Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Search Results
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- (2005013* AND purl) OR (2005013* AND http)
- Records returned: 46
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- [ 1 ]
A fan design that meets the NASA aeronautics noise goals. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212322. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 2 ]
Traffic volume trends. Microfiche. Monthly. United States. TD 2.50:(DATE)B. [[0982-G-41 (MF)]].
- Rank: 999
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- [ 3 ]
Winged crusade : the quest for American aerospace power. [electronic resource] :. 2003] United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12:101. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 997
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- [ 4 ]
A parent's guide to preventing inhalant abuse. [electronic resource]. 1998?] U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Y 3.C 76/3:8 P 21. [[1062-C-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 996
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- [ 5 ]
Traffic volume trends. Monthly. United States. TD 2.50:(DATE). [[0982-G-41]].
- Rank: 987
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- [ 6 ]
Social objectives and competition in common carrier communications : incompatible or inseparable. [electronic resource] :. [1980] United States. CC 1.63:1. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 984
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- [ 7 ]
Catalyzed ignition of bipropellants in microtubes. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212206. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 984
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- [ 8 ]
America's challenges in an unstable world : balancing security with liberty. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12:100. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 979
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- [ 9 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1983-1989. 1990. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/983-989. [[0425-A-03]].
- Rank: 979
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- [ 10 ]
Highway Economic Requirements System : the Oregon experience. [electronic resource] :. 2003] United States. TD 2.30/23:03-037. [[0982-G-64 (online)]].
- Rank: 979
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- [ 11 ]
National Heritage Partnership Act : report (to accompany S. 2543). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/5:108-329. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 979
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- [ 12 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1972-1982. [electronic resource] :. 1984. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/972-982. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 978
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- [ 13 ]
Resource directory for older people. [electronic resource]. [2001] National Institute on Aging. HE 1.1002:R 31/9/2001. [[0447-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 977
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- [ 14 ]
Joint Resolution Commemorating the Opening of the National Museum of the American Indian. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-322. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00124-7. [[0575]].
- Rank: 976
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- [ 15 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1996-2000. [electronic resource] :. 2001. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/996-2000. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 976
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- [ 16 ]
Dependency of shear strength on test rate in SiC/BSAS ceramic matrix composite at elevated temperature. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212182. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 975
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- [ 17 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1964-1967. [electronic resource] :. 1969. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/964-967. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 973
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- [ 18 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1968-1972. [electronic resource] :. 1972. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/968-972. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 973
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- [ 19 ]
Erosion resistant coatings for polymer matrix composites in propulsion applications. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212201. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 970
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- [ 20 ]
The United States Air Force Academy : a bibliography, 1954-1964. [electronic resource] :. 1966. United States Air Force Academy. D 305.12/2:B 47/954-964. [[0425-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 969
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- [ 21 ]
A 3-D CE/SE Navier-Stokes solver with unstructured hexahedral grid for computation of near field jet screech noise. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212314. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 969
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- [ 22 ]
High-risk series : an update. [electronic resource] :. [2005] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-207. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 968
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- [ 23 ]
Monitoring trends in bat populations of the United States and territories : problems and prospects. [electronic resource] :. [2003]. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.210:2003-0003. [[0626-C-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 962
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- [ 24 ]
Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplantation Act of 2004 : report (to accompany H.R. 3858) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-726. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 961
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- [ 25 ]
Relief of Mrs. Florence Narusewicz : report (to accompany H.R. 710) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-776. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 960
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- [ 26 ]
Site remediation via dispersion by chemical reaction (DCR) /. 1997] Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) D 103.33/2:97-18. [[0335-B (online)]].
- Rank: 960
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- [ 27 ]
Traffic volume trends. [electronic resource]. Monthly. United States. TD 2.50:(DATE)A. [[0982-G-41 (online)]].
- Rank: 960
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- [ 28 ]
What you need to know when you get SSI. [electronic resource]. United States. SSA 1.2:SU 7/(DATE). [[0517-B (online)]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 29 ]
United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act : report together with additional views (to accompany S. 2610) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/5:108-316. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 30 ]
Hong Kong after the elections : the future of one country, two systems : hearing before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 44:EL 2/2. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32160-8. [[1009-C-14]].
- Rank: 944
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- [ 31 ]
National compensation survey. Occupational wages in the South Atlantic Census Division. [electronic resource]. Annual. United States. L 2.121/56:SOUTH ATLANTIC(DATE). [[0768-B-54 (online)]].
- Rank: 943
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- [ 32 ]
Social security, what you need to know when you get SSI. [1996]-. Annual. United States. SSA 1.2:SU 7/(DATE)A. [[0517-B]].
- Rank: 938
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- [ 33 ]
Seguro Social, lo que necesita saber si recibe beneficios de SSI. Annual. United States. SSA 1.2:SU 7/(DATE)A/SPAN. [[0517-B]].
- Rank: 935
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- [ 34 ]
First responders : how states, localities and the federal government are working together to make America safer : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 17, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-17. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32181-1. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 934
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- [ 35 ]
Resource directory for older people /. 1996] National Institute on Aging. HE 1.1002:R 31/9. GPO stock no.: 017-062-00145-6. [[0447-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 932
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- [ 36 ]
Global Anti-Semitism Review Act : markup before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2292, September 29, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 8/16:G 51/2. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32076-8. [[1017-A-01]].
- Rank: 929
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- [ 37 ]
United States security policy in Afghanistan on the eve of national elections : hearing before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 8/16:SE 2/13. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32163-2. [[1017-A-01]].
- Rank: 928
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- [ 38 ]
Maps showing sedimentary basins, surface thermal maturity, and indications of petroleum in the Central Alaska Province. [electronic resource] /. 2003. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.113:MF-2428/CD. [[0619-G-11]].
- Rank: 927
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- [ 39 ]
Juvenile detention centers : are they warehousing children with mental illness? : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 7, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-696. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32208-6. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 40 ]
Seguro social, lo que necesita saber si recibe beneficios de SSI. [electronic resource]. United States. SSA 1.2:SU 7/(DATE)/SPAN. [[0517-B (online)]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 41 ]
Flood insurance studies (FIS). [electronic resource] /. Updated irregularly. United States. HS 5.116/1-52:(DATE). [[0594-C-01-51, 53 (online)]].
- Rank: 905
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- [ 42 ]
H.R. 5005, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, day 3 : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, on H.R. 5005, the Homeland Securoty Act of 2002, day 3, July 17, 2002. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:107-3. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32310-4. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 900
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- [ 43 ]
Human trafficking : mail order bride abuses : hearing before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 13, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-695. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32171-3. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 898
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- [ 44 ]
Dietary Supplement Safety Act : how is the Food and Drug Administration doing 10 years later? : hearing before the Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia Subcommittee of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 8, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-651. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32211-6. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 889
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- [ 45 ]
Morbidity and mortality weekly report : MMWR. [electronic resource] :. [1995]-. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) HE 20.7039/3:(DATE). [[0504-W-01]].
- Rank: 862
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- [ 46 ]
Calling on government of Libya to review legal actions taken against Bulgarian medical workers, urging the President of the EU to add Hezbollah to EU's wide-ranging list of terrorist organizations, pledging continued U.S. support for the Republic of Georgia, congratulating Serbia for conducting a democratic, free and fair presidential election and for reaffirming Serbia's commitment to peace, democracy and the rule of law, relating to the reunification of Cyprus : markup before the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session on H. Res. 733, H. Res. 341, H. Res. 483, H. Res. 726 and H. Con Res. 412, October 5, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 8/16:G 74/3. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32177-2. [[1017-A-01]].
- Rank: 859
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