Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Search Results
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- Records returned: 171
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- [ 1 ]
Independent Orbiter Assessment : assessment of the communication and tracking subsystem. Microfiche. 1988] United States. NAS 1.26:185528. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 2 ]
Radiological assessments for clearance of materials from nuclear facilities. [electronic resource] /. [2003-. v. 1. Main report -- v. 3. Appendices F and G. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Y 3.N 88:10/1640/V.1-/2003. GPO stock no.: 052-020-00956-2 (v.1). [[1051-H-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 955
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- [ 3 ]
Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services provide certain documents to the House of Representatives relating to estimates and analyses of the cost of the medicare prescription drug legislation : adverse report together with dissenting views (to accompany H.Res. 776) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office) 2004]-. United States. Y 1.1/8:108-754/PT.1-2. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 938
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- [ 4 ]
PubMed central : an archive of life science journals. [electronic resource] :. [2000]-. National Library of Medicine (U.S.) HE 20.3627/2:(DATE). [[0508-F-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 933
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- [ 5 ]
Railroad Retirement Board reminders for ... [electronic resource]. Annual. United States. RR 1.19:(DATE) A. [[0859-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 926
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- [ 6 ]
Water testing scams. [electronic resource]. [1997] United States. FT 1.32:97004060. [[0535-A-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 919
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- [ 7 ]
DINFOS Course Catalog. [electronic resource]. Updated irregularly. Defense Information School. D 1.59:(DATE). [[0310-L (online)]].
- Rank: 880
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- [ 8 ]
Political map of the world. [Planimetric ed.] Annual. United States. PREX 3.10/4-4:(DATE). [[0856-A-01]].
- Rank: 861
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- [ 9 ]
Condominium coverage. [2004] United States. HS 5.102:C 75.
- Rank: 855
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- [ 10 ]
New home construction and life safety sprinklers. 2003] United States Fire Administration. HS 5.202:SP 8.
- Rank: 844
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- [ 11 ]
Physical map of the world. [Relief ed.] Annual. United States. PREX 3.10/4-2:(DATE). [[0856-A-01]].
- Rank: 844
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- [ 12 ]
Defense Science Board report on corrosion control. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. D 1.107:C 81. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 838
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- [ 13 ]
Negotiating for improved interconnection : the incentives to bargain. [electronic resource] :. Rev. Apr. 1982. [1982] United States. CC 1.63:7. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 837
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- [ 14 ]
Background information relating to the Joint Committee on Taxation. [electronic resource]. 2005] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:J 66/2005. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 836
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- [ 15 ]
Tobacco products : fast facts. [1992] United States. FT 1.32:T 55. [[0535-A-03]].
- Rank: 834
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- [ 16 ]
Understanding the victory disease from the Little Bighorn to Mogadishu and beyond. [electronic resource] /. [2004] D 110.2:V 66. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 829
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- [ 17 ]
Draft revised recovery plan for the Nene or Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis). [electronic resource]. 1st rev., July 2004. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.77/5:N 34/DRAFT. [[0611-L-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 827
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- [ 18 ]
Deregulation after divestiture : the effect of the AT T settlement on competition. [electronic resource] :. [1982] United States. CC 1.63:8. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 826
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- [ 19 ]
A guide to southern pine seed sources /. 1987. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-43. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 825
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- [ 20 ]
Guam's forest resources, 2002. [electronic resource] /. [2004] Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) A 13.80:PNW-RB-243. [[0083-B-05 (online)]].
- Rank: 825
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- [ 21 ]
Bypass of the local exchange : a quantitative assessment. [electronic resource] :. [1984] United States. CC 1.63:12. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 825
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- [ 22 ]
Standard time zones of the world. Annual. United States. PREX 3.10/4-3:(DATE). [[0856-A-01]].
- Rank: 822
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- [ 23 ]
Defense Science Board Task Force on B-52H Re-Engining. [electronic resource]. Rev. and updated. [2004] United States. D 1.107:R 25/2004. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 822
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- [ 24 ]
Afghanistan : an introduction to the country and people. [electronic resource] :. [2003?] Marine Corps Institute (U.S.) D 214.9/2:AF 3. [[0384 (online)]].
