"We hid in a burning bush. It seemed like a good idea at the
Friday, May 5, 2994
Morning. Laughter and Foster go to see Ahab. Laughter asks if Foster
can teach Nicholas hand-to-hand fighting. Sure, why not? Ahab warns
Nicholas that it will likely hurt, but Nicholas is OK with that. It will
be two days a week, after his lesson with Laughter. Laughter and Foster
leave, and Ahab plays chess with Nicholas, which he loves. Then Nicholas
goes down to lunch, while Ahab speaks with the boy's tutors, instructing
them to emphasize ethics and philosophy.
Laughter fences with Ariana, while Nicholas watches. Laughter spends
the rest of the day with Foster and Haris.
Felix sleeps in, then spends the day keeping Foster company and
beginning his own workout regiment.
Ariana makes her rounds among the injured, healing as many as she
has the strength for. Ahab looks her up in the afternoon. They discuss
the battle, her encounter with Lord Hendrake, and Nicholas' change of
heart. Ariana attempts to talk Ahab out of killing Arthur. Ahab figures
he'll at least think over alternatives while he's waiting for Arthur to
get out of the dungeon, but he doesn't think he'll change his mind. She
tells him that she accidentally let slip to Laughter the fact that he and
Arthur are brothers. Ahab isn't concerned, figuring he can trust
Laughter. He asks her about the fight between Vetch and Tamaryn. She
tells him that Foster and Tamaryn are free of the House, but Riftvan is
still gone. Ahab is surprised to hear this, and offers to try to track
him down, but Ariana thinks it's best if Riftvan comes back when he's
Usires asks Martin for some Trump of Rimmersgard. Martin is not
pleased to learn that Ahab told several people about his Trump abilities.
He agrees to draw the Trump, in exchange for Usires not mentioning his
abilities to anyone else.
Bart talks to Vialle about telling Llewella that he doesn't plan
to marry Lilith. She thinks Llewella will understand, but suggests that
he hold off on that until things are more settled. Bart spends some time
teaching Darby magic.
Evening. Laughter talks with Arthur, to see if he feels remorse.
He thinks that what he did was stupid, but he doesn't remember much of it.
Laughter figures she can offer Ahab nastier things to do with Arthur than
death. Arthur is less than thrilled with this idea.
Laughter finds Ahab and suggests that he make Arthur his servant,
instead of killing him. Ahab is not really sure what use he has for a
servant. Laughter tells him that she's planning to go after Chameleon at
some point, and Ahab offers to watch her back.
Ariana pays Arthur a visit, and tells him the results of her
conversation with Ahab. He asks her to tell his mother that, if he dies,
she is not to hold it against Amber. Ariana conjures him another bottle
of wine, and waits for him to finish it. As she leaves, she says she'll
visit him again tomorrow.
Laughter and Foster discuss wedding plans, while Felix sits there
uncomfortably and plays with the baby. The happy couple argues over
whether Laughter will wear a dress to the wedding, and what a wedding in
Amber is like. Mandor will be giving Laughter away, of course. Felix
makes some remark about nipple rings, which makes Laughter rather pouty.
Foster responds by twirling her around in the air until she calls
Sequence, at which point he puts her down, pronto. She goes into the
bedroom with the baby, and Felix wishes Foster luck. Foster asks when
he's getting a stepmother. Er. In 500-600 years. What would Tamaryn
think, after all? Foster asks if he's talked to her yet. Well, um... He
doesn't want any more ties to House Vetch. Foster points out that she's
not in the House anymore. Felix counters that she's older than him.
Foster replies that he's older than Felix, too. Felix picks him up, which
doesn't faze him. Being tossed at the ceiling does, however. Laughter
sticks her head out of the bedroom and laughs. Felix puts Foster down.
Foster tells Laughter to forget she saw that. Nope. She hides behind
Felix, so Foster somersaults behind her and grabs her hands. He tells
Felix that they'll continue the conversation later, and unbuckles her
swordbelt. He promises Sequence that he won't do anything that Laughter
doesn't want. Felix gets the hell out of there. There is a swat, and
then Foster picks the protesting Laughter up and carries her under his arm
to the bed. You can imagine the rest.
