Boris: A
Life In Pictures
Grazzi says to ALWAYS use a colon for important titles!]
Click on any photo to see
Mr. Boris in his full splendor:
Twelve Weeks:
This is me on my very first day at my new home with my
“aunt” Elizabeth (who helped Gerrie select me from my litter mates).
The accommodations and facilities were adequate, so I agreed to stay, although
it didn’t take me long to prove that I could change the landscape,
both above and below ground level, more to my liking.
Fourteen Weeks:
Well, I’ve only been here for two weeks, but I’m beginning
to really like it. I get all I want to eat (vegetable, animal AND
mineral) and even am allowed to run without a leash on the front lawn.
However, this freedom only lasted for about another week, after which I
was confined to the rear grounds. How humiliating for a young pup
who just craves attention and satisfaction of his landscaping creativity.
Not to worry though; I showed Gerrie very quickly (and regularly)
that I am not finicky about where I demonstrate my gifts for rearranging
and recomposing. In my happy-go-lucky youth, I could match wits and
savoir-faire with any hurricance, tornado, or bulldozer!
Six Months:
I like this picture because it “kinda” shows my canine
intellectual curiosity and comprehension, of which I can say in all modesty
that I have an unusual share (can’t you just see it in my eye and ears?)
Obedience Class Graduation:
Gerrie dragged me to obedience class for 9 weeks when
I was 9 months old, even though I bitterly
protested. My instructor (her bottom half with me here in my graduation
photo) wouldn’t even let me participate for the first three sessions because
I just couldn’t resist picking fights with this classmate Dalmatian.
She ordered me and Gerrie to stand on the sidelines and “watch” until I
got my act together. However, I did calm down my bully tendencies
(with the aid of a pinch collar) and once allowed in the class, finished
the course placing second in a class of 14 other dogs. (I know I
could have placed first if I hadn’t been so cantankerous in the beginning
– everyone said so!)
Ten Months:
This is my proudest photo – when I was 10 months old and proud owner of a diploma in obedience (which I didn’t take too seriously after the class). It shows me in my best German Shepherd Show Class “stack.” Usually my breed-brothers and sisters have to be manually assisted to this posture, but I have always assumed it …..well…. sort of instinctively when the occasion presents itself.