Faerie Magic (Book of
Spells inspired by Fantasy Hero, © Hero games 1989, and Amber
Diceless Role-playing, © Phage Press.
With the destruction of Ygg, Magic, as the Amberites and Chaosians
knew it, ceased to exist. In its place remained Faerie Magic, the
First Magic, original to the world that the Serpent and the Unicorn
had fled to eons ago.
The Magic of the Fey can be split into three categories, Summoning,
Defensive and Invasive Magics. Under these three categories are four
subcategories of Magic, Shadow Opening, Shadow Manipulation, Magical
Energy, and Mind Touch. It is by using these seven spell components
that spells are built. (Just as in Amber, DRPG.)
Invasive magic (IM): Base cost 3 points
Defensive Magic (DM): Base cost 2 points
Summoning Magic (SM): Base cost 1 point
Shadow Opening (SO), Shadow Manipulation (SM), Magical Energy (ME),
and Mind Touch (MT) have a base cost of 1 point each. Adding the type
of spell to the components it contains gives you the base cost of the
Three new traits will be added for sorcery. These are Magic Power,
(equal to a PC's PSYCHE), Magic Pool, (which is the average of PSYCHE
and ENDURANCE), and Magic Strength, (an average of the character's
PSYCHE, STRENGTH and ENDURANCE), which is used to resist the damage
done by physical spells.
To cast a spell effectively upon another, the victim's Magical
Power must first be overcome. The caster can put any or all of the
points from their Magic Pool into the spell to increase the strength
of the spell to overcome the victim's Magic Power. (Normally the
caster would deduct the base cost of the spell from their pool. Spent
Magic Pool points will return at a rate equal to the PC's ENDURANCE
per hour, or fractions thereof) Secondly, if the spell is invasive,
the victim's PSYCHE must be overcome, or if the spell carries damage,
the victim's Magic Strength must be overcome. Once these two hurdles
are surmounted, the caster can then put Magic Pool points into the
spell to increase it's effectiveness.
Often, visible effects of spells are never reached, as the magical
combatants spend all of the energy in their Magic Pools trying to
overcome one another.
Back to the beginning...
Since the components for Air Magic generally surround the caster at
all times, the sorcerer need not plan ahead for these
- Detect Magic
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Can be used to detect the inherent magic in inanimate
objects, unless the creator of the object attempted to
disguise the magic present. If so, the caster must overcome the
number of points placed in the disguise spell by the creator of
the object with their own Magic Pool.
- Lightning Strike
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Creates an electrical discharge that travels from the castor's
hand to the intended target. The strength of the bolt varies
depending on the number of Magic Pool points placed into the
spell. To kill an opponent, the castor must first hit the target
(WARFARE), then overcome the target's Magic Power and Strength
with their Magical Pool.
- Whirlwind Wall
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
Wild winds swirl around the caster, making him or her hard to
attack. The strength of the spell depends on the Magic Pool
points put into it. An attacker must overcome the Magic Pool
points with STRENGTH or WARFARE to harm the caster.
- Dispel
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Can be used to destroy either a magical spell or an item. For
a spell, the castor must overcome the Magic Pool points invested
in the spell. For an item, the castor must overcome the
artifact's point cost times two.
- Crosswind
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 2 points.
This spell deflects missile attacks. The castor's Magic Pool
must be overcome by WARFARE for the castor to be harmed.
- Stolen Breath
(Invasive, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
This spell steals the breath out of the target. The castor
must overcome the target's Magic Power and Strength with their
Magic Pool to cause unconsciousness or death in the target. (This
spell is also not terribly effective against shape
- Foul Air
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
This spell creates noxious fumes about the head of the target,
causing coughing, watery eyes and burning lungs. For the spell to
incapacitate the target, the target's Magic Power and Strength
must be overcome by the castor's Magic Pool.
- Fresh Air
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Opposite of Foul Air, it also allows the castor to breathe
underwater or in other hostile situations.
- Gust
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Creates a strong gust of wind in any direction the castor
wishes. The wind gusts at one mile per hour for every point put
into the spell from the Magic Pool with a base gust of 4
- Gale
(Summoning, SO, SM, MEx2) Base cost 5 points.
A stronger version of Gust, Gale winds are created at five mph
for every Magic Pool point put into the spell, for a base of 25
- Glide
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Creates an updraft that allows the castor to avoid the sudden
stop at the end of a fall.
