Gingerich, P. D. 1969. Markov analysis of cyclic alluvial sediments. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 39: 330-332. Online or Request PDF/reprint 1
Gingerich, P. D. 1971. Functional significance of mandibular translation in vertebrate jaw mechanics. Postilla, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 152: 1-10. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 2
Gingerich, P. D. 1971. Cranium of Plesiadapis. Nature, 232: 566. Online or Request PDF/reprint 3
Gingerich, P. D. 1972. The development of sexual dimorphism in the bony pelvis of the squirrel monkey. Anatomical Record, 172: 589-596. Online or Request PDF/reprint 4
Gingerich, P. D. 1972. Molar occlusion and jaw mechanics of the Eocene primate Adapis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 36: 359-368. Online or Request PDF/reprint 5
Bown, T. M. and P. D. Gingerich. 1972. Dentition of the early Eocene primates Niptomomys and Absarokius. Postilla, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 158: 1-10. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 6
Gingerich, P. D. 1972. A new partial mandible of Ichthyornis. Condor, 74: 471-473. Online or Request PDF/reprint 7
Gingerich, P. D. 1973. Skull of Hesperornis and the early evolution of birds. Nature, 243: 70-73. Online or Request PDF/reprint 8
Bown, T. M. and P. D. Gingerich. 1973. The Paleocene primate Plesiolestes and the origin of Microsyopidae. Folia Primatologica, 19: 1-8. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 9
Gingerich, P. D. 1973. First record of the Paleocene primate Chiromyoides in North America. Nature, 244: 517-518. Online or Request PDF/reprint 10
Gingerich, P. D. 1973. Molar occlusion and function in the Jurassic mammal Docodon. Journal of Mammalogy, 54: 1008-1013. Online or Request PDF/reprint 11
Gingerich, P. D. 1973. Anatomy of the temporal bone in the Oligocene anthropoid Apidium and the origin of Anthropoidea. Folia Primatologica, 19: 329-337. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 12
Gingerich, P. D. 1974. Stratigraphic record of early Eocene Hyopsodus and the geometry of mammalian phylogeny. Nature, 248: 107-109. Online or Request PDF/reprint 13
Gingerich, P. D. 1974. Function of pointed premolars in Phenacolemur and other mammals. Journal of Dental Research, 53: 497. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 14
Simons, E. L. and P. D. Gingerich. 1974. New carnivorous mammals from the Oligocene of Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 4: 157-166. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 15
Gingerich, P. D. 1974. Proteles cristatus (Hyaenidae, Carnivora) from the Pleistocene of South Africa, with a note on tooth replacement in the aardwolf. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 29: 49-55. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 18
Gingerich, P. D. 1974. Size variability of the teeth in living mammals and the diagnosis of closely related sympatric fossil species. Journal of Paleontology, 48: 895-903. Online or Request PDF/reprint 19
Gingerich, P. D. 1974. Dental function in the Paleocene primate Plesiadapis. In R. D. Martin, G. A. Doyle, and A. C. Walker (eds.), Prosimian Biology, Duckworth Ltd., London, pp. 531-541. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 20
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. Systematic position of Plesiadapis. Nature, 253: 111-113. Online or Request PDF/reprint 21
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. Is the aardwolf a mimic of the hyaena? Nature, 253: 191-192. Online or Request PDF/reprint 22
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. New North American Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates) and a biostratigraphic zonation of the middle and upper Paleocene. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 135-148. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 24
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. What is type Paleocene? American Journal of Science, 275: 984-985. Online or Request PDF/reprint 25
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. Dentition of Adapis parisiensis and the origin of lemuriform primates. In I. Tattersall and R. W. Sussman (eds.), Lemur Biology, Plenum Publ. Corp., New York, pp. 65-80. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 26
Gingerich, P. D. 1975. A new genus of Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) from the late Eocene of southern France, and its significance for the origin of higher primates. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 163-170. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 27
Gingerich, P. D. 1976. Paleontology and phylogeny: patterns of evolution at the species level in early Tertiary mammals. American Journal of Science, 276: 1-28. Online or Request PDF/reprint 28
Gingerich, P. D. 1976. Systematic position of the alleged primate Lantianius xiehuensis Chow 1964 from the Eocene of China. Journal of Mammalogy, 57: 194-198. Online or Request PDF/reprint 30
Simons, E. L. and P. D. Gingerich. 1976. A new species of Apterodon (Mammalia, Creodonta) from the upper Eocene Qasr el-Sagha Formation of Egypt. Postilla, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 168: 1-9. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 31
Gingerich, P. D. 1976. Cranial anatomy and evolution of early Tertiary Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates). University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 15: 1-140. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 32
Gingerich, P. D. and K. D. Rose. 1976. Partial skull of the plesiadapiform primate Ignacius from the early Eocene of Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 181-189. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 33
Gingerich, P. D. 1976. Evolutionary significance of the Mesozoic toothed birds. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 27: 23-33. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 34
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. A small collection of fossil vertebrates from the middle Eocene Kuldana and Kohat formations of Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 190-203. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 35
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Patterns of evolution in the mammalian fossil record. In A. Hallam (ed.), Patterns of Evolution as Illustrated by the Fossil Record, Elsevier Scientific, Amsterdam, pp. 469-500. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 38
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. New species of Eocene primates and the phylogeny of European Adapidae. Folia Primatologica, 28: 60-80. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 39
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Dental variation in early Eocene Teilhardina belgica with notes on the anterior dentition of some early Tarsiiformes. Folia Primatologica, 28: 144-153. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 40
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Aletodon gunnelli, a new Clarkforkian hyopsodontid (Mammalia, Condylarthra) from the early Eocene of Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 237-244. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 41
Gingerich, P. D. and E. L. Simons. 1977. Systematics, phylogeny, and evolution of early Eocene Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) in North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 24: 245-279. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 42
Gingerich, P. D. and M. J. Schoeninger. 1977. The fossil record and primate phylogeny. Journal of Human Evolution, 6: 482-505. Online or Request PDF/reprint 44
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Homologies of the anterior teeth in Indriidae and a functional basis for dental reduction in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 47: 387-394. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 46
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Correlation of tooth size and body size in living hominoid primates, with a note on relative brain size in Aegyptopithecus and Proconsul. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 47: 395-398. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 47
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Phylogeny debated. Geotimes, 22: 16-17. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 48
Gingerich, P. D. and K. D. Rose. 1977. Preliminary report on the American Clark Fork mammal fauna, and its correlation with similar faunas in Europe and Asia. In J.-L. Hartenberger (ed.), Faunes de Mammifères du Paléogène d'Eurasie, Geobios, Lyon, Mémoire Spécial, 1: 39-45. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 50
Gingerich, P. D. 1977. Radiation of Eocene Adapidae in Europe. In J.-L. Hartenberger (ed.), Faunes de Mammifères du Paléogène d'Eurasie, Geobios, Lyon, Mémoire Spécial, 1: 165-182. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 51
Gingerich, P. D. 1978. New Condylarthra (Mammalia) from the Paleocene and Early Eocene of North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 1-9. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 52
Cartmill, M. and P. D. Gingerich. 1978. An ethmoid exposure (os planum) in the orbit of Indri indri (Primates, Lemuriformes). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 48: 535-538. Online or Request PDF/reprint 53
Bookstein, F. L., P. D. Gingerich, and A. G. Kluge. 1978. Hierarchical linear modeling of the tempo and mode of evolution. Paleobiology, 4: 120-134. Online or Request PDF/reprint 54
Gingerich, P. D. 1978. Evolutionary transition from ammonite Subprionocyclus to Reesidites: punctuated or gradual? Evolution, 32: 454-456. Online or Request PDF/reprint 56
Gingerich, P. D. 1978. Phylogeny reconstruction and the phylogenetic position of Tarsius. In D. J. Chivers and K. A. Joysey (eds.), Recent Advances in Primatology, Academic Press, New York, 3: pp. 249-256. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 57
Gingerich, P. D. 1978. The Stuttgart collection of Oligocene primates from the Fayum Province of Egypt. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart, 52: 82-92. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 58
Gingerich, P. D., D. E. Russell, D. Sigogneau-Russell, J.-L. Hartenberger, S. M. I. Shah, M. Hassan, K. D. Rose, and R. H. Ardrey. 1979. Reconnaissance survey and vertebrate paleontology of some Paleocene and Eocene formations in Pakistan. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 105-116. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 61
Gingerich, P. D., D. E. Russell, D. Sigogneau-Russell, and J.-L. Hartenberger. 1979. Chorlakkia hassani, a new Middle Eocene dichobunid (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 117-124. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 62
Gingerich, P. D. and A. S. Ryan. 1979. Dental and cranial variation in living Indriidae. Primates, 20: 141-159. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 63
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. Phylogeny of middle Eocene Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) in North America: Smilodectes and Notharctus. Journal of Paleontology, 53: 153-163. Online or Request PDF/reprint 64
Gingerich, P. D. and K. D. Rose. 1979. Anterior dentition of the Eocene condylarth Thryptacodon: convergence with the tooth comb of lemurs. Journal of Mammalogy, 60: 16-22. Online or Request PDF/reprint 65
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. The human mandible: lever, link, or both? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51: 135-138. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 68
Gingerich, P. D. and A. Sahni. 1979. Indraloris and Sivaladapis: Miocene adapid primates from the Siwaliks of India and Pakistan. Nature, 279: 415-416. Online or Request PDF/reprint 69
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. Lambertocyon eximius, a new arctocyonid (Mammalia, Condylarthra) from the late Paleocene of western North America. Journal of Paleontology, 53: 524-529. Online or Request PDF/reprint 70
Gingerich, P. D. and J. A. Dorr. 1979. Mandible of Chiromyoides minor (Mammalia, Primates) from the upper Paleocene Chappo member of the Wasatch Formation, Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology, 53: 550-552. Online or Request PDF/reprint 71
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. The stratophenetic approach to phylogeny reconstruction in vertebrate paleontology. In J. Cracraft and N. Eldredge (eds.), Phylogenetic Analysis and Paleontology, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 41-77. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 72
Gingerich, P. D. and G. F. Gunnell. 1979. Systematics and evolution of the genus Esthonyx (Mammalia, Tillodontia) in the early Eocene of North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 125-153. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 73
