Foreign Governments

Last updated on June 14,
- Abdullah Ocalan has attempted to establish a Kurdish state in Turkey
- He is alternatively considered a freedom fighter and a terrorist
- He was arrested in Kenya and will be tried in Turkey
- There is international concern over a fair trial
Rights in Turkey (State Department)
- Detailed essay on human rights strengths and violations in Turkey
during 1997
Kurdish Information
- Map showing Kurdish settlements in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria
- Primarily cultural information
Kurdish Worldwide Resources
- Articles, culture, and language of the Kurds
- Politics includes links to Kurdish political parties
- Links to various human rights reports
Ocalan File (BBC)
- Extensive coverage of Ocalan's arrest, the violent protests, and the
political fallout in Greece
- Political analysis about the possibility of a fair trial in Turkey
- Numerous web links
Ocalan's Capture
- Excerpts of foreign press reaction to Ocalan's capture, February
17-18, 1999
- Text in English
Turkey Ministry of Foreign
- Includes press statement on capture of Ocalan and a section on terrorism
- English and Turkish
News Coverage
- Battle
for the Caucasus (BBC)
- In-depth reporting and analysis of the Chechen war
- Biographies of key players
- Maps
- Dated December 6, 1999
- Crisis in North
Caucasus (Center for Defense Information)
- Timeline of the conflicts in Dagestan and Chechnya since August 1999
- Articles from CDI's Weekly Defense Monitor
- Research links and ethnic history of Chechnya beginning with Shem
- Russia
- Ongoing news coverage of the war with translations from Russian
newspapers into English
Chechen Republic Online
- Current news, culture
- History of the republic with treatment of Russian War, 1994-96
- Independently published as of February 17, 2000
Chechnya Maps (U Texas)
- Maps of Chechnya and Grozny, as well as thematic maps
Chechen Internet Resources
- Links to news coverage of the current crisis
- Extensive research material on the 1994-96 war and peace accords
- Articles on the politics of oil
- Religion and culture in Chechnya
Indonesia Embassy to
- History and culture
- Indonesia Handbook outlines its foreign
Post (Indonesia)
- East Timor special with collection of articles before and after the
election for independence
- Collection of letters to the editor
United Nations Mission
to East Timor
- Agreement between Portugal and Indonesia
- Autonomy proposal
- Security Council resolutions and debates
- Press releases on UN peacekeeping mission, including data on
- CIA's Secret
War in Iraq (ABC News)
- Historical background on the Central Intelligence Agency's attempt to
remove Saddam Hussein from power
- Sections on the White House, CIA, Kurds, Iraqi National Congress, the
Accord, and Saddam Hussein
- Numerous articles in the hotlinks
- Contemporary
Conflicts: Iraq (Canadian Forces College)
- Links to news stories, maps, and United Nations documents
- Policy.com Issue
of the Week
- History of the current crisis beginning with the Gulf War of 1991
- Policy papers on various options
News Coverage
Iraqi National Congress
- Web site supporting Iraqi opposition forces
- Lists suspected locations for weapons of mass destruction and names
the countries which contributed to them
- Pictures of suspected palaces
- News and cultural information
- Diplomatic Agreement
- Memorandum of
- Memorandum of understanding between the United Nations and Iraq on
weapons inspection dated February 23, 1998
- Press
Conference (Annan/Aziz)
- Unofficial transcript of press conference with UN Secretary General
Kofi Annan and Iraq Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz on
Memorandum of Understanding
- Press conference on February 23, 1998
- Secretary
General's Mission to Iraq
- Includes items in this section and additional news
- Security
Council Resolution 1154
- Resolution affirms Secretary General's Memorandum of Understanding
- Promises severest consequences if Saddam Hussein does not comply with
inspection agreement
- Passed on March 2, 1998
- UN
News Story
- Press release dated February 22, 1998 about diplomatic agreement
between Kofi Annan and Saddam Hussein on weapons
- Security Council
- Security
- Security Council resolutions since 1974 with searchable interface
since 1994
- Also includes press releases and Presidential statements
- Iraq
- Documents regarding Security Council Resolution 986 (1995)
- Resolution permits the distribution of humanitarian aid to Iraq
- Security
Council Resolution 1134
- Resolution insisting Iraq allow its Special Commission to
investigate nuclear sites
- Resolution dated October 23, 1997
- Security Council Resolution 1137
- Condemns Iraq's continuing refusal to allow U.S. weapons inspectors
- Dated November 12, 1997
- United Nations Web
- For additional coverage
- Search as iraq weapons inspection and
specify the field as all words
- United Nations
Special Commission
- Mandate and membership
- General Assembly and Security Council resolutions relating to UNSCOM
- Various reports on weapons inspection
- Latest semi-annual report
United States
- Bureau of Near
Eastern Affairs (State Department)
- Links to press releases and country reports assessing human rights
and foreign policy
- Congressional
Research Service
- April 1998 report on current Iraqi chemical and biological weapons
- Includes intelligence reports and discrepancies of information
- Department of
- Iraq's chemical weapons capability
- Archived articles, press releases, and transcripts of Defense
Department officials
- State
Department Press Briefing
- Press briefing by James Rubin on October 29 about the seriousness
of the situation
- United
States Information Agency
- U.S. policy in the Gulf in English and Arabic
- Includes humanitarian aid, diplomacy backed by force and regional issues
- Description of weapons of mass destruction
- Chronology since 1990 and UN Security Council
United States Military Plans -
- On-going coverage, including biographies, timelines, description of
weapons, background on biological and chemical weapons
- Crisis
in Iraq (State Department)
- Description of weapons of mass destruction