- Rank: 822
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- [ 25 ]
Statistical determinants of radio stations' revenues and trading prices. [electronic resource] /. [1982] United States. CC 1.63:9. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 821
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- [ 26 ]
The criminal justice system's response to parental abduction. [electronic resource] /. [2001] United States. J 32.10:C 86/4. [[0718-A-09 (online)]].
- Rank: 820
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- [ 27 ]
No child left behind : character education -- our shared responsibility = La educacion moral -- Nuestra responsabilidad compartida. [electronic resource] :. [2004?] United States. ED 1.2:C 37/SPANISH-ENGLISH. [[0455-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 819
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- [ 28 ]
Propfan Test Assessment (PTA) : flight test report. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:182278. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 819
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- [ 29 ]
Propfan Test Assessment (PTA) : final project report. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:185138. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 819
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- [ 30 ]
American Samoa's forest resources, 2001. [electronic resource] /. [2004] Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) A 13.80:PNW-RB-244. [[0083-B-05 (online)]].
- Rank: 819
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- [ 31 ]
The realization of input-output maps using bialgebras. Microfiche. 1989] United States. NAS 1.26:185362. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 818
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- [ 32 ]
The Supreme Court revisits affirmative action : will Grutter and Gratz mean the end of Bakke? : staff analysis. [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:AE 1. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 818
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- [ 33 ]
Highlights. [electronic resource]. [2004]-. Three no. a year. United States. A 57.81/12:(DATE). [[0120-C-12 (online)]].
- Rank: 817
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- [ 34 ]
Economics and telecommunications privacy : a framework for analysis. [electronic resource] :. [1980] United States. CC 1.63:5. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 816
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- [ 35 ]
Freedom defended : implementing America's strategy for homeland security. [2004] United States. Y 4.H 75:F 87. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 816
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- [ 36 ]
The nonconvex multi-dimensional Riemann problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181887. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 816
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- [ 37 ]
A liquid xenon imaging telescope for 1-30 MeV gamma-ray astrophysics. Microfiche. 1989] United States. NAS 1.26:185999. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 815
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- [ 38 ]
Manual for program PSTRESS : peel stress computation. Microfiche. [1987] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:178408. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 813
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- [ 39 ]
General conditions under which a person is entitled to a railroad retirement spouse annuity. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. RR 1.2:G 28/2/2004. [[0859 (online)]].
- Rank: 813
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- [ 40 ]
Strengthening transatlantic security : a U.S. strategy for the 21st century. [electronic resource] :. [2000] United States. D 1.2:SE 2/9. [[0306 (online)]].
- Rank: 812
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- [ 41 ]
Sliding seal materials for low heat rejection engines. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:182262. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 812
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- [ 42 ]
Theory of games and applications in forestry /. 1984. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-26. [[0083-B-06 (microfiche)]].
- Rank: 811
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- [ 43 ]
Conceptual design of liquid droplet radiator shuttle-attached experiment : final report. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:185164. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 811
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- [ 44 ]
Conceptual design of liquid droplet radiator shuttle-attached experiment : technical requirements document. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:185165. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 811
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- [ 45 ]
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Enabling Joint Force Capabilities, phase II. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. D 1.107:J 66/PHASE 2. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 810
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- [ 46 ]
Lessons learned on Israeli airbase program. [electronic resource]. [1982] United States. D 103.43:5-1-5. [[0338-B (online)]].
- Rank: 810
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- [ 47 ]
Are recent FCC telephone rate reforms a threat to universal service?. [electronic resource] /. [1984] Gordon, Kenneth. CC 1.63:10. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 810
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- [ 48 ]
Biological diversity research : an analysis. Microfiche. [1991] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-71. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 809
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- [ 49 ]
Three component laser Doppler measurements in an axisymmetric jet. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181908. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 809
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- [ 50 ]
News. characteristics and resulting time away from work. Lost-worktime injuries :. 1997. Annual. United States. L 2.120:(DATE). [[0769-P]].
- Rank: 809
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- [ 51 ]
Natural regeneration of loblolly pine /. [1987] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-47. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 808
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- [ 52 ]
Subcontracting directory. [electronic resource] /. United States. GS 1.31:(DATE). [[0559-E-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 808
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- [ 53 ]
Lightning data study in conjunction with geostationary satellite data. Microfiche. [1987] George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. NAS 1.26:179286. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 807
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- [ 54 ]
Independent Orbiter Assessment : analysis of the life support airlock support subsystems. Microfiche. 1987] United States. NAS 1.26:185539. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 807
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- [ 55 ]
VA health care overview /. 2004] United States. VA 1.22:10-185. [[0986-A]].
