Administrative Notes: Newsletter of the FDLP
Two CGI Documents Open for CommentThe CGI Working Group is chartered under the E-Government Act, Section 207, which requires the U.S. Federal Interagency Committee on Government Information (ICGI) to make recommendations to OMB and NARA by December 2004 concerning certain aspects of government information management. On August 18, CGI Working Group received from OMB a note saying: ‘the ICGI Executive Committee has reviewed your products and clearly your committee has done a lot of thinking and work. Let's open these up to public comment and review.” Accordingly, we have asked that the two recent CGI WG products be posted at the ICGI Web site for comments: <>. The first product is the draft "Combined Requirements" document, written primarily by Gil Baldwin, Jin Erwin, TC Evans, Richard Huffine, and Gretchen Schlag ( It will be out for public comments until September 27 and the descriptive "blurb" is this: This draft defines requirements for enabling the identification, categorization and consistent retrieval of U.S. Federal Government information. It addresses: What government information is categorizable? What are searchable identifiers and how can they be applied to government information? and, Why should Agencies and Departments apply categorization? Please send your comments to The second document is the draft Recommendation for Search Interoperability, which follows from the draft Requirements document reviewed publicly over the February - April period: <>. On this document, comments are also invited until September 27 and the “blurb” for this one is: The draft recommendation concerns how the U.S. Federal Government should adopt a search service standard to enhance interoperability among networked systems that aid in the discovery of and access to government information. Please send your comments to |