Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Search Results
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- (2005010* AND purl) OR (2005010* AND http)
- Records returned: 159
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- [ 1 ]
Water quality : Environmental Contaminants Branch. [electronic resource] :. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:W 31/3. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 2 ]
Asian elephant ivory. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:AS 4/2. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 3 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 73. Special use airspace. United States. TD 4.6:73/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 4 ]
Maybeso Experimental Forest. [2004] Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) A 13.66/2:M 45. [[0079-C]].
- Rank: 999
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- [ 5 ]
Plantbook query page. [electronic resource]. United States. A 88.15/23:. [[0040-B-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 999
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- [ 6 ]
Unknown heroes : Tennessee's endangered and threatened species. [electronic resource] :. [2000] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:UN 4. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 996
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- [ 7 ]
Asian Elephant Conservation Fund. [electronic resource]. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:AS 4. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 994
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- [ 8 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 107. Airport security. United States. TD 4.6:107/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 990
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- [ 9 ]
Olympic National Park business plan, fiscal year 2001. [electronic resource]. 2003. United States. I 29.2:OL 9/15. [[0648 (online)]].
- Rank: 989
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- [ 10 ]
African Elephant Conservation Fund. [electronic resource]. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:AF 8/2. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 983
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- [ 11 ]
Our Endangered Species Program and how it works with landowners. [electronic resource]. [2003] Endangered Species Program (U.S.) I 49.2:EN 2/43. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 983
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- [ 12 ]
Importing your bontebok sport-hunted trophy. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:IM 7/4. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 983
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- [ 13 ]
Importing your leopard or African elephant trophy. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:IM 7/3. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 982
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- [ 14 ]
Handbook of occupational groups and families. [electronic resource] /. Updated irregularly. United States. PM 1.8/2:(DATE) B. [[0296 (online)]].
- Rank: 982
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- [ 15 ]
Asian medicinals questions and answers. [electronic resource] /. [1999] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:AS 4/3. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 980
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- [ 16 ]
Exporting CITES bred-in-captivity wildlife. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/7. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 979
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- [ 17 ]
The U.S. Plant Rescue Center Program. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:P 69/13. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 976
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- [ 18 ]
Mobile router technology development. Microfiche. 2002] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:210938. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 976
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- [ 19 ]
National response plan : one team, one goal--a safer, more secure America. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. HS 1.2:R 31/2. [[0520-B (online)]].
- Rank: 976
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- [ 20 ]
Delisting a species : section 4 of the Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource] :. [2002] Endangered Species Program (U.S.) I 49.2:SP 3/5. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 975
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- [ 21 ]
Candidate Conservation Agreements with assurances for non-federal property owners. [electronic resource]. [2002] Endangered Species Program (U.S.) I 49.2:C 16/2. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 974
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- [ 22 ]
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 973
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- [ 23 ]
CITES permits and certificates. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/6. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 973
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- [ 24 ]
Candidate species : section 4 of the Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource] :. [2002] Endangered Species Program (U.S.) I 49.2:C 16. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 969
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- [ 25 ]
Listing a species as threatened or endangered : section 4 of the Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource] :. [2001] Endangered Species Program (U.S.) I 49.2:SP 3/6. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 969
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- [ 26 ]
The process for becoming an observer at a CITES meeeting. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/4. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 969
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- [ 27 ]
Low-flow characteristics and profiles for the Rocky River in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin, North Carolina, through 2002 /. 2003. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.42/4:03-4147. [[0624-B]].
- Rank: 968
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- [ 28 ]
A programmable system for motion control. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212377. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 964
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- [ 29 ]
List of expired and expiring federal tax provisions, 1998-2008. [electronic resource] /. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:L 69/2. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 963
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- [ 30 ]
T d kien ve ganh nang cong cong. [electronic resource]. [1999] United States. J 21.6:P 96/2/VIET. [[0727-A (online)]].