Ahab looks up Deirdre and talks about the battle. She was helping
Benedict render the Chaos sorcerers less than effective, but she saw the
fight between Ariana and Lord Hendrake from afar. She figures it was just
as well that Shard stepped in when he did. Ahab says that's what he'd
heard. They discuss the change in Nicholas. Deirdre mentions that she
has a new friend. OK... She tells Ahab that Random is probably going to
want to speak to him and his cousins in the morning. Ahab was expecting
that. Deirdre suggests the family go out to dinner, and they do this
thing. It goes very well.
Ariana feeds Shard again, and notices that the associated feelings
continue to grow stronger. She asks how his talk with Julian went. He
reveals that Julian took his revelation poorly, and they are not speaking.
Ouch. He hasn't noticed any new abilities yet. Ariana tells him that he
should be able to levitate, according to Riftvan. He seems surprised that
she's willing to tell him this.
Usires has a party in his room for the surviving soldiers under
his command. Eventually, Flora comes by to tell him to quiet down or move
it elsewhere.
Bart sleeps.
Saturday, May 6, 2994
Ariana goes up to the battlements, where it is raining. This
suits her mood, and she sits under an overhang for a while. In the middle
of the night, she senses that she is not alone, and then Riftvan suggests
that there are better places to be than standing in the rain. Or sitting,
as the case may be. She asks if he's all right. He says he's fine. She
asks if he wants to talk about it, but he has other things on his mind.
He brings her back to bed, but Ariana is rather hesitant around him, and
he gives up and goes to sleep. She notices that his hair seems a little
grayer than it was.
Alex, Ahab, Ariana, Bart, Driscoll, Felix, Foster, Laughter and Usires
receive a royal summons to meet with Random at 10. They all show up,
although Usires is rather hung over. Random bids them be seated, and
brings out what they have of the Jewel. Lyss has told him where the rest
of it is, and he wants to send them after it. It's in the magic plane.
Alex has volunteered his services to get them there, which makes Ariana
wince. Random asks if an hour will be sufficient time for them to
prepare. Laughter tells Foster psychically that she has no wish to orphan
their child, but he doesn't think that will happen. Ariana asks for
information about the place, but Random doesn't know much, other than
magic will be more effective there, and Trump probably won't work.
Everyone except for Bart leaves. He asks to speak to Lyss, which
Random allows. Bart tells Lyss that he's arranging to leave Lilith, even
if she can't be freed.
Ariana returns to find Riftvan playing on the floor with the children.
She tells him of the meeting. He points out that she's not obligated to
Random any longer. She admits this, and says she's not sure if she's
going. He assures her that if Tamaryn told her that he'd take the
children, that's not the case. She asks how long he's been gone. About a
year. He hasn't worked things out with Tamaryn yet. He offers to go away
for a time, if it will help, but he can't promise to stay away forever.
Ariana doesn't see much point in that, and asks why he told her he was
letting Foster go. He claims he meant it at the time, but something
changed things later. He can't say what. Why did he lock Tamaryn in
Shadow? She opposed him. He took Foster because he wanted him to grow up
more gracefully than Felix. She figures it was so Foster would be useful
to him, and says that this is all that seems to be important to him. She
adds that she doesn't know who he is anymore, and wants to know if he's
been lying to her all this time. He says that he honestly loves her, and
has since he was Martin, when he allowed himself to get too close to her.
He really should know better by now, but... She asks if perhaps her
resemblance to someone else had something to do with that. He admits that
was part of it, and notes that Tamaryn has been talking to her. Ariana
remarks that Tamaryn is remarkably open and honest, so it's hard to
believe that she's from House Vetch. Obviously he was far different when
she was growing up. He says he was naive. She disagrees. He figures
that at least with Tamaryn she has someone to get honesty from. She'd
rather it was him. He explains that there are certain things he will
never be able to be honest about. She tells him not to speak of them,
rather than lie to her. He agrees to play it that way from now on. She
doesn't seem to know what to say to him. He suggests that having Random
owe him a favor for her participation in this latest mission might be a
good thing. She is a Vetch, after all, and not one of Random's subjects.