- Rank: 806
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- [ 56 ]
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on the Employment of the National Ignition Facility. [electronic resource]. [2004-. United States. D 1.107:IG 5/V.1. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 806
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- [ 57 ]
Middle atmosphere program. : handbook for MAP. Volume 28. Microfiche. 1989] United States. NAS 1.26:184972. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 805
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- [ 58 ]
The research and development of COM-PLY lumber /. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-53. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 805
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- [ 59 ]
Independent Orbiter Assessment : assessment of the hydraulics/water spray boiler subsystem. Microfiche. 1988] United States. NAS 1.26:185537. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 805
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- [ 60 ]
Parameter identification for an abstract Cauchy problem by quasilinearization. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181933. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 804
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- [ 61 ]
Southern Appalachian timber study /. [1989?] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-56. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 804
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- [ 62 ]
Wastewater chemicals in Colorado's streams and ground water /. [2005] Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.127:2004-3127. [[0621-L]].
- Rank: 804
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- [ 63 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Indiana post-September 11 : before the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, May 30, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:B/MULI/4. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 804
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- [ 64 ]
A menu of self-administered microcomputer-based neurotoxicology tests. Microfiche. 1988] Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. NAS 1.26:185518. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 804
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- [ 65 ]
Requirements for multidisciplinary design of aerospace vehicles on high performance computers. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181915. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 803
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- [ 66 ]
Nonprincipal-plane scattering from flat plates : second-order and corner diffraction and pattern control of horn antennas : semiannual progress report. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:185485. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 802
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- [ 67 ]
Older Americans 2000 : key indicators of well-being. [electronic resource] :. [2000?] Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (U.S.) HE 1.1002:OL 1/16/2000. [[0447-A-26 (online)]].
- Rank: 802
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- [ 68 ]
The use of Lanczos's method to solve the large generalized symmetric definite eigenvalue problem. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181914. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 799
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- [ 69 ]
Near-planar TS waves and longitudinal vortices in channel flow : nonlinear interaction and focusing. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181928. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 799
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- [ 70 ]
Independent Orbiter Assessment : assessment of the electrical power distribution and control/electrical power generation subsystem. Microfiche. 1988] United States. NAS 1.26:185542. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 799
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- [ 71 ]
Assessing the volume of wood products used to build and maintain recreational structures on the Tongass National Forest : potential opportunities for Alaska wood products. [electronic resource] :. [2005] Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) A 13.88:PNW-GTR-621. [[0083-B-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 799
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- [ 72 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in North Dakota post-September 11 : before the North Dakota Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, May 23, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:B/MULI/5. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 799
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- [ 73 ]
Research directions in the study of timber markets and forest policies /. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-62. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 798
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- [ 74 ]
Investigation of difficult component effects on finite element model vibration prediction for the Bell AH-1G helicopter. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181916. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 797
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- [ 75 ]
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 : conference report (to accompany S. 2845). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/8:108-786. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 796
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- [ 76 ]
Convergence results for pseudospectral approximations of hyperbolic systems by a penalty type boundary treatment. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181929. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 795
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- [ 77 ]
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Integrated Fire Support in the Battlespace. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. D 1.107:IN 8. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 793
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- [ 78 ]
NFDRSPC : the National Fire-Danger Rating System on a Personal. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-61. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 793
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- [ 79 ]
Preparing Atlantic coastal plain sites for loblolly pine plantations /. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-57. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 792
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- [ 80 ]
The optimal forest rotation : a discussion and annotated bibliography. Microfiche. [1988] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-48. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 791
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- [ 81 ]
Preparing to manage wilderness in the 21st century : proceedings of the conference, State Botanical Gardens. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-66. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 791
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- [ 82 ]
System development and early biological tests in NASA's biomass production chamber. Microfiche. [1990] John F. Kennedy Space Center. NAS 1.15:103494. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 790
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- [ 83 ]
Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act : report (to accompany H.R. 3283). 2004-. United States. Y 1.1/8:108-790/PT.1. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 789
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- [ 84 ]
