Course Archives

This page contains descriptions of courses previously taught and likely to be taught again. The documents below are in .pdf format; they require Acrobat Reader to view.

Education 392: Education in a Multicultural Society

Syllabus for Winter, 1999, term
Final examination for Winter, 1999, term

Education 743 - Topics in Philosophy of Education
          Topic for Fall, 1999: The Philosophical Basis for Teaching

Go to syllabus for ED 743-001

Education 774 - Pedagogy in Teacher Education: Teaching Education Foundations in a Multicultural Society. Offered Winter, 2001, as an accompaniment to Education 392, for the purpose of preparing graduate students to teach 392.

ED 774 Announcement

ED 774 Syllabus

Education 790 - Fundamental Issues in Education
Core Course Requirement for Educational Studies Doctoral Students

Go to Syllabus for 790 for Fall, 1998

Education 898 Professional Development Seminar
         Proseminar experience for first and second year doctoral students

Go to syllabus for ED 898-002



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