Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Search Results
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- (2005030* AND purl) OR (2005030* AND http)
- Records returned: 230
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- [ 1 ]
BRL-CAD tutorial series. [electronic resource]. [2001-. v. 1. Overview and installation / Lee A. Butler, Eric W. Edwards -- v. 2. Introduction to MGED / Lee A. Butler, Eric W. Edwards, Betty J. Schueler -- v. 3. Principles of effective modeling / Lee A. Butler, Eric W. Edwards and Dwayne L. Kregel -- v. 4. Converting geometry between BRL-CAD and other formats / John R. Anderson, Eric W. Edwards. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. D 105.14/5:102. [[0325-J (online)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 2 ]
DINFOS Course Catalog. [electronic resource]. Updated irregularly. Defense Information School. D 1.59: (DATE). [[0310-L (online)]].
- Rank: 760
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- [ 3 ]
MSA business patterns (NAICS). [electronic resource]. Annual. U.S. Census Bureau. C 3.204/6:. [[0133-F (online)]].
- Rank: 745
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- [ 4 ]
Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish Refuges Complex : comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment. [electronic resource] :. [2004]. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.44/3-3:IL 6. [[0612-C-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 737
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- [ 5 ]
Microfilm publications catalog. [electronic resource]. Archives Library Information Center (U.S.) AE 1.133:(DATE). [[0569-B-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 731
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- [ 6 ]
NEARTS : [newsletter. [electronic resource] :. Bimonthly. National Endowment for the Arts. NF 2.18:(DATE). [[0831-B-30 (online)]].
- Rank: 730
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- [ 7 ]
NASA science institutes plan : report of the NASA Science Institutes Team : final publication (incorporating public comments and revisions). 1996. NASA Science Institutes Team. NAS 1.2:97017702. [[0830-C (online)]].
- Rank: 730
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- [ 8 ]
Preparing for disaster. [2004] United States. HS 5.102:D 63/2. [[0520-E-01]].
- Rank: 728
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- [ 9 ]
Advances and directions of ion nitriding/carburizing. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102398. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 728
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- [ 10 ]
Characterization and cycle tests of lightweight nickel electrodes. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102399. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 726
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- [ 11 ]
Voting rights in Florida 2002 : briefing summary. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:V 94. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 723
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- [ 12 ]
Quien soy? [electronic resource]. [2003?] Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (U.S.) HE 20.430:W 62/SPAN. [[0497-D-52 (online)]].
- Rank: 721
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- [ 13 ]
Report to Congress on military funeral honors for veterans. [electronic resource]. [1999] United States. D 1.2:F 96/2. [[0306 (online)]].
- Rank: 719
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- [ 14 ]
Briefing on the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilites Education Act (IDEA), April 12,2002. [electronic resource]. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:ED 8/2. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 717
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- [ 15 ]
Channelized coplanar waveguide pin-diode switches. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102289. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 716
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- [ 16 ]
Nonintrusive inertial vibration isolation technology for microgravity space experiments. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102386. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 716
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- [ 17 ]
Directory of National Park Service historians. [electronic resource]. Updated 3 to 4 times a year. United States. I 29.126/2:(DATE). [[0648-V-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 716
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- [ 18 ]
Processing of alumina-toughened zirconia composites. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212451. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 714
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- [ 19 ]
Experimental high temperature characterization of a magnetic bearing for turbomachinery. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212183. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 713
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- [ 20 ]
Briefing on the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilites Education Act (IDEA), April 12,2002. [electronic resource]. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:ED 8/2. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 713
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- [ 21 ]
Competition policy in the post-equal access market. [electronic resource] /. [1987] United States. CC 1.63:22. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 713
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- [ 22 ]
Effects of mistuning and matrix structure on the topology of frequency response curves. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102290. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 713
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- [ 23 ]
The forests of the Green Mountain State. [electronic resource] /. [2003] United States. A 13.80:NE-158. [[0083-B-05 (online)]].
- Rank: 712
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- [ 24 ]
Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish Refuges Complex : comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment. [electronic resource] :. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.44/3-3:IL 6. [[0612-C-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 711
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- [ 25 ]
Keeping the promise : benefits and services for former prisoners of war. [2004] United States. VA 1.19:21-01-1. [[0988]].