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. Homologies of the anterior teeth in Indriidae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51: 283-286. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 76
Gingerich, P. D. and M. J. Schoeninger. 1979. Patterns of tooth size variability in the dentition of primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51: 457-466. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 78
Gingerich, P. D. and D. A. Winkler. 1979. Patterns of variation and correlation in the dentition of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes. Journal of Mammalogy, 60: 691-704. Online or Request PDF/reprint 79
Gingerich, P. D. 1979. Paleontology, phylogeny and classification: an example from the mammalian fossil record. Systematic Zoology, 28: 451-464. Online or Request PDF/reprint 80
Jungers, W. L. and P. D. Gingerich. 1980. Supernumerary molars in Anthropoidea, Adapidae and Archaeolemur: implications for primate dental homologies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52: 1-5. Online or Request PDF/reprint 83
Gingerich, P. D. 1980. Evolutionary patterns in early Cenozoic mammals. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 8: 407-424. Online or Request PDF/reprint 86
Dorr, J. A. and P. D. Gingerich. 1980. Early Cenozoic mammalian paleontology, geologic structure, and tectonic history in the overthrust belt near LaBarge, western. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming, 18: 101-115. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 87
Gingerich, P. D. (ed.). 1980. Early Cenozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: 1880-1980, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology 24, 1-146 pp. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 88
Gingerich, P. D. 1980. History of early Cenozoic vertebrate paleontology in the Bighorn Basin. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 24: 7-24. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 89
Gingerich, P. D., K. D. Rose, and D. W. Krause. 1980. Early Cenozoic mammalian faunas of the Clarks Fork Basin-Polecat Bench area, northwestern Wyoming. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 24: 51-68. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 90
Butler, R. F., E. H. Lindsay, and P. D. Gingerich. 1980. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and Paleocene-Eocene biostratigraphy of Polecat Bench, northwestern Wyoming. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 24: 95-98. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 91
Gingerich, P. D. 1980. Tytthaena parrisi, oldest known oxyaenid (Mammalia, Creodonta) from the late Paleocene of western North America. Journal of Paleontology, 54: 570-576. Online or Request PDF/reprint 92
Gingerich, P. D. 1980. A new species of Palaeosinopa (Insectivora: Pantolestidae) from the late Paleocene of western North America. Journal of Mammalogy, 61: 449-454. Online or Request PDF/reprint 93
Gingerich, P. D. 1980. Dental and cranial adaptations in Eocene Adapidae. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie, Stuttgart, 71: 135-142. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 95
Russell, D. E. and P. D. Gingerich. 1980. Un nouveau Primate omomyide dans l'Eocène du Pakistan. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série D, 291: 621-624. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 98
Gingerich, P. D. 1981. Eocene Adapidae, paleobiogeography, and the origin of South American Platyrrhini. In R. L. Ciochon and A. B. Chiarelli (eds.), Evolutionary Biology of the New World Monkeys and Continental Drift, Plenum Publ., New York, pp. 123-138. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 99
Butler, R. F., P. D. Gingerich, and E. H. Lindsay. 1981. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Paleocene and lower Eocene continental deposits, Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology, 89: 299-316. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 101
Gingerich, P. D. 1981. Early Cenozoic Omomyidae and the evolutionary history of tarsiiform primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 10: 345-374. Online or Request PDF/reprint 102
Gingerich, P. D. 1981. Radiation of early Cenozoic Didymoconidae (Condylarthra, Mesonychia) in Asia, with a new genus from the early Eocene of western North America. Journal of Mammalogy, 62: 526-538. Online or Request PDF/reprint 103
Gunnell, G. F. and P. D. Gingerich. 1981. A new species of Niptomomys (Microsyopidae) from the early Eocene of Wyoming. Folia Primatologica, 36: 128-137. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 106
Gingerich, P. D. 1981. Cranial morphology and adaptations in Eocene Adapidae: I. Sexual dimorphism in Adapis magnus and Adapis parisiensis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 56: 217-234. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 107
Gingerich, P. D. and R. D. Martin. 1981. Cranial morphology and adaptations in Eocene Adapidae II. The Cambridge skull of Adapis parisiensis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 56: 235-257. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 108
Gingerich, P. D. 1981. Variation, sexual dimorphism, and social structure in the early Eocene horse Hyracotherium (Mammalia, Perissodactyla). Paleobiology, 7: 443-455. Online or Request PDF/reprint 109
Gingerich, P. D. and D. E. Russell. 1981. Pakicetus inachus, a new archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 235-246. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 110
Russell, D. E. and P. D. Gingerich. 1981. Lipotyphla, Proteutheria (?), and Chiroptera (Mammalia) from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 277-287. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 111
Gingerich, P. D. and R. A. Haskin. 1981. Dentition of early Eocene Pelycodus jarrovii (Mammalia, Primates) and the generic attribution of species formerly referred to Pelycodus. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 25: 327-337. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 112
Gingerich, P. D., B. H. Smith, and K. R. Rosenberg. 1982. Allometric scaling in the dentition of primates and prediction of body weight from tooth size in fossils. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 58: 81-100. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 118
Gingerich, P. D. 1982. Time resolution in mammalian evolution: sampling, lineages and faunal turnover. In B. Mamet and M. J. Copeland (eds.), Proceedings of the Third North American Paleontological Convention, Montreal, 1: pp. 205-210. Request PDF/reprint 119
Gingerich, P. D. 1982. Paleocene 'Meniscotherium semicingulatum' and the first appearance of Meniscotheriidae (Condylarthra) in North America. Journal of Mammalogy, 63: 488-491. Online or Request PDF/reprint 122
Gingerich, P. D. 1982. Second species of Wyolestes (Condylarthra, Mesonychia) from the early Eocene of western North America. Journal of Mammalogy, 63: 706-709. Online or Request PDF/reprint 126
Gingerich, P. D. 1982. Aaptoryctes (Palaeoryctidae) and Thelysia (Palaeoryctidae?): new insectivorous mammals from the late Paleocene and early Eocene of western North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 37-47. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 127
Gingerich, P. D. and K. D. Rose. 1982. Studies on Paleocene and early Eocene Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora): Part I. Dentition of Clarkforkian Labidolemur kayi. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 49-55. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 128
Gingerich, P. D. 1982. Studies on Paleocene and early Eocene Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora): Part II. Labidolemur and Apatemys from the early Wasatchian of the Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 57-69. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 129
MacPhee, R. D. E., M. Cartmill, and P. D. Gingerich. 1983. New Palaeogene primate basicrania and the definition of the order Primates. Nature, 301: 509-511. Online or Request PDF/reprint 130
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. Evidence for evolution from the vertebrate fossil record. Journal for Geological Education, 31: 140-144. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 132
Gingerich, P. D., N. A. Wells, D. E. Russell, and S. M. I. Shah. 1983. Origin of whales in epicontinental remnant seas: new evidence from the early Eocene of Pakistan. Science, 220: 403-406. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 133
Thewissen, J. G. M., D. E. Russell, P. D. Gingerich, and S. T. Hussain. 1983. A new dichobunid artiodactyl (Mammalia) from the Eocene of northwest Pakistan: dentition and classification. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B, 86: 153-180. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 134
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. Paleocene-Eocene faunal zones and a preliminary analysis of Laramide structural deformation in the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, 34: 185-195. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 135
Torres-Roldan, V. and P. D. Gingerich. 1983. Summary of Eocene stratigraphy at the base of Jim Mountain, North Fork of the Shoshone River, northwestern Wyoming. Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, 34: 205-208. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 136
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. Rates of evolution: effects of time and temporal scaling. Science, 222: 159-161. Online or Request PDF/reprint 138
Gingerich, P. D., P. Houde, and D. W. Krause. 1983. A new earliest Tiffanian (Late Paleocene) mammalian fauna from Bangtail Plateau, western Crazy Mountain Basin, Montana. Journal of Paleontology, 57: 957-970. Online or Request PDF/reprint 139
Wells, N. A. and P. D. Gingerich. 1983. Review of Eocene Anthracobunidae (Mammalia, Proboscidea) with a new genus and species, Jozaria palustris, from the Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 117-139. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 140
Gingerich, P. D. and C. G. Childress. 1983. Barylambda churchilli, a new species of Pantolambdidae (Mammalia, Pantodonta) from the late Paleocene of western North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 141-155. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 141
Krause, D. W. and P. D. Gingerich. 1983. Mammalian fauna from Douglass Quarry, earliest Tiffanian (Late Paleocene) of the eastern Crazy Mountain Basin, Montana. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 157-196. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 142
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. Systematics of early Eocene Miacidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) in the Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 197-225. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 143
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. New Adapisoricidae, Pentacodontidae, and Hyopsodontidae (Mammalia, Insectivora and Condylarthra) from the late Paleocene of Wyoming and Colorado. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 26: 227-255. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 144
Gingerich, P. D. 1983. Origin and evolution of species: evidence from the fossil record. In J. Chaline (ed.), Modalités, Rythmes, Mécanismes de L'Évolution Biologique: Gradualisme Phylétique ou Équilibres Ponctués?, Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, No. 330, Paris, pp. 125-130. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 145
Gingerich, P. D. and A. Sahni. 1984. Dentition of Sivaladapis nagrii (Adapidae) from the late Miocene of India. International Journal of Primatology, 5: 63-79. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 146
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Paleobiology of tarsiiform primates. In C. Niemitz (ed.), Biology of Tarsiers, Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, pp. 33-44. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 147
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Pleistocene extinctions in the context of origination-extinction equilibria in Cenozoic mammals. In P. S. Martin and R. G. Klein (eds.), Quaternary Extinctions: A Prehistoric Revolution, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 211-222. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 150
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Punctuated equilibria— where is the evidence? Systematic Zoology, 33: 335-338. Online or Request PDF/reprint 151
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Mammalian diversity and structure. In P. D. Gingerich and C. E. Badgley (eds.), Mammals: Notes for a Short Course, Paleontological Society (University of Tennessee Studies in Geology), 8: pp. 1-16. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 153