- Links to human rights reports, travel advisories
- Defense Department
- Press briefing on December 19, 1998 describing the results of
Operation Desert Fox
- Given by Secretary William Cohen
- President
Clinton's Address of the Nation
- Address announcing missile attack on Iraq
- Given at 6 p.m., December 16, 1998
- President's
Statement Ending Operation Desert Fox
- Statement made at 6p.m. on December 19
- Reports of UN inspection team in Iraq
- As of December 16, does not include Richard Butler's December 15th
report citing non-cooperation
- Washington
Post Coverage
- U.S. military equipment and bombing targets
- Description of Richard Butler's December 15th report describing
Iraq's non-cooperation
- Iraqi Reaction
- Foreign Reaction
- US Reaction
United States Military Plans -
United States
Military Plans - February
Coverage of Town Meeting
- Officials explain Iraq policy at Ohio State University on February 18
- Audio coverage of questions and answers
- News story and reaction
- Congressional Bills
- H.R. 3208 (Paul) against using Defense Department
appropriations for attack
- H.Con.Res. 226 (Bartlett) prohibits attack unless
authorized by law
- S.Con.Res. 71 (Lott) condemns Iraq for threatening
- H.Res. 322 (Lantos) expresses sense of Congress that
U.S. should act
- S.Con.Res. 76 (Murkowski) enforces embargo
- S. Res. 179 (Specter) condemns Saddam Hussein as a
war criminal
- Iraq
Liberation Act
- Provides up to $97 Million in funding to support a transition
government in Iraq
- H.R. 4655, Public Law 105-338 (signed Oct. 31, 1998)
- Search THOMAS
for the text, summary, and status of these bills as well as links to
speeches in the Congressional Record
- President
Clinton's Pentagon Speech (AllPolitics)
- Text of President Clinton's speech to Pentagon officials on
February 17, 1998
- Outlines reasons for a proposed military strike
- White
House version
- Public Opinion Polls
- Gallup
- Data released February 18, 1998
- Public support for various military options against Iraq
with time series data
- Washington Post/ABC Poll
- Poll taken February 17-18, 1998
- Public support for military options given various
- Election on May 17 between Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu (Likud)
and Ehud Barak (Labour)
- Runoff could be held on June 1
- Full text of multiple news articles per day
- Political biographies of the candidates, political party
descriptions, the issues, and the Israeli electoral process
- Daily news articles
of Foreign Affairs
- Election procedures and candidate requirements
King Hussein passed away on February 7,
BBC Obituary
- King Hussein's life in pictures
- King Abdullah's prospects
- Extensive review of his life
- Prospects for peace under King Abdullah Hussein
Information Center
- Subject approach to Jordanian government, culture, business,
environment, industry, and transportation
- Links to government agencies
- Text in English
Office of King Hussein
I of Jordan
- Chronology of Jordan and family tree of Hashemites
- King Hussein's articles and press releases found under
- Heavily graphic with office pictures
Albania |
Anti-War Groups |
Bosnia |
Britain |
Canada |
China |
Chinese Embassy
Costs and Casualties |
Cyprus |
France |
G8 |
Greece |
Human Rights
International Agencies |
International Law |
Kosovo Affinity Groups |
Military Tactics |
Montenegro |
News Media/Allied |
News Media/Foreign
Peace Accord |
Peace Proposals |
Prisoners of War |
Public Opinion |
Refugee Relief |
Russia |
Rwanda |
Serbia |
Serbian Orthodox Church
United States |
Victory Speeches |
War Crimes |
World Court |
News Coverage
- Editorial Cartoons
- Numerous cartoons on the conflict by top cartoonists
- Provides contact information for reproduction permission
- Federation of
American Scientists
- Excerpts and full text of daily news from U.S. and foreign sources
- Full text of Congressional debate
- Images and maps
- Extensive list of links to allied and pro-Serbian web sites
- Larry King
- Nightly interviews with U.S. government officials, Yugoslav
officials, and political analysts beginning March 23, 1999
- Data archived for one week
- Older material available to University of Michigan affiliates through
the Transcripts section of Academic
- Radio Free Europe/Radio
- U.S. government news, analysis, special reports, and summary economic
and human
rights information broadcast by U.S. to Russia and Eastern Europe
- Special section on Kosovo
- Slate
- Articles by political pundits and e-mail from the region
- United States
Information Agency
- Yahoo
- Current news stories extracted from various newswires and newspapers
- Links providing alternative perspectives and e-mail messages
Foreign News
- Italian news items in English, updated several times per day
- Balkan
- Full text and summaries of current news items by and from Balkan
- Countries include: Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia,
Greece, Croatia, and Bulgaria
- Federation of
American Scientists
- Excerpts and full text of daily news from U.S. and foreign sources
- Full text of Congressional debate
- Images and maps
- Extensive list of links to allied and pro-Serbian web sites
- Kosovo
Information Center: Daily Reports
- Short news stories on Kosovo since March 1995
- Arranged by date but no search engine
- Pro-Albanian and provided by the Hellenic Resources Network
- Radio B92
- Independent radio station in Belgrade; closed during war so
broadcasting only on the web
- Director replaced on Friday, April 2
- News in
- Radio Yugoslavia
- Daily news in English
- Section on Yugoslavia and government position on Kosovo
- Russia Today
- Daily English language news
- Archive for Russia
Today, March 24, 1999 discuss Primakov's decision to cancel
his U.S. visit and Russian relations with the Serbs
- Serbia Now
- Tanjug News
- Yahoo
- Asia
- Wire service reports originating in Asia and the Middle East
- Text in English
- World
News Connection (UMich Only)
- Federal government translations of foreign radio broadcasts and news
reports, updated daily and archived to 1996
- Use structured searching with "Kosovo" as keyword; can delimit by
regional source (e.g. Central Eurasia, East Europe) and date