- Rank: 963
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- [ 31 ]
CITES Appendix III. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/3. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 963
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- [ 32 ]
Propulsion controls and health management research at NASA Glenn Research Center. Microfiche. 2002] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:211590. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 961
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- [ 33 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 47. Aircraft registration. United States. TD 4.6:47/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 961
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- [ 34 ]
The petition process : for requests to list a species as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource] :. [2000] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:P 44. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 961
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- [ 35 ]
Computation of pressurized gas bearings using CE/SE method. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212110. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 958
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- [ 36 ]
National combustion code parallel performance enhancements. Microfiche. 2002] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:211340. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 957
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- [ 37 ]
Air Force posture statement. [1998] Annual. United States. D 301.1/3:(DATE)A. [[0421-G-01]].
- Rank: 956
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- [ 38 ]
Captive-bred wildlife registration under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 17. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 955
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- [ 39 ]
National response plan. [electronic resource]. [2004] Introduction.-- Planning assumption and considerations.-- Roles and responsibilities.-- Concept of operations.-- Incident management actions.-- Ongoing plan management and maintenance.-- Appendices.-- Emergency Support function annexes.-- Support annexes.-- Incident annexes. United States. HS 1.2:R 31. [[0520-B (online)]].
- Rank: 955
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- [ 40 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 45. Identification and registration marking. United States. TD 4.6:45/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 954
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- [ 41 ]
CITES Meetings of the Conference of the Parties (COPs). [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/5. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 954
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- [ 42 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 91. General operating and flight rules. United States. TD 4.6:91/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 952
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- [ 43 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 43. Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding and alteration. United States. TD 4.6:43/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 44 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 43. Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding and alteration. United States. TD 4.6:43/(DATE NOS.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 45 ]
Consultation with federal agencies : section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. [electronic resource] :. [2002] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 76/15. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 46 ]
Get the facts on saving and investing : a roadmap to start you on a journey to financial security through saving and investing. [2004] United States. SE 1.2:IN 8/24/2004. [[0904]].
- Rank: 949
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- [ 47 ]
CITES Appendix II supports sustainable use. [electronic resource]. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 48/2. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 949
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- [ 48 ]
Fuel injector design optimization for an annular scramjet geometry. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212094. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 49 ]
Microstructure and properties of thermally sprayed functionally graded coatings for polymeric substrates. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212119. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 50 ]
Survey of environmental indicator sets. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. GA 1.2:GAO-05-56 SP. [[0545 (online)]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 51 ]
Electromagnetic scattering from a polygonal thin metallic plate using quadrilateral meshing. Microfiche. 2003] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.15:212165. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 947
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- [ 52 ]
The inverse of winnowing : a Fortran subroutine and discussion of unwinnowing discrete. [electronic resource] :. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.76:03-229. [[0624-H (online)]].
- Rank: 947
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- [ 53 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 65. Certification, airmen other than flight crewmembers. United States. TD 4.6:65/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 947
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- [ 54 ]
Uniform crime reporting handbook : UCR. Rev. 2004. 2004. United States. J 1.14/16:C 86/2004. [[0722-A-01]].
- Rank: 946
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- [ 55 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 63. Certification, flight crewmembers other than pilots. United States. TD 4.6:63/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 946
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- [ 56 ]
Summary of outcomes : coral reef issues at the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES. [electronic resource] :. [2003] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:C 81. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 942
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- [ 57 ]
Summary of provisions contained in H.R. 5662, the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000. [electronic resource] /. 2000] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:C 73/14. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 941
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- [ 58 ]
Handbook of occupational groups and families. 1998-. Annual. United States. PM 1.8/2:(DATE). [[0296]].
- Rank: 941
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- [ 59 ]
Comparisons of gas-phase temperature measurements in a flame using thin-filament pyrometry and thermocouples. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212096. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 940
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- [ 60 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 36. Noise standards, aircraft type and airworthiness certification. United States. TD 4.5:36/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 939
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- [ 61 ]
Federal aviation regulations. Part 97. Standard instrument approach procedures. United States. TD 4.6:97/(DATE NO.). [[0431-C-13]].