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Primate evolution. In P. D. Gingerich and C. E. Badgley (eds.), Mammals: Notes for a Short Course, Paleontological Society (University of Tennessee Studies in Geology), 8: pp. 167-181. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 154
Gingerich, P. D. and B. H. Smith. 1984. Allometric scaling in the dentition of primates and insectivores. In W. L. Jungers (ed.), Size and Scaling in Primate Biology, Plenum, New York, pp. 257-272. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 157
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Smooth curve of evolutionary rate: a psychological and mathematical artifact— reply to Gould. Science, 226: 994-996. Online or Request PDF/reprint 158
Gingerich, P. D. 1984. Primate evolution: evidence from the fossil record, comparative morphology, and molecular biology. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 27: 57-72. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 160
Gingerich, P. D. 1985. Species in the fossil record: concepts, trends, and transitions. Paleobiology, 11: 27-41. Online or Request PDF/reprint 164
Gingerich, P. D. and D. A. Winkler. 1985. Systematics of Paleocene Viverravidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) in the Bighorn Basin and Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 27: 87-128. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 167
Gingerich, P. D. 1985. South American mammals in the Paleocene of North America. In F. G. Stehli and S. D. Webb (eds.), The great American biotic interchange, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 123-137. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 168
Gingerich, P. D. 1985. Nonlinear molecular clocks and ape-human divergence times. In P. V. Tobias (ed.), Hominid Evolution: Past, Present and Future, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 411-416. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 169
Gingerich, P. D. and K. Klitz. 1985. Paleocene and early Eocene fossil localities in the Fort Union and Willwood Formations, Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology, Miscellaneous Contributions, 1 sheet (map). PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 170
Gingerich, P. D. 1986. Early Eocene Cantius torresi: oldest primate of modern aspect from North America. Nature, 320: 319-321. Online or Request PDF/reprint 171
Gingerich, P. D. 1986. Plesiadapis and the delineation of the order Primates. In B. A. Wood, L. B. Martin, and P. J. Andrews (eds.), Major Topics in Primate and Human Evolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 32-46. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 172
Gingerich, P. D. 1986. Temporal scaling of molecular evolution in primates and other mammals. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 3: 205-221. Online or Request PDF/reprint 173
Gingerich, P. D. 1986. Systematic position of Litomylus(?) alphamon Van Valen (Mammalia, Insectivora): further evidence for the late Paleocene age of Swan Hills Site-1 in the Paskapoo Formation of Alberta. Journal of Paleontology, 60: 1135-1137. Online or Request PDF/reprint 174
Gingerich, P. D. 1986. George Gaylord Simpson: empirical theoretician. In K. M. Flanagan and J. A. Lillegraven (eds.), Vertebrates, Phylogeny, and Philosophy, University of Wyoming Contributions to Geology, Special Paper, Laramie, 3: pp. 3-9. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 177
Russell, D. E. and P. D. Gingerich. 1987. Nouveaux primates de l'Eocène du Pakistan. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 304: 209-214. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 178
Rose, K. D. and P. D. Gingerich. 1987. A new insectivore from the Clarkforkian (earliest Eocene) of Wyoming. Journal of Mammalogy, 68: 17-27. Online or Request PDF/reprint 181
Thewissen, J. G. M. and P. D. Gingerich. 1987. Systematics and evolution of Probathyopsis (Mammalia, Dinocerata) from late Paleocene and early Eocene of western North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 27: 195-219. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 182
Gingerich, P. D. 1987. Evolution and the fossil record: patterns, rates, and processes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 65: 1053-1060. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 185
Thewissen, J. G. M., P. D. Gingerich, and D. E. Russell. 1987. Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla (Mammalia) from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 27: 247-274. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 189
Gingerich, P. D. 1987. Early Eocene bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) and other vertebrates in freshwater limestones of the Willwood Formation, Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 27: 275-320. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 190
Butler, R. F., D. W. Krause, and P. D. Gingerich. 1987. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of middle-late Paleocene continental deposits of south-central Montana. Journal of Geology, 95: 647-657. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 191
Archibald, J. D., W. A. Clemens, P. D. Gingerich, D. W. Krause, E. H. Lindsay, and K. D. Rose. 1987. First North American land mammal ages of the Cenozoic era. In M. O. Woodburne (ed.), Cenozoic Mammals of North America: Geochronology and Biostratigraphy, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 24-76. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 193
Badgley, C. E. and P. D. Gingerich. 1988. Sampling and faunal turnover in early Eocene mammals. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 63: 141-157. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 194
Russell, D. E., A. Galoyer, P. Louis, and P. D. Gingerich. 1988. Nouveaux vertébrés sparnaciens du Conglomérat de Meudon à Meudon, France. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 307: 429-433. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 197
Wells, N. A. and P. D. Gingerich. 1987. Paleoenvironmental interpretation of Paleogene strata near Kotli, Azad Kashmir, northeastern Pakistan. Kashmir Journal of Geology, 5: 23-41. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 199
Gingerich, P. D. 1989. Paleocene and early Eocene of the Bighorn and Clark's Fork Basins, Wyoming. In J. J. Flynn (ed.), 28th International Geological Congress Field Trip Guidebook T322, American Geophysical Union, Washington, pp. 47-57. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 201
Gingerich, P. D. and H. A. Deutsch. 1989. Systematics and evolution of early Eocene Hyaenodontidae (Mammalia, Creodonta) in the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 27: 327-391. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 207
Gingerich, P. D. 1989. New earliest Wasatchian mammalian fauna from the Eocene of northwestern Wyoming: composition and diversity in a rarely sampled high-floodplain assemblage. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 28: 1-97. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 208
Thewissen, J. G. M. and P. D. Gingerich. 1989. Skull and endocranial cast of Eoryctes melanus, a new palaeoryctid (Mammalia: Insectivora) from the early Eocene of western North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 9: 459-470. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 209
Gingerich, P. D. 1990. Stratophenetics. In D. E. G. Briggs and P. R. Crowther (eds.), Palaeobiology: A Synthesis, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, pp. 437-442. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 210
Rea, D. K., J. C. Zachos, R. M. Owen, and P. D. Gingerich. 1990. Global change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: climatic and evolutionary consequences of tectonic events. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 79: 117-128. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 214
Gingerich, P. D., B. H. Smith, and E. L. Simons. 1990. Hind limbs of Eocene Basilosaurus isis: evidence of feet in whales. Science, 249: 154-157. Online or Request PDF/reprint 215
Gingerich, P. D. 1990. African dawn for primates. Nature, 346: 411. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 216
Gingerich, P. D. 1990. Mammalian order Proprimates. Journal of Human Evolution, 19: 821-822. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 219
Gingerich, P. D. and D. E. Russell. 1990. Dentition of early Eocene Pakicetus (Mammalia, Cetacea). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 1-20. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 220
Gingerich, P. D., D. E. Russell, and N. A. Wells. 1990. Astragalus of Anthracobune (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from the early-middle Eocene of Kashmir. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 71-77. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 221
Gingerich, P. D. 1990. Prediction of body mass in mammalian species from long bone lengths and diameters. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 79-92. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 222
Russell, D. E., F. d. Broin, A. Galoyer, J. Gaudant, P. D. Gingerich, and J.-C. Rage. 1990. Les vertébrés du Sparnacien de Meudon. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 27: 21-31. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 223
Gingerich, P. D. 1991. Fossils and evolution. In S. Osawa and T. Honjo (eds.), Evolution of Life: Fossils, Molecules, and Culture, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, pp. 3-20. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 224
Gingerich, P. D. 1991. Systematic position of Pronothodectes gaoi Fox from the Paleocene of Alberta. Journal of Paleontology, 65: 699. Online or Request PDF/reprint 225
Gunnell, G. F. and P. D. Gingerich. 1991. Systematics and evolution of late Paleocene and early Eocene Oxyaenidae (Mammalia, Creodonta) in the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 141-180. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 226
Gingerich, P. D. 1991. Systematics and evolution of early Eocene Perissodactyla (Mammalia) in the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 181-213. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 227
Zhou, X. and P. D. Gingerich. 1991. New species of Hapalodectes (Mammalia, Mesonychia) from the early Wasatchian, early Eocene, of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 215-220. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 228
Gingerich, P. D., D. Dashzeveg, and D. E. Russell. 1991. Dentition and systematic relationships of Altanius orlovi (Mammalia, Primates) from the early Eocene of Mongolia. Geobios, Villeurbanne, 24: 637-646. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 234
Gingerich, P. D. 1991. Provenance of Fourtau's Egyptian archaeocete. Investigations on Cetacea, Paciano, 23: 213-214. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 235
Gingerich, P. D. and G. F. Gunnell. 1992. A new skeleton of Plesiadapis cookei. Display Case, A Quarterly Newsletter of the Exhibit Museum, University of Michigan, 6: 1-3. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 236
Gingerich, P. D. 1992. Marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the Eocene of Gebel Mokattam and Fayum, Egypt: stratigraphy, age, and paleoenvironments. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 30: 1-84. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 243
Koch, P. L., J. C. Zachos, and P. D. Gingerich. 1992. Correlation between isotope records in marine and continental carbon reservoirs near the Palaeocene-Eocene boundary. Nature, 358: 319-322. Online or Request PDF/reprint 244
Rose, K. D., R. J. Emry, and P. D. Gingerich. 1992. Skeleton of Alocodontulum atopum, an early Eocene epoicotheriid (Mammalia, Palaeanodonta) from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 221-245. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 251
Gunnell, G. F., W. S. Bartels, P. D. Gingerich, and V. Torres-Roldan. 1992. Wapiti Valley faunas: early and middle Eocene fossil vertebrates from the North Fork of the Shoshone River, Park County, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 247-287. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 252
Zhou, X., W. J. Sanders, and P. D. Gingerich. 1992. Functional and behavioral implications of vertebral structure in Pachyaena ossifraga (Mammalia, Mesonychia). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 289-319. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 253
Gingerich, P. D. 1992. Evolution of prosimians. In J. S. Jones, R. D. Martin, and D. R. Pilbeam (eds.), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 201. Request PDF/reprint 254
Dodson, P. and P. D. Gingerich (eds.). 1993. Functional Morphology and Evolution, American Journal of Science, 293A (Ostrom volume), 1-478 pp. Online
