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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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July 15, 2004

GP 3.16/3-2:25/08
(Vol. 25, no. 08)

Shipping List Improvements Announced:
Full Titles to Precede Series

Beginning on August 1, 2004, all titles on GPO Depository Shipping Lists will be typed out in full, to include up to 10 key words. The series or report title and number, if given, will follow the title. This change applies to shipping lists produced by GPO in-house, not to contractor-produced lists for microfiche or maps.

The changes will be especially apparent in listings for public laws and for Congressional materials, especially House and Senate documents and reports and committee hearings. Several depository librarians have reviewed the new style entries and have been enthusiastic about the changes, expecting that those libraries that use shipping list entries as preliminary records in online catalog systems will have enhanced access to individual titles. It will also be easier to match shipping list entries with the piece when checking-in depository shipments.

Sample shipping list entries in the new format are shown below, together with the old format for comparison.

New Style Depository Shipping List





AE 2.110:18-229

An Act, To Provide for Expansion of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, May 28, 2004, Public Law No. 108-229


Y 1.1/7:108-14

Reports to be Made to Congress, Communication from the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives � January 7, 2003, 108-1 House Document No. 108-14


Y 1.1/5:108-281

Approving the Renewal of Import Restrictions Contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, June 18, 2004, 108-2 Senate Report No. 108-281


Y 4.F 49:S. HRG.108-457

Rural Economy, Renewable Energy, and the Role of Our Cooperatives, S. Hrg. 108-457, August 26, 2003, 108-1 Hearing

Old Style Depository Shipping List





AE 2.110:18-229

Public Law No. 108-229


Y 1.1/7:108-14

108-1 House Document No. 108-14


Y 1.1/5:108-281

108-2 Senate Report No. 108-281


Y 4.F 49:S. HRG.108-457

108-1 Hearing: Rural Economy, Renewable Energy, and the Role of Our Cooperatives, S. Hrg. 108-457, August 26, 2003,