- Rank: 938
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- [ 62 ]
Los protectores del planeta generan menos desechos desde un principio! : una historia sobre la reutilizacion en la tierra. [electronic resource] :. [2000] United States. EP 10.2:P 69/2000/SPAN. [[0431-X (online)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 63 ]
U.S. Endangered Species Act : permits for non-native species or import and export of non-native and native species. [electronic resource] :. [2002] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.2:EN 2/36. [[0612 (online)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 64 ]
Dwell time and surface parameter effects on removal of silicone oil from D6ac steel using TCA. Microfiche. 2003] George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:212345. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 65 ]
Summary of provisions contained in H.R. 5542, the Taxpayer Relief Act of 2000, as incorporated by reference in the conference agreement for H.R. 2614. [electronic resource] /. 2000] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:R 27. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 936
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- [ 66 ]
Finite element simulation of a space shuttle solid rocket booster aft skirt splashdown using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212093. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 936
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- [ 67 ]
A Guide for the management, analysis, and interpretation of occupational mortality data /. 1990. HE 20.7108:Oc 1/3. [[499-F-3]].
- Rank: 934
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- [ 68 ]
Technical explanation of the Senate amendment to H.R. 4986, the FSC Repeal and Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act of 2000. [electronic resource] /. 2000] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:F 76/7. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 934
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- [ 69 ]
An Act to Provide for the Conveyance of Real Property Located at 1081 West Main Street in Ravenna, Ohio. 2004] AE 2.110:108-305. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00107-7. [[0575]].
- Rank: 934
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- [ 70 ]
Natural history of Oregon coast mammals /. 1981. United States. A 13.88:PNW-133. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 931
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- [ 71 ]
The United States Air Force posture statement /. 1999]-. Annual. United States. D 301.1/3:(NOS.). [[0421-G-01]].
- Rank: 931
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- [ 72 ]
Natural history of Oregon coast mammals /. 1981. United States. A 13.88:PNW-133. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 931
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- [ 73 ]
An Act to Revise the Boundary of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, and for Other Purposes. 2004] AE 2.110:108-307. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00109-3. [[0575]].
- Rank: 929
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- [ 74 ]
Overview of federal income tax provisions relating to employee stock options : scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight. [electronic resource] :. 2000] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:EM 7/2. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 929
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- [ 75 ]
Technical explanation of the tax provisions of H.R. 4541, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. [electronic resource] /. 2000] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:C 73/13. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 928
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- [ 76 ]
Rancho El Cajon Boundary Reconciliation Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3954) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-647. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 928
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- [ 77 ]
An Act Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2004, for Additional Disaster Assistance. 2004] AE 2.110:108-303. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00105-1. [[0575]].
- Rank: 928
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- [ 78 ]
Long-term isothermal aging effects on weight loss, compression properties, and dimensions of T650-35 fabric-reinforced PMR-15 composites : data. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:211870. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 927
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- [ 79 ]
The U.S. Caribbean region : wetlands and fish, a vital connection. 2004. United States. C 55.302:C 19. [[0609-C-01]].
- Rank: 924
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- [ 80 ]
The geologic story of Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Colorado /. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.16:1699. [[0624]].
- Rank: 924
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- [ 81 ]
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 : conference report (to accompany H.R. 1350). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-779. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 923
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- [ 82 ]
An Act to Authorize the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, to be Illuminated by Pink Lights in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 2004] AE 2.110:108-348. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00150-6. [[0575]].
- Rank: 923
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- [ 83 ]
Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004. 2004] AE 2.110:108-311. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00113-1. [[0575]].
- Rank: 923
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- [ 84 ]
District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2005. 2004] AE 2.110:108-335. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00137-9. [[0575]].
- Rank: 923
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- [ 85 ]
Magnitude and frequency of floods on small rural streams in Alabama /. 2004. Alabama. I 19.42/4-4: 2004-5135. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 923
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- [ 86 ]
Information on options for Naval Surface Fire Support. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-05-39 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 87 ]
An Act for the Promotion of Democracy, Human Rights, and Rule of Law in the Republic of Belarus and for the Consolidation and Strengthening of Belarus Sovereignty and Independence. 2004] AE 2.110:108-347. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00149-2. [[0575]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 88 ]
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Authorization Act of 2004. 2004] AE 2.110:108-360. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00162-0. [[0575]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 89 ]
Development of a traveltime prediction equation for streams in Arkansas /. 2004. Arkansas. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5064. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 920
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- [ 90 ]
Sailing directions (enroute) : North Sea. [electronic resource] :. 9th ed. 2004. United States. D 5.317/3:192/2004/CD. [[0378-E]].