She observes, with some disappointment, that he always looks for how he
can use everything. He says he would be dead by now if he didn't. She
insists that she can't think that way. He says he wasn't looking to marry
his twin. She points out that she's met his twin, and wouldn't want to be
Felix bitches to Gérard about having to respond to all of
the invasions, and how the children keep winding up doing Random's dirty
work. Gérard is sympathetic.
Ariana pushes Riftvan to tell her something about his past, but he
doesn't really want to talk about it. He offers to leave once again. She
suggests he stop running away from the problem, and asks how he could lock
his own daughter away for so long. He claims it was to protect her from
those who would harm her in the Courts. Since she was his daughter, it
was his right. Ariana points out that what is legally permissible is not
always right, and that it must have hurt Tamaryn a great deal when he did
that to her. This seems to hit home, and he looks away. She asks if he'd
do things differently, if he had the chance. He admits he might, since at
the time he didn't think he'd ever see her again. She asks what he means
by "again." He eventually admits that he thinks she has Loryn's soul. It
took him several years to realize this, but he's pretty sure now.
Apparently there are faerie spells that can trace the genetic patterns of
a soul, and he cast one on her not long ago, when she was sleeping. She
asks if he's willing to change his ways. Perhaps. She asks him to think
about it while she's gone. She also wants him to speak to Tamaryn, since
they shouldn't be estranged when they still care about each other. A good
amount of pain passes across his face when she says this, so she hugs him
and tells him that he doesn't have to be alone. They hold each other for
a while.
Everyone meets in the main hall at the appointed hour. Driscoll
has Verdegris with him. Alex gathers the group up with the Logrus and
begins pulling them along. Ariana is quite miserable, especially when
they hit the turbulence at the end. Then everything goes black.
Ahab wakes up on the grass to the pounding of hooves. He gets to
his feet, and is narrowly missed by a centaur, who's being chased by ogres
and orcs. The centaur is blood-chestnut in color, and stands a good head
taller than Ahab, with a blue bar tattoo on his forehead. Ahab follows
him, and is pulled up onto his back. They run, but don't get far before
the centaur is shot with a crossbow quarrel. The centaur holds his hands
out, and a big thorn bush grows up around them, keeping the orcs and ogres
from reaching them. After the centaur hobbles himself, Ahab pulls out the
bolt. Then the centaur heals the wound, and Ahab sets the bone. Ahab
notices that the centaur is a gelding, but does not comment. The orcs
slosh some alcohol on the bush, and set it on fire. The centaur begins to
panic when he smells the smoke.
Ariana wakes up to find herself hog-tied. She keeps her eyes closed
and listens. A woman and a young man are speaking. The woman wants to
know how Ariana got in, since he's all powerful. The man says he isn't in
his current form. They poke Ariana to see if she's awake, but she doesn't
move. The man thinks she's a spy, the woman isn't so sure. The woman
leaves to get some food. Ariana feels whiskers at her cheek, and hears
the clicking of nails. Eventually, the man's voice says that he knows
she's awake, so she opens her eyes. She finds herself facing a lop-eared
rabbit. He wants to know how she got into his warded room. Beats her.
He asks if Cedric sent her. Never heard of him. He casts a spell that
confirms that she's telling the truth, and begins gnawing through her
bonds. He asks her not to attack him once she is loose, since he figures
she'll be angry at being bound. She suggests that he tell her where she
is, then. He tells her that she's on the Discworld, which is on four
elephants on a turtle. Right. He's been running from Cedric, the son of
Satan, who's been chasing him for three years. He mentions that he's
stuck as a rabbit, but it does give him an interesting perspective...
