The Graduate Library Gamers' Home Page

The Graduate Library Gamers (GLG) started meeting in 1990. We were all
colleagues at the University of Michigan's Harlan Hatcher Graduate
Library and all had a thirst for gaming. Over the years, our group has
changed members and members have moved to different positions but we've
always tried to maintain a group size of four which seems to be the
optimum group size for lunch hour gaming sessions. Our group meets one
lunch hour a week in the building's staff lounge and we also "try" to
do a once a month gathering on a weekend day.This home page exists to share our joy for gaming and to show others that good things can truly happen in the workplace.
- Greg's Train Festival 2009 pictures in an mpeg video: click here
- Here's a list of some 2009 Game Conventions that are important to us gamers:
Origins (June 24-28), Columbus, OH
World Boardgaming Championships (August 3-9), Lancaster, PA
GenCon (August 13-16), Indianapolis, IN
Dragon Con (September 4-7), Atlanta, GA
U-Con (November 13-15), Ann Arbor, MI
BoardGameGeek.Con (November 19-22), Dallas, TX
- I've also updated the Database of Games Played pages.
On Site Resources
Web Resources for Gamers
Web Site Created and Updated by Greg Nichols
Send Comments, Suggestions, and Fan Mail to:
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