- Rank: 920
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- [ 91 ]
Simulation of regional ground-water flow in the upper Deschutes basin, Oregon /. 2004. Oregon. I 19.42/4:03-4195. [[0624-B]].
- Rank: 920
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- [ 92 ]
Ground-water quality and its relation to land use on Oahu, Hawaii, 2000-01 /. 2004. National Water-Quality Assessment Program (U.S.) I 19.42/4:03-4305. [[0624-B]].
- Rank: 920
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- [ 93 ]
Air traffic control : system management capabilities improved, but more can be done to institutionalize improvements : report to congressional committees. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-901. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 919
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- [ 94 ]
Soil survey of Will County, Illinois /. [2004] United States. A 57.38/13:W 66. [[0102-B-13]].
- Rank: 918
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- [ 95 ]
The U.S. Caribbean region : wetlands and fish, a vital connection. 2004. United States. C 55.302:C 19. [[0609-C-01]].
- Rank: 918
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- [ 96 ]
Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 : conference report (to accompany H.R. 1308). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-696. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 916
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- [ 97 ]
Southwest Forest Health and Wildfire Prevention Act of 2004. 2004] AE 2.110:108-317. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00119-1. [[0575]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 98 ]
Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Implement Water Supply Technology and Infrastructure Programs Aimed at Increasing and Diversifying Domestic Water Resources. 2004] AE 2.110:108-361. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00163-8. [[0575]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 99 ]
Annual report of the United States Postal Service. [electronic resource]. 1996-. Annual. United States Postal Service. P 1.1:(DATE). [[0835 (online)]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 100 ]
Act to Amend the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 to Support Programs of Grants to States to Address the Assistive Technology Needs of Individuals with Disabilities, and for Other Purposes. 2004] AE 2.110:108-364. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00166-2. [[0575]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 101 ]
La region del Caribe Estadounidense : humedales y peces, una conexion vital 2004. United States. C 55.302:C 19/SPAN. [[0609-C-01]].
- Rank: 913
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- [ 102 ]
Census 2000 : design choices contributed to inaccuracy of coverage evaluation estimates : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-71. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 913
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- [ 103 ]
Sailing directions (enroute) : New Guinea. [electronic resource] :. 9th ed. 2004. United States. D 5.317/3:164/2004/CD. [[0378-E]].
- Rank: 912
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- [ 104 ]
Grey Towers National Historic Site Act of 2004 : report (to accompany H.R. 4494) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-652. [[1002-A]].
- Rank: 912
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- [ 105 ]
Sailing directions (enroute) : Caribbean Sea. [electronic resource] :. 8th ed. 2004-. United States. D 5.317/3:147/2004/CD. [[0378-E]].
- Rank: 911
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- [ 106 ]
Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against revenues of said district for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes : conference report (to accompany H.R. 4850). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-734. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 910
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- [ 107 ]
FY ... programs and accomplishments. [electronic resource] /. Annual. Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.). C 13.1/7-3:(DATE). [[0247-D-10 (online)]].
- Rank: 909
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- [ 108 ]
Investigation of certain allegations related to voting on the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 : report of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. 2004. United States. Y 1.1/8:108-722. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 909
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- [ 109 ]
An Act to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Increase the Supply of Pancreatic Islet Cells for Research, and to Provide for Better Coordination of Federal Efforts and Information on Islet Cell Transplantation. 2004] AE 2.110:108-362. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00164-6. [[0575]].
- Rank: 909
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- [ 110 ]
Transfer of budgetary resources to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-04-329 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 908
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- [ 111 ]
Thickness of Santa Fe Group sediments in the Espanola Basin south of Santa Fe, New Mexico, as estimated from areomagnetic data. [electronic resource] /. Version 1.0. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.76:2004-1354. [[0624-H (online)]].