- Rank: 711
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- [ 26 ]
Crossing borders : the administration of justice and civil rights protections in the immigration and asylum context : project summary. [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:B 64/2. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 709
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- [ 27 ]
Anniversary update on Commission activities related to September 11. [electronic resource]. [2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:SE 6. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 709
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- [ 28 ]
Plasma-deposited amorphous hydrogenated carbon films and their tribological properties. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102379. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 709
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- [ 29 ]
Evaluation of low-noise, improved-bearing-contact spiral bevel gears. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212353. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 708
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- [ 30 ]
Tribological properties of PM212 : a high-temperature, self-lubricating, powder metallurgy. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102355. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 708
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- [ 31 ]
Briefing on the consequences of government race data collection bans on civil rights. [electronic resource]. [2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:R 12. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 708
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- [ 32 ]
Loosening the ties that bind : regulating the interexchange services market for the 1990's. [electronic resource] :. [1987] United States. CC 1.63:23. [[0285-A-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 707
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- [ 33 ]
A least-squares finite element method for incompressible Navier-Stokes problems. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102385. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 707
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- [ 34 ]
La guerra de Colombia : hacia una nueva estrategia. [electronic resource] :. [2002] National Defense University. D 5.417:194/S. [[0378-H-12 (online)]].
- Rank: 706
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- [ 35 ]
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment. [electronic resource]. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.44/3-3:M 66. [[0612-C-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 706
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- [ 36 ]
Some observations on transitory stall in conical diffusers. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102387. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 706
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- [ 37 ]
Briefing on bioterrorism and health care disparities, March 8, 2002 : briefing paper. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:B 52. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 38 ]
Briefing on boundaries of justice : immigration policies post-September 11th. [electronic resource] :. [2001] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:IM 6. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 39 ]
National estimates of missing children : selected trends, 1988-1999. [2004] United States. J 32.2:N 21/SELECT. [[0718-A-05]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 40 ]
Is America ready to vote? : election readiness briefing paper. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:AM 3/2. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 41 ]
Draft revised recovery plan for the Nene or Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis). [electronic resource]. 1st rev., July 2004. [2004] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.77/5:N 34/DRAFT. [[0611-L-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 42 ]
Briefing on Haitian asylum seekers and U.S. immigration policy : Miami, Florida, June 21, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:H 13. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 43 ]
Microcomputer-based tests for repeated-measures : metric properties and predictive validities. Microfiche. 1989] United States. NAS 1.26:185517. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 44 ]
Is America ready to vote? : election readiness briefing paper. [electronic resource] :. [Updated]. [2004] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:AM 3/2/2004. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 705
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- [ 45 ]
Prediction of unsteady blade surface pressures on an advanced propeller at an angle of attack. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102374. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 704
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- [ 46 ]
Strategic plan : goals, objectives, milestones. [electronic resource] :. United States. D 1.46/5-2: (DATE). [[0310-P (online)]].
- Rank: 703
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- [ 47 ]
Application of large eddy interaction model to a mixing layer. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:185123. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 703
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- [ 48 ]
Multigrid calculations of 3-D turbulent viscous flows. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:185154. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 703
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- [ 49 ]
A thermoelastic transversely isotropic thick walled cylinder/disk application : an analytical solution and study. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.15:102320. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 50 ]
Briefing on bioterrorism and health care disparities, March 8, 2002 : briefing paper. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:B 52. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 51 ]
Briefing on Haitian asylum seekers and U.S. immigration policy : Miami, Florida, June 21, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:H 13. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 52 ]
Briefing on boundaries of justice : immigration policies post-September 11th. [electronic resource] :. [2001] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:IM 6. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 53 ]
Discrete filtering techniques applied to sequential GPS range measurements. Microfiche. [1987] Ames Research Center. NAS 1.26:177472. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 54 ]
National Flood Insurance Program : general property form, standard flood insurance policy. [2004] National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) HS 5.102:F 76. [[0520-E-01]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 55 ]
National Flood Insurance Program : dwelling form, standard flood insurance policy. [2004] National Flood Insurance Program (U.S.) HS 5.102:F 76/2. [[0520-E-01]].
- Rank: 702
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- [ 56 ]
Trajectory optimization and guidance for an aerospace plane : final report, September 1988 through August 1989. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:185884. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 701
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- [ 57 ]
Subcontracting directory. [electronic resource] /. United States. GS 1.31:(DATE). [[0559-E-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 701
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- [ 58 ]
A multidomain spectral collocation method for the Stokes problem. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181876. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 700
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- [ 59 ]
Numerical experience with a class of algorithms for nonlinear optimization using inexact function and gradient information. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181927. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 699
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- [ 60 ]
The 1973 Arab-Israeli war : the albatross of decisive victory. [electronic resource] :. [1996] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:21. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 699
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- [ 61 ]
Prevent type 2 diabetes = prevengamos la diabetes tipo 2. [2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:P 96/ENG.-SPAN. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 699
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- [ 62 ]
Independent Orbiter Assessment : assessment of the active thermal control system. Microfiche. 1988] United States. NAS 1.26:185573. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 698
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- [ 63 ]
Closing the achievement gap : the impact of standards-based education reform on student performance : draft report for commissioners' review. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:ED 8/3/DRAFT. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 698
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- [ 64 ]
Overview of present law and issues relating to individual income taxes : scheduled for a public hearing before the Senate Committee. [electronic resource] :. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:IN 2/41. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 698
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- [ 65 ]
Child protection in families experiencing domestic violence. [electronic resource]. [2003] United States. HE 25.2:C 43/2/CD. [[0524-A-12]].
