As one of our promotion efforts, I prepare a bibliography of articles from Oklahoma State and Federal periodicals that I think would be interesting to our library customers. I send the bibliography to the library's Public Relations Office to publish in one of the library's publications. I send one about every two weeks, depending on the number of entries. Books received through the depository program are also included.
I thought of the title for the periodical bibliography when I saw the little figure that I got from Microsoft Gallery to put with the bibliography. I had another name for the bibliography in the beginning. After looking at the figure I thought it looked like the character on the Crackerjack box. Bingo! Why not call the bibliography "Uncle Sam's Crackerjacks."
I loved Crackerjacks as a child and still do today. I thought the bibliography would be mixture of books and periodicals from both Federal and state agencies. Like Crackerjacks, it is a mixture of good materials. Also like Crackerjacks it has a prize inside: information. So the name was born and stuck.
Attached is a recent list. All the lists feature titles received within the previous two weeks.
A Bibliography of Federal and State Documents New on the Downtown Library Shelves.
Where you always find a prize inside - Information
INSIDE OKDHS MAGAZINE Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Winter 2003. "Georgia Pugh Creates Soul Scenes" story and pictures by Gaylene Murphy. Pp. 5-7.
The author writes about a local artist, Georgia Pugh, who creates clay dolls and putting the dolls in scenes. The artist calls her creative scenes "Soul Scenes." Each "Soul Scene" depicts various scenes of African American community and family life by creating from scratch any objects needed for the scene. The article has pictures of the artist's various "Soul Scenes" she had created.
OKLAHOMA'S SCHOOL HEALTH Oklahoma State Department of Education January 2003. "Bullying Prevention Education in Oklahoma." Pages 4 and 5.
This article briefly describes what bullying is and the harm it can do to the children who are victims of bullying. It gives advice to schools administrators on what they can do to prevent bullying in their schools. At the end of the article is a list of useful web sites for bullying prevention information.
HEALTH VOICE: A PUBLICATION PROVIDED TO MEMBERS OF HEALTH CHOICE Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board. December 2002
This little publication has a treasure of short articles on health information. Some articles in this issue includes: "Treatment and Understanding Key to Schizophrenia"; "Nutrition tips for Healthy Eating"; "Food Safety tips"; "Early Detection and Treatment Delay Glaucoma"; and "Control Stress Before It Controls You."
EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES National Center for Infectious Diseases February 2003. "Preparing for a Bioterrorist Attack: Legal and Administrative Strategies" by Richard E. Hoffman. Pp. 241-245.
"This article purposes and discusses legal and administrative preparations for a bio-terrorist attack." The article purposes strategies for achieving best possible preparation for an attack as well as for removing legal barriers that discourage agencies, institutions and persons from working together for the overall good of the community. "Issues related to disease surveillance and special considerations regarding public health restrictive orders are discussed."
MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. January 2003.
This issue is devoted to changes in each state laws during 2002 for labor, workers' compensation and unemployment insurance.
PARAMETERS U.S. Army War College. Spring, 2003.
"The Concept and Practice of Jihad in Islam" by Michael G. Knapp. Pages 82-94.
"This article traces the development of jihad through the early Islamic history into the present day and focuses on how jihad in concept and practice has been appropriated and distorted by Muslim extremists as part of their violent campaign against the West and their own governments."
PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS U.S. Public Health Service. January/February 2003.
"Neighborhood Environment, Racial Position, and Risk of Police-Reported Domestic Violence: A Contextual Analysis" by Deborah N. Pearlman ... (etc.) Pages 44 - 58.
"The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of neighborhood socioeconomic condition to risk of police-reported domestic violence in relation to the victim's race."