ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program[ PDF version ] [ Back Issues ] Cumulative Table of Contents Vol. 1 - present [ PDF ] ( includes current issue ) September 15, 2003
GP 3.16/3-2:24/11 (Vol. 24, no. 11)
Superintendent of Documents Invites All Depository Library Directors to Attend Fall Council Meeting and Federal Depository Conference
[The following letter was sent the week of September 8, 2003.]
Dear [Library Director]:
Please join us at the 2003 Federal Depository Library Conference and Council meeting, being held October 19-22, 2003, in Arlington, VA. This year's meeting continues the dialogue between Public Printer Bruce R. James and members of the depository community begun at the spring 2003 Council meeting in Reno, NV. Discussions at that meeting focused on the future evolution of the information dissemination process of the Government Printing Office and the continuing partnership with the libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program.
At the spring 2003 meeting, Public Printer James said "The library community and its longstanding partner, the GPO, are going to work together to develop a new model for the future of the Federal Depository Library Program that will meet the changing information needs of the American people in the 21st Century."
At the fall 2003 joint meeting of the Depository Library Council and the Federal Depository Library Conference, the library community and GPO will continue to map out the Federal Depository Library Program of the future—Please join us!
In addition to the discussion sessions with the Public Printer, the fall Depository Library Conference will feature sessions covering:
- Managing Your Electronic Depository Resources
- The Southern Oregon Digital Archives
- When the Serial Set Isn't REALLY the Serial Set: How Selectives Cope
- Tribal College Libraries
Agency updates will include:
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- U.S. Census Bureau
For further details, see the conference agenda in the July 15 issue of Administrative Notes
There is no charge for the conference, which is being held at the Doubletree Hotel Crystal City National Airport, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. All participants should register at <>.
We welcome you and your staff to this important conference. I look forward to seeing you there!
Superintendent of Documents