Gingerich, P. D. 1993. Quantification and comparison of evolutionary rates. In P. Dodson and P. D. Gingerich (eds.), Functional morphology and evolution, American Journal of Science, 293A (Ostrom volume): 453-478. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 258
Gingerich, P. D. 1993. Oligocene age of the Gebel Qatrani Formation, Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Human Evolution, 24: 207-218. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 259
Gingerich, P. D. 1993. Early Eocene Teilhardina brandti: oldest omomyid primate from North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 321-326. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 262
Gunnell, G. F. and P. D. Gingerich. 1993. Skeleton of Brachianodon westorum, a new middle Eocene metacheiromyid (Mammalia, Palaeanodonta) from the early Bridgerian (Bridger A) of the southern Green River Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 365-392. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 263
Gingerich, P. D., S. M. Raza, M. Arif, M. Anwar, and X. Zhou. 1993. Partial skeletons of Indocetus ramani (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the lower middle Eocene Domanda Shale in the Sulaiman Range of Pakistan. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 28: 393-416. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 264
Gingerich, P. D. 1993. Rates of evolution in Plio-Pleistocene mammals: six case studies. In R. A. Martin and A. D. Barnosky (eds.), Morphological Change in Quaternary Mammals of North America, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 84-106. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 265
Gunnell, G. F., W. S. Bartels, and P. D. Gingerich. 1993. Paleocene-Eocene boundary in continental North America: biostratigraphy and geochronology, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. In S. G. Lucas and J. Zidek (eds.), Vertebrate Paleontology in New Mexico, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 2: 137-144. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 270
Gingerich, P. D. 1994. The whales of Tethys. Natural History Magazine, New York, 103(4): 86-89. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 272
Gingerich, P. D., S. M. Raza, M. Arif, M. Anwar, and X. Zhou. 1994. New whale from the Eocene of Pakistan and the origin of cetacean swimming. Nature, 368: 844-847. Online or Request PDF/reprint 274
Clyde, W. C., J. Stamatakos, and P. D. Gingerich. 1994. Chronology of the Wasatchian land-mammal age (early Eocene): magnetostratigraphic results from the McCullough Peaks section, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology, 102: 367-377. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 276
Gingerich, P. D. and M. D. Uhen. 1994. Time of origin of primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 27: 443-445. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 279
Gingerich, P. D., D. P. Domning, C. E. Blane, and M. D. Uhen. 1994. Cranial morphology of Protosiren fraasi (Mammalia, Sirenia) from the middle Eocene of Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 41-67. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 280
Domning, D. P. and P. D. Gingerich. 1994. Protosiren smithae, new species (Mammalia, Sirenia), from the late middle Eocene of Wadi Hitan, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 69-87. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 281
Domning, D. P., P. D. Gingerich, E. L. Simons, and F. A. Ankel-Simons. 1994. A new early Oligocene dugongid (Mammalia, Sirenia) from Fayum Province, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 89-108. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 282
Gingerich, P. D. and D. E. Russell. 1994. Unusual mammalian limb bones (Cetacea?, Archaeoceti?) from the early-to-middle Eocene Subathu Formation of Kashmir (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 109-117. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 283
Gingerich, P. D. 1994. New species of Apheliscus, Haplomylus, and Hyopsodus (Mammalia, Condylarthra) from the late Paleocene of southern Montana and early Eocene of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 119-134. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 284
Clyde, W. C. and P. D. Gingerich. 1994. Rates of evolution in the dentition of early Eocene Cantius: comparison of size and shape. Paleobiology, 20: 506-522. Online or Request PDF/reprint 285
Gingerich, P. D., P. A. Holroyd, and R. L. Ciochon. 1994. Rencunius zhoui, new primate from the late middle Eocene of Henan, China, and a comparison with some early Anthropoidea. In J. G. Fleagle and R. F. Kay (eds.), Anthropoid Origins, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 163-177. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 286
Gingerich, P. D. 1995. Statistical power of EDF tests of normality and the sample size required to distinguish geometric-normal (lognormal) from arithmetic-normal distributions of low variability. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 173: 125-136. Online or Request PDF/reprint 289
Zhou, X., R. Zhai, P. D. Gingerich, and L. Chen. 1995. Skull of a new mesonychid (Mammalia, Mesonychia) from the late Paleocene of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 15: 387-400. Online or Request PDF/reprint 290
Gingerich, P. D. and G. F. Gunnell. 1995. Rates of evolution in Paleocene-Eocene mammals of the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming, and a comparison with Neogene Siwalik lineages of Pakistan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 115: 226-247. Online or Request PDF/reprint 291
Gunnell, G. F., M. E. Morgan, M. C. Maas, and P. D. Gingerich. 1995. Comparative paleoecology of Paleogene and Neogene mammalian faunas: trophic structure and composition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 115: 265-286. Online or Request PDF/reprint 292
Morgan, M. E., C. E. Badgley, G. F. Gunnell, P. D. Gingerich, J. W. Kappelman, and M. C. Maas. 1995. Comparative paleoecology of Paleogene and Neogene mammalian faunas: body-size structure. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 115: 287-317. Online or Request PDF/reprint 293
Maas, M. C., M. R. L. Anthony, P. D. Gingerich, G. F. Gunnell, and D. W. Krause. 1995. Mammalian generic diversity and turnover in the late Paleocene and early Eocene of the Bighorn and Crazy Mountains Basins, Wyoming and Montana (USA). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 115: 181-207. Online or Request PDF/reprint 294
Gingerich, P. D. 1995. Sexual dimorphism in earliest Eocene Cantius torresi (Mammalia, Primates, Adapoidea). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 185-199. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 301
Uhen, M. D. and P. D. Gingerich. 1995. Evolution of Coryphodon (Mammalia, Pantodonta) in the late Paleocene and early Eocene of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 259-289. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 302
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, and W. C. Clyde. 1995. New archaeocetes (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the middle Eocene Domanda Formation of the Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 291-330. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 303
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, M. A. Bhatti, H. A. Raza, and S. M. Raza. 1995. Protosiren and Babiacetus (Mammalia, Sirenia and Cetacea) from the middle Eocene Drazinda Formation, Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 331-357. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 304
Simons, E. L., D. T. Rasmussen, and P. D. Gingerich. 1996. New cercamoniine adapid from Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Human Evolution, 29: 577-589. Online or Request PDF/reprint 305
Gingerich, P. D. and M. D. Uhen. 1996. Ancalecetus simonsi, a new dorudontine archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the early late Eocene of Wadi Hitan, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 359-401. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 312
Gingerich, P. D. 1996. New species of Titanoides (Mammalia, Pantodonta) from the middle Clarkforkian (late Paleocene) of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 403-412. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 313
Gunnell, G. F. and P. D. Gingerich. 1996. New hapalodectid Hapalorestes lovei (Mammalia, Mesonychia) from the early middle Eocene of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 29: 413-418. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 314
Gingerich, P. D. 1996. Rates of evolution in divergent species lineages as a test of character displacement in the fossil record: tooth size in Paleocene Plesiadapis (Mammalia, Proprimates). In M. Godinot and P. D. Gingerich (eds.), Paléobiologie et Evolution des Mammifères Paléogènes: Volume Jubilaire en Hommage à Donald E. Russell, Palaeovertebrata, Montpellier, 25: pp. 193-204. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 316
Gingerich, P. D. 1997. The origin and evolution of whales. LSA Magazine, University of Michigan, 20(2): 4-10. Request PDF/reprint 318
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, M. A. Bhatti, M. Anwar, and W. J. Sanders. 1997. Basilosaurus drazindai and Basiloterus hussaini, new Archaeoceti (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the middle Eocene Drazinda Formation, with a revised interpretation of ages of whale-bearing strata in the Kirthar Group of the Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 55-81. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 322
Gingerich, P. D., S. G. Abbas, and M. Arif. 1997. Early Eocene Quettacyon parachai (Condylarthra) from the Ghazij Formation of Baluchistan (Pakistan): oldest Cenozoic land-mammal from South Asia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17: 629-637. Request PDF/reprint 325
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, M. A. Bhatti, and W. C. Clyde. 1998. Middle Eocene stratigraphy and marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) of the Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 34: 239-259. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 328
Gingerich, P. D. and M. D. Uhen. 1998. Likelihood estimation of the time of origin of Cetacea and the time of divergence of Cetacea and Artiodactyla. Palaeontologia Electronica, 1(2): 45 pp. []. Online or Request PDF/reprint 331
Bloch, J. I., P. D. Gingerich, and K. D. Rose. 1998. New species of Batodonoides (Lipotyphla, Geolabididae) from the early Eocene of Wyoming: smallest known mammal? Journal of Mammalogy, 79: 804-827. Online or Request PDF/reprint 332
Fricke, H. C., W. C. Clyde, J. R. O'Neil, and P. D. Gingerich. 1998. Evidence for rapid climate change in North America during the latest Paleocene thermal maximum: oxygen isotope compositions of biogenic phosphate from the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 160: 193-208. Online or Request PDF/reprint 333
Gingerich, P. D. 1998. Paleobiological perspectives on Mesonychia, Archaeoceti, and the origin of whales. In J. G. M. Thewissen (ed.), Emergence of Whales: Evolutionary Patterns in the Origin of Cetacea, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp. 423-449. Order book or PDF or Request PDF/reprint 341
Clyde, W. C. and P. D. Gingerich. 1998. Mammalian community response to the latest Paleocene thermal maximum: an isotaphonomic study in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Geology, 26: 1011-1014. Online or Request PDF/reprint 342
Bloch, J. I. and P. D. Gingerich. 1998. Carpolestes simpsoni, new species (Mammalia, Proprimates) from the late Paleocene of the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 131-162. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 345
Angielczyk, K. D. and P. D. Gingerich. 1998. New specimen of cf. Asiatosuchus (Crocodyloidea) from the middle Eocene Drazinda Formation of the Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 163-189. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 346
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, I. H. Khan, and S. G. Abbas. 1998. First early Eocene land mammals from the upper Ghazij Formation of the Sor Range, Baluchistan. In M. I. Ghaznavi, S. M. Raza, and M. T. Hasan (eds.), Siwaliks of South Asia. Proceedings of the Third GEOSAS Workshop held at Islamabad, Pakistan, March 1997, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad, pp. 1-17. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 347
Luo, Z. and P. D. Gingerich. 1999. Terrestrial Mesonychia to aquatic Cetacea: transformation of the basicranium and evolution of hearing in whales. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 31: 1-98. PDF (6 MB, Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 350