- Summon Winds
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
These winds are not effective for protection, but are generally
good at blowing things about, like closing doors, snuffing out
candles, blowing away part of that oh so important powder
pentagram on the floor...
- Predict Weather
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Allows the character insight into the general weather patterns
for one day per Magic Pool point invested.
- Sense Air Currents
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This spell lets the castor sense minute disturbances in air
currents, like a cat's whiskers do. It allows the castor to find
his or her way about in complete darkness, and the spell can also
detect disturbances caused by movement. A five foot radius can be
scanned for every Magic Pool point placed into the spell.
Back to the beginning...
These spells make up a good part of the Faerie ability to shape
- Animal Claws
(Invasive, ME) Base cost 4 points.
A minor form of shape shifting, Animal Claws allows the castor
to 'conjure' his or her fingers into weapons. Extra Hard can be
achieved with ten Magic Pool points, Double Damage with 20, and
Deadly Damage with 40. To harm the victim, their Magic Power and
Strength must be overcome.
- Night Eyes
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Allows the caster to see in poor light, but not complete
- Ears of the Bat
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Gives the castor active sonar, allowing maneuverability in
complete darkness.
- Snakeskin
(Defensive, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This spell hardens the castor's skin to attack. Versus Normal
Weapons can be achieved with a ten point investment from the Magic
Pool, Versus Guns with 20, and Invulnerability for 40.
- Realm of the Small
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
A limited shape shift allowing the caster to reduce his mass by
one pound for every Magic Pool point invested in the
- Realm of the Great
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
A limited shape shift allowing the caster or increase his mass
by one pound for every Magic Pool point invested in the
- Water Travel
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
A limited shape shift that allows the castor to both breathe
underwater and to swim quickly. Movement under water can be
purchased for ten Magic Pool points, Double Speed for 20 and
Engine Speed for 40.
- Spider Walk
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Allows the caster to adhere to rough surfaces much in the same
way that spiders and other wall crawlers do. Base movement is
slow. Movement can be increased with the normal ten, 20 and 40
point additional investment in the spell from the Magic
- Wings
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Allows the castor to fly. Movement can be purchased at the
normal exchange ratio (See above).
- Animal Forms
(Summoning, MEx2) Base cost 3 points.
Limited shape shift allowing the caster to assume any animal
form. Mass can not be changed with this spell. Realm of the
Great or Small must be cast in addition to change mass.
Back to the beginning...
For these spells to be effective, the caster must have access to
earth or stone. They are ineffective at sea, for example.
- Stone Blast
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
A handful of stones is shot at the target from the castor's
hand at considerable force. These stones can be made Extra Hard
for ten points from the Magic Pool, Double Damage for 20 and
Deadly Damage for 40 points. To inflict damage on the victim,
their Magic Power and Strength must be overcome.
- Stone Wall
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
The caster summons a magical stone wall to stand between
himself and harm. A portal can be added to allow the caster to
see out, and others to see in, but this portal shifts so that no
attacks can be made through it. This wall can be made Resistant
Versus Weapons, Guns and Invulnerable for ten, 20 points,
- Stone Body
(Defensive, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
A minor shape shift that turns the caster's body to stone. The
same defensive effects from Stone Wall can also be applied to this
spell for the same point cost.
- Stone Will
(Summing, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Provides defense against all mental attacks and the destruction
of spells or items through Dispels. For the caster to be
effected, his Magical Strength must be overcome, then the amount
of points from the Magical Pool that were placed into the spell
must also be overcome.
- Mud Trap
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
Sticky mud is summoned from the ground to encase the target.
WARFARE determines whether or not the target can be hit, and more
points from the Magic Pool must be placed into the spell than the
target has STRENGTH for the target to remain entangled. There is
little the target can do to defend himself once encased,
- Earth Reading
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
A minor spell of clairsentience, this allows the caster to tell
the last person or creature to pass over the ground that is being
- Earth Passage
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This allows a form of Faerie transportation to the caster, but
it is not as powerful in that it does not allow travel to
different Shadows. Within the same Shadow, however, the caster
can step into any stone or earth formation, and step out again
anywhere within the Shadow he wishes, provided there is stone or
earth there as well.
- Earthquake
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This spell summons an earthquake into being. The strength of
the quake depends on the Magic Pool points put into the spell.