- Rank: 908
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- [ 112 ]
Department of Homeland Security : formidable information and technology management challenge requires institutional approach : report to congressional committees. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-702. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 907
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- [ 113 ]
Home inspections : many buyers benefit from inspections, but mandating their use is questionable : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-462. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 906
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- [ 114 ]
Programs and accomplishments. Materials reliability. Microfiche. 1999-. Annual. Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.). C 13.58:(NOS.)A. [[0247-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 906
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- [ 115 ]
La region del Caribe Estadounidense : humedales y peces, una conexion vital 2004. United States. C 55.302:C 19/SPAN. [[0609-C-01]].
- Rank: 906
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- [ 116 ]
District of Columbia jail : management challenges exist in improving facility conditions : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-742. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 904
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- [ 117 ]
Assisted living : examples of state efforts to improve consumer protections : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-684. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 903
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- [ 118 ]
An Act to Amend the Railroad Right-of-Way Conveyance Validation Act to Validate Additional Conveyances of Certain Lands in the State of California that Form Part of the Right-of-Way Granted by the United States to Facilitate the Construction of the Transcontinental Railway, and for Other Purposes. 2004] AE 2.110/2:108-2. [[0575]].
- Rank: 903
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- [ 119 ]
Local Television Act : status of spending for fiscal year 2003. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-05-18 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 903
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- [ 120 ]
Status of FEMA's FY03 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-04-727 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 900
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- [ 121 ]
To clarify the intent of Congress with respect to the continued use of established commercial outfitter hunting camps on the Salmon River : report together with dissenting views (to accompany S. 1003) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-667. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 899
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, [Full Record]
- [ 122 ]
Act to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Support the Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Organized Activities Involving Statewide Youth Suicide Early Intervention and Prevention Strategies, to Authorize Grants to Institutions of Higher Education to Reduce Student Mental and Behavioral Health Problems, and for Other Purposes. 2004] AE 2.110:108-355. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00157-3. [[0575]].
- Rank: 899
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- [ 123 ]
Fish communities of the Buffalo River basin and nearby basins of Arkansas and their relation to selected environmental factors, 2001-2002 /. 200X [i.e. 2004]. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5119. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 899
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- [ 124 ]
An Act to Increase, Effective as of December 1, 2004, the Rates of Disability Compensation for Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities and the Rates of Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Survivors of Certain Service-Connected Disabled Veterans, and for Other Purposes. 2004] AE 2.110:108-363. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00165-4. [[0575]].
- Rank: 897
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- [ 125 ]
Telecommunications : issues related to federal funding for public television by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-284. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 897
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- [ 126 ]
State Department : issues affecting funding of Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-559. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 896
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- [ 127 ]
Simulation of runoff and wetland storage in the Hamden and Lonetree watershed sites within the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota and Minnesota /. 2004. Minnesota. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5168. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 896
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- [ 128 ]
Directory of grading offices and plants operating under USDA poultry and egg grading programs. Microfiche. Annual. United States. A 88.15/23:(DATE). [[0040-B-01 (MF)]].
- Rank: 891
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- [ 129 ]
Antibiotic resistance : federal agencies need to better focus efforts to address risk to humans from antibiotic use in animals : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-490. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 889
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- [ 130 ]
General aviation security : increased federal oversight is needed, but continued partnership with the private sector is critical to long-term success : report to the Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-144. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 889
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- [ 131 ]
Medicare : CMS's program safeguards did not deter growth in spending for power wheelchairs : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-43. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 884
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- [ 132 ]
Will you qualify for the EITC this year? : Podria usted ser elegible para el credito por ingreso del trabajo (EITC)? [electronic resource] =. United States. T 22.44/2:3954/(DATE). [[0964-B (online)]].
- Rank: 884
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- [ 133 ]
HHS OIG : allegations of misspending were unsubstantiated. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-04-618 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 882
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- [ 134 ]
Unmanned aerial vehicles : changes in Global Hawk's acquisition strategy are needed to reduce program risks : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-6. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 879
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- [ 135 ]
Military medical ethics. Volumes 1 2. [electronic resource] /. 2003. United States. D 104.36:ET 3/V.1-2/CD. [[0352-J-03]].
