yanks Looks
Twice in from the Disc. Why? He needs a healer. Ariana points out that
she is one, again, and gets a dubious look from Jenogen. Ariana looks
annoyed, and mouths the words that Jackie used to change him into a
rabbit. Jackie sees this and happily says them. Jenogen reverts to a
rabbit again, and is not happy.
Uma's body is brought outside the mausoleum, and Ariana and Looks
Twice join together psychically. After Ariana's gotten used to the
strangeness of a centaur's mind, they have Caolan release the stasis spell
on Uma's body, and begin healing it. Ariana gets her first look at true
healing magic. At the end of the process, the box is opened, and a
glowing ball flies out. It tries to fly away, but is caught in a line of
octarine, which loops back through the body. The soul slowly sinks into
the body, and, after several long moments, Uma takes a breath. Ariana
does as well, and feels a hand on her shoulder. She separates from Looks
Twice's mind, and realizes that the hand belongs to Riftvan. She is
exhausted from the healing process, and leans back tiredly against him.
Caolan hugs his daughter and begins crying. Ariana makes to leave, but
Caolan holds a hand up for her to stay, then motions her closer. When she
complies, he lays a hand on her abdomen, and says, "May this child bring
you nothing but joy." Ariana is very relieved, and thanks him for letting
her undo her mistake. He thanks her for letting him undo his, as well.
The group leaves him and his daughter alone together. Ariana thanks the
Discworlders for their help, and says she owes them. Jackie says that's
not necessary, since it was fun. Jenogen/Ruepert disagrees. Ariana
scratches him behind the ears. He tells her to stop that, since it feels
good. This only encourages her, and she continues, until he says
something stupid again, at which point she leaves him to Jackie to deal
with. Ariana uses her link with Shard to determine that he's still at the
Paths of the Dead. Then Riftvan scoops her up in his arms and Logruses
them back to Vetchways.
Laughter finds Beauty hacking away at the rosebushes with much
enthusiasm. Laughter is happy to see this and goes back inside to watch
Nicholas and Foster spar.
Gerard comes by after breakfast and tells Felix that he needs to
return to sea, since Ahab's noticed that he's been a bit remiss in his
duties. This means Felix will have to finish the boat by himself. Felix
spends the day working on the boat some more.
Lyss reaches a black spot on the Rose, uses the knife to slice
open her wrist, and begins to bleed on it. Wherever her blood drops, the
blackness retreats. When she hits the Grand Curve, she has to tap Ahab
for some energy. She falls to her knees upon hitting the center, as the
light from the Rose fades out completely, then begins lighting up again
from the beginning, sparking high enough that Lyss is lost in it. Ahab
reaches for the sparks, and they feel good. When the sparks drop, Lyss is
no longer in the center. Bart screams. Lyss appears behind Bart and
yells "Boo," which scares Bart again. He grabs her tightly in a hug.
Ahab asks Lyss for the Jewel back. Well, she'd like to comply, but Bart
won't let go of her. Ahab tells Ariadne to kick his ass if he doesn't
release Lyss. Bart tries unsuccessfully. Ariadne hauls him off by the
back of his belt, waits until Lyss hands the Jewel back, then throws him
at Lyss. The happy couple goes to Jesbyways, where they proceed to make
another baby. Ahab goes back to Amber and plans his trip to Chaos.
Ariana checks on Shard again, and finds that he's left the Paths
of the Dead. He cuts off the link at this point. Riftvan proceeds to
tuck Ariana into bed, and she falls asleep almost immediately. She
doesn't wake up until evening, and suspects that she may have had a little
help in staying asleep for so long. She's starving, so she conjures
something to eat, then goes down to the kitchens for more. After she's
quieted her stomach, she hears the unusual sound of both Mirelle and
Riftvan playing with the children together, and checks this out. She
watches them from the doorway until Mirelle notices her standing there,
and drags her in to join them. Several hours pass in this manner, until
the children are finally put to bed. Afterwards, Ariana asks Riftvan why
Mirelle was there. He invited her that morning, since he wasn't sure how
mad Ariana still was at him. She asks why he deliberately provoked her.
He wanted her to feel any emotion other than self-loathing. She points
out that it's a difficult emotion to get rid of. True, but he's been down
that road, and he didn't want her to go down it as well. She says she
understands, but she won't apologize for slapping him, since he deserved
it. No apology is necessary. It brought back fond memories, actually.
She asks if he cast a sleep spell on her. Well... Not that she wasn't
sleeping anyway, but she slept longer this way. She points out that he
could have asked. Yes, but she was already sleeping. Guess he'll just
have to make it up to her. She asks when he needs to leave to go after
Dara, and is relieved that he can put it off until morning. She Trumps
Ahab, and tells him that the problem with the Dexterian King has been
resolved. She'll fill him in on the details later, since she really
doesn't feel up to talking about it right now. She and Riftvan retire for
the night. Riftvan falls asleep almost immediately, since he hasn't slept
in a while. Ariana eventually does as well, although her sleep is a
restless one.
