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ADMINISTRATIVE NOTESNewsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program[ PDF version ] [ Back Issues ]January 15, 2003Profiles of Some New LPS Catalogers The LPS cataloging staff has recently been enriched by the addition of a number of new catalogers with a variety of backgrounds and experience, for both monograph and serials cataloging. LPS feels fortunate to have recruited these well-qualified individuals to the Cataloging Branch. Profiles of some of them appear below. Manisha Bhattacharyya has over 18 years of library experience. She was a Cataloger/Rare Book Cataloger at the New York Public Library (Research Library), Serials Librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia, Reference Librarian at the Community College of Philadelphia, and Rare Book Cataloger at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia. She received her M.A. in Sanskrit in India and M.L.S. from Queens College. Manisha started her career as a proofreader at the Indian Government Printing Press in Calcutta. David Danoff was born in Baltimore and is a lifelong Maryland resident. He received a BA from Johns Hopkins in 1999, and an MLS from the University of Maryland in 2001. This is his first professional job. Patricia Duplantis was recently hired as a Monograph Cataloger. She holds a BA in Library and Information Science from the University of Southern Mississippi (2000), and a Master's of Library and Information Studies from McGill University (2002). Miss Duplantis has 13 years of library experience as a volunteer and student worker; this is her first professional job. Suzanne Ebanues has recently joined LPS as a cataloger. She has an undergraduate degree in history and political science from St. Louis University, and received her MLS and MA in history from Indiana University-Bloomington. Prior to coming to GPO, Suzanne was a documents librarian at Louisiana State University. Christine Ivancin earned a BA in American History and her MLS at Catholic University, and started her library career there as a serials technician in 1986. She then worked as a cataloger for several federal library contractors at GAO, GSA, Bureau of Mines, Smithsonian Institution Natural History and History and Technology Museums, NASA Headquarters, and HUD, as well as at other public and private institutions. She also serves as Weekend Circulation Manager at Georgetown University, where she learned to like the Internet and enjoys the company of a lot of great students. Donna Kraemer, a new Monographic Cataloger at LPS, received her B.S. degree with a major in History, and a minor in English from Illinois State University in 2000. She received her M.S. degree with a specialty in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2001. She performed copy and original cataloging as a graduate assistant at UIUC, and participated in an Illinois OCLC Users Group grant project for distance education of librarians on authority control in bibliographic records. Working at the GPO is her first professional position in the field of Library and Information Science. Valerie Martens has 14 years experience in a public library setting, acquiring experience in technical services, reference, and computer support. She completed her MLS at CUNY Queen�s College in 2001. Eric Shane Riley, Librarian (Cataloger), received his B.A., Major: English Literature/Minor: Classical Civilization, from the University of Cincinnati in 1998. He received his MLIS from the Information School at the University of Washington in June 2002. Although he worked in libraries during the entirety of both undergraduate and graduate studies, this is his first professional position as a Librarian and his first position as a Cataloger. |