International Relations and Conferences
Last updated on December 1,
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Organization (Preparatory Commission)
- Summary of treaty and searchable text (pdf)
- List of governments which have ratified the treaty
- Map of testing facilities and procedures for verification
- Related organizations with information about the treaty
Foreign Media
Reaction (State Department)
- Summary of foreign media comments on potential Senate defeat of
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Articles dated October 13, 1999
Nuclear Security
(Policy Com)
- Excerpts from U.S. officials, the United Nations, and think tanks on
the CNBT and other nuclear security issues
- Some excerpts date back to 1968
Text of Treaty (ACDA)
- Full text of treaty and annexes in text format
- History of U.S. involvement
- Prepared by U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Senate Debate
President's Statement of Oct. 13, 1999
- G8 Summit will meet to discuss economic issues in Cologne, Germany,
June 18-20, 1999
- Participants include: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian
Federation, United Kingdom, United States, and European Union Commission
G8 Official Web Site
- History of the summits and biographies of the participants
- Outline of the issues
- Final communique from the 1998 summit
- Includes May 6, 1999 statement on Kosovo
G8 College Class
- College course offered through the University of Toronto beginning
June 7, 1999
- Features audio, video, text and discussion groups
- Registration required
G8 Information Centre
- Full text of scholarly articles and background papers
- Links to other international agencies
- The entire European Commission, administrative arm of the European
Union, resigned on March 16, 1999
- Response to allegations of corruption
News Coverage
- Reasons each of the individual commissioners resigned
- Links to the Committee of Independent Experts report and Jacques
Santer's rebuttal
Codes of
- Protocols violated by the European Commissioners
Committee of
Independent Experts Report
- Report entitled First Report on Allegations regarding
Fraud, Mismanagement and Nepotism in the European Commission
- HTML and PDF formats
Access America for Seniors
- Federal government web site with annotated links to services
- Subjects include health care, medicare calculations, taxes, volunteer
opportunities, travel, education
United Nations Web
- The UN has declared 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons
- Web site delineates conceptual and implementation principles
- Planned activities of international inter-governmental and
non-governmental organizations
- Suggestions for national activities
- Brief statistics on the world's older population
NATO Win the Cold War? (Vojtech Mastny)
- Twenty-three declassified documents on the history of the Cold war
from U.S. and NATO archives
- Supplements article in the May-June 1999 issue of Foreign
North Atlantic Treaty
- Historic documents, NATO Handbook, NATO Review
- Current press releases and fact sheets
Truman Library
- Digitized letters of President Truman regarding the establishment of NATO
- Chronology of the organization
- Related material at the Presidential Library
Summits (USIA)
- History of NATO, photographic album and chronology
- Conference and press information for summit, April 23-25, 1999
- Eight tourists were killed while searching for gorillas in Uganda on
March 1, 1999
- Four were Britons, two were New Zealanders, and two were Americans
- The group was captured by Rwandan Hutu rebels
- Accounts differ on whether they were hacked by the rebels or caught
in the crossfire of the rescue mission
BBC News Coverage
- History of the Rwandan rebels
- Accounts of survivors
- Links to the British Foreign Office
CNN News
- Story on March 2, 1999 discusses differing accounts of the massacre
State Department
Travel Advisory
- Warns U.S. travellers to avoid Uganda
- Issued March 1, 1999
- World
Trade Organization - Third Ministerial Conference
- Conference held in Seattle, November 30 - December 3, 1999
- Web site has basic preparatory information
- Documentation includes subject papers submitted by various countries
- Download to your computer's tmp directory and open in a word
processing program
- Works with Word '97 and perhaps others
- World Trade
- WTO regulations on goods, services, environment, development,
intellectual property, and dispute resolution
- Text of the Uruguay Round
treaty which
created it
- Press releases
- News Coverage
- Labor Issues
- Foreign Labor
- Description
- Choose country and then Foreign Labor Trends
- Analysis of labor issues, types of employment, women in the workforce
- Statistics on employment by industry, weekly earnings, and
- Tradeport
Country Library
- Selected older issues
- Choose country and then Foreign Labor Trends
- International
Labor Organization
- Organizational information and Director General speeches
- Press releases on such subjects as child labor, salaries, and
occupational safety; some statistics included
- Catalog of ILO publications
- University of Texas Inequality
- Charts and graphs on the inequality of industrial wages (rich and
poor) around the world
- Some spreadsheet data since 1963
- Maps on inquality changes since 1972
- Working papers and links
- Workers in
an Integrated World (World Bank)
- Executive summary of the 1995 World Development Report
- Statistics integrated into text; the statistical tables appearing at
the back of the printed publication are not included
- Environment
- Agenda
- English text of key document from the United Conference on
Environment and Development held in Rio, 1992
- Includes recommendations on atmostpheric protection and
- Global Environment
Outlook-1 (UNEP)
- Extensive report on population growth and the status of forestry,
fisheries, land, agriculture, air pollution, water supplies, and urban waste
- Complete report provides text, graphs, and data
- Historical data and projections usually available by continent with
some information also by country
- State of
the World's Forests (FAO)
- Global forest ground cover, 1995-97
- Loss of forests, 1980+, and demand for forest products
- Short executive summary in HTML format; most files must be downloaded
in Adobe Acrobat format and require considerable disk space
- Trade and
Environment (UNEP)
- Reports from 1992-96 on the effect of trade on the environment
- United Nations Convention on Climate
Change/Official Kyoto Web Site
- Information for participants and press
- List of participants and daily schedules
- Audio and video of current conference but NOT
transcripts of the sessions
- Meeting to establish a greenhouse gas emissions protocol to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes
- Includes final text of Kyoto Protocol in Adobe Acrobat format
- United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes
- Text of United Nations treaty and list of ratifications
- Text of documents from previous and forthcoming conventions
- Text of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions
- Reports on the implementation of various agreements
- Urban Environmental
- Numerous worldwide reports on managing the urban environment
(population, air pollution, disease, pests)
- Brief statistics on megacity population projections, current world
population, ecological capacity of nations
- World
Conservation Monitoring Centre
- Statistics on threatened plant and animal species worldwide
- Country data on forests, marine life, protected areas
- World
Resources, 1998/99 (World Resources Institute)
- Numerous statistical tables in Adobe Acrobat format with country
- Population: projections to 2025, birth, death, health,
- Economic: gross national and domestic product,
prices, development assistance
- Environment: forestry, fisheries, water,
- World Wildlife Federation
- Charts and maps on endangered species, forests, freshwater, and
marine life
- Details on threatened species, such as the Asian elephant
- Press releases and descriptions of projects
China's Position on
Country Economic
- Country Commercial Guides (State Dept)
- Economic and political factors for U.S. citizens exporting to various
- Includes laws, contacts, key imports and exports
- Country
Report on Economic and Trade Policy (State
- Main economic indicators, Chinese trade policy, exchange rates, and
debt management
- Extension section on export/import barriers, worker's rights and
intellectual property violations
- International Monetary
Fund Country Reports
- Extensive analysis of economic and social developments in individual
- Appendices include detailed statistical tables
- Reports in Adobe Acrobat format and may be over 1.4 MB
- National
Trade Performances
- Data for 174 countries
- Shows 40 leading exports, world market share, market stability and three
leading importers
- Example: India's primary export is precious stones; United States,
Hong Kong, and Belgium are leading importers
- Tradeport
- General political and economic information for individual countries
- Searchable data base of Market Research Reports, which analyze
country sales opportunities
Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to
The Regents of the University of
Michigan. All Rights Reserved
Since January 1, 1999 this page has been accessed
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