Laughter tells Foster that she wants to speed Rath up even more,
so she can have the kid. This is fine with Foster, but he'll have to let
Ahab know. He Trumps Ahab, hands him the shapeshifting poison, and
informs him that he and Laughter are taking off for a while. Foster tells
Ahab that the stuff will work on the person Ahab obtained the sample from,
or any of their descendants.
Usires learns that Gerard will be taking his flagship up and down
the coast recruiting.
Laughter Trumps Ahab and gets excused from the Coronation, since
she plans to be having her kid and all. She's going to take Beauty with
her. She Trumps Nicholas and Ariana, to tell them not to show up for
fencing lessons. Ariana asks Laughter to let her know when the baby's
born, and mentions that her problem with Caolan has been resolved.
Laughter plans to rake Caolan over the coals in their next negotiations.
Ariana figures he'll be in a better mood, now that his daughter is alive.
Laughter blinks, then says she doesn't want to know. Well, maybe she
does. Later.
After three weeks pass in Rath, Laughter finds Beauty in tears,
since something is terribly late. Laughter attempts to comfort her, but
doesn't do terribly well. Beauty doesn't want to tell anyone about the
pregnancy, just yet. She experiences the joys of morning sickness over
the remainder of her first trimester. Initially, she stares off into
space most of the time, but then she begins working out with swords an
awful lot. Laughter wants to discuss preparations for the baby, but
Beauty doesn't want to think about that, yet. Or talk about it.
Laughter's baby is born on time, and with much less trouble than
Haris. The labor begins in the afternoon, and is done by midnight. The
baby has dark brown hair, and Laughter names her Iseult. Two weeks later,
Laughter begins pressing Beauty about her pregnancy. Beauty likes this
not at all, and returns to Foil. Laughter spends another two weeks in
Ariana decides to keep sparring with Nicholas in the morning. She
says goodbye to Riftvan, who will be gone by the time she returns, then
Trumps to Amber. Nicholas is surprised to see her, but happy to work out
some frustration on her. He no longer tries to let her loose gracefully,
but Ariana seems to prefer this, not being in the best of moods herself.
Ahab's coronation takes place in the early afternoon. Random puts
the crown on Ahab's head slightly crooked, of course. Most of the family
is in attendance, with the exception of Swiss Family Laughter, Flora (who
sends a servant in her place), Heather, Jackie, Shard and Dara (now
there's a surprise). Brand's attendance creates a bit of a stir, to say
the least. He sits next to Felix, who eyes him nervously. Brand smiles
at Felix and tells him not to wet himself on his account. Those in
attendance swear loyalty to Ahab at the end of the ceremony. Caine, of
course, is very smarmy when he does so. Brand is last in line. In an
echo of a past conversation, Ahab greets him with, "Uncle." Brand chooses
to respond with, "Your Majesty," rather than, "Cur," this time. He then
swirls his cloak back and presents the hilt of Werewindle to Ahab. Ahab
hands it back to him.
Brand approaches Bart during the feast after the coronation. Bart
is polite, figuring that they're even, and not wanting anymore trouble.
Felix continues watching Brand. As the family begins to scatter at the
end, Brand lingers to talk to Ahab. Ahab asks what he's planning to do
about Dara. Hide. Does he wish to hide in Amber? Well, yes. So long as
he continues the good behavior, Ahab has no problems with him hanging
around. Ahab figures they're both high on Dara's shit list. Brand
doesn't think she'll take that approach. Since she's a tool of the
Logrus, Brand believes that the Logrus will work for the elimination or
subjugation of Amber, whichever is more convenient. Brand doesn't think
it'll necessarily get rid of the Patterns, since the half-breeds can take
both. Ahab points out that the half-breeds could always work against it.
It will eliminate them if that becomes obvious. Ahab figures this means
that they're looking at selective assassination, and then a wholesale
invasion at some point. Yep. Brand suggests lighting a fire under Bleys'
butt to shore up the castle's magical defenses. Ahab puts him in charge
of lighting the fire. Brand is amused. Ahab says he'll be talking to
Brand more at some later date.
Ahab leaves on his four day tour of Chaos. He learns from Gramble
that Dara has lots of Logrus ghosts running around as decoys. Gramble has
people out trying to determine the fakes. Ahab considers appointing Lyss
to this job. He also learns that Mandor's little assassination ploy was
unknown to Gramble. Oops. It is now.
Ariana spends the four days with her family. Mirelle remains at
Vetchways, and seems inclined to stay for as long as Riftvan is gone.
Jalana asks how the baby is going to get out, and wants to be there when
it does. Ariana says she'll speak with Riftvan about it, but doesn't see
any reason Jalana can't watch. She continues to fence with Nicholas in
the morning, who has been giving her quite a workout since the mess with
Beauty. She's usually rather sore at the end, but it seems to be
toughening her up a bit. She also continues her conjuration lessons with
Mirelle and prepares for Ahab's visit.
Tamaryn begins building her estate.