Committee Against U.S.
- Articles opposing U.S. and NATO bombing of Serbia
- Contributors include newspapers, Members of Congress, and
Serbian Unity Congress
- Schedule of demonstrations against NATO bombing through the world
- Reports of previous street demonstrations
Embassy Bombing
Costs and
Country Web Sites
Resources on the Net)
- Links to Albanian government agencies and political parties
- Web sites in support of Kosovo
Ministry of Defense
- News and press statements from the peace talks
- Chronology of the situation
- NATO and British forces in the region
Canada Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and International Trade
- Daily press conferences and news briefings on Kosovo
- Background information on the country and the conflict
- Chinese
Embassy (Washington, D.C.)
- Substantial information on Chinese foreign relations and
public policy issues (human rights, Taiwan, Hong Kong)
- Press releases include protests of NATO action against Yugoslavia by
Chinese worker groups
- Economic statistics, education information, and
- Permanent
Mission to the United Nations (Geneva)
- Press releases on Chinese policy, including human rights
- Protests against embassy bombing in Belgrade
- Cyprus
- Brief news items, including release of American POWS
- Structure of government; names and e-mail addresses of officials
- Social, political and cultural information
- Cyprus News
- Updated twice daily with text in English
- April 7th releases on negotiations for hostages
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Press statements and briefings on Kosovo beginning March 23, 1999
- Text in English
Greece Ministry of Foreign
- General foreign policy
- Press releases include a March 29th call for new peace talks
- History, culture, and travel information
- Extensive news coverage of the Balkan crisis
- Milsoveic replaces military commander; Montenegro to resist takeover
- Dated April 3, 1999
- MontNet
- History, politics, laws, and culture of Montenegro

