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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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Cumulative Table of Contents Vol. 1 - present [ PDF ] ( includes current issue )

August 15, 2003

GP 3.16/3-2:24/10
(Vol. 24, no. 10)

National Needs and Offers List: An Important Collection Development Tool

[Taken from an announcement by Bill Gordon, the Needs and Offers list coordinator, on GOVDOC-L.]

Everyone is a winner at <http://www.und.edu/fdlp/>!

Looking for a great way to cut down on the e-mail traffic? Compile your list of needs and offers, and then, offer them weekly right here. Check out <http://www.und.edu/fdlp/

about_no.html> to see how easy it is to get your lists on line.

Regional libraries do you have a link from the "National Needs and Offers List" to your listings? The "National Needs and Offers List" is on line twenty four hours a day, seven days a week at

The National Needs and Offers list is updated weekly.

The N&O list is a tool used by depository librarians for collection development purposes, in which selective depositories seeking to dispose of publications withdrawn from their collections may place publications with other depositories.

Depository libraries can offer their discards here, after they are over 5 years old and after they have first offered them to their Regional library, according to their Regional's implementation procedures of the FDLP weeding regulations, as explained in Chapter 4 of the Instructions to Depository Libraries. Submit lists, or a URL that links to a list on your library's Web site, by e-mail or e-mail attachment, to William (Bill) Gordon at william.gordon@mail.und.nodak.edu. Please use "GovDoc Exchange List" as the subject line. Lists will be posted for 90 days, or less if the library that submitted the list requests that their list be removed before the 90 days are completed. Please include contact information somewhere either at the top or bottom of the list, in addition to the e-mail message.


Include SuDocs classification numbers, titles, item numbers and publication dates; list titles in SuDocs number order, and include in the list any special instructions you feel are pertinent (e.g. "reimburse postage only in stamps, please") and, again contact information.(e.g. Federal Depository number, Library name, State and e-mail contact address).

If you would like a Needs or Offers list taken off of the national list before the 90-day period is up, simply e-mail me at <william.gordon@mail.und.nodak.edu>. Use GovDocs Exchange List as your subject. Let me know if you want it removed. It's that easy!

University of North Dakota
Chester Fritz Library
P.O. Box 9000
3051 University Avenue
Grand Forks, N.D. 58202
ATTN: Bill Gordon/GovDocs
Fax 1-701-777-4811