Laughter returns to Foil and finds Beauty hacking at more of the
rosebushes. She still doesn't want to talk about it. Laughter points out
that if she doesn't accept this child, she'll never be happy with it.
Beauty says she's only recently stopped throwing up, so maybe now she can
think about it. Laughter gives her another month before she'll start
harassing her again. Beauty is annoyed, so Laughter decides not to talk
to her until she's done with the rosebushes. This takes several days.
Ariana looks up Shard one evening, to make sure he made it back
from the Paths of the Dead all right. He did. She squeezes his hand at
one point while they are talking, and is unintentionally caught up in
psychic contact with him, until he yanks his hand away. She apologizes,
and doesn't know why it happened. Shard reveals that the link they have
is so strong, that he has to concentrate to avoid sharing his thoughts
with her. He could easily read her mind as well, if he chose to. Ariana
suggests that he talk to Meander, since vampires are apparently not
uncommon on the Disc, so he might be able to tell Shard more about what he
has become. Shard smiles and thanks her. His smile sends a thrill
through Ariana, which she attempts to ignore. She thanks him again for
his help.
Usires returns to Miranda's shop, and finds that it's closed, with
a "For lease" sign on the door. He enters the building, anyway, but it's
completely empty. No sign of his ax, of course. He stalks around Amber
for a while, trying to find Miranda.
Ariana visits Laughter in Foil, to see the new baby. She asks how
the rest of Laughter's family is doing, and learns about Beauty's
pregnancy. She and Laughter commiserate together.
Bart spends the next couple of days in Jesbyways, mostly keeping
the couch warm with Lyss. His engagement ball takes place during this
time. Lyss invites Ahab. Bart invites Florian, Arthur and Martin.
Everyone agrees that Constance throws quite a party.
Ariana rides out to see Tamaryn's new estate, and the two chat for
a while. Tamaryn urges Ariana to stop blaming herself for what happened
to Beauty, pointing out what such feelings did to Riftvan after Loryn
died. Ariana agrees to try. She also asks Tamaryn to let her know how
things are with Caolan and Uma.
Felix works on the boat. Foster informs Felix that he has a
granddaughter a couple of days after the coronation.
Ahab and his family visit Ariana for dinner, at the end of his
Chaos trip. Ariana gives them a tour of the public part of the Ways.
Ahab likes the idea of having different climates readily available. All
in all, it is a pleasant, friendly visit, and Ahab chooses not to comment
on Riftvan's absence. Ariana fills him in privately on the details of how
the problem with Caolan was resolved.
Gerard Trumps Ahab and Felix and lets them know that things are
fine. The players are immediately suspicious.
Ahab returns to Amber and Trumps Lyss, explaining that he wants
her to assist the Chaosites in tracking down Dara. He figures it'll be
hard for Dara's Logrus ghosts to stand up to Pattern. She agrees to help.
He asks her to be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon. Ariadne arranges the
security for Lyss.
Usires starts shifting Shadow for Miranda, but all of his Shadow
walking ends at the ocean. He returns to Amber and takes his ship out, in
an effort to continue following the trail. He gets just outside of Amber,
and is ready to begin shifting Shadow, when he comes across five of
Amber's ships floating with their sails down. One of them is Gerard's
flagship. Usires calls battlestations and sails in closer. The ships are
quiet, but in perfect condition. There are many bodies on board, and they
appear to have been crushed to death. Usires Trumps Caine and brings him
through. Caine looks over the ships with Usires' spyglass for a while.
Eventually, he pulls out Gerard's Trump, concentrates, then swears and
puts it away. He has Usires bring them alongside, and begins methodically
searching the ships. Everywhere, the crew has been crushed. There is no
sign of Gerard.
Ahab gets a Trump call from Caine, who informs him that Gerard's
fleet has been utterly destroyed, and Gerard is missing and not answering
Trump calls. Ahab tells him to bring the ships back to Amber.
"You're on the Disc. Fuck the Disc. I can't blow it up, so I'll ignore
it." -- Ahab to Ariana
"Since I'm now Queen of Amber, I thought it would be wise..." -- Kimdyl
"To bring up my genitals? Wrong! Bend over!" -- Ahab
"And these people number...?" -- Lyss to Bart
"The same way we do." -- George
"Denial is a safe place to be." -- Laughter to GM
"I'd be mad for three weeks..." -- Laughter
"And then I'd go kill a bunch of people." -- Sean
"That's part of being mad." -- Mer
"If Beauty could go out and kill things, I think she'd feel better, but
that's just me." -- Laughter
"I think you're projecting." -- Ahab
"She's my girl! Sweetie! If only (the rosebushes) bled a little more,
you'd feel better." -- Laughter to Beauty
"What does it feel like if I put my hand in the sparks?" -- Ahab to GM
"It feels like a bunch of Hellmaids knocking your hand away." -- Sean
"If this wasn't plot, it wouldn't be happening." -- Jason to GM
"We seem to be communicating wonderfully so far, so there's no point in
pushing our luck." -- Ahab to Brand
"We proceed in that direction, while watching the other directions." --
Usires to GM
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