Head, J. J., S. M. Raza, and P. D. Gingerich. 1999. Drazinderetes tethyensis, a new large trionychid (Reptilia: Testudines) from the marine Eocene Drazinda Formation of the Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 199-214. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 353
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, I. H. Khan, W. C. Clyde, and J. I. Bloch. 1999. Machocyon abbasi, a new early Eocene quettacyonid (Mammalia, Condylarthra) from the middle Ghazij Formation of Mach and Daghari coal fields, Baluchistan (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 233-250. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 354
Gingerich, P. D. 2000. Paleocene-Eocene boundary and continental vertebrate faunas of Europe and North America. In B. Schmitz, B. Sundquist, and F. P. Andreasson (eds.), Early Paleogene warm climates and biosphere dynamics, Uppsala, Geological Society of Sweden, GFF [Geologiska Föreningens Förhandlingar], Stockholm, 122: 57-59. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 355
Zalmout, I. S., H. A. Mustafa, and P. D. Gingerich. 2000. Priabonian Basilosaurus isis (Cetacea) from the Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation: first marine mammal from the Eocene of Jordan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 20: 201-204. Online or Request PDF/reprint 356
Gingerich, P. D. 2000. Arithmetic or geometric normality of biological variation: an empirical test of theory. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 204: 201-221. Online or Request PDF/reprint 357
Brochu, C. A. and P. D. Gingerich. 2000. New tomistomine crocodylian from the middle Eocene (Bartonian) of Wadi Hitan, Fayum Province, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 251-268. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 362
Uhen, M. D. and P. D. Gingerich. 2001. New genus of dorudontine archaeocete (Cetacea) from the middle-to-late Eocene of South Carolina. Marine Mammal Science, 17: 1-34. Online or Request PDF/reprint 363
Bloch, J. I., D. C. Fisher, K. D. Rose, and P. D. Gingerich. 2001. Stratocladistic analysis of Paleocene Carpolestidae (Mammalia, Plesiadapiformes) with description of a new late Tiffanian genus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21: 119-131. Online or Request PDF/reprint 365
Gingerich, P. D. (ed.). 2001. Paleocene-Eocene Stratigraphy and Biotic Change in the Bighorn and Clarks Fork Basins, Wyoming, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 1-198 pp. PDF (28 MB; Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 370
Gingerich, P. D. and W. C. Clyde. 2001. Overview of mammalian biostratigraphy in the Paleocene-Eocene Fort Union and Willwood formations of the Bighorn and Clarks Fork basins. In P. D. Gingerich (ed.), Paleocene-Eocene stratigraphy and biotic change in the Bighorn and Clarks Fork basins, Wyoming, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 33: 1-14. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 371
Gingerich, P. D. 2001. Biostratigraphy of the continental Paleocene-Eocene boundary interval on Polecat Bench in the northern Bighorn Basin. In P. D. Gingerich (ed.), Paleocene-Eocene stratigraphy and biotic change in the Bighorn and Clarks Fork basins, Wyoming, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 33: 37-71. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 372
Bowen, G. J., P. L. Koch, P. D. Gingerich, R. D. Norris, S. Bains, and R. M. Corfield. 2001. Refined isotope stratigraphy across the continental Paleocene-Eocene boundary on Polecat Bench in the northern Bighorn Basin. In P. D. Gingerich (ed.), Paleocene-Eocene stratigraphy and biotic change in the Bighorn and Clarks Fork basins, Wyoming, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 33: 73-88. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 373
Ciochon, R. L., P. D. Gingerich, G. F. Gunnell, and E. L. Simons. 2001. Primate postcrania from the late middle Eocene of Myanmar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 98: 7672-7677. Online or Request PDF/reprint 374
Gingerich, P. D., M. Haq, I. S. Zalmout, I. H. Khan, and M. S. Malkani. 2001. Origin of whales from early artiodactyls: hands and feet of Eocene Protocetidae from Pakistan. Science, 293: 2239-2242. Online or PDF or Request PDF/reprint 381
Gingerich, P. D., M. Arif, I. H. Khan, M. u. Haq, J. I. Bloch, W. C. Clyde, and G. F. Gunnell. 2001. Gandhera Quarry, a unique mammalian faunal assemblage from the early Eocene of Baluchistan (Pakistan). In G. F. Gunnell (ed.), Eocene Biodiversity: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats, Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 251-262. Order book or PDF or Request PDF/reprint 382
Gingerich, P. D. 2001. Rates of evolution on the time scale of the evolutionary process. In A. P. Hendry and M. T. Kinnison (eds.), Contemporary Microevolution: Rate, Pattern, and Process, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Genetica, 112/113: 127-144. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 383
Gingerich, P. D., M. Haq, I. H. Khan, and I. S. Zalmout. 2001. Eocene stratigraphy and archaeocete whales (Mammalia, Cetacea) of Drug Lahar in the eastern Sulaiman Range, Balochistan (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 269-319. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 384
Wilson, J. A., M. S. Malkani, and P. D. Gingerich. 2001. New crocodyliform (Reptilia, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Upper Cretaceous Pab Formation of Vitakri, Balochistan (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 321-336. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 385
Gunnell, G. F., R. L. Ciochon, P. D. Gingerich, and P. A. Holroyd. 2002. New assessment of Pondaungia and Amphipithecus (Primates) from the late middle Eocene of Myanmar, with a comment on 'Amphipithecidae'. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 337-372. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 386
Gingerich, P. D. 2002. Progress on the origin of whales. Geoscience News, University of Michigan, Winter 2002: 7-11. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 387
Gingerich, P. D.. 2002. Whales that walked. LSA Magazine, University of Michigan, 2002: 25-27. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 389
Bloch, J. I., D. M. Boyer, P. D. Gingerich, and G. F. Gunnell. 2002. New primitive paromomyid from the Clarkforkian of Wyoming and dental eruption in Plesiadapiformes. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 22: 366-379. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 390
Dolson, J. C., A. E. Barkooky, F. Wehr, P. D. Gingerich, N. Prochazka, and M. V. Shann. 2002. The Eocene and Oligocene paleoecology and paleogeography of Whale Valley and the Fayoum basins: implications for hydrocarbon exploration in the Nile Delta and ecotourism in the greater Fayoum Basin. AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Guidebook for Field Trip 7, Cairo, 1-79 pp. PDF
Smith, T., J. I. Bloch, S. G. Strait, and P. D. Gingerich. 2002. New species of Macrocranion (Mammalia, Lipotyphla) from the earliest Eocene of North America and its biogeographic implications. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 373-384. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 396
Secord, R., P. D. Gingerich, and J. I. Bloch. 2002. Mylanodon rosei, a new metacheiromyid (Mammalia, Palaeanodonta) from the late Tiffanian (late Paleocene) of northwestern Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 30: 385-399. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 397
Aubry, M.-P., J. R. Ali, W. A. Berggren, H. Brinkhuis, C. Dupuis, P. D. Gingerich, J. A. Hardenbol, C. Heilmann-Clausen, J. J. Hooker, D. V. Kent, C. King, R. W. O. Knox, P. Laga, E. Molina, B. Schmitz, E. Steurbaut, and D. J. Ward. 2002. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP): criteria for characterisation and correlation. Tertiary Research, Leiden, 21: 57-70. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 398
Wing, S. L., P. D. Gingerich, B. Schmitz, and E. Thomas (eds.). 2003. Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the early Paleogene, Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 1-614 pp. Order book
Bains, S., R. D. Norris, R. M. Corfield, G. J. Bowen, P. D. Gingerich, and P. L. Koch. 2003. Marine-terrestrial linkages at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. In S. L. Wing, P. D. Gingerich, E. Thomas, and B. Schmitz (eds.), Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the early Paleogene, Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 369: 1-9. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 401
Gingerich, P. D. 2003. Mammalian responses to climate change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: Polecat Bench record in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. In S. L. Wing, P. D. Gingerich, B. Schmitz, and E. Thomas (eds.), Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the early Paleogene, Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 369: 463-478. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 402
Aubry, M.-P., W. A. Berggren, J. A. Van Couvering, J. R. Ali, H. Brinkhuis, B. S. Cramer, D. V. Kent, C. C. Swisher, C. Dupuis, P. D. Gingerich, C. Heilmann-Clausen, C. King, D. J. Ward, R. W. O. Knox, K. Ouda, L. D. Stott, and M. Thiry. 2003. Chronostratigraphic terminology at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. In S. L. Wing, P. D. Gingerich, E. Thomas, and B. Schmitz (eds.), Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the early Paleogene, Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 369: 551-566. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 403
Gingerich, P. D. 2003. Land-to-sea transition of early whales: evolution of Eocene Archaeoceti (Cetacea) in relation to skeletal proportions and locomotion of living semiaquatic mammals. Paleobiology, 29: 429-454. Online or Request PDF/reprint 405
Zalmout, I. S., M. Haq, and P. D. Gingerich. 2003. New species of Protosiren (Mammalia, Sirenia) from the early middle Eocene of Balochistan (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31 (3): 79-87. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 406
Gingerich, P. D. 2003. Stratigraphic and micropaleontologic constraints on the middle Eocene age of the mammal-bearing Kuldana Formation of Pakistan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23: 643-651. Online or Request PDF/reprint 408
Clyde, W. C., I. H. Khan, and P. D. Gingerich. 2003. Stratigraphic response and mammalian dispersal during initial India-Asia collision: evidence from the Ghazij Formation, Baluchistan, Pakistan. Geology, 31: 1097-1100. Online or Request PDF/reprint 412
Gingerich, P. D. 2004. Whale evolution. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 2004: 376-379. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 413
Lofgren, D. L., J. A. Lillegraven, W. A. Clemens, P. D. Gingerich, and T. E. Williamson. 2004. Paleocene biochronology: the Puercan through Clarkforkian land-mammal ages. In M. O. Woodburne (ed.), Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic mammals of North America, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 43-105. Order book or Request PDF/reprint 417
Magioncalda, R., C. Dupuis, T. Smith, E. Steurbaut, and P. D. Gingerich. 2004. Paleocene-Eocene carbon isotope excursions in organic carbon and pedogenic carbonate: direct comparison in a continental stratigraphic section. Geology, 32: 553-556. Online or Request PDF/reprint 418
Gingerich, P. D. 2004. Paleocene-Eocene epoch boundary: closure on a century of disagreement. Geoscience News, University of Michigan, Spring 2004: 19. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 419
Schweitzer, C. E., R. M. Feldmann, and P. D. Gingerich. 2004. New Decapoda (Crustacea) from the middle and late Eocene of Pakistan and a revision of Lobonotus A. Milne Edwards, 1864. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31 (4): 89-118. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 420
Bloch, J. I., R. Secord, and P. D. Gingerich. 2004. Systematics and phylogeny of late Paleocene and early Eocene Palaeoryctinae (Mammalia, Insectivora) from the Clarks Fork and Bighorn basins, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31 (5): 119-154. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 421
Gingerich, P. D. 2004. Paleogene vertebrates and their response to environmental change. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, Stuttgart, 234: 1-23. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 430
Howell, F. C., T. D. White, D. R. Begun, Y. Chaimanee, M.-A. d. Lumley, P. D. Gingerich, C. P. Groves, E. Gulec, Y. Haile-Selassie, L. Hlusko, J.-J. Jaeger, L. Kelley, M. Kohler, W. Liu, D. Lordkipanidze, C. O. Lovejoy, L. B. Martin, M. L. McCrossin, J. Moggi-Cecchi, S. Moyá-Solá, L. Rook, P. Smith, G. Suwa, M. F. Teaford, P. V. Tobias, A. C. Walker, P. L. Walker, and S. C. Ward. 2004. Geological issues in the Djourab. South African Journal of Science, 100: 443-446.
