Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program
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May 15, 2003
GP 3.16/3-2:24/06
(Vol. 24, no. 06)
Recommendations and Commendation Depository Library Council Meeting Spring
2003, Reno, NV
- Online MoCat
Council recommends that the Government Printing Office suspend
publication of the printed version of the Monthly Catalog of United
States Government Publications and its Serials Supplement as
soon as it is possible to replace these tools with dynamic online
versions. The United States Congressional Serial Set Catalog�s
Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes, however, should
continue to be published in the printed version.
Rationale: The expense of producing and printing the paper
version of the Monthly Catalog of United States Government
Publications and its supplements far outweighs its usefulness to
libraries and the public. The new Integrated Library System, when
implemented, will allow the Government Printing Office to create timely,
dynamic lists of bibliographic records produced by the Government
Printing Office by any time interval or format, which could then be
printed, downloaded, or used online. This dynamic online version would
meet the spirit of the statutory requirement mandating monthly
publication of a list of government documents available to the public
and indeed would exceed the usefulness of the current printed versions.
Because of the unique value of the United States Congressional Serial
Set Catalog�s Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes for
reference and collection management, these products should continue to
be published in the printed version.
- United States Library of Public Information
Council recommends that as the Government Printing Office pursues its
initiative in creating a United States Library of Public
Information, the Government Printing Office, along with members of the
depository library community, develop a cogent, flexible collection that
- Comprehensive in scope and content
- Fully cataloged
- Widely accessible
- Permanently archived
Rationale: In today�s increasingly electronic environment,
the need for a United States Library of Public Information
providing permanent public access, full cataloging records, widely
accessible and comprehensive in scope becomes more of a national need.
GPO�s pursuit of this library will address the current and future needs of
the new depository environment.
Council commends Bonnie B. Trivizas upon her retirement after more than
twenty years of Federal service, including that with the Library Programs
Service from 1985 to 1992 and 2001 to 2003. Ms. Trivizas has served in
several capacities at the Government Printing Office, including service as
director of the Library Programs Service from 1990 to 1992 and twice
serving as Chief of the Library Division of the Library Programs Service.
In addition, she has been involved with many important Government Printing
Office activities, from the early development of GPO Access and the
Federal Bulletin Board to the current procurement process for an
integrated library system. Council thanks Ms. Trivizas for her dedication
and wishes her well in her future endeavors.