Likelihood of timber management on nonindustrail private forests : evidence from research studies. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-60. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 789
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- [ 85 ]
Economic assessment of using a mobile Micromill for processing small-diameter ponderosa pine. [electronic resource] /. [2004] Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) A 13.88:PNW-GTR-623. [[0083-B-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 788
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- [ 86 ]
History, uses, and effects of fire in the Appalachians. Microfiche. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-54. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 787
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- [ 87 ]
Static tensile and tensile creep testing of four boron nitride coated ceramic fibers at elevated temperatures : final report. Microfiche. [1989] Ames Research Center. NAS 1.26:184999. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 787
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- [ 88 ]
Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program (NGP) : ... technical highlights. Microfiche. Annual. Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program (U.S.) C 13.58:DATE). [[0247-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 786
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- [ 89 ]
Wilderness benchmark 1988 : proceedings of the National Wilderness Colloquium, Tampa. 1989. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-51. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 786
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- [ 90 ]
Marketing nature-oriented tourism for rural development and wildlands management in developing countries : a bibliography. 1987. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-44. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 786
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- [ 91 ]
Proceedings of Southern Plantation Wood Quality Workshop : a workshop on management, utilization, and economics of the. [1990] United States. A 13.88:SE-63. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 786
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- [ 92 ]
Changes in area of timberland in the United States, 1952-2040, by ownership, forest type, region, and state /. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-64. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 785
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- [ 93 ]
Fire and the environment : ecological and cultural perspectives : proceedings of an. Microfiche. [1991] University of Tennessee, Knoxville. A 13.88:SE-69. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 785
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- [ 94 ]
Overview of present-law tax rules and issues relating to employer-sponsored retirement plans : scheduled for a public hearing before the Subcommittee on. [electronic resource] :. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:EM 7/3. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 784
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- [ 95 ]
An overview of the pine wood nematode ban in North America /. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-55. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 783
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- [ 96 ]
Older Americans 2004 [electronic resource] : key indicators of well-being. [2005] Population -- Economics -- Health status -- Health risks and behaviors -- Health care. Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (U.S.) HE 1.1002:OL 1/16. [[0447-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 783
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- [ 97 ]
Lost-worktime injuries and illnesses, characteristics and resulting time away from work. [electronic resource]. [1998]-. Annual. United States. L 2.120/2-27:(DATE). [[0769-P-13 (online)]].
- Rank: 782
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- [ 98 ]
Transport composite fuselage technology : impact dynamics and acoustic transmission. Microfiche. 1986. Lockheed-California Company. NAS 1.26:4035. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 781
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- [ 99 ]
Description of present law and a proposal relating to tax relief for personnel in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro), Albania, the Adriatic Sea, and the northern Ionian Sea : scheduled for markup by the House Committee on Ways and. [electronic resource] :. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:R 27/2. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 781
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- [ 100 ]
Climate variability and ecosystem response : proceedings of a long-term ecological research workshop. [1990] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-65. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 779
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- [ 101 ]
Current topics in forest research : emphasis on contributions by women scientists : proceedings. 1987. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-46. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 778
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- [ 102 ]
Military pay : gaps in pay and benefits create financial hardships for injured Army National Guard and Reserve soldiers : report to congressional requesters. [electronic resource] :. [2005] United States. GA 1.13:GAO-05-125. [[0546-D (online)]].
- Rank: 777
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- [ 103 ]
Proceedings of Pine-Hardwood Mixtures : a Symposium on Management and Ecology of the Type, Atlanta. 1989. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-58. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 776
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- [ 104 ]
Proceedings of a symposium : ecological land classification : applications to identify. [1991] North Carolina State University. A 13.88:SE-68. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 776
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- [ 105 ]
Atmospheric environment for space shuttle (STS-28) launch. Microfiche. 1990] George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:100386. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 776
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- [ 106 ]
Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Reorganization Act : report (to accompany H.R. 5163) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2004]-. United States. Y 1.1/8:108-749/PT.1. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 775
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- [ 107 ]
Outdoor recreation benchmark 1988 : proceedings of the National Outdoor Recreation Forum, Tampa. [1989?] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-52. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 774
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- [ 108 ]
Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference : Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-6, 1986. 1987. Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SE-42. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 772
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- [ 109 ]
Simulation of solute transport of tetrachloroethylene in ground water of the glacial-drift aquifer at the Savage Municipal Well Superfund site, Milford, New Hampshire, 1960-2000. [electronic resource] /. [2004]. New Hampshire. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5176. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 771
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- [ 110 ]
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress. Doc. ed. Annual. United States. Y 1.1/7:109-1. [[0996-A]].