Gingerich, P. D. 2005. Cetacea. In K. D. Rose and J. D. Archibald (eds.), Placental mammals: origin, timing, and relationships of the major extant clades, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 234-252. Order book, PDF or Request PDF/reprint 432
Wilson, J. A., M. S. Malkani, and P. D. Gingerich. 2005. A sauropod braincase from the Pab Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) of Balochistan, Pakistan. Gondwana Geological Magazine, Special Volume, 8: 101-109. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 433
Gingerich, P. D. and G. F. Gunnell. 2005. Brain of Plesiadapis cookei (Mammalia, Proprimates): surface morphology and encephalization compared to those of Primates and Dermoptera. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31 (8): 185-195. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 438
Gingerich, P. D., I. S. Zalmout, M. Haq, and M. A. Bhatti. 2005. Makaracetus bidens, a new protocetid archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the early middle Eocene of Balochistan (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31 (9): 197-210. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 439
Gingerich, P. D. 2005. Aquatic adaptation and swimming mode inferred from skeletal proportions in the Miocene desmostylian Desmostylus. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 12: 183-194. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 440
Gingerich, P. D. 2006. Environment and evolution through the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21: 246-253. Online or Request PDF/reprint 441
Dodson, P. and P. D. Gingerich. 2006. John H. Ostrom 1928-2005. American Journal of Science, 306: i-vi. Online or Request PDF/reprint 442
Clementz, M. T., A. Goswami, P. D. Gingerich, and P. L. Koch. 2006. Isotopic records from early whales and sea cows: contrasting patterns of ecological transition. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 26: 355-370. Online or Request PDF/reprint 446
Secord, R., P. D. Gingerich, M. E. Smith, W. C. Clyde, P. Wilf, and B. S. Singer. 2006. Geochronology and mammalian biostratigraphy of middle and upper Paleocene continental strata, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. American Journal of Science, 306: 211-245. Online or Request PDF/reprint 447
Smith, T., K. D. Rose, and P. D. Gingerich. 2006. Rapid Asia-Europe-North America dispersal of the earliest Eocene primate Teilhardina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103: 11223-11227. Online or Request PDF/reprint 448
Missiaen, P., T. Smith, D.-Y. Guo, J. I. Bloch, and P. D. Gingerich. 2006. Asian gliriform origin for arctostylopid mammals. Naturwissenschaften, 93: 407-411. Online or Request PDF/reprint 449
Gingerich, P. D. and T. Smith. 2006. Paleocene-Eocene land mammals from three new latest Clarkforkian and earliest Wasatchian wash sites at Polecat Bench in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31: 245-303. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 456
Yans, J., S. G. Strait, T. Smith, C. Dupuis, E. Steurbaut, and P. D. Gingerich. 2006. High-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy and mammalian faunal change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Honeycombs area of the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. American Journal of Science, 306: 712-735. Online or Request PDF/reprint 457
Wood, A. R., M. L. Zelditch, A. N. Rountrey, T. P. Eiting, H. D. Sheets, and P. D. Gingerich. 2007. Multivariate stasis in the dental morphology of the Paleocene-Eocene condylarth Ectocion. Paleobiology, 33: 248-260. Online or Request PDF/reprint 458
Gingerich, P. D. 2007. Paleocene-Eocene transition: Polecat Bench. Privately printed, White Ink, Powell, Wyoming, 4 pp. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 459
Gingerich, P. D. 2007. George Gaylord Simpson, 1902-1984. New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Request PDF/reprint 469
Gingerich, P. D. 2007. Punctuated equilibrium (book review). Paleontologia Electronica, 10: 1-2. Online or Request PDF/reprint 470
Gingerich, P. D. 2007. Early evolution of whales: a century of research in Egypt. In J. G. Fleagle and Christopher C. Gilbert (eds.), Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins, Springer, New York, pp. 107-124. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 471
Gingerich, P. D. 2007. Stromerius nidensis, new archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the upper Eocene Qasr el-Sagha Formation, Fayum, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 31: 363-378. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 472
Aubry, M.-P., K. Ouda, C. Dupuis, W. A. Berggren, J. A. Van Couvering, J. R. Ali, H. Brinkhuis, P. D. Gingerich, C. Heilmann-Clausen, J. J. Hooker, D. V. Kent, C. King , R. W. O. Knox, P. Laga, E. Molina, E. Steurbaut, and D. J. Ward. 2007. The global standard stratotype-section and point (GSSP) for the base of the Eocene series in the Dababiya section (Egypt). Episodes, 4: 271-286. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 474
Gingerich, P. D. 2008. Basilosaurus cetoides. Encyclopedia of Alabama, 1386: 1-3. Online or Request PDF/reprint 475
Wood, A. R., M. J. Kraus, and P. D. Gingerich. 2008. Down-slope fossil contamination: mammal-bearing fluvial congolomerates and the Paleocene-Eocene faunal transition (Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming). Palaios, 23: 380-390. Online or Request PDF/reprint 476
Gingerich, P. D., K. D. Rose, and T. Smith. 2008. Oldest North American primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 105 (23): E30. Online or Request PDF/reprint 477
Abdul Aziz, H., F. J. Hilgen, Luijk Gerson M. van, A. Sluijs, M. J. Kraus, J. M. Pares, and P. D. Gingerich. 2008. Astronomical climate control on paleosol stacking patterns in the upper Paleocene— lower Eocene Willwood Formation (Bighorn Basin, Wyoming). Geology, 36: 531-534. Online or Request PDF/reprint 478
Gunnell, G. F., P. D. Gingerich, M. Haq, J. I. Bloch, I. H. Khan, and W. C. Clyde. 2008. New primates (Mammalia) from the early and middle Eocene of Pakistan and their paleobiogeographical implications. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 1-14. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 486
Gingerich, P. D., M. Haq, W. v. Koenigswald, W. J. Sanders, B. H. Smith, and I. S. Zalmout. 2009. New protocetid whale from the middle Eocene of Pakistan: birth on land, precocial development, and sexual dimorphism. PLoS One, 4 (e4366): 1-20. Online/PDF or Request PDF/reprint 487
Peters, S. E., M. S. Antar, I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2009. Sequence stratigraphic control on preservation of late Eocene whales and other vertebrates at Wadi al-Hitan, Egypt. Palaios, 24: 290-302. Online or Request PDF/reprint 488
Franzen, J. L., P. D. Gingerich, J. Habersetzer, J. H. Hurum, W. v. Koenigswald, and B. H. Smith. 2009. Complete primate skeleton from the middle Eocene of Messel in Germany: morphology and paleobiology. PLoS One, 4 (e5723): 1-27. Online/PDF or Request PDF/reprint 490
Koenigswald, W. v. and P. D. Gingerich. 2009. Wale in der Wüste: Fossilbericht zum Weg der Wale vom Land ins Wasser. In N. Elsner, H.-J. Fritz, R. Gradstein, and J. Reidtner (eds.), Evolution: Zufall und Zwangsläufigkeit der Schöpfung, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 341-361. Request PDF/reprint 491
Koenigswald, W. v., I. Ruf, and P. D. Gingerich. 2009. Cranial morphology of a new apatemyid, Carcinella sigei n. gen. n. sp. (Mammalia, Apatotheria) from the late Eocene of southern France. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, Abteilung A, 288: 53-91. Request PDF/reprint 492
Fierstine, H. L. and P. D. Gingerich. 2009. A second and more complete rostrum of Xiphiorhynchus aegyptiacus Weiler, 1929 (Perciformes: Xiphioidei:, Xiphiidae, Xiphiorhynchinae), from the Birket Qarun Formation, Late Eocene, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29: 589-593. Online or Request PDF/reprint 494
Gingerich, P. D. 2009. Rates of evolution. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 40: 657-675. Online or Request PDF/reprint 498
Gunnell, G. F., P. D. Gingerich, and P. A. Holroyd. 2010. Ptolemaiida. In L. Werdelin and W. J. Sanders (eds.), Cenozoic Mammals of Africa, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 83-87. Request PDF/reprint 500
Domning, D. P., I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2010. Sirenia. In L. Werdelin and W. J. Sanders (eds.), Cenozoic Mammals of Africa, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 147-160. Request PDF/reprint 501
Gingerich, P. D. 2010. Cetacea. In L. Werdelin and W. J. Sanders (eds.), Cenozoic Mammals of Africa, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 873-899. Request PDF/reprint 502
Zalmout, I. S., W. J. Sanders, L. MacLatchy, G. F. Gunnell, Y. A. Al-Mufarreh, M. A. Ali, A.-A. H. Nasser, A. M. Al-Masary, S. A. Al-Sobhi, A. O. Nadhra, A. H. Matari, J. A. Wilson, and P. D. Gingerich. 2010. New Oligocene primate from Saudi Arabia and the divergence of apes and Old World monkeys. Nature, 466: 360-364. Online or Request PDF/reprint 504
Peters, S. E., A. E. Carlson, D. C. Kelly, and P. D. Gingerich. 2010. Large-scale glaciation and deglaciation of Antarctica during the late Eocene. Geology, 38: 723-726. Online or Request PDF/reprint 505
Wood, A. R., R. M. Bebej, C. L. Manz, D. L. Begun, and P. D. Gingerich. 2010. Postcranial functional morphology of Hyracotherium (Equidae, Perissodactyla) and locomotion in the earliest horses. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, online. Online or Request PDF/reprint 506
Gingerich, P. D., J. L. Franzen, J. Habersetzer, J. H. Hurum, and B. H. Smith. 2010. Darwinius masillae is a haplorhine-- reply to Williams et al. (2010). Journal of Human Evolution, 59: 574-579. PDF or Open-Access PDF or Request PDF/reprint 516
Secord, R., P. D. Gingerich, K. C. Lohmann, and K. G. MacLeod. 2010. Continental warming preceding the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Nature, 467: 955-958. Online or Request PDF/reprint 517
Gingerich, P. D. 2010. Mammalian faunal succession through the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) in western North America. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Beijing, 48: 308-327. Online/PDF or Request PDF/reprint 518
Koenigswald, W. v. and P. D. Gingerich. 2010. Vom Land ins Meer-- Evolution der Wale. In G. Wefer and F. Schmieder (eds.), Expedition Erde: Wissenswertes und Spannendes aus den Geowissenschaften, MARUM Bibliothek: Verständliche Geowissenschaften, Bremen, pp. 284-291. Request PDF/reprint 519
Gingerich, P. D. and B. H. Smith. 2010. Premolar development and eruption in the early Eocene adapoids Cantius ralstoni and Cantius abditus (Mammalia, Primates). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 41-47. PDF (Deep Blue) or Request PDF/reprint 520
Underwood, C. J., D. J. Ward, C. King, M. S. Antar, I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2011. Shark and ray faunas in the late Eocene of the Fayum area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, London, 122: 47-66. Online or Request PDF/reprint 521
Missiaen, P., G. F. Gunnell, and P. D. Gingerich. 2011. New Brontotheriidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the early and middle Eocene of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian paleobiogeography. Journal of Paleontology, 85: 665-677. Online or Request PDF/reprint 528
Fahlke, J. M., P. D. Gingerich, R. C. Welsh, and A. R. Wood. 2011. Cranial asymmetry in Eocene archaeocete whales and the evolution of directional hearing in water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108: 14545-14548. Online/PDF or Request PDF/reprint 530
Missiaen, P. and P. D. Gingerich. 2011. New early Eocene tapiromorph perissodactyls from the Ghazij Formation of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian biochronology in Asia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, Online or Request PDF/reprint 531
