Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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May 15, 2003

GP 3.16/3-2:24/06
(Vol. 24, no. 06)

2002 Economic Census Product Update

The Census Bureau has informed LPS that only the General Summaries of three sectors from the 2002 Economic Census will be printed in paper: Mining, Construction and Manufacturing. All other Economic Census products, including the geographic series, will be available online.

LPS will generate PURLs and catalog these titles as they become available. The paper summaries are scheduled for release between June and September 2003 and will be cataloged when LPS receives copies.

The Economic Census is on the Essential Titles List <>. This is a list of titles that LPS is committed to making available in tangible format to depository libraries as long as the publishing agency continues to make them available in this format. See the related article on the Essentials Titles item numbers in this issue.