- Rank: 767
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- [ 111 ]
Proceedings of the symposium, The Forested Wetlands of the Southern United States /. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-50. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 767
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- [ 112 ]
Constituent loads and flow-weighted average concentrations for major subbasins of the Upper Red River of the North Basin, 1997-99. [electronic resource] /. 2004. North Dakota. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5200. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 766
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- [ 113 ]
National compensation survey. Cleveland-Akron, OH. [electronic resource] /. Annual. United States. L 2.121/35:C 59/(DATE). [[0768-B-35 (online)]].
- Rank: 766
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- [ 114 ]
An atlas of ECMWF analyses (1980-87). Microfiche. 1990-. pt. 1. First moment quantities -- pt. 2. Second moment quantities. Goddard Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:100747. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 765
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- [ 115 ]
Carbon dioxide and water exchange rates by a wheat crop in NASA's biomass production chamber : results from an 86-day study (January to April 1989. Microfiche. [1990] John F. Kennedy Space Center. NAS 1.15:102788. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 765
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- [ 116 ]
Members' day : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, March 3, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.B 85/3:108-22. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31984-1. [[1035-B-01]].
- Rank: 763
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, [Full Record]
- [ 117 ]
Contingent emergency reserve fund request for Iraq and Afghanistan for fiscal year 2005 : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, special hearing, June 2, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-681. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32042-3. [[1033]].
- Rank: 763
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- [ 118 ]
Department of Health and Human Services budget priorities for fiscal year 2005 : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session : hearing held in Washington, DC, February 26, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.B 85/3:108-21. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32142-0. [[1035-B-01]].
- Rank: 762
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, [Full Record]
- [ 119 ]
Transportation research and development : applications and opportunities in the Denver region : field hearing before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 4, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-62. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 761
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- [ 120 ]
Getting older, staying healthier : the demographics of health care : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 22, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.EC 7:D 39/4. [[1000-B]].
- Rank: 761
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, [Full Record]
- [ 121 ]
An assessment of current efforts to combat terrorism financing : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-683. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32291-4. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 760
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- [ 122 ]
Sudan : peace but at what price? : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-666. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32053-9. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 759
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- [ 123 ]
Oversight hearing on long-term care programs in VA : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, May 22, 2003. 2005. United States. Y 4.V 64/3:108-14. [[1027-A]].
- Rank: 759
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, [Full Record]
- [ 124 ]
Ground-water hydrology and water quality of the Southern High Plains aquifer, Melrose Air Force Range, Cannon Air Force Base, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico, 2002-03 /. 2004. Cannon Air Force Base (N.M.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5158. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 758
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- [ 125 ]
An evaluation of the role of ozone, acid deposition, and other airborne pollutants in the forests of eastern North America. [1989] Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) A 13.88:SE-59. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 758
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- [ 126 ]
Evaluating international intellectual property piracy : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 9, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-661. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32180-2. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 758
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- [ 127 ]
Human capital : preliminary observations on final Department of Homeland. [electronic resource] :. [2005] United States. GA 1.5/2:GAO-05-320 T. [[0546-D-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 757
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- [ 128 ]
Fiscal year 2005 Environmental Protection Agency budget : hearing before the Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 11, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-46. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 757
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- [ 129 ]
Miscellaneous public lands and forest bills : hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 738, S. 1614, S. 2221, S. 2253, S. 2334, S. 2408, S. 2622, July 21, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.108-714. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32247-7. [[1040-A]].
- Rank: 757
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- [ 130 ]
A precipitation-runoff model for the analysis of the effects of water withdrawals and land-use change on streamflow in the Usquepaug-Queen River Basin, Rhode Island /. 2004. Rhode Island. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5139. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 756
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- [ 131 ]
Nevada Test Site annual site environmental report for calendar year ... /. Annual. Bechtel Nevada (Firm) E 1.2:N 41/(DATE). [[0429-A]].
- Rank: 756
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- [ 132 ]
Testing and certification for voting equipment : how can the process be improved? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 24, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-65. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 756
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- [ 133 ]
Examining the impacts of the Endangered Species Act on southern New Mexico : oversight field hearing before the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Monday, June 7, 2004, in Carlsbad, New Mexico. 2004. United States. Y 4.R 31/3:108-96. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32227-2. [[1023-A]].
