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Command Papers are numbered consecutively and have been published thus far in five series, distinguished by letter prefixes:
First Series 1-4222 1863-69 Second Series C.1 - C.9550 1870-99 Third Series Cd.1 - Cd.9239 1900-18 Fourth Series Cmd.1 - Cmd.9889 1919-56 Fifth Series Cmnd.1 - 9927 1956-86 Sixth Series Cm. 1 - 1986-
Facsimile reproductions of extant Bills, Reports, Accounts and Papers during the reigns of George I, George II, and George III, 1715-1800. Includes reports appearing in the Abbott Collection (Entry 4) and "First Series" (Entry 3), as well as new material not elsewhere available. Lists but does not reprint reports appearing in the House of Commons Journal (Entry 2).
Volumes 1 and 2 serve as an index to the set. Volume 2 has a subject index for 1715-1800, citing the year, type of document, and number of each publication. Publications can then be identified in Volume 2, which lists all Bills, Reports, Accounts and Papers, 1715-1760, or Volume 2, 1761-1800. Citations in these lists are given to the House of Commons Journal as appropriate. A plus (+) next to the Entry indicates the document is reprinted in the Lambert set. The page number of Volume 1 or 3 and the "Location" number of the individual publication should be noted. It is then necessary to turn to a second list in each respective index volume to find the citation to the volume in which the reprint occurs.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Journals of the House of
Commons. v.1-176;
1547-1921. London. (Grad. Lib. J 301 .K3) [Entry 2]
Reprints many of the Commons' reports prior to the 19th Century. References are cited in the Journal's own indexes, in the Lambert Collection (Entry 1) and in Hansard's Cataolgue and Breviate (Entry 12).
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Reports from committees of the House of Commons.
v.1-15. London. 1803-1806. (Rare Book Room J 301 .K5)
Entry 3]
Cited as the "First Series." A reprinted collection of Parliamentary reports, 1715-1801, not inserted in the House of Commons Journal (Entry 2). Includes its own index and is also indexed by Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate (Entry 12). Lambert's Collection (Entry 1) is considered more comprehensive.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Parliamentary papers. 1731- MICROFICHE.
London, Chadwyck-Healey. (Serials MICRO-F X455)
[Entry 4]
Reproduces papers appearing in the Abbott Collection but excludes those appearing in the House of Commons Journal (Entry 2). The papers are arranged in four sequences: Accounts and Papers, Catalogue of Papers, Bills, and Reports. The Catalogue has a chronological listing of contents.
Each session of Parliament usually lasts one year. There may be well over 50 volumes of Parliamentary Papers for each session. The order of papers within the bound volumes, until 1968/69, is as follows:
Beginning with the session of 1969/70 there are only two sequences:
Microfiche holdings are 1731-1944/45 and 1985/86 to the present. Microfiche is the only format available for 1731-1833 and 1985/86 to present. Holdings of the paper copy (Entry 6) are sparse for 1834-1899 but fairly complete for 1900-1982/83 and provide an alternative to fiche. The Law Library microfiche (Entry 7) must be used for 1983/84-1984/85.
Indexes bills, reports, accounts and papers and provides the full text for all but 30 of those years. Search engine provides keyword, title, committee, subject, and session approaches. Pages may be viewed individually or downloaded as a whole document.
Indexes bills, reports, accounts and papers and provides the full text for all but 30 of those years. Search engine provides keyword, title, committee, subject, and session approaches. Pages may be viewed individually or downloaded as a whole document.
Arranged by broad subject heading. Each heading has a table of contents listing specific subjects and types of documents included. Citations give the year of the session, a paper number in parentheses, Roman numeral for the volume number of that session, and a page number. The paper number in parentheses is not needed to locate the document. The pages in the bound volumes are not continuously numbered, so the page number refers to the document's location were the pages actually numbered. A reference to "1863 (518) LII 519" would be interpreted as "1863 Session, v. 52, p. 519 if the pages were numbered."
Since the 1801-1852 volume only covers Accounts and Papers, the General Index to Bills, 1801-1852 (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .A38), Index to the Reports from Select Committees of the House of Commons, 1800-1845 (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .A39), and General Index to the Bills, Reports, Accounts, and Other Papers, 1845-1852 (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .A4) should be consulted for related material.
For coies of the Sessional Papers, see Entries 5 and 6.
For copies of the Sessional Papers, see Entries 5 and 6.
Most subject indexes to House of Commons Sessional Papers cite the year, volume, and page number on which a given Command Paper appears. However, if you just have a citation to a Command Paper number, the means for locating it depends on the year it was published.
Di Roma, Edward. A numerical finding list of British Command Papers published 1833-1961/62. New York, New York Public Library, 1967. (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .D62) [Entry 22]
Beginning with the 1920's, they appear in just two sequences:
PUBLIC BILLS: arranged alphabetically by subject
MISCELLANEOUS: papers arranged alphabetically by type
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords.
Holdings are limited to Bills 1901-02 and 1919-24 but are complete for 1900 and beginning 1924/25-1978/85.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords.
This is self-indexed but not indexed on the Documents Center's CD-ROM in Entry 12.
If the University of Michigan does not own a particular paper:
Arranged by broad subject heading. Each heading has a table of contents listing specific subjects and types of documents included. Citations give the year of the session, Roman numeral for the volume number of that session, and page number. The pages in t he bound volumes are not continuously numbered, so the page number refers to the document's location were the pages actually numbered.
The Documents Center has cumulative indexes for 1801-1884/85 and sessional indexes, 1903-05-1908-20. The Graduate Library has most of these, including an index for the sessions 1901-02, under the call number: J 301 .J6 index.
Annual indexes were discontinued in 1920. They were replaced by a detailed table of contents in the first volume of each year's Papers. The various bibliographies by Percy Ford (Entries 13-18) provide a subject approach to selected Pape rs from the House of Lords, 1833-1974, while Government Publications (Entry 12) provides a comprehensive subject approach, 1992 to present. For a listing of Lords Papers prior to 1801, consult Hansard's Catalog and Breviate (Entry 13).
A detailed guide to finding House of Commons and Lords debates, proceedings, and Sessional Papers.
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