United States
- Congress
- Lawsuit Against War
- Names of 17 Congressmen who filed lawsuit against President charging
Yugoslav air campaign violates the 1973 War Powers Act
- Two Democrats and 15 Republicans
- War
Powers Act (Cornell)
- Text of 50 USC 1541
- Includes links to updates
- H.R.
- Prohibits use of Defense Department money for ground troops unless
specifically authorized
- Passed House on April 28 by a 249-180 vote
- Link includes summary, full text, and vote
- H.R.
- Congressional Record text on passage of Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations for war and relief
- Passed on May 6, 1999
- Includes debate and roll call vote
- H. Res.
130 (THOMAS)
- House Resolution 130 was passed by a roll call vote in the House on
March 24, 1999
- Expresses support for the troops
- Debate appears in the Congressional Record, March 24, 1999, p.
- H.Con.Res.
42 authorizes the U.S. to join NATO
- Passed the House via a roll call vote on March 11, 1999
- S.Con.Res.
- Senate bill authorizing U.S. to join NATO forces in an air attack
against Yugoslavia
- Passed on March 23, 1999, Roll
Call Vote 57
- Debate and vote appear in Congressional Record, March 23, 1999, p.
- House Roll Call
Vote (213-213) failed on April 28, 1999
- Serbia and Montenegro
Democracy Act
- H.R.
1064 introduced on March 10, 1999
- Did not become law
- Democratic Principles and
Rule of Law in Yugoslavia
- S.
720 introduced by Senators Helms and Lautenberg
- Did not become law but Senate report issued
- Senate
Services Hearings
- Selected testimony in pdf format, including Secretary of Defense
Cohen's statement of April 15, 1999
- House Armed
Services Committee
- Selected testimony, including U.S. policy on the Balkans (March 17)
and Secretary Cohen's testimony on April 14
- Defense
- Press briefings and transcripts
- Personnel and equipment in Operation Allied Force
- President
- State
- Press statements, testimony and factsheets on strife in Kosovo and
- Special Kosovo web page
- United States Information Agency
- Transcripts of U.S. speeches and press releases
- NATO objectives and press conferences
- Tracking of humanitarian issues and links to humanitarian relief
- Kosovo and Metohija (Yugoslavia)
- Description of the provinces, their demographics and human rights
- Policy of Yugoslavia and Albania toward the provinces
- Supports Kosovo as belong to the Serbs
- Ministry of Foreign
- Press releases, interviews, and foreign policy
- Special section on Kosovo
- Updates may be several days late
- Mirror
- NATO Crime (Kosovo
- Graphic newspaper intended to mobilize Serbians against NATO strikes
- Serbia-Info (Ministry of
- Description and maps of Serbia and its provinces (including Kosovo)
- Form of Serbian government and constitution
- Foreign policy news items
- Slobodan Milosevic -
President of Yugoslavia
- Socialist
Party of Serbia
- Party platform; election results since 1990
- Yugoslavia
- Press Center has pictures of the war
- Web site includes facts about Yugoslavia
- Federal
Secretariat of Information
- Sections on the media war against Yugoslavia, Albanian terrorism,
human rights in Yugoslavia, and sanctions against Yugoslavia by various
international agencies
- Kosovo
and Metohija Facts
- Yugoslavian position on negotiations with Kosovo
- Humanitarian aid sent to Kosovo by Serbia and international agencies

