Administrative Notes: Newsletter of the FDLP
Online and Tangible Titles Available through GPO
July 2004
In July, 1,236 online titles and 762 links to agency titles were added to GPO Access, for a total of 1,998 new online titles. During the same period, LPS distributed 1,014 tangible titles; this figure reflects a total of 713 paper titles, 224 microfiche titles, 9 CD-ROMs, and 68 USGS titles. Thus, the total number of titles added to the Federal Depository Library Program was 3,012 of which 66% were made available onlin e.
Fiscal Year 2004
For fiscal year 2004, 10,303 online titles and 7,587 links to agency titles were added to GPO Access, for a total of 17,890 new online titles. During the same period, LPS distributed 9,461 tangible titles; this figure reflects a total of 5,080 paper titles, 3,088 microfiche titles, 198 CD-ROMs, and 1,095 USGS titles. Thus, the total number of titles added to the Federal Depository Library Program was 27,351 of which 65% were made available online.
These additions bring the total number of titles on GPO Access to 163,651 and the total number of titles linked from GPO Access to 109,136 for a grand total of 272,787 titles available through GPO Access as of July 2004.