University of Michigan Documents Center

CD-ROM Access

At the University Library Documents Center

This guide describes where CD-ROMs are stored and the machines available to access these titles. For information about the types of titles accessible, see our list of catalogued and uncatalogued CD-ROM titles.

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Accessing a title on the workstation

CD-ROM Storage

The most popular discs (mainly the Summary Tape Files from the 1990 Census of Population and Housing) are stored in six-pack cartridges on top of the UN mimeographs. Other government titles are stored in the CD-ROM cabinet.

Access to the New Discs

Any of the titles in Jewel Cases (e.g. not in a six-pack cartridge) that have Page Turner software on them can be accessed via the new Government CD-ROM workstation. To access a disc with Page Turner software on Government CD-ROM Station:

Corrections to: John Brandt
Last Updated: 07/09/1996


Since March 18, 1996 this page has been accessed times.

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