Gingerich, P. D. 2011. Primates in the Eocene. In T. M. Lehmann and S. F. K. Schaal (eds.), The World at the Time of Messel: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment, and the History of Early Primates, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main, 22nd International Senckenberg Conference, 22: 67-68. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 533
Koenigswald, W. v., J. Habersetzer, and P. D. Gingerich. 2011. Morphology and evolution of the distal phalanges in primates. In T. M. Lehmann and S. F. K. Schaal (eds.), The World at the Time of Messel: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment, and the History of Early Primates, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main, 22nd International Senckenberg Conference, 22: 91-94. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 534
Bianucci, G. and P. D. Gingerich. 2011. Aegyptocetus tarfa n. gen. et sp. (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the middle Eocene of Egypt: clinorhynchy, olfaction, and hearing in a protocetid whale . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31: 1173-1188. Online or Request PDF/reprint 535
Abd-Elshafy, E., P. D. Gingerich, H. M. Metwally, M. S. M. Antar, I. S. Zalmout, and W. J. Sanders. 2011. Procedures and techniques used in preparing Basilosaurus isis WH-74 and similar vertebrates for mounting. Egyptian Journal of Paleontology, 11: 145-161. Request PDF/reprint 536
Gingerich, P. D., E. Abd-Elshafy, H. M. Metwally, I. S. Zalmout, and M. S. M. Antar. 2011. Paleoenvironmental and taphonomic assessment of Eocene marine faunas of Wadi Al-Hitan and Siwa areas, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Paleontology, 11: 171-190. Request PDF/reprint 537
Clyde, W. C., P. D. Gingerich, and S. L. Wing. 2012. Coring project in Bighorn Basin: drilling phase complete. EOS, Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 93: 41-42. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 538
Bebej, R. M., M. Haq, I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2012. Morphology and function of the vertebral column in Remingtonocetus domandaensis (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the middle Eocene Domanda Formation of Pakistan. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 19: 77-104. Online or Request PDF/reprint 540
Gingerich, P. D., I. S. Zalmout, M. S. Antar, E. M. Williams, A. E. Carlson, D. C. Kelly, and S. E. Peters. 2012. Large-scale glaciation and deglaciation of Antarctica during the late Eocene: reply. Geology, 40: e255. Online or Request PDF/reprint 541
Abels, H. A., W. C. Clyde, P. D. Gingerich, F. J. Hilgen, H. C. Fricke, G. J. Bowen, and L. J. Lourens. 2012. Terrestrial carbon isotope excursions and biotic change during Paleogene hyperthermals. Nature Geoscience, 5: 326-329. Online or Request PDF/reprint 542
Zalmout, I. S., M. S. M. Antar, E. A.-E. Shafy, M. H. Metwally, E.-B. E. Hatab, and P. D. Gingerich. 2012. Priabonian sharks and rays (late Eocene: Neoselachii) from Minqar Tabaghbagh in the western Qattara Depression, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 71-90. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 545
Ryan, T. M., M. T. Silcox, A. Walker, X. Mao, D. R. Begun, B. R. Benefit, P. D. Gingerich, M. Köhler, L. Kordos, M. L. McCrossin, S. Moyá-Solá, W. J. Sanders, E. R. Seiffert, E. L. Simons, I. S. Zalmout, and F. Spoor. 2012. Evolution of locomotion in Anthropoidea: the semicircular canal evidence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 279: 3467-3475. Online or Request PDF/reprint 546
Gunnell, G. F., P. D. Gingerich, J. I. Bloch, and W. C. Clyde. 2012. Sulaimanius, gen. nov., and Indusomys, gen. nov., replacement names for Sulaimania and Indusius Gunnell, Gingerich, Ul-Haq, Bloch, Khan, and Clyde, 2008, preoccupied names. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32: 975. Online or Request PDF/reprint 547
Koenigswald, W. v., J. Habersetzer, and P. D. Gingerich. 2012. Pedal distal phalanges of the Eocene adapoids Europolemur and Darwinius compared to phalanges of Notharctus and other primates. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 92: 539-565. Online or Request PDF/reprint 556
Gingerich, P. D. 2012. Primates in the Eocene. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 92: 649-663. Online or Request PDF/reprint 557
Zalmout, I. S., and P. D. Gingerich. 2012. Late Eocene sea cows (Mammalia, Sirenia) from Wadi Al Hitan in the Western Desert of Fayum, Egypt. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 37: 1-158. Online or Request PDF/reprint 565
Gingerich, P. D. 2012. Evolution of whales from land to sea. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 156: 309-323. Online or Request PDF/reprint 566
Gingerich, P. D. 2012. Remarks on receiving the 2012 Romer-Simpson medal, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Online or Request PDF/reprint 568
Koenigswald, W. v. and P. D. Gingerich. 2013. Ein Knochen zum Forschen und Spielen. Fossilien, 2013 (2): 84-90. Online or Request PDF/reprint 569
Abels, H. A., M. J. Kraus, and P. D. Gingerich. 2013. Precession-scale cyclicity in the fluvial lower Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming (USA). Sedimentology, 10.1111/sed.12039: 1-17. Online or Request PDF/reprint 572
Fahlke, J. M., K. A. Bastl, G. M. Semprebon, and P. D. Gingerich. 2013. Paleoecology of archaeocete whales throughout the Eocene: dietary adaptations revealed by microwear analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386: 690-701. Online or Request PDF/reprint 573
Strougo, A., M. Faris, M. A. Y. Haggag, R. A. Abul-Nasr, and P. D. Gingerich. 2013. Planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy through the middle-to late Eocene transition at Wadi Hitan, Fayum Province, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 111-138. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 574
Gingerich, P. D. 2013. Identification of basilosaurid archaeocetes (Mammalia, Cetacea) collected in Egypt by Richard Markgraf (1901-1916). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Online or Request PDF/reprint 580
Clyde, W. C., P. D. Gingerich, S. L. Wing, U. Röhl, T. Westerhold, G. J. Bowen, K. R. Johnson, A. A. Baczynski, A. Diefendorf, F. A. McInerney, D. Schnurrenberger, A. Noren, and K. Brady. 2013. Bighorn Basin Coring Project (BBCP): a continental perspective on early Paleogene hyperthermals. Scientific Drilling , 16: 21-31. Online or Request PDF/reprint 581
Gingerich, P. D. and H. Cappetta. 2014. A new archaeocete and other marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from lower middle Eocene phosphate deposits of Togo. Journal of Paleontology, 88: 109-129. Open access or Request PDF/reprint 582
Gingerich, P. D. 2014. Species in the primate fossil record. Evolutionary Anthropology, 23: 33-35. Online or Request PDF/reprint 584
Orliac, M. J., S. Ladevèze, P. D. Gingerich, R. Lebrun, and T. Smith. 2014. Endocranial morphology of Palaeocene Plesiadapis tricuspidens and evolution of the early primate brain . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 281 (20132792): 1-7. Online or Request PDF/reprint 585
Zouhri, S., P. D. Gingerich, N. Elboudali, S. Sebti, A. Noubhani, M. Rahali, and S. Meslouh. 2014. New marine mammal faunas (Cetacea and Sirenia) and sea level change in the Samlat Formation, upper Eocene, near Ad-Dakhla in southwestern Morocco. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 13: 599-610. Online or Request PDF/reprint 590
Missiaen, P. and P. D. Gingerich. 2014. New basal Perissodactyla (Mammalia) from the lower Eocene Ghazij Formation of Pakistan. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 139-160. PDF or Request PDF/reprint 597
Bowen, G. J., B. J. Maibauer, M. J. Kraus, U. Röhl, T. Westerhold, A. Steimke, P. D. Gingerich, S. L. Wing, and W. C. Clyde. 2014. Two massive, rapid releases of carbon during the onset of the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Nature Geoscience, 8: 44-47. Online or Request PDF/reprint 598
Gingerich, P. D. 2015. Comment on proposed replacement of the holotype of Basilosaurus kochii Reichenbach, 1847 (currently Zygorhiza kochii; Mammalia, Cetacea) by a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 72: 81-83. Online or Request PDF/reprint 600
Gingerich, P. D. 2015. Reply to comment on "Primates in the Eocene" by Gilbert and Maiolino (2015). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 95: 243-246. Online or Request PDF/reprint 602
Abels, H. A., V. Lauretano, A. v. Yperen, T. Hopman, J. C. Zachos, L. J. Lourens, P. D. Gingerich, and G. J. Bowen. 2015. Carbon isotope excursions in paleosol carbonate marking five early Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Climate of the Past Discussions, 11: 1857-1885. Online or Request PDF/reprint 603
Gingerich, P. D. 2015. Evolution of whales from land to sea: fossils and a synthesis. In K. P. Dial, N. H. Shubin, and E. Brainerd (eds.), Great Transformations: Essays in Honor of Farish A. Jenkins, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, p. 239-256. Online or Request PDF/reprint 607
Gingerich, P. D. 2015. New partial skeleton and relative brain size in the late Eocene archaeocete Zygorhiza kochii (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Pachuta Marl of Alabama, with a note on centemporaneous Pontogeneus brachyspondylus. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32: 161-188. Online open access or Request PDF/reprint 608
Gingerich, P. D. and S. Zouhri. 2015. New fauna of archaeocete whales (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Bartonian middle Eocene of southern Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 111: 273-286. Online or Request PDF/reprint 609
Gingerich, P. D. 2015. Body weight and relative brain size (encephalization) in Eocene Archaeoceti (Cetacea). Journal of Mammalian Evolution. Online or Request PDF/reprint 610
Gunnell, G. F., A. J. Winkler, E. R. Miller, J. J. Head, A. N. e. Barkooky, M. A. Gawad, W. J. Sanders, and P. D. Gingerich. 2015. Small vertebrates from Khashm El-Raqaba, late Middle Miocene, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Historical Biology, 28: 159-171. Online or Request PDF/reprint 617
Bebej, Ryan M., Iyad S. Zalmout, Ahmed Awad Abed El Aziz, Mohamed Sameh M. Antar, and P. D. Gingerich. 2015. First remingtonocetid archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the middle Eocene of Egypt with implications for biogeography and locomotion in early cetacean evolution. Journal of Paleontology, 89: 882-893. Online or Request PDF/reprint 618
Abels, H. A., V. Lauretano, A. v. Yperen, T. Hopman, J. C. Zachos, L. J. Lourens, P. D. Gingerich, and G. J. Bowen. 2016. Environmental impact and magnitude of paleosol carbonate carbon isotope excursions marking five early Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Climate of the Past, 12: 1151-1163. Online open access or Request PDF/reprint 620
Gingerich, P. D. 2016. Paleocene faunal evolution at Polecat Bench in the northern Bighorn Basin of Wyoming, U.S.A. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 54: 212-234. Online open access or Request PDF/reprint 622
Gehler, A., P. D. Gingerich, and A. Pack. 2016. Temperature and atmospheric CO2-concentration estimates through the PETM using triple-oxygen isotope analysis of mammal bioapatite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Online or Request PDF/reprint 623
D'Ambrosia, A. R., W. C. Clyde, H. C. Fricke, P. D. Gingerich, and H. A. Abels. 2017. Repetitive mammalian dwarfing during ancient greenhouse warming events. Science Advances, 3: e1601430. Online or Request PDF/reprint 626
Wang, C., R. Adriaens, H. Hong, J. Elsen, N. Vandenberghe, L. J. Lourens, P. D. Gingerich, and H. A. Abels. 2017. Clay mineralogical constraints on weathering in response to early Eocene hyperthermal events in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming (Western Interior, USA). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 129: 997-1011. Online or Request PDF/reprint 630