Ariana is annoyed at where he's looking, and tries to kick him as she gets
up, but trips and winds up kicking him much harder than she intended. He
flies across the room into the far wall, dislocating his shoulder. She
heals it, something he finds handy. She asks if it's a common skill, and
learns that it's as common as sorcery. She says that she can't do
sorcery. He knows, because she's a witch, not a wizard. What's the
difference? Well, men do real magic, and women do... He realizes the
mistake he's made, and shuts up. Ariana asks what exactly he means by
that, at the same moment that the woman returns and asks the same thing.
She also hits the rabbit with a three foot staff, and asks why he freed
Ariana. Ariana goes for her weapons, while the rabbit, who the woman
calls Ruepert, explains that Ariana passed the test.
Laughter wakes up in warmth, with a fire going. Someone is playing a
stringed instrument and humming along with it, and there is the smell of
food. She opens her eyes to a glade, where a man is sitting across the
fire from her, playing a lute. He has shortish black hair, pale green
eyes that don't look quite right, and looks a lot like Corwin. She sits
up, but he doesn't notice until she clears her throat. She says she was
separated from her companions. He hasn't seen them, and tells her this is
the Discworld. She's hungry, so he hands a bowl in her direction.
Laughter finally realizes that he's blind. Introductions are made, and
she learns his name is Meander. He's in a bit of trouble at the moment,
combating the forces of darkness. Laughter tries her Trumps, but can't
get through to anyone. He asks where she's from, and she explains that
she was born in Amber. She asks if he's seen the Jewel fragment. He asks
if she has black hair, violet eyes, is to marry a prince of a dark realm,
has a white horse, and a powerful family. Mostly yes, except for that
dark prince part. He tells her that she's one of his dream people. He
also knows that the object that she asked about is used by the King of the
land. Right again. She describes Ahab, Felix and Foster to him, and he
admits that he has also dreamed of them. Laughter thinks he's a Shadow of
Corwin. He hears the sound of horses' hooves, and tells her they're in
for a bit of trouble.
Bart and Usires wake up to a feeling of warmth and comfort, lying
in a feather bed, and realize that they are in an inn. They hear
footsteps approaching, and Bart hides under the bed. Usires answers the
gentle rapping at the door, and finds himself face to face with a 7 1/2
foot tall half-ogre, carrying a tray of food. Usires lets him in.
There's a whole turkey on the tray, which just makes Usires' day. The
half-ogre asks where the other one is, and Usires reveals that he's under
the bed. The half-ogre lifts up one corner of the bed, and tells Bart
that it's more comfortable on the top. His name is Fred, and he reveals
that Bart and Usires were found lying in the road.
Felix is awakened by small, callused hands giving him gentle pats
on the face. A voice tells him that this alley is a stupid place to take
a nap. It's a half-gnome, half-kobold. Felix realizes that his
broach/cloak pin is missing. Shit. Keimo says he doesn't know what a
cloak pin is, at which point voice from his pouch says "Excuse me?" It's
Felix's broach. Keimo suddenly figures out what a cloak pin is, and
returns it. He wants to know if Felix is a fighter for hire. Nope, he
wants to find his friends. Including two women. Keimo is disappointed
that he didn't find the women instead. Keimo tells him that they are in
Altair, which Felix has never heard of. Keimo figures that Felix got hit
on the head harder than he thought. Then Felix hears voices saying "There
he is! Stop, thief! That must be his accomplice!"
Ahab gets in the centaur's face, blocking his view of the fire,
which snaps him out of it. Ahab asks him to make a opening in the bush,
so they can get out. While he is doing so, Ahab hears the sounds of a
battle going on outside. When they emerge, they find lots of dead orcs
and kobolds outside. There is also an 8-inch tall faerie, with a rather
well-developed physique, flying around. His name is Hickory, and he knows
the centaur, whose name is Looks Twice. They want to know if Ahab will
join their cause, to kick the bad guy's ass. Although, they admit that
they're not close to kicking his butt at the moment. Ahab explains that
he's only going to be there for a limited time. He hopes. He asks after
the Jewel fragment, but they've never seen it. Ahab says he wouldn't mind
finding his companions, but he's willing to travel with them for a while.
