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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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June 15, 2004

GP 3.16/3-2:25/07
(Vol. 25, no. 07)

GPO Working with Science.gov To Add Content

GPO�s current Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations databases are in the process of being added to a proposed new "Regulations and Laws" section on Science.gov. The estimated time of completion for this is the last week in June.

The GPO Science.gov committee representatives are continuing to investigate new and innovative ways for GPO to participate in the Science.gov Alliance. In order to publicize both Science.gov and GPO products, GPO displays Science.gov flyers and a booth graphic at the GPO booth at library association meetings.

GPO currently serves on most of the Science.gov standing committees. The following is a list of the committees and the GPO representatives.

Science.gov Alliance Principal:

    Ric Davis

Content Management:

    Lisa LaPlant and Karen Sieger


    Jeffrey Turner and

    Jim Cameron

Science.gov 3.0 Technical:

    Lisa LaPlant