Westerhold, T., U. Röhl, R. H. l. Wilkens, P. D. Gingerich, W. C. Clyde, S. L. Wing, G. J. Bowen, and M. J. Kraus. 2017. Synchronizing early Eocene deep-sea and continental records -- new cyclostratigraphic age models from the Bighorn Basin Coring Project. Climate of the Past Discussions, Online open access or Request PDF/reprint 631
Gingerich, P. D., K. Heissig, R. M. Bebej, and W. von Koenigswald. 2017. Astragali of Pakicetidae and other early-to-middle Eocene archaeocetes (Mammalia, Cetacea) of Pakistan: locomotion and habitat in the initial stages of whale evolution. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 91: 601-627. Online or Request PDF/reprint 632
Gingerich, P. D. 2017. Ermine Cowles Case: pioneer of paleontology. In K. Brandt and C. Sinopoli (eds.), Object Lessons and the Formation of Knowledge: The University of Michigan Museums, Libraries, and Collections, 1817-2017, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 156-160. Request PDF/reprint 639
Zouhri, S., B. Khalloufi, E. Bourdon, F. d. Lapparent de Broin, J.-C. Rage, L. M'Haïdrat, P. D. Gingerich, and N. Elboudali. 2017. Marine vertebrate fauna from the late Eocene Samlat Formation of Ad-Dakhla, southwestern Morocco. Geological Magazine, 1-25. Online or Request PDF/reprint 640
Westerhold, T., U. Röhl, R. H. Wilkens, P. D. Gingerich, W. C. Clyde, S. L. Wing, G. J. Bowen, and M. J. Kraus. 2018. Synchronizing early Eocene deep-sea and continental records: cyclostratigraphic age models for the Bighorn Basin Coring Project drill cores. Climate of the Past, 14: 303-314. Online or Request PDF/reprint 641
Elboudali, N., S. Zouhri, P. D. Gingerich, A. Stambouuli, A. Dahrouch, S. Sebti, and B. Khalloufi. 2018. Les foraminifères planctoniques: clé de la nouvelle datation du membre Guerran de la formation Samlat d’Ad-Dakhla (Domaine saharien, Morocco). Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, Section Sciences de la Terre, 40: 21-37. Request PDF/reprint 642
Franzen, J. L. and P. D. Gingerich. 2018. Primates: rarities in Messel. In K. T. Smith, S. F. K. Schaal, and J. Habersetzer (eds.), Messel - An Ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 241-248. Request PDF/reprint 643
Zouhri, S., P. D. Gingerich, S. Adnet, E. Bourdon, S. Jouve, B. Khalloufi, A. Amane, N. Elboudali, J.-C. Rage, F. d. L. d. Broin, A. Kaoukaya, and S. Sebti. 2018. Middle Eocene vertebrates from the Sabkha of Gueran, southern Morocco. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 350: 310-318. Online or Request PDF/reprint 644
Gee, C. T., P. M. Sander, S. E. Peters, M. Talaat El-Hennawy, M. S. M. Antar, I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2019. Fossil burrow assemblage, not mangrove roots: reinterpretation of the main whale-bearing layer in the late Eocene of Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, Online or Request PDF/reprint 645
Mayr, G., P. D. Gingerich, and T. Smith. 2019. Calcardea junnei Gingerich, 1987 from the North American Willwood Formation is not a heron but a large late Paleocene representative of the landbird clade (Telluraves). Journal of Paleontology, online. Online or Request PDF/reprint 648
Voss, M., M. S. M. Antar, I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2019. Stomach contents of the archaeocete Basilosaurus: apex predator in oceans of the late Eocene. PLoS One, 14: e0209021. Online or Request PDF/reprint 649
Gingerich, P. D. 2019. Temporal scaling of carbon emission and accumulation rates: modern anthropogenic emissions compared to estimates of PETM-onset accumulation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34: 329-335. Online or Request PDF/reprint 650
Gingerich, P. D. 2019. Rates of Evolution: A Quantitative Synthesis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 381 pp. Cambridge University Press
Gingerich, P. D. 2019. Data from: Rates of Evolution: A Quantitative Synthesis. Dryad Digital Repository. Online archive
Peri, E., P. D. Gingerich, G. Aringhieri, and G. Bianucci. 2019. Reduction of olfactory and respiratory turbinates in the transition of whales from land to sea: the semiaquatic middle Eocene Aegyptocetus tarfa. Journal of Anatomy, 236: 98-104. Online or Request PDF/reprint 657
Boyer, D. M., and P. D. Gingerich. 2019. Skeleton of late Paleocene Plesiadapis cookei (Mammalia, Euarchonta): life history, locomotion, and phylogenetic relationships. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 38: 1-269. Online or Request PDF/reprint 658
Gingerich, P. D., M. S. M. Antar, and I. S. Zalmout. 2019. Aegicetus gehennae, a new late Eocene protocetid (Cetacea, Archaeoceti) from Wadi Al Hitan, Egypt, and the transition to tail-powered swimming in whales. PLoS One, 14: e0225391 (1-55). Online or Request PDF/reprint 659
Meulen, B. v. d., P. D. Gingerich, L. J. Lourens, N. Meijer, S. v. Broekhuizen, S. v. Ginneken, and H. A. Abels. 2020. Carbon isotope and mammal recovery from extreme greenhouse warming at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in astronomically-calibrated fluvial strata, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534: 1-11. Online or Request PDF/reprint 660
Gingerich, P. D. 2020. Empirical lognormality of biological variation: implications for the 'zero-force evolutionary law'. bioRxiv, 2020.04.28.066563. Online or Request PDF/reprint 661
Capobianco, A., H. Beckett, E. Steurbaut, P. D. Gingerich, G. Carnevale, and M. Friedman. 2020. Large-bodied sabre-toothed anchovies reveal unanticipated ecological diversity in early Palaeogene teleosts. Royal Society Open Science, 7: 1-13. Online or Request PDF/reprint 662
Mayr, G., P. D. Gingerich, and T. Smith. 2020. Skeleton of a new owl from the early Eocene of North America (Aves, Strigiformes) with an accipitrid-like foot morphology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40: e1769116. Online or Request PDF/reprint 663
Zalmout, I. S., H. A. Mustafa, A. A. Smadi, J. A. Nazzal, and P. D. Gingerich. 2020. Marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the middle and late Eocene of Jordan. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 298: 121-136. Online or Request PDF/reprint 667
Cherney, M. D., J. A. Wilson Mantilla, I. S. Zalmout, M. S. M. Antar, and P. D. Gingerich. 2020. New specimens of the late Eocene turtle Cordichelys (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae) from Wadi Al Hitan and Qasr el-Sagha in the Fayum Province of Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 33: 29-64. Online or Request PDF/reprint 668
Zouhri, S., P. D. Gingerich, B. Khalloufi, E. Bourdon, S. Adnet, S. Jouve, N. Elboudali, W. Bouzarzare, J.-C. Rage, R. Tabuce, A. Amane, and F. d. Lapparent de Broin. 2021. Middle Eocene vertebrate fauna from the Aridal Formation, Sabkha of Gueran, southwestern Morocco. Geodiversitas, 43: 121-154. Online or Request PDF/reprint 669
Solé, F., P. E. Morse, J. I. Bloch, P. D. Gingerich, and T. Smith. 2021. New specimens of the mesonychid Dissacus praenuntius from the early Eocene of Wyoming and evaluation of body size through the PETM in North America. Geobios, Online or Request PDF/reprint 670
El Adli, J. J., J. A. Wilson Mantilla, M. S. M. Antar, and P. D. Gingerich. 2021. The earliest recorded fossil pelican, recovered from the late Eocene of Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1903910. Online or Request PDF/reprint 671
Gingerich, P. D. 2021. Rates of geological processes. Earth-Science Reviews, Online or Request PDF/reprint 672
Wang, Y., T. F. Baars, H. Sahoo, J. E. A. Storms, A. W. Martinius, P. D. Gingerich, and H. A. Abels. 2021. Sandstone body character, river styles, and geomorphology of the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. EarthArXiv, Online or Request PDF/reprint 675
Zouhri, S., I. S. Zalmout, and P. D. Gingerich. 2022. New protosirenid (Mammalia, Sirenia) in the late Eocene sea cow assemblage of southwestern Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 189: 1-10. Online or Request PDF/reprint 677
Ramos, E. J., D. O. Breecker, J. D. Barnes, F. Li, P. D. Gingerich, S. L. Loewy, A. M. Satkoski, A. A. Baczynski, S. L. Wing, N. R. Miller, and J. C. Lassiter. 2022. Swift weathering response on floodplains during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 49: 1-10. Online or Request PDF/reprint 678
Gingerich, P. D. 2022. Pattern and rate in the Plio-Pleistocene evolution of modern human brain size. Scientific Reports, 12: 1-11. Online or Request PDF/reprint 679
Wang, Y., T. F. Baars, H. Sahoo, J. E. A. Storms, A. W. Martinius, P. D. Gingerich, and H. A. Abels. 2022. Sandstone body character, river planform styles, and geomorphology of the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. Sedimentology, 69: 2897-2924. Online or Request PDF/reprint 680
Gingerich, P. D. , A. Amane, and S. Zouhri. 2022. Skull and partial skeleton of a new pachycetine genus (Cetacea, Archaeoceti, Basilosauridae) from the Aridal Formation, Bartonian middle Eocene, of southwestern Morocco. PLoS One, 17: e0276110 (1-43). Online or Request PDF/reprint 682
Ji, K., C. Wang, H. Hong, K. Yin, C. Zhao, Y. Xu, B. Song, M. Prins, L. J. Lourens, P. D. Gingerich, and H. A. Abels. 2023. Elevated physical weathering exceeds chemical weathering of clays during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the continental Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615: 111445. Online or Request PDF/reprint 685
Zalmout, I. S., M. A. Haptari, M. I. Najjar, M. L. Fadani, A. A. Bahameem, S. AlSobhi, Y. Mufarreh, A. Nabhan, A. Masary, A. M. Memesh, and P. D. Gingerich. 2023. Marine vertebrate fossils of the Priabonian (upper Eocene) Rashrashiyah Formation, Al Jawf Province, northern Saudi Arabia (abstract). Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show, Bahrain. AAPG Search and Discovery, 91204. Online or Request PDF/reprint 686
Gingerich, P. D. 2023. Plesiadapidae: iconic mammals in Paleocene strata of Western Interior North America (abstract). In Mammals from Mini to Megafauna, 12th Founders Symposium, Programs and Abstracts, Western Interior Paleontological Society, Golden, Colorado, pp. 31-33. Request PDF/reprint 687
Gingerich, P. D. 2023. Wadi Al-Hitan or 'Valley of Whales' — an Eocene World Heritage Site in the Western Desert of Egypt. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 543: Online or Request PDF/reprint 688
Gingerich, P. D. 2023. Phylogeny and evolution of North American Notharctinae (Mammalia, Primates) in the early Eocene of Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology University of Michigan, 35: 1-33. Online or Request PDF/reprint 689
Wang, Y., T. F. Baars, J. E. A. Storms, A. W. Martinius, P. D. Gingerich, M. Chmielewska, S. J. Buckley, and H. A. Abels. 2023. Lateral and vertical characteristics of floodplain aggradation cycles in the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA Geological Society of America Bulletin, Online or Request PDF/reprint 690
Gingerich, P. D., A. Folie, and T. Smith. 2023. Didelphodus caloris, new species (Mammalia, Cimolesta), from the Wasatchian Wa-0 fauna of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 35: 34-45. Online or Request PDF/reprint 691
Aniny, F., E. Bourdon, S. Adnet, S. Jouve, H. Zair, P. D. Gingerich, N. Elboudali, and S. Zouhri. 2024. The oldest Eocene marine vertebrate fauna from the Sahara Desert in southwestern Morocco. In Çiner, A., et al. (eds.) Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, and Petroleum Geology; Proceedings of the 2nd MedGU, Marrakesh 2022 Cham, Springer, pp. 3-5. Online or Request PDF/reprint 692
Amane, A., H. Zair, F. Aniny, P. D. Gingerich, and S. Zouhri. 2024. Basilosauridae (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Sahara Desert of southwestern Morocco. In Çiner, A., et al. (eds.) Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, and Petroleum Geology; Proceedings of the 2nd MedGU, Marrakesh 2022 Cham, Springer, pp. 77-80. Online or Request PDF/reprint 693