The area of effect is a foot radius per Magic Pool point put into
the spell. Anyone with less in Magical Strength than the amount
of Magic Pool points put into the spell will lose their balance
and footing and fall to the ground. Brittle structures will also
receive the normal amount of damage from this spell.
- Like a Rock
(Defensive, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
A minor shape shift, this spell allows the caster to exist in
any environment that stone would survive, i.e., Resistance Versus
Weapons and Guns can be bought for ten and 20 points,
respectively. This spell can not make the caster Invulnerable,
- Flesh to Stone
(Invasive, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 6 points.
This spell allows the caster to turn their target to living
stone. For this spell to be successful the target's PSYCHE and
Magic Strength must be over come with the caster's Magic Power and
Magic Pool, respectively.
Back to the beginning...
For these spells to be effective there must be fire about, or the
caster must summon the flame into being.
- Fire Blast
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
Flame leaps from the caster's hand and flies toward the target.
To hit, the caster must overcome the target's WARFARE. The fire's
damage can be increased at the normal ten, 20 and 40 point cost
from the Magic Pool. To damage the victim, their Magic Power and
Strength must be overcome.
- Fire Shell
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
Fire surrounds the caster, protecting him from harm. The
effectiveness of this spell can be increased at the normal ten, 20
and 40 point cost from the Magic Pool.
- Blinding Flames
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
The caster throws a ball of flame at the target. At the last
moment this ball explodes in a bright flash, temporarily blinding
the target, provided that the target's Magical Power and Strength
are overcome. This spell is not based on WARFARE as it is an area
effect spell.
- Dancing Flames
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
A spell mostly used to impress, it creates flames that do the
caster's bidding. These are fragile flames, easily destroyed with
a simple Gust.
- Fireball
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
A larger version of Fire Blast, it has the same effect, but
over a room-sized area, negating the need for a WARFARE check.
Target's Magical Power and Strength must still be overcome for
damage to be inflicted.
- Fire Sight
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
By looking into flame, the caster can see out of flame anywhere
within the same Shadow.
- Hypnotic Flames
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 7 points.
The caster uses dancing flames to hypnotize the target. The
target's PSYCHE must be overcome by Magic Power and Magic Pool
points for the spell to be effective.
- Produce Flame
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
A spell that creates a small, contained burst of fire, useful
for lighting lamps, fires, etc., or for staging larger fire
- Searing Touch
(Invasive, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Makes the caster's hands searing hot. Damage can be purchased
at the normal ten, 20 and 40 points from the Magic Pool. To
inflict this damage, the victim's Magic Power and Strength must be
- Skin of Flame
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
Blue flame encircles the caster, protecting him from harm at
the normal point expenditure ratio. These flames do no damage to
the caster.
- Smoking Fire
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Existing flames will belch black smoke upon the casting of this
spell, giving cover to the caster, provided he has some means of
seeing in the dark and getting around the choking
Back to the beginning...
The success of these spells depends entirely on being able to trick
the mind, or overcome the Magic Power of the victim. However, once
this is successfully accomplished, the victim can not use Magic
Strength for defense, only Magic Power, making the College of
Illusions quite powerful spells indeed.
- Mind Missile
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
The caster convinces the target that he has just thrown
something dangerous at them. If the target believes the spell,
i.e., the caster overcomes the targets PSYCHE, the target will
take damage per the item thrown.
- Blur
(Defensive, ME, MT) Base cost 4 points.
This spells blurs the caster, making his outline difficult to
see. If the caster overcomes his target's PSYCHE, the caster may
add one point to his defensive WARFARE per point from the Magic
Pool invested in the spell.
- Dispel Illusion
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Banishes the illusionary. The caster's Magic Pool must
overcome those Magic Pool points previously invested in the
- Images
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
Creates a visual and audible illusion, provided the target's
PSYCHE is overcome.
- Invisibility
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
Makes the caster invisible by placing an illusion of the
surrounding terrain between the caster and any trying to view him.
The illusion is perfect, provided the necessary PSYCHEs are
overcome, accept at close range where the light can be seen to be
- Wardrobe
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
Allows for quick changes to anything the caster can imagine.
Any PSYCHEs that are not overcome by the spell will see through
the illusion to what the caster is really wearing.