They ask if he has anything belonging to his friends. Nope, but he's got
some high quality artwork. He shows Hickory Laughter's Trump. Hickory
lays the card down, face-up, reaches into a pouch, and starts drawing an
elaborate pattern around it with glittering dust. The spell reveals only
where Ahab is. Oh well. Hickory suggests asking the trees, which are
about three hours that way. Cool. They begin heading in that direction.
Ahab asks what Hickory did to the ogres and orcs. He chuckles, and says
he beat them up. They ask where Ahab is from, and he tells them that he's
not from the Disc. They find this hard to believe. He explains that he
and his friends were looking for the jewel he mentioned. Ahab notices
that Looks Twice has a brand, but doesn't ask. After a time, Looks Twice
recovers enough to finish healing his leg. Once this is done, Ahab rides
him, and they make much better progress.
Ariana looks over the woman, who reminds her of Caine. Her name
is Jackie. She and Ariana eye each other for a while, while Ruepert tries
to explain what happened. Eventually, they both relax a bit, and Jackie
explains about witches, who are relegated to healing, birthing, herbalism,
hexing, and can have familiars, which wizards cannot. Ruepert is her
familiar, due to an interrupted spell. Ariana explains that she was
separated from her companions, none of whom Jackie recognizes. She does
recognize Mirelle, who is the new bride of Cedric. She's never heard of
the Jewel fragment, but if it's enchanted, a magician probably has it.
Ariana asks about Cedric, who is the son of Satan, but commands religious
zealots. The trick is convincing his followers that he's really a
devil-worshiper. They are interrupted by the door being broken down.
Laughter takes out the forces attacking her and Meander with
fireballs, lightning and treeing. Meander is impressed. Laughter frees
and disarms one of the treed ones, who calls her a witch. She mindrapes
him, and finds out that they're after Meander, since he's a wizard. They
work for Cedric, to take out the demon-worshippers. She makes him think
that Cedric is the demon-worshipper, which confuses him to no end. She
explains what she did to Meander, and they opt to leave the others in the
trees. Meander is heading to Tallefellow's, an inn about a day from where
they are. Laughter figures that's as good a direction as any. Meander
tells her about how people using magic can be burned in some places. He
also tells her of the faerie wars, and how the dark and light elves
fought, and many casualties among the mortal world were the result. She
asks him if he dreams of Driscoll, which he does. Was he the one she was
supposed to marry? No, that one was not as tall, more solid of build,
with curly hair. Laughter identifies this as Foster.
Bart and Usires go down to the dining room, which is fairly busy.
They meet Fred's wife, a buxom blonde named Maggie. Fred and Maggie
explain that Bacchus Tallefellow runs the place, while they just work
here. Bart and Usires were found in the middle of the road, so they
assumed they were robbed by magic. Bart asks after his companions. Well,
if they were of important rank, the bandits might be holding them for
ransom. No, Bart doesn't think this is the case. They are greeted by
Bacchus, a three-foot tall, red-haired man. He offers to let them stay at
the inn, until they get their bearings. Bart is acting strangely enough
that the others wonder if he isn't still under some sort of spell. Usires
flirts with a pretty blonde behind the bar.
Three members of the city guard run towards Felix and Keimo.
Keimo suggests that Felix get his butt in gear, and loudly calls him his
accomplice. Felix follows him, grumbling about what Keimo's gotten him
into. They eventually elude the guards. Felix asks if Keimo can take him
to someone who can find his friends. Yes, but what's in it for him?
Adventure extraordinaire! This appeals to Keimo, who decides to disguise
them as a big man with a hump. Keimo will be the hump, of course. The
disguise involves smearing dirt on Felix's face. Unfortunately, the dirt
turns out to be shit. Doh! Felix restrains the urge to smash Keimo.
Keimo eventually uses magic to further the disguise.
Ariana kills the guards who break down the door, drawing stunned
looks from Jackie and Ruepert. She leaves one alive, and mindrapes him.