- Rank: 754
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- [ 134 ]
Determining sources of water and contaminants to wells in a carbonate aquifer near Martinsburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania, by use of geochemical indicators, analysis of anthropogenic contaminants, and simulation of ground-water flow /. 2004. Southern Alleghenies Conservancy. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5124. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 135 ]
Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.J 89/1:108/115. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32277-9. [[1020-A]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 136 ]
Federal offender reentry and protecting children from criminal recidivists : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, October 7, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.J 89/1:108/116. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32246-9. [[1020-A]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 137 ]
The effects of the Madrid terrorist attacks on U.S.-European cooperation in the war on terrorism : hearing before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 31, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-634. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32050-4. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 138 ]
Alzheimer's disease research : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, special hearing, March 23, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-715. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32162-4. [[1033]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 139 ]
Ensuring the continuity of the United States government : the Congress : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, September 9, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.108-701. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32283-3. [[1042-A]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 140 ]
The Department of Labor's overtime regulations effect on small business : hearing before the Subcommittee on Workforce, Empowerment [and] Government Programs of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Washington, DC, May 20, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SM 1:108-67. [[1031-A]].
- Rank: 753
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- [ 141 ]
1995 revision of radio regulations : message from the President of the United States transmitting 1995 revision of the radio regulations, with appendices, signed by the United States at Geneva on November 17, 1995 (the 1995 revision), together with declarations and reservations of the United States as contained in the final acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-95). 2004. United States. Y 1.1/4:108-28. [[0996-A]].
- Rank: 752
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- [ 142 ]
Common sense justice for the nation's capital : an examination of proposals to give D.C. residents direct representation : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:J 98/18. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32285-0. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 752
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- [ 143 ]
Forum on protecting older Americans under guardianship : who is watching the guardian? : forum before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Washington, DC, July 22, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.AG 4:S.HRG.108-728. [[1009-B-01]].
- Rank: 751
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- [ 144 ]
Homeland security research and development at the EPA : taking stock and looking ahead : hearing before the Subcommittee on Environment, Technnology, and Standards, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 19, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-60. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 751
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- [ 145 ]
Voicing the need for reform : the families of 9/11 : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 17, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-708. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32286-8. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 751
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- [ 146 ]
Intellectual property piracy : are we doing enough to protect U.S. innovation abroad? : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:P 94/40. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32251-5. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 750
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- [ 147 ]
Moving from need to know to need to share : a review of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 3, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:N 28/2. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32288-4. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 750
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- [ 148 ]
The impact of federal energy efficiency and renewable energy R D programs : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 19, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-59. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 749
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- [ 149 ]
Code talkers : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on contributions of Native American code talkers in American military history, September 22, 2004, Washington, DC 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-693. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32240-0. [[1009-B-05]].
- Rank: 748
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- [ 150 ]
Administration of large business bankruptcy reorganizations : has competition for big cases corrupted the bankruptcy system? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 21, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.J 89/1:108/114. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32280-9. [[1020-A]].
- Rank: 748
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- [ 151 ]
Helping those who need it most : low-income seniors and the new Medicare law : hearing before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Washington, DC, July 19, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.AG 4:S.HRG.108-727. [[1009-B-01]].
- Rank: 744
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- [ 152 ]
Native American Connectivity Act : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2382, to establish grant programs for the development of telecommunications capacities in Indian country, May 20, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-592. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31824-1. [[1009-B-05]].
- Rank: 742
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- [ 153 ]
No Child Left Behind Act : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on oversight hearing on implementation in Native American communities of the No Child Left Behind Act, June 16, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-621. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31974-3. [[1009-B-05]].
- Rank: 742
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- [ 154 ]
Latin American security challenges : a collaborative inquiry from North and South. [electronic resource] :. 2004. 1. Latin America's lawless areas and failed states / Julio A. Cirino, Silvana L. Elizondo, and Geoffrey Wawro -- 2. Security implications of poor economic performance in Latin America / Paul D. Taylor -- 3. Chinese interests in Latin America / Guillermo R. Delamer, Lyle J. Goldstein, Jorge Eduardo Malena, and Gabriela E. Porn. Center for Naval Warfare Studies (U.S.) D 208.212:21. [[0408-A-05 (online)]].