Human Rights Reports
- Human rights violations in Kosovo and letters from the organization
with suggested solutions
Action Council
- Opinion pieces and weekly news summaries from Balkan
Human Rights in
Kosovo/Kosova - As Seen As Told (OSCE)
- Provides interview transcripts and documentation on human rights
abuses and well as legal background on human rights
- Part 1 covers October 1998-June 1999, primarily with abuses against
the Kosovar Albanians
- Part 2 covers primarily revenge taken by Kosovar Albanians, June 14 -
October 31, 1999
Rights Watch
- 1999 Human Rights Report describes 1998 situation in Kosovo
- Current news from Kosovo
Department County Report on Serbia-Montenegro
- Outlines human rights situation in the former Yugoslavia
- Latest annual report dated February 26, 1999

International Agencies
- Statement made in St. Petersburg, Russia on May 6, 1999
- Outlines conditions for an end to the Kosovo war
International Court of Justice (World
- Selected court decisions since 1948; statutes and rules of the court
- Charges by Yugoslavia that NATO countries are illegally bombing it
- Legality
of Use of Force
- Complaint by Yugoslavia, request for provisional measures
- Oral pleadings, orders by the judges and dissenting opinion
- Press
Release of Decision
- World Court does not have jurisdiction over United States or Spain
- Judges express concern about the bombing
- Other eight cases still pending
Criminal Tribunal on the Former Yugoslavia (United Nations)
- Text of basic legal documents and press releases
- Description and status of individual cases
- Tribunal Publications includes annual reports
- Basic Documents
1995 includes the text of S/Res.808 and 827 as well as the
Secretary General's Report on Implementation (S/25704
- Zeljko
Raznatovic (alias Arkan)
- Indicted on March 26, 1999 for war crimes in Bosnia
- Also a suspected terrorist in Kosovo
- Press announcement from the International Criminal Tribunal
Kosovo Verification Mission
- Documents, background and facts from the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe
- Fulfilling UN Security Council Resolution mandating a ceasefire
Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Use search engine to identify communiques
- NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo
- Web site has background documents, UN resolutions and military agreements
- Updated news stories on the latest incidents
- Structure of KFOR, military sectors, and related web links
- Air
Strike Announcement
- Text announcing air strikes against Yugoslavia
- Made by Secretary General Javier Solana of NATO on March 24,
- Air
Strike Authorization
- Press statement by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana on March 23,
- Military
and Political Objectives
- Press statement of March 23 and made public on March 25, 1999
United Nations

International Law

Kosovo Affinity Groups
Kosova Crisis
- Web site sponsored by ethnic Albanians throughout the world
- Daily reports on genocide, some names and pictures of decedents
- Regional culture
Issue Tracker (Center for Defense Information)
- Numerous articles and CDI's official position on the conflict
- Links to UN resolutions
Kosovo Liberation
- News of massacres, political statements and communiques
- Parts of web site under construction
Kosovo Peace Liberation Movement
- Pro-independence site describes the history of Albanians in Kosovo