He works for Cedric, and is after Jackie, a wanted criminal. They decide
to get out of there, so Ariana follows Jackie as she runs outside, down an
alley, and casts a teleport spell. They appear in a forest, where Jackie
casts another spell that enables them to ride on her stick. Ariana asks
if Jackie can teach her the teleport spell. She will, if Ariana will be
her bodyguard right now. Ariana agrees. While they are flying along,
Ariana uses her ring to determine her position relative to Riftvan, and
realizes that she seems to be off towards the Courts.
Hickory stops and talks to a tree. In another location, Meander
does the same. He and Hickory exchange information, then Meander steps
through the tree with Laughter, and joins Hickory's group. She thinks
this is incredibly neat. Ahab and Laughter catch up on each other's
information, and figure Cedric has got to go, especially since the Jewel
fragment is in his lands. He's a powerful sorcerer, though, so it won't
be easy. Laughter speaks in faerie to Hickory, something he finds rather
odd, since he says it's an old language. He says Laughter looks familiar,
but he doesn't know why. They use the tree-traveling method to speed
their journey to Tallefellow's.
Eventually, the group arrives on a hill, and see something pass
over the moon. It almost looks like people flying on a broomstick.
Hickory flies up to investigate, and finds Ariana, Jackie and Ruepert. He
and Jackie seem to know each other. Ariana speaks to Hickory in faerie,
which he says is the language of court. They land, join the others, and
more information is exchanged. It is learned that Hickory possesses fairy
dust, which can be used for many things, including flying, provided you
think happy thoughts. Laughter is fascinated by Looks Twice, so he asks
if she wants to ride him. Sure. Ariana rides him as well, and they
continue on their way.
As the group gets close to Tallefellow's, a man approaches up a
side road, smelling terribly. Ahab recognizes him as Felix, and asks
Hickory to dump him in the river. Hickory is happy to comply. Keimo
manages to bail out, but Felix is most unhappy. Ariana conjures him a
towel. For some reason, they decide that Ariana now in charge of this
mission, and head for Tallefellow's.
The inn is reached without further incident. Looks Twice remains
outside, much to Laughter's confusion. He explains that his kind aren't
always welcome, and besides, he doesn't handle stairs very well. Ariana
offers to get him some water and a steak. As they descend into the dining
area, they encounter Bart and Usires on the stairs. Felix is worried
about how they'll pay for their meal. Ariana asks to see some of the
local coins. Meander shows her some, and she figures money won't be a
problem. They order food. Felix pulls out Caine's Trump, and compares
Jackie to it. She is annoyed by this. They discuss the possibility that
she and Meander are relatives. The food arrives, and Ariana brings Looks
Twice his steak.
Bart goes back to his room, and casts a spell that locates real
people. Outside of the family members in the dining area, it finds
Driscoll, Foster, Alex, Mirelle, and two people with the group. He
rejoins the others and tells them where the first three are. After some
confusion over directions in the Disc, Hickory takes off after Foster.
The others discuss how to take on Cedric. The waitress takes orders for
seconds. The blonde from behind the bar asks Usires if she can join them,
and he pulls her down onto her lap. Meander comments that Molly is out
early. Bart asks what it would take to get brought before Cedric.
Jackie, Hickory, Looks Twice, Meander and Keimo have all caused enough
trouble to be brought before him if captured. Ariana asks Meander
psychically about Molly. He's rather startled at first, but explains that
Molly is a succubus, although she can choose not to kill. Ariana notices
that Meander's mind is much stronger than that of your average Shadow.
She tries to heal Meander's eyes, but can't with her current spells.
Foster walks into the room, followed by Hickory, who tells them
that Driscoll is due to be sold as a slave in Altair tomorrow. They
discuss how to attack the slavers who are holding Driscoll, and are warned
not to kill the city guards, since the punishment for that is death.