- Shadow
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
The caster creates an illusion of darkness, which is
impenetrable to normal sight, provided targets' PSYCHEs are
- Disguise
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
Allows the caster to undergo illusionary plastic surgery,
making his face look like any he wishes, or to just change his
features subtlety. Anyone with a PSYCHE greater than the Magic
Pool points placed into the spell will be able to see through the
- Duplicate
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
The caster creates a double of anything he can see with this
spell. Anyone with a higher PSYCHE than Magic Pool points placed
into the spell will not be able to see the duplicate.
- Temperature
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
This allows for dramatic, if illusionary, changes in
temperature. This perceived change in environment will begin to
effect targets over the long term, unless their PSYCHE is greater
than the Magic Pool points placed in the spell.
- Light
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
The caster creates a ball of light that hovers near his
shoulder and provides illumination. The ball is actually there
and is not an illusion, making it subject to Dispels.
Back to the beginning...
This college of spells depends on the natural world and living
plants. Without these, the spells are ineffective.
- Oak Shield
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
Makes the caster's skin as tough as wood. Defense can be
purchased up to Resistance to Guns. Invulnerability may not be
- Wood Bolt
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
This spell is begun by throwing a small stick at the target.
In mid flight, the stick turns to sharpened wooden spear. Damage
on this spear can be purchased in the normal fashion, but the
caster must use his WARFARE to hit the target, and then overcome
the target's Magic Power and Magic Strength.
- Circle of Ash
(Defensive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 5 points.
The caster convinces the trees to protect him, and any he
chooses from harm. The trees literally come to life to do this.
Their effectiveness can be purchased at the normal ten, 20 and 40
point ratio from the Magic Pool.
- Wood's Renewal
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
The caster calls upon growing things to help recover from
physical or magical harm and from poisons. Rapid Healing may be
purchased for 20 points and a limited Regeneration for
- Wood's Grasp
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
The undergrowth comes alive at the caster's command and
entwines itself around the target. The caster must overcome the
target's STRENGTH to contain and restrain them.
- Storm of Thorns
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
This spell forces any existing naturally sharp objects to fly
at the target. Since the target is attacked from all directions,
a WARFARE check is not required, but the caster must overcome the
target's Magical Power and Strength to do them any real harm.
Damage on the spell can be bought up to Extra Hard.
- Paths of Confusion
(Invasive, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 6 points.
The caster calls upon the woods to confuse his path, befuddling
any pursuers. Since this spell is partly illusion, the caster
must overcome the target's PSYCHE.
- Wood Speak
(Summoning, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 4 points.
The caster is able to 'talk' to the trees to find out events
that have happened in the past. This is a long spell to cast, as
trees tend to be slow talkers.
- Visions of the Forest
(Summoning, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 4 points.
By 'talking' to the forest, the caster is able to determine who
and what is currently within it.
- Swirling Leaves
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 point.
The caster causes leaves and forest floor debris to swirl
around, making it impossible to see or hear normally.
- Secret Paths
(Summoning, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 4 points.
Using these paths, the caster is almost impossible to see or
hear in the woods, provided the Magic Power's of those looking for
him are overcome by the caster's Magic Pool.
- Wood Shaping
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Allows the caster to shape living wood into any form he wishes.
Trees can also be made to attack opponents, using the caster's
- Black Touch
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
If this spell successfully overcomes the target's Magical Power
and Strength, all of the target's characteristics will be halved
until the spell is removed.
Back to the beginning...
These spells depend on the presence of water or the caster's
ability to create water.
- Water Balls
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
The caster throws water at the target. In mid flight it
changes to boiling water. Damage on the water can be purchased at
the ten, 20 and 40 point level, but WARFARE must be used to hit
the target and the target's Magical Power and Strength must be
overcome for the target to receive the damage.
- Dowsing
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This spell allows the caster to locate water.
- Water Fist
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
This spell can only be cast around large collections of water.
At the caster's command, this water rises up and strikes the
target. Damage can be bought at the ten, 20 and 40 point level,
but WARFARE must be used to hit the target and the target's
Magical Power and Strength must be over come for the damage to be
- Create Water
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
This spell creates one cubic foot of water per Magic Pool point
invested in the spell.
- Purify Water
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Removes impurities, and poisons, from any liquid, making it
- Change Water Temperature
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
This allows the caster to change water temperature from
freezing to very hot. No damage can be delivered with this
- Far Sight
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Much like Fire Sight, this spell allows the caster to look into
water, and see out from water anywhere within the same
- Dehydrate
(Invasive, SM, ME, MT) Base cost 6 points.