- Rank: 879
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- [ 136 ]
Hydrologic, ecologic, and geomorphic responses of Brewery Creek to construction of a residential subdivision, Dane County, Wisconsin, 1999-2002 /. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5156. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 137 ]
Transportation-disadvantaged seniors : efforts to enhance senior mobility could benefit from additional guidance and information : report to the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-971. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 138 ]
Cervical cancer and human papillomavirus : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 11, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:C 16/8. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32011-3. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 139 ]
VOIP services : will the technology disrupt the industry or will regulation disrupt the technology? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 7, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-104. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32120-9. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 140 ]
Benefits of a healthy marriage : hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 5, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49/2:S.HRG.108-595. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31916-6. [[1038-A]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 141 ]
Benefits of a healthy marriage : hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 5, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-595. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31916-6. [[1038-A]].
- Rank: 878
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- [ 142 ]
Air traffic control : FAA's acquisition management has improved, but policies and oversight need strengthening to help ensure results : report to the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-23. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 876
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- [ 143 ]
Spyware : what you don't know can hurt you : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 29, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-89. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 876
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- [ 144 ]
Strategies to improve access to Medicaid home- and community-based services : hearing before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 7, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49:S.HRG.108-637. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31998-1. [[1038-A]].
- Rank: 875
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- [ 145 ]
An analysis of the President's budgetary proposals for fiscal year ... /. Annual. United States. Y 10.19:(DATE). [[1005-K]].
- Rank: 872
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- [ 146 ]
Engineer : the professional bulletin for army engineers. [electronic resource] :. Quarterly. U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center. D 103.115:(DATE). GPO stock no.: 708-023-00000-1. [[0334-A-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 872
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- [ 147 ]
The status of the U.S. refining industry : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-113. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32126-8. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 872
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- [ 148 ]
What's the hold up? : a review of security clearance backlog and reciprocity issues plaguing today's government and private sector workforce : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 6, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:C 58/3. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32121-7. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 871
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- [ 149 ]
Information on selected personnel practices at the Justice Department. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. GA 1.41:GAO-04-665 R. [[0545-A-04 (online)]].
- Rank: 870
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- [ 150 ]
An agreement between the United States of America and Japan on social security : communication from the President of the United States transmitting an agreement between the United States of America and Japan on social security, with a principal agreement and an administrative arrangement, both signed at Washington on February 19, 2004, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 433(e)(1). 2004. United States. Y 1.1/7:108-234. [[0996-A]].
- Rank: 869
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- [ 151 ]
DOD counternarcotics : what is Congress getting for its money? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 21, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:C 83/11. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32034-2. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 867
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- [ 152 ]
Foreign assistance : U.S. anticorruption programs in sub-Saharan Africa will require time and commitment : report to the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-506. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 867
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- [ 153 ]
Tax administration : IRS needs to consider options for revising regulations to increase the accuracy of social security numbers on wage statements : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-712. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 866
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- [ 154 ]
Competition and consumer choice in the MVPD marketplace, including an examination of proposals to expand consumer choice, such as a la carte and theme-tiered offerings : hearing before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 14, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-110. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32127-6. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 865
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- [ 155 ]
Abstracts of funded research. [electronic resource]. Annual. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program (United States. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service) A 94.24:(DATE). [[0040-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 865
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- [ 156 ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that federal land management agencies should fully implement the Western Governors Association Collaborative 10-Year Strategy for Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to Communities and the Environment to reduce the overabundance of forest fuels that place national resources at high risk of catastrophic wildfire, and prepare a national prescribed fire strategy that minimizes risks of escape : report (to accompany H. Con. Res. 352). 2002] United States. Y 1.1/8:107-502/PT.1. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 864
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- [ 157 ]
Farm Program payments : USDA needs to strengthen regulations and oversight to better ensure recipients do not circumvent payment limitations : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-04-407. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 862
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- [ 158 ]
Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP), report to Congress. Microfiche. Annual. United States. PM 1.42:(DATE) B. [[0290-L-01 (MF)]].
- Rank: 855
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- [ 159 ]
The Reporter. Microfiche. Quarterly, Fall 1983-. United States. D 302-11:(DATE). GPO stock no.: 708-047-00000-7. [[0427-C (MF)]].
- Rank: 850
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