Foreign Governments

Last updated on March 16,
- Background on the October 1998 summit between Yassir Arafat and
Benjamin Netanyahu
- Summary of the Wye (Maryland) agreement
- Link to the Oslo Accords
President's Middle East
- Itinerary for December 12-15, 1998
- Speeches and background information
- President to witness nullification of official Palestinian plans to
destroy Israel
Summit (State Department)
- Text of October's Wye agreement and related press briefings
- In-depth analysis of Japanese crisis as of May 1, 1998
- Includes chronology of crisis, economic performance statistics, and
property values
East Asia: Road
to Recovery (World Bank)
- Causes of Asian financial crisis and solutions
- Evolution of interest rates
- Adobe Acrobat only
E-News Special Report
- Compilation of 1998 news stories on the Japanese financial crisis
- January 1998-June 15, 1998
Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis (ILO)
- Origins, social impact (unemployment, poverty, etc), possibly
remedies, and lessons for the future
- Text with numerous statistics and charts
Caused the Asian Economic Crisis? (NYU)
- Professorial course material explaining causes of the crisis
- Includes basic readings, articles, a chronology, and economic data
- Debate on exchange ranges
- Center for Nonproliferation
- Chronologies and maps of nuclear facilities in both countries
- Chinese and Russian roles
- Numerous full-text articles and links to related web sites
Coverage (India)
- Sanctions being considered by U.S. against India
- Reaction of the international community to India's test on May 11,
Coverage (Pakistan)
- Primary news coverage of the Pakistani nuclear tests on May 28, 1998
- News coverage for May
30, 1998 describes second round of tests and provides
additional links
- Coalition
to Reduce Nuclear Dangers
- Chronology of and articles on nuclear development in both countries
- Presidential and Congressional statements on the crisis
- Statement condemning India's nuclear test and encouraging
Pakistan not to conduct its own nuclear test
- Dated May 15, 1998
United Nations
United States
- Central Intelligence
Press Release
- Brief statement dated May 12, 1998 promising investigation
- Senator
Richard Shelby (R-Alabama)
- Press release on CIA's failure to predict India's nuclear test
- Shelby is chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
- Press release dated May 12, 1998
- Sanctions
- Arms
Export Control Act (22 USC 2751 ff)
- Law authorizes President to impose arms export restrictions
- See especially 22
USC 2799aa
- Export
Sanctions (Bureau of Export Administration)
- Suspension of U.S. exports of military or nuclear equipment to India
and Pakistan dated May 29, 1998
- Sanctions Against India
- White House press release on U.S. sanctions against India for its
nuclear test
- Dated May 13, 1998
- India
and Pakistan Sanctions (Intl Trade Administration)
- Text of Presidential Determinations and various press releases
- Federal Register and State Department notices on trade sanctions
- Data on top U.S. exports to India and economic background on
- Frequently-asked questions about the trade suspension
- United States State
Department/South Asian Affairs
- Press releases, testimony, and departmental policy on South Asia
- State Department Press Briefing
- Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott's press briefing on Indian
and Pakistani nuclear tests
- Dated May 28, 1998
- Background Notes on India
(Nov. 1997) and Pakistan (Nov. 1997) analyze each country's foreign policy
- CIA's Secret
War in Iraq (ABC News)
- Historical background on the Central Intelligence Agency's attempt to
remove Saddam Hussein from power
- Sections on the White House, CIA, Kurds, Iraqi National Congress, the
Accord, and Saddam Hussein
- Numerous articles in the hotlinks
- Contemporary
Conflicts: Iraq (Canadian Forces College)
- Links to news stories, maps, and United Nations documents
- Policy.com Issue
of the Week
- History of the current crisis beginning with the Gulf War of 1991
- Policy papers on various options
News Coverage
Iraqi National Congress
- Web site supporting Iraqi opposition forces
- Lists suspected locations for weapons of mass destruction and names
the countries which contributed to them
- Pictures of suspected palaces
- News and cultural information
- Diplomatic Agreement
- Memorandum of
- Memorandum of understanding between the United Nations and Iraq on
weapons inspection dated February 23, 1998
- Press
Conference (Annan/Aziz)
- Unofficial transcript of press conference with UN Secretary General
Kofi Annan and Iraq Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz on
Memorandum of Understanding
- Press conference on February 23, 1998
- Secretary
General's Mission to Iraq
- Includes items in this section and additional news
