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Professor Ruan Ming's Public Lectures


The two public lectures by Professor Ruan Ming will be the cornerstone of the program. Professor Ruan is recently retired from his post at Tamkang University in Taiwan. He has been an influential public intellectual in both the PRC (China) and the ROC (Taiwan).

He was a special assistant to China's former Chinese Communist Party Secretary-general Hu, Yaobang in the 1970s and a National Policy Consultant for Taiwan's incumbent President Chen Shui-Bian since 2000.

As an influential communist first then a determined liberalist later, Professor Ruan is an intellectual who fights for justice and equality in human society. As a senior scholar, his professional work is widely recognized by the international scholarly community for its accuracy and original perspectives.

We believe that Professor Ruan will deepen the discussions on contemporary cross-strait issues and enhance our understanding of the value of Taiwanese democracy and its influence on the future of Asia.


A. Two Chinas in the One-China Policy: The history of US' China policy (In English)

  • Location: Michigan Union, Pond Room (Central Campus)
  • Time: April 26, 2007, 5:00pm-7:00pm


B. A History of No Return: What Happened and What to Do (In Mandarin)

  • Location: Pierpont Commons, East Room (North Campus)
  • Time: April 27, 2007, 7:30pm-10:00pm




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