Attacking them is not such a good idea, either. Felix suggests that they
simply buy Driscoll, since Ariana can conjure the money. Everyone thinks
this is a great idea. Laughter tells Foster that Felix rolled in shit,
which he finds rather amusing. So does Hickory, who mocks Felix. Felix
responds by pinning him to the table. Hickory tries to free himself,
fails, then blows faerie dust on Felix. Suddenly, Felix thinks Jackie is
the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Dispel Magic doesn't remove the
attraction, nor does washing off the dust. Jackie says 12 hours or
consummation are required to end it, and she isn't doing the latter. Bart
casts a Xeno on Felix. Foster and Laughter leave to deal with the
problems that arise when one is breast-feeding but away from one's child.
Jackie tries to nail Felix in the balls with her stick, but Bart's Xeno
foils this. She moves much faster than would be expected of a Shadow.
Felix continues trying to woo Jackie, much to her dismay. Eventually,
Laughter and Foster return, and Foster drags Felix off, claiming that he
has something he needs to show him. At the same time, Ariana steers
Jackie in the opposite direction and asks her what to expect at the
slaver's market. They decide to split everyone into three groups, one
that will do the bidding, and two to keep an eye out for trouble.
Meander entertains the crowd for a bit with his lute, then Laughter
and Ariana speak with him. Laughter asks him about the elven wars.
Apparently the ogres, orcs, goblins, trolls, kobolds, etc. were created by
a reaction between the magic of the light elves, dark elves, and the Disc
itself. Ariana asks him about his dreams, and shows him how to convey an
image psychically, by giving him and image of herself and Laughter. He
finds this to be quite overwhelming. Ariana asks how he and the others
wound up fighting together. He explains that, with the exception of
Bacchus and Keimo, they're all related, in a loose sort of way. Looks
Twice is a cousin, as is Hickory, although it's a few hundred times
"I don't want the grief that (controlling Benedict's mind) would cause me
later in life. Not much later, because there wouldn't be much of a later
in life." -- Ahab to the group at large
"You could tree Suhuy?" -- Liam
"I hope I'm not that stupid, yet." -- Merrie
"It was an incredibly stupid and ill-conceived plan." -- Arthur
"Maybe that's why Ahab wants to kill you. That's his bailiwick, after
all." -- Laughter
"I'm trying to think of a punishment worse than death." -- Laughter
"I'll take death, then." -- Arthur
"Worse is a subjective term." -- Laughter
"Do you remember the circumstances under which I met Riftvan and Ariana?"
-- Laughter
"Not really, since I wasn't there." -- Ahab
"What else would you like to know about the wedding?" -- Foster
"Rings?" -- Laughter
"One for each nipple." -- Felix
"You can't blame (Felix)." -- Laughter
"And why can't I blame him?" -- Foster
"Because I have the mind of a child." -- Felix
"Give it back." -- Foster
"(Nicholas) is not quite the homicidal maniac that he was going to be?" --
"Well, he's still a homicidal maniac, but his intentions are good." --
"(Fighting the forces of darkness) is always a noble goal. I'd be
fighting my father, if that were the case." -- Laughter to Meander
"Are you to marry a prince from a dark realm?" -- Meander
"Ah, no, that never went through." -- Laughter
"I assure you that the beds are lice-free." -- Fred to Bart and Usires
"Not anymore, Usires has slept there." -- Liam
"We were traveling..." -- Felix
"We? There's only you." -- Keimo
"Then we weren't." -- Felix
"He's the son of Satan and all." -- Jackie
"Oh, so that would put him on the evil side." -- Ariana
"We hid in a burning bush. It seemed like a good idea at the time." --
Ahab to Laugher
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, that's incest, and I, for one, am
appalled!" -- Ahab to Felix
"How could someone so lovely bring me pain?" -- Felix, referring to
"See that stick?" -- Ruepert

"Outrageous Fortune"
Game Logs for Sessions
1-115 |
Character Logs for Sessions
All text on this page is © 1995-1999 by Kris Fazzari, with the exception of
the attributed quotes.
Last modified on February 8, 1999 by Kris Fazzari.