- Security
Council Resolution 1154
- Resolution affirms Secretary General's Memorandum of Understanding
- Promises severest consequences if Saddam Hussein does not comply with
inspection agreement
- Passed on March 2, 1998
- UN
News Story
- Press release dated February 22, 1998 about diplomatic agreement
between Kofi Annan and Saddam Hussein on weapons
- Security Council
- Security
- Security Council resolutions since 1974 with searchable interface
since 1994
- Also includes press releases and Presidential statements
- Iraq
- Documents regarding Security Council Resolution 986 (1995)
- Resolution permits the distribution of humanitarian aid to Iraq
- Security
Council Resolution 1134
- Resolution insisting Iraq allow its Special Commission to
investigate nuclear sites
- Resolution dated October 23, 1997
- Security Council Resolution 1137
- Condemns Iraq's continuing refusal to allow U.S. weapons inspectors
- Dated November 12, 1997
- United Nations Web
- For additional coverage
- Search as iraq weapons inspection and
specify the field as all words
- United Nations
Special Commission
- Mandate and membership
- General Assembly and Security Council resolutions relating to UNSCOM
- Various reports on weapons inspection
- Latest semi-annual report
United States
- Bureau of Near
Eastern Affairs (State Department)
- Links to press releases and country reports assessing human rights
and foreign policy
- Congressional
Research Service
- April 1998 report on current Iraqi chemical and biological weapons
- Includes intelligence reports and discrepancies of information
- Department of
- Iraq's chemical weapons capability
- Archived articles, press releases, and transcripts of Defense
Department officials
- State
Department Press Briefing
- Press briefing by James Rubin on October 29 about the seriousness
of the situation
- United
States Information Agency
- U.S. policy in the Gulf in English and Arabic
- Includes humanitarian aid, diplomacy backed by force and regional issues
- Description of weapons of mass destruction
- Chronology since 1990 and UN Security Council
United States Military Plans -
- On-going coverage, including biographies, timelines, description of
weapons, background on biological and chemical weapons
- Crisis
in Iraq (State Department)
- Description of weapons of mass destruction
- Links to human rights reports, travel advisories
- Defense Department
- Press briefing on December 19, 1998 describing the results of
Operation Desert Fox
- Given by Secretary William Cohen
- President
Clinton's Address of the Nation
- Address announcing missile attack on Iraq
- Given at 6 p.m., December 16, 1998
- President's
Statement Ending Operation Desert Fox
- Statement made at 6p.m. on December 19
- Reports of UN inspection team in Iraq
- As of December 16, does not include Richard Butler's December 15th
report citing non-cooperation
- Washington
Post Coverage
- U.S. military equipment and bombing targets
- Description of Richard Butler's December 15th report describing
Iraq's non-cooperation
- Iraqi Reaction
- Foreign Reaction
- US Reaction
United States Military Plans -
United States
Military Plans - February
Coverage of Town Meeting
- Officials explain Iraq policy at Ohio State University on February 18
- Audio coverage of questions and answers
- News story and reaction
- Congressional Bills
- H.R. 3208 (Paul) against using Defense Department
appropriations for attack
- H.Con.Res. 226 (Bartlett) prohibits attack unless
authorized by law
- S.Con.Res. 71 (Lott) condemns Iraq for threatening
- H.Res. 322 (Lantos) expresses sense of Congress that
U.S. should act
- S.Con.Res. 76 (Murkowski) enforces embargo
- S. Res. 179 (Specter) condemns Saddam Hussein as a
war criminal
- Iraq
Liberation Act
- Provides up to $97 Million in funding to support a transition
government in Iraq
- H.R. 4655, Public Law 105-338 (signed Oct. 31, 1998)
- Search THOMAS
for the text, summary, and status of these bills as well as links to
speeches in the Congressional Record
- President
Clinton's Pentagon Speech (AllPolitics)
- Text of President Clinton's speech to Pentagon officials on
February 17, 1998
- Outlines reasons for a proposed military strike
- White
House version
- Public Opinion Polls
- Gallup
- Data released February 18, 1998
- Public support for various military options against Iraq
with time series data
- Washington Post/ABC Poll
- Poll taken February 17-18, 1998
- Public support for military options given various
Resources on the Net)
- Links to Albanian government agencies and political parties
- Web sites in support of Kosovo
- Provides current news coverage
- Kosovo (6/14/98)
- Analysis of NATO plans
- Links to historical coverage, Serbian and Albanian web pages
Kosovo and Metohija (Yugoslavia)
