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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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June 15, 2004

GP 3.16/3-2:25/07
(Vol. 25, no. 07)

GPO Provides Training To Library Community

More than 50 Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) librarians from around the country recently gathered at the Nation's Capital to take part in a professional development program hosted by the Government Printing Office (GPO). "The Annual Interagency Depository Seminar is a unique opportunity for new depository librarians to acquire up-to-the-minute information, as well as discuss and exchange ideas with GPO's staff, Federal agency representatives and colleagues," said Judy Russell, Superintendent of Documents and Managing Director of GPO's Information Dissemination. "Providing professional development opportunities to the library community is one of the GPO's most important roles and one that we have been proud to provide for the last 17 years through this seminar."

The June 2-9, 2004 seminar provided representatives from public, state, federal and academic libraries with an overview of information products and activities of numerous Federal Agencies as they relate to Federal depository libraries. This year's participating agencies included the U.S. Census Bureau, Office of the Federal Register, Federal Trade Commission, U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Transportation�s National Transportation Library, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Copyright Office, Social Security Administration, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Defense Technical Information Center and STAT-USA, a database of economic and trade statistics produced by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Seminar participants were also invited to tour the GPO, Library of Congress Jefferson Library, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and U.S. Copyright Office.

Interagency Depository Seminar Participants, with Public Printer Bruce James (2nd row, right of center)

attendees and Public Printer-2004 Interagency Depository Seminar