Military Tactics
Archives Destruction
- Serbian destruction of Kosovar archives mentioned in paragraph 9 of
March 31st NATO press conference
- No further details available
- Serb
Casualties (Serbia Ministry of Information)
- Numbers of casualties
- Pictures and types of infrastructure damage during war
- Two Apache
Pilots (CNN)
- Biographies of Kevin Reichert and David Gibbs
- Killed in Apache helicopter training crash in Albania on May 4
- U.S. military objectives
- NATO and Serbian forces and equipment
Federation of
American Scientists
- NATO Order of Battle (equipment and forces) by country
- Weather in the Balkans and satellite imagery
- Numerous daily updates
Defense Weekly
- Military equipment involved in NATO strike
NATO Military and Political Objectives
- Press statement of March 23 and made public on March 25, 1999
Powell Doctrine
- Military strategy of General Colin Powell and used in the Gulf War
- Per US News and World Report, April 14
Define your objective. Bring massive force to bear. Take on only those
battles you are sure you can win, and line up public support before you
- Best researched through the periodical literature
U.S. Navy
- Ships involved in Operation Allied Force
Individual Hits
- Aleksinac
- Town hit by NATO on April 6; at least 5 civilian deaths and 30
civilian casualties per CNN
- Cuska
Massacre (American Radio Works)
- Forty-one ethnic Albanians were killed at Cuska on May 14, 1999
- This web site provides slides, audio segments, maps, narratives of
Serbian and Albanian women, and interviews with Serb militia
- Djakovica
- Karisa Incident
- Serbs claim that over 70 civilians were killed with NATO cluster
bombs on May 14
- Were Kosovars used as human shields?
Press Release
- No cluster bombs used and was legitimate military target

European Peace Plan
- Tentatively accepted by Milosevic and Serbian Parliament on June 3
- G8
Peace Principles (St. Petersburg, May 6, 1999)
- Terms of Peace
Plan (MSNBC)
- Includes Yugoslav withdrawal, peacekeeping force, United Nations,
refugees, sovereignty, KLA, and unresolved issues
Force and Diplomacy Brought Accord (Washington Post)
- Analysis dated June 4, 1999
- Kosovo Liberation Army flushed out Serbian forces on the ground for
NATO bombs; 4000 killed and 6000 injured in past week
- Diplomatic measures by Russia and Finland
United Nations
- Javier Solana
- Statement by NATO Secretary General on bombing cessation
- Delivered June 10, 1999
- Slobodan
Milosevic (Yugoslavia Ministry of Information)
- Text of speech delivered on June 10, 1999
- Text
Copy downloaded from Yugoslav web site
- President
- Formal announcement of bombing cessation
- Delivered on June 10, 1999
Withdrawal of
Serb Forces

Peace Proposals

Prisoners of
- Andrew Ramirez, Christopher Stone, and Steven Gonzales, members of
the expired UN Peacekeeping Force, were captured on March 31, 1999
- Disagreement on whether they were in Macedonia or Kosovo
- They were released due to negotiations by Rev. Jesse Jackson on May
2, 1999
News Agency
- Updated twice daily with text in English
- April 7th releases on negotiations for American POWs
Geneva Convention
on Prisoners of War
- UN treaty entered into force in 1950
Jesse Jackson
Clinton's Statement on the Capture
- Made in Norfolk, Virginia on April 1, 1999
Release of Prisoners
- Rev. Jesse Jackson negotiated the release of the POWs on May 1, 1999
News Coverage
- Serbia News
Yugoslavian Press
- Brief release with large pictures of the captured soldiers

- Weekly polls on U.S. involvement with Kosovo
- Extensive news releases with data
- Use search engine at top of the page and the term "Kosovo"
Hawkish Doves, Dovish Hawks
- Article by David Plotz in April 16th issue of
- Theory of why liberals seem pro-war and conservatives seem opposed
- Bi-weekly web report with summary results from numerous public
opinion polls