- Description of the provinces, their demographics and human rights
- Policy of Yugoslavia and Albania toward the provinces
- Supports Kosovo as belong to the Serbs
Information Center: Daily Reports
- Short news stories on Kosovo since March 1995
- Arranged by date but no search engine
- Pro-Albanian and provided by the Hellenic Resources Network
Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Use search engine to identify communiques
- Press statements, testimony and factsheets on strife in Kosovo and
- Special Kosovo web page
United Nations
See also Bosnia
Peace Agreement
- Official text of political agreement
- Constitutional issues, proposals, and annexes
- History of Northern Ireland and basic facts
- Political parties and paramilitary groups
- Political reaction to the peace accord
- Summary of agreement to create separate Northern Ireland Parliament
- Time line, key players in the agreement, and reaction
Northern Ireland Office (Great
- Economic, social, and law and order policies in Northern Ireland
- Current press releases
Ireland Web Server
- Extensive links to government departments
- Economic, cultural, and social welfare information
Sinn Fein
- Irish Catholic political party calling for reunification of Ireland
- Leader is Gerry Adams
- Mission and history of its efforts
Ulster Unionist Party
- Northern Ireland Protestant group led by David Trimble
- Statement on agreement, current policies and publications
Pope John Paul II visited Cuba, January
21-25, 1998
News Network
- Extensive daily coverage and news reports
- Biographies of participants and background information
- Links to related web pages
- Archiving of information likely
- Official Cuban government news
- Special English supplement on the papal visit, January 21-15
- Official government statements
- Archiving of information unknown
- Text of papal speeches and homilies in Cuba
- Archiving of information unknown
Russian President Boris
Yeltsin fired his Cabinet on March 23, 1998
- Biographies of new prime minister and key players
- Extensive news coverage of firing and reaction
- Text of Yeltsin's declaration
- Audio of his address to the nation
Russia Today
- Extensive English-language news source originating in Russia
- March 23 issue includes list of
cabinet officials fired, chronology, candidates for prime
- Archiving unknown but tends to be one month only
News Coverage
- News articles on Russian economic and cabinet situation
- Biographies of the players
- Effect of Russian economic collapse on world stock markets
- Radio Free Europe/Radio
- U.S. government news, analysis, special reports, and summary economic
and human
rights information for Russia and Eastern Europe
- Special sections on Russian collapse and government
- The Newsline feature has current
news broadcasts to Eastern Europe beginning April 1997
- Newsline replaced the Open Media Research Institute Daily Digest reports
and provides a searchable archive to its reports back to 1991
- OMRI Daily Digests, 1991-March 1997, also
remained available as of May 30, 1997
- Russia Today
- News, business, culture, and travel information for Russia and CIS
- News service archived to December 2, 1996
- Washington Post Coverage
- Series of articles on August firing of Russian Cabinet, Russian
economic collapse, and rumors of Boris Yeltsin's resignation
- Includes affect on world markets and September summit between
Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin
Economic Analysis
- Russian
- Series of working papers by the American Enterprise Institute
on Russian economics and foreign policy
- Crisis
of Confidence by Leon Aron
(July 1998) explains causes for Russian economic collapse and
possible solutions
- Tradeport Country Library
- Market research reports and trade opportunities in Russia
- In-depth analysis of economic and political situation
Stock Market
- Daily close of stock markets, arranged by continent and country
- U.S. market measured every three minutes
- StreetEYE (Wall Street
- Links to stock market news and current market data worldwide
Criminal Court for Rwanda (UN)
- Court indicted Jean Paul Akayesu for genocide
- Text of indictment, hearings, rules of the court, and annual reports
- Full text of judgment issued September 1998
Leave None to
Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda (Human Rights
- Full-length book documenting causes for the 1994 genocide of 500,000
Hutus in Rwanda
- Uses primary sources and articles to conclude the international
community response was insufficient
- Nicely segmented into HTML sections

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to graceyor@umich.edu
The Regents of the University of
Michigan. All Rights Reserved
Since March 16, 2004 this page has been accessed 
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