This spell draws the moisture from the target. The target's
Magic Power and Strength must first be overcome, then damage can
be purchased at the normal ten, 20 and 40 point level.
- Steam Cloud
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
This spell creates a cloud of superheated steam, and does not
rely on WARFARE to successfully hit. Damage may be bought at the
normal ten, 20 and 40 point ratio, but the target's Magic Power
and Strength must be overcome for the damage to be
- Mist Form
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
This major shape change turns the caster and his belongings to
mist. While rendering the caster immune to physical attacks, mind
attacks, and some energy attacks, like wind and fire, will still
effect the caster. The caster can use this form to get into very
small places. Of course, this would be an awful time to have a
Dispel successfully cast by an enemy...
- Fog Bank
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
The caster summons a thick fog, rendering normal sight
- Breathe Water
(Summoning, ME, MT) Base cost 3 points.
Allows the caster to breathe under water and resist cold and
- Water Walking
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
Allows the caster to walk on water.
Back to the beginning...
This college relies on the presence of storms, or the caster's
ability to create them.
- Detect Weather Manipulation
(Summoning, SM, ME) Base cost 3 points.
The caster can use this spell to determine whether the weather
currently being experienced happens to be natural, or
- Rain Storm
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
This spell causes a sudden downpour, quenching any flames that
happen to be in the area.
- Wind Control
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Allows the caster to summon and control winds. The speed and
force of these winds can be purchased at the normal ten, 20 and 40
point level, but if damage to the target is intended, the target's
Magic Power and Strength must be overcome. Unless, of course, you
want to just blow them off of something...
- Wind Riding
(Summoning, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 4 points.
Summons winds to the caster that swirl around him and enable
flight. The speed of this flight can be purchased at the normal
ten, 20 and 40 point ratio. Do watch out for low branches, high
steeples, mountains, the untimely Dispel...
- Thunder Clap
(Invasive, SO, SM, ME) Base cost 6 points.
The Faeries' version of the Big Bang, this spell sets off a
thunderclap just outside the target's ears. Damage may be
inflicted at the normal ratio, and if the target's Magic Power and
Strength are overcome.
- Weather Vision
(Summoning, ME) Base cost 2 points.
Like Fire and Water Sight, this spell allows the caster to look
through a storm and see out of a storm anywhere else in the same
Back to the beginning...
Since this College draws on the substance of the caster himself,
the caster need only rely on his Magic Pool for these spells. There
is one catch, however. For the spells to be effective, the Magic
Power of the target must always be overcome by the caster. Otherwise,
the spells have no effect whatsoever. The target can not allow the
spells to just 'happen' to them. The caster must overcome the
target's Magic Power, making up any difference from their Magic Pool,
before the spell is paid for.
- Minor Healing
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
This spell will counter damage done by normal weapons.
- Major Healing
(Invasive, MEx2, MT) Base cost 6 points.
This spell will counter damage done by magical weapons up to
Double Damage.
- Exalted Healing
(Invasive, MEx4, MT) Base cost 8 points.
This spell will counter damage done by magical weapons up to
Deadly Damage.
- Restore Physique
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
This spell is the counter to Black Touch and will restore the
target's diminished characteristics.
- Restore Mind
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Allows the caster to repair mental damage done to the target,
such as memory loss and mental illness.
- Restore Senses
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Allows the caster to restore sight or hearing to those that
have had them destroyed or damaged through normal or magical
means. This spell will not correct birth defects,
- Cure Disease
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Allows the caster to kill any nasty viruses or bacteria running
around the target's body.
- Neutralize Poison
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Allows the caster to stop the progress of poison through the
target's system. It does not, however, take care of the damage
already done. Other spells in this College will have to be
consulted for that.
- Detect Ailment
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Allows the caster to determine what ails the target.
- Immune
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Renders the caster, or any that the spell is cast upon, to
resist completely the effects of any natural disease and some
magical ones.
- Regain Health
(Invasive, ME, MT) Base cost 5 points.
Restores vim and vigor to the caster, or any who the spell is
cast upon, including restoration of the Magic Pool.
Back to the beginning...

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Text and artwork © Wendi Strang-Frost, 1999, unless otherwise
This page was last updated on July 30, 1999.