- Rank: 740
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- [ 155 ]
Electronic government : a progress report on the successes and challenges of government-wide information technology solutions : hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 24, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:EL 2/18. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32115-2. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 740
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- [ 156 ]
The Gulf of Guinea and U.S. strategic energy policy : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-713. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32170-5. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 739
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- [ 157 ]
How can we maximize private sector participation in transportation? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session. 2004-. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:P 25/4/PT.1. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32293-1 (pt.1). [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 738
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- [ 158 ]
Military construction appropriations for fiscal year 2005 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4837/S. 2674, an act making appropriations for military construction for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes. 2005. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-738. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32278-7. [[1033]].
- Rank: 737
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- [ 159 ]
Stratigraphic framework of Lower and Upper Cretaceous rocks in central and eastern Montana. [electronic resource] /. Version 1.0. 2000. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.121:57. [[0621-K]].
- Rank: 736
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- [ 160 ]
H.Con.Res. 279, H.Res. 395, H.R. 766, H.R. 1081, H.R. 1085, H.R. 1297, H.R. 1578, H.R. 2450, H.R. 2692, H.R. 2734, H.R. 3245, H.R. 4546 : compilation of markups before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first and second sessions, December 31, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-69. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 735
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- [ 161 ]
Department of the Interior and the Department of Health and Human Services Tribal Self-Governance Act : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 1715 [and] S. 1696, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to provide further self-governance by Indian tribes, May 12, 19, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-584. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31912-3. [[1009-B-05]].
- Rank: 731
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- [ 162 ]
Department of Defense appropriations for fiscal year 2005 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4613/S. 2559, an act making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes. 2004. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-676. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32156-0. [[1033]].
- Rank: 729
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- [ 163 ]
District of Columbia appropriations for fiscal year 2005 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4850/S. 2826, an act making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes : District of Columbia. 2005. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-740. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32279-5. [[1033]].
- Rank: 726
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- [ 164 ]
Nez Perce-Snake River Water Rights Act : hearing before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2605, to direct the Secretary of the Interior and the heads of other federal agencies to carry out an agreement resolving major issues relating to the adjudication of water rights in the Snake River Basin, Idaho, July 20, 2004, Washington, DC. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-636. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32111-0. [[1009-B-05]].
- Rank: 726
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- [ 165 ]
Department of Homeland Security appropriations for fiscal year 2005 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4567/S. 2537, an act making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes. 2004. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-705. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32243-4. [[1033]].
- Rank: 726
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- [ 166 ]
3-D reservoir characterization of the House Creek oil field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming. [electronic resource] /. V1.00. 1997. I 19.121:33. [[0621-K]].
- Rank: 723
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- [ 167 ]
Joint inquiry into intelligence community activities before and after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 : hearings before the Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives. 2004. United States. Y 4.IN 8/19:S.HRG.107-1086/V.1-2. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32155-1 (v. 1). [[1009-B-07]].
- Rank: 722
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- [ 168 ]
Mid-session hearings on the budget : hearings before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session. 2001. June 27, 2001: Reassessing the economic outlook -- June 28, 2001: How big is the remaining surplus? -- July 12, 2001: Economic and budget update -- July 18, 2001: Defense spending and the budget outlook -- August 2, 2001: Social security: budgetary tradeoffs and transition cost -- September 4, 2001: OMB's mid-session review and the budget and economic -- October 2, 2001: The economic outlook -- October 25, 2001: Economic stimulus. United States. Y 4.B 85/2:S.HRG.107-1087. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32312-1. [[1035-A-01]].
- Rank: 716
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- [ 169 ]
Sea-floor images and data from multibeam surveys in San Francisco Bay, Southern California, Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Tahoe, California--Nevada. [electronic resource] /. Version 1.0. 1999. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.121:55. [[0621-K]].
- Rank: 713
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- [ 170 ]
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress. [Dept. ed.]. 1950-. Annual. United States. PR 43.9:(DATE). [[0848]].
- Rank: 704
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- [ 171 ]
Depth to the Juan De Fuca slab beneath the Cascadia subduction margin : a 3-D model for sorting earthquakes. [electronic resource] :. Version 1.0. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.121:91. [[0621-K]].
- Rank: 701
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