This guide describes where CD-ROMs are stored and the machines available to access these titles. For information about the types of titles accessible, see our list of catalogued and uncatalogued CD-ROM titles.
The most popular discs (mainly the Summary Tape Files from the 1990 Census of Population and Housing) are stored in six-pack cartridges on top of the UN mimeographs. Other government titles are stored in the CD-ROM cabinet.
Monographic titles (call numbers CD-ROM Do) are in the first drawer, arranged by call number.
Uncatalogued titles (not currently on MCAT) are being processed and may be currently unavailable.
Serial titles are found in three places:
The most recent two discs are found in the second drawer, arranged by call numbers.
Older issues are shelved in drawers three through six, arranged by call number.
Issues of monthly titles over two years old (e.g. NTDB from 1992) are in the Data Office.
Any of the titles in Jewel Cases (e.g. not in a six-pack cartridge) that have Page Turner software on them can be accessed via the new Government CD-ROM workstation. To access a disc with Page Turner software on Government CD-ROM Station:
Place the disc in the single-disc cartridge (this should be in the top drawer of the CD-ROM case)
Put the cartridge in the CD drive attached to Government CD-ROM Workstation
Choose the icon "Page Turner Software" from the Windows Program Manager.
Corrections to: John Brandt
Last Updated: 07/09/1996