Abuses against Serbs and
Roma in the New Kosovo (Human Rights Watch)
- Outlines the types of harassment by ethnic Albanians against the
Serbs and gypsies since the end of the Kosovo War
- Includes recommendations for the international agencies and the NATO
peace force
Economic Reconstruction and Development
in South East Europe
- Joint web site of the European Union and World Bank
- Estimates of reconstruction costs in Kosovo and surrounding areas
- News, primary documents, donation opportunities
- NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo
- Web site has background documents, UN resolutions and military agreements
- Updated news stories on the latest incidents
- Structure of KFOR, military sectors, and related web links
Kosovo Conflict:
for the Environment and Human Settlements (UNEP)
- Chronology of the conflict, Yugoslavian environment before and after,
and recommendations
- Includes maps and photos
- Sponsored by the UN Environment Programme and Center for Human
Settlements Balkans Task Force
- Report itself is almost 4 MB in pdf format
- Press
Release is an HTML summary
Operation Joint
Guardian (NATO)
- Text of military agreement and Security Council resolutions
- Press releases beginning June 1999
Hunt for Kosovo Records
- Librarians, including Janet Crayne of UMich, are collecting and
preserving telephone books from the former Yugoslavia to help
re-establish identities
- Article appeared in Ann Arbor News on June 29, 1999
- Estimates military losses by Yugoslavia
- Article entitled Yugoslav Losses tilt Balkan
- Series of articles on June 14, 1999
- Picking Up
the Balkan Pieces
- Human, military and infrastructure casualties for Serbia
- Economic loss for surrounding countries and reimbursement needed
- Rebuilding
Kosovo (World Bank)
- Basic economic data on the surrounding countries, 1997
- GDP, poverty, population, infrastructure, environment
- What
Price Victory
- Summary costs for rebuilding the area
- Number of Kosovar refugees
- If this issue disappears from the web, University of Michigan
affiliates should consult Academic
Orthodox Church
- Statement of bishops calling for Milosevic's resignation
- Dated June 15, 1999 and translated into English
United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
- Daily reports on number of refugees and their location
- Copies of resettlement plans
Worry About Attacks on
Peacekeepers (Policy.com)
- Associated Press article outlining attacks on Kosovo peacekeepers
- Dated August 2, 1999
Refugee and Relief Groups
Action by Churches Together
- Substantial press releases on refugee situation in Kosovo and relief
- Additional action alerts arranged by region and date for the past
- Special report on Kosovo aid and donations
- News from the field, including status reports of CARE workers
Catholic Relief
- U.S. Bishops' statement on the NATO bombing
- Solicits contributions for relief
Council on American-Islamic
- Notice of rallies in support of the Kosovars
- Suggested organizations for contributing donations
- In-person opportunities for assistance
Without Borders
- News releases calling for access to refugees
- Description of possible epidemics
- Donation information
- Most extensive list of relief agencies assisting Kosovo refugees
- Country reports on disaster relief, particularly with famine
Humanitarian Aid Organization
- Accomplishments and current projects
- Affiliated with Albanians
Lutheran World Relief
- News update, accomplishments, needs, and where to contribute
Operation Kosovo: Legal Relief
Initiative for Refugees
- Project of the Chicago-Kent College of Law
- U.S. regulations for Kosovan refugees seeking asylum
- Inter-governmental and non-governmental agencies providing relief
International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- Numbers of refugees in Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and
- Relief needs
Relief (IslamiCity)
- Pictures of Kosovan suffering
- Links to the Koran
Operation Provide Refuge (Fort
- Joint federal government task force to provide relief for Kosovar
- Includes HHS, Defense Department, US Information Agency, State Department
- How refugees are processed at Fort Dix
- Description of government policies, pictures of refugee camp, how to
make donations, Kosovo discussion group
- Several news items per day on worldwide relief efforts for Kosovan
United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
- Daily news summaries on Kosovo
- International law regarding refugees
United Methodist Committee on
- Relief efforts in Kosovo and contribution information
- Pictures of the refugees
United States
Committee for Refugees
- Update on Kosovo crisis
- Information for Kosovar refugees

