Laws and Proposed Legislation
Return to Documents in the
Last updated on August 26,
McCain-Feingold Bill
- S.
27 was introduced on January 22, 2001
Child Left Behind (President)
- President Bush's education proposal introduced January 29, 2001
- Includes educational accountability, reading, teacher quality,
parental options
- HTML and pdf formats
- House bill on education reform introduced by John Boehner on behalf of
the Administration
Thomas B. Fordham
- Several reports on improving schools from a conservative standpoint
- Memo to the new President and Congress on bipartisanship
- Teacher certification and good teaching
- Assesses teaching standards for individual states
Improving Student
Achievement: What State NAEP Scores Tell Us (RAND)
- Analysis of science and math scores by state combined with family and
educational system characteristics
- Conclusion: families, per pupil spending, and per pupil teacher ratio
in lower grades make a difference
Standard and Poor's School
Evaluation Service
- Evaluates individual school districts in text and with statistics
- Factors include state test scores, drop-out rates, students per staff,
school size, school building, financing, and demographics
- Compares individual districts to the county and state
- Provides some interpretive material and test scores for individual
- Data for Michigan released in May 2001; other states to be
National Commission on Federal
Election Reform
- Commission co-chaired by former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald
- Resulted from election problems in November 2000
- Transcripts and videos of hearings held by the commission on improving
the electoral process
- Includes a listserv with ideas
- Final
Report (pdf divided by chapters) and Another
Copy (one pdf file)
Civil Rights Probe
- Civil
Rights Commission Probe (Civil Rights Commission)
- Links to documents and letters
- Initial report claims problem in Florida was disenfranchisement rather
than recount
- Draft
Report of Civil Rights Commission (Washington Post)
- Found no conspiracy but charges that Florida officials were inept
in administering elections
- African-Americans were disenfranchised due to election roll purging
and undercounts
Election Reform Act of 2001
- Bill S. 1118 signed into law in May 2001
- Calls for standardized voting procedures among Florida's counties and
the elimination of punch card machines
- Text of bill, legislative analysis, legislative history, and roll call
- HTML or pdf formats
- H.B. 4530 of 1999 unifies the concealed weapons
application procedure in Michigan's 83 counties
- Requires owner have training
- Public institutions may post "No Concealed Weapons" signs
- Conference version passed the Michigan House and Senate on December
13, 2000
- Signed by Governor Engler on January 2, 2001 (PA 381 of 2000)
Legislative History
- Links to various versions of the bill
- Text of House and Senate analyses
- Links to debates and final version in the Michigan House and Senate
Final Votes and Text
Referendum to Overturn
United Conservation Clubs v. Secretary of State
- Ruling issued by Michigan Court of Appeals on May 16, 2001
- Delays implementation of law (scheduled for July 1, 2001) until a
referendum held in November 2002
United Conservation Clubs v. Secretary of State
- Michigan Supreme Court decision of June 29, 2001
- Allows law to become effective on July 1, 2001 because a law
which involves an appropriation is not subject to a referendum
- President's principles for bipartisan support
- Includes applicability to all people and all types of doctors
Advanced Cell Technology's Human Clone
Embryo Research (CQ
Researcher - UMich Only)
- Debate issue covered in the December 17, 1999 issue
- Background on issue
- Two sides of the debate
- Bibliography of further sources
Issues in Human Stem Cell
Research (National Bioethics Advisory Commission)
- Full text of studies in pdf format
- Special section on religious issues
- Dated September 1999
Human Cloning Ban (Legislation)
- H.R. 2505
- Introduced by Rep. Dave Weldon
- Link includes bill text, discussion in Congressional Record, and House Report 107-70
- Passed by a Roll Call Vote,
265-162 on July 31, 2001
- Senate action delayed until 2002
Research Guide (Public Agenda)
- Graphs, lobby groups, and public opinion on various medical research
- Covers cloning, stem cell research, cancer, funding, and
NIH Stem
- News, reports, and testimony on stem cell research
- Draft NIH guidelines for stem cell research
- Funding opportunities
Science, Morality of Stem Cell Issue (All Politics)
- A CNN FAQ issued on July 18, 2001
- Brief information on the issues and opinions of different interest
- Good links to further resources
President Bush's Stem Cell Decision
- Speech to the nation on August 9, 2001
- Permits stem cell research on existing stem cell lines
Stem Cell
Lines (NIH)
- Owners of stem cell lines meeting President Bush's prerequisites for federal funding
Cell Research (Senate Committee on Appropriations
- Special hearings held December 1998 - September 2000
- Use Congressional
Universe (UMich Only) to access prepared statements
- Search CIS Index under SUBJECT: stem cell
research; last five years
- Paper copy of full text in Documents Center: Y4.AP6/2:S.HRG.105-939,
Y4.AP6/2:S.HRG.106-413, and Y4.AP6/2:S.HRG.106-413/PT.3
- Microfiche copy in Documents Center: CIS-NO: 99-S181-30, CIS-NO:
2000-S181-20, and CIS-NO: 2001-S181-18
Stem Cells: A
- Definitions of terms including pluripotent cells
- Good and understandable descriptions of how stem cells work and their
benefit for future research
Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Documents
- Full text of Presidential statements and documents since 1993
- Search "stem cell research" (using quotations) in subject line
- American Medical
- Letters to Congress supporting embryonic stem cell research
- Culture
Life Foundation
- Christian organization promoting adult and umbilical cord stem cell
- Use search engine for articles
- Gallup
- Results of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll taken July 10-11, 2001
- Shows that Americans not following the stem cell debate but want cures
for diseases
- Pope
John Paul
- Text of statement in meeting with President George W. Bush on July 23,
Gramm/Miller Bill
- S. 35 was introduced in the Senate on January 22,
- Final version is the H.R.
Agenda for Tax Reform
- President Bush's proposal released on February 8, 2001
- Summarizes long term plan and tax rates
Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to
The Regents of the University of
Michigan. All Rights Reserved
Since January 1, 2001 this page has been accessed
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