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ADMINISTRATIVE NOTESNewsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program[ PDF version ] [ Back Issues ]January 15, 2003Judith C. Russell Named Superintendent Of Documents Public Printer of the United States Bruce R. James has named Judith C. Russell the new Superintendent of Documents at the Government Printing Office. She will be the 22nd Superintendent of Documents, and the first woman to hold the post. A former GPO manager, Russell will return to GPO on January 6, when she takes office. In making the appointment James said, "GPO is fortunate to have a person of Judy's drive and extensive experience in the field of Government information directing our information dissemination activities. She will bring to all of the Superintendent of Documents' operations a clear vision for the 21st century and a determination to remake our services to meet the expectations of our customers." Prior to her appointment, Russell served as Deputy Director of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), the Federal agency that advises the President and the Congress on the information needs of the American people. She helped develop and implement Commission policy and was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the agency from 1998 until she accepted the appointment as Superintendent of Documents. From 1991 to 1996, Russell was Director of GPO's Office of Electronic Information Services (EIDS). In that capacity, she helped establish GPO Access <www.gpo.gov/gpoaccess>, one of the Federal Government's most heavily used Web sites, providing on-line access to the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, the Congressional Record, and other major Government publications. She also led the development of GPO's 1996 Report to the Congress, "Study to Identify Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program." For a 16-month period, Russell was also Director of the Federal Depository Library Program at GPO, with responsibility for the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications as well as administration of the program that distributes Federal publications to more than 1,200 depository libraries across the Nation. Russell's library experience prior to coming to the GPO includes COMSAT Laboratories, the Program of Policy Studies in Science and Technology at The George Washington University, and the Office of Technology Assessment. She also has provided management, marketing, and technical services for private technology companies including Mead Data Central and the Disclosure Information Group. Russell is a graduate of The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, where she received a Master of Science in Library Science. She received her Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, from Dunbarton College of the Holy Cross, Washington, DC. Russell is the recipient of the 1993 Special Award, Federal Computer Week's Federal 100: The Readers' Choice Awards "In recognition of those individuals who have made a difference over the past year in the federal information technology community..." Russell resides in the District of Columbia and has three children, Christopher, Michael, and Catherine.