Cleansing in Kosovo (State Department)
- Lists war crimes by location and type
- Recent history of ethnic cleansing in the region
- Brief report issued May 1999
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
- Kosovo considered within
its scope in March 31, 1999 press release
- Milosevic and four others indicted for war crimes conducted since
beginning of 1999
- Louise Arbour, chief investigator, held press conference on May 27,
1999; doubts whether five should be trusted for peace negotiations
- Text of
- Milosevic
and Others
- Text of indictment, press release, and statement by Judge Louise
- Meet the
Press interview with Louise Arbour on May 30; Arbour
states there have been requests to indict NATO for war crimes
NATO War Crimes
University of
Minnesota Human Rights Library
- Statute of the ICTY, rules, and Dayton Peace Accords
War Crimes Evidence
Criminal Rewards Program (State Dept)
- Announcement of $5 million reward for the arrest or conviction of
Yugoslavian war criminals
- Made by James Rubin on June 24, 1999
War Criminals (State Department)
- State Department list of nine Serbian military commanders it
considers as war criminals
- Dated April 7, 1999
- Extensive annotated web links, including primary resources in Serbia
and Kosovo
Federation of
American Scientists
- Excerpts and full text of daily news from U.S. and foreign sources
- Full text of Congressional debate
- Images and maps
- Extensive list of links to allied and pro-Serbian web sites
- Current news stories extracted from various newswires and newspapers
- Links providing alternative perspectives and e-mail messages
- Brief biography of Pervez Musharraf and text of his address
- Link to a chronology of Pakistan since 1947
BBC News Special Report
- News stories and reactions
- Link to the Pakistan Defense Journal
of Emergency (Pakistan News Service)
- Dissolves existing governmental institutions as of October 12, 1999
Pakistan Government
- Text of new constitutional order and proclamation of emergency
- News updates on deposed president
- Pakistan's position on nuclear testing
Pakistan Link
- Text of headline news for past three months
- Browsable and searchable
- Summary of foreign media reaction to the coup
Firing of Primakov
- Firing of
Yevgeny Primakov (CNN)
- Article on the firing of Primakov as prime minister on May 12, the
day before impeachment debate in Duma
- Yeltsin's statement on firing and links to impeachment stories
- Russia
in Crisis (BBC)
- Analysis of Primakov firing
- Predictions on impeachment
Impeachment News
- Eurasia
- Extensive links to Russian news in English
- Radio Free Europe/Radio
- U.S. government news, analysis, special reports, and summary economic
and human
rights information for Russia and Eastern Europe
- Use search engine for archived stories on Yeltsin
- Russia
- Extensive newswire stories in English
- May 12th filled with stories, including Duma's call for resignation
- Washington Post
- Long-term section on Russia
- Current news and time line since 1985 with links to previous stories
on Yeltsin
- Description of Parliament, its members, parties and committees
- Includes duties and rules of procedure
- Text in English
- Russian Constitution
- Biographies of key government officials
- Presidential elections statistics for 1996 and biographies of
Yeltin's Behavior and Gaffes (ABC)
- Chronology of Yeltsin's health problems and political behavior
- Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation as President of Russia on
December 31, 1999
- Vladimir Putin will succeed him initially
- Presidential elections to be held on March 26, 2000
News Coverage
- First article on resignation and Yeltsin's reasons
- Link to recent biography of Vladimir
- Brief story on resignation and Yeltsin's history as a Russian leader
- Links to other possible Russian news sources, which had not been
updated on December 31

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
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