Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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May 15, 2003

GP 3.16/3-2:24/06
(Vol. 24, no. 06)

New Documents Program Offers Selected Publications at Significant Savings

The Superintendent of Documents Sales Program announces Special Values, a new program offering selected publications at significantly lower prices featured on the U.S. Government Online Bookstore at <>.

Special Value publications are typically slow-selling titles that have not realized their anticipated sales demand and would otherwise be sold for scrap. To salvage such publications, the Sales Program has initiated a repricing method, which evaluates the original price, determines the costs already recovered, and assigns a new price based on the remaining costs, such as handling and postage. The goal of the Special Values program is to further disseminate slow-selling publications to the public.

Currently, nineteen publications are available at greatly reduced prices and quantities are limited. Additional titles will be added to the Special Values page on the Online Bookstore as the Sales Program continues to review its inventory. Please note that no discounts are available for any repriced publications in the Special Values program.

For questions concerning Special Values, contact the GPO Access User Support Team:

Toll Free: 888-293-6498

DC Area: 202-512-1530
