British House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Index
On The Documents Center LAN
Last updated on September 28, 2004

Indexes the British
House of Commons bills, reports, accounts, and command papers, 1801 to
within two years of current. Approaches include keyword, committee,
author, and date. Provides sufficient information to locate the
microfiche copies in the Graduate Library's Serials/Microforms Room:
MICRO-F X455. It does NOT index Parliamentary
Debates. | |
- Signon to one of the Documents Center workstations
- Click on the Documents Center CD-ROM icon
- Click on Foreign
- Click on Index to Historical House of Commons Papers (DoX117)
- Click on OK to open.
- The program will boot up to a search screen. Options include
keyword, subject, author, session, type of publication, paper number, and
- Use the arrow at the right side of each entry point to choose a
heading if you are uncertain of the free text term.
- Date options include: all years, between, to,
Choose the appropriate option and then scroll to highlight the year. You
cannot type in the year as a free text term.

- The search results will give you a list of brief citations.
- You can move between citations using the right and left arrow keys
while you are either looking at the brief citations below or while you
are looking at one full citation in a long list.
- You must highlight (gray block) at least one citation before you can
view one or all citations.
- You can access the full citation by pressing on the View
Full Citation button on the page, double-clicking on the brief title,
or using the full
citation button at the top of the page.

- The microfiche of the corresponding publications are located in the
Graduate Library's Serials/Microform Room: MICRO-F X455.
- 1801-1900, you need SESSION, VOLUME, PAGE (e.g. 1870 v.4, p.255)
- 1901-Present, you need MICROFICHE NUMBER (e.g. 76-27)

- Printing
- Click on File/Print or the print icon
- Choose current citation of the list.
- Choose full or brief citation.
- Make sure your default printer is correct.
- Saving to Disk
- Click on File/Save or the save icon
- Choose current citation of the list.
- Choose full or brief citation.
- Choose the X drive.
- Name your file and choose TEXT format.
- Before logging off the computer, copy the material you saved from the X: drive to your floppy disk.

- You can back to the brief list using the third icon from the top
left. The pictures looks like an outline.
- You can navigate back to your previous searches using the second icon
from the top left (list of numbers).
- The first icon on the left (eyeglass) returns you to the search

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
The University of Michigan Library
Send comments and suggestions to graceyor@umich.edu
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