- Rank: 697
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- [ 66 ]
Supermax prisons and the Constitution : liability concerns in the extended control unit. [2004] National Institute of Corrections (U.S.) J 16.102:P 93/3. [[0726-D]].
- Rank: 697
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- [ 67 ]
An integrated magnetic circuit model and finite element model approach to magnetic bearing design. Microfiche. 2003] NASA Glenn Research Center. NAS 1.15:212297. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 697
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- [ 68 ]
Manual tank gauging for small underground storage tanks. Microfiche. [1994] United States. EP 1.2:M 31/11. [[0431-I-01 (MF)]].
- Rank: 697
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- [ 69 ]
Primer for design professionals : communicating with owners and managers of new buildings on earthquake risk. [2004] United States. HS 5.102:EA 7/4. [[0520-E-01]].
- Rank: 697
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- [ 70 ]
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Preventing and Defending Against Clandestine Nuclear Attack. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. D 1.107:N 88. [[0307-B (online)]].
- Rank: 696
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- [ 71 ]
Optimum shape of a blunt forebody in hypersonic flow. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181955. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 695
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- [ 72 ]
Prediction of the thermal environment and thermal response of simple panels exposed to radiant heat. Microfiche. [1989] Langley Research Center. NAs 1.15:101660. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 695
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- [ 73 ]
Not war but like war : the American intervention in Lebanon. [electronic resource] :. [1981] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:3. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 695
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- [ 74 ]
State of the union message : message from the President of the United States transmitting a report on the state of the union. 2005. United States. Y 1.1/7:109-3. [[0996-A]].
- Rank: 695
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- [ 75 ]
Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems /. [2005] v. 1. Quick start -- v. 2. Design, supplementary methods and interpretation. Jornada Experimental Range. A 13.36/2:G 76/V.1-2. [[0086-C]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 76 ]
A guide to the work-relatedness of disease /. Rev. ed. 1979. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HE 20.7108:W 89/979. [[0499-F-03]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 77 ]
Some implications of the isotropic momentarily frozen assumptions for the SPAN-MAT program. Microfiche. [1986] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:181937. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 78 ]
Definition of avionics concepts for a heavy lift cargo vehicle : appendix A, final report. Microfiche. [1989] George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. NAS 1.26:183817. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 79 ]
The evolution of US Army tactical doctrine, 1946-76. [electronic resource] /. [1979] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:1. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 80 ]
Soviet night operations in World War II. [electronic resource] /. [1982] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:6. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 694
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- [ 81 ]
Gawin ang maliliit na hakbang na ito ngayon upang : Pigilan ang diabetes. 2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/20/TAGALOG. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 693
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- [ 82 ]
Amicicide : the problem of friendly fire in modern war. [electronic resource] :. [1982] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.11:1. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 693
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- [ 83 ]
Hydrogeologic characterization of the Modesto area, San Joaquin Valley, California. [electronic resource] /. 2004. Modesto Irrigation District (Calif.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5232. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 693
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- [ 84 ]
Education accountability and high-stakes testing in the Carolinas : briefing summary. [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:ED 8. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 692
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- [ 85 ]
Thuc hien cac buoc nho bay gio de : phong ngua benh tieu duong. 2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/16/VIETNA. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 692
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- [ 86 ]
50 years of Army computing : from ENIAC to MSRC : a record of a symposium and. [electronic resource] :. 2000] U.S. Army Research Laboratory. D 105.14/5:93. [[0325-J (online)]].
- Rank: 691
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- [ 87 ]
Constitutive modeling for isotropic materials (HOST) : third annual status report. Microfiche. [1986] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:179522. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 690
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- [ 88 ]
Education accountability and high-stakes testing in the Carolinas : briefing summary. [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:ED 8. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 690
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- [ 89 ]
Description of chairman's mark of proposals relating to education incentives : scheduled for markup by the Senate Committee on Finance on. [electronic resource] :. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:ED 8/6. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 690
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- [ 90 ]
Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2004. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-373. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00175-1. [[0575]].
- Rank: 689
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- [ 91 ]
An Act to Expand Research Information Regarding Multidisciplinary Research Projects and Epidemiological Studies. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-427. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00229-4. [[0575]].
- Rank: 689
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- [ 92 ]
The application of cast SiC/Al to rotary engine components. Microfiche. 1986] United States. NAS 1.26:179610. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 689
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- [ 93 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Ohio post-September 11 before the Ohio Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, November 14, 2001. [electronic resource]. 2002?] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 689
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- [ 94 ]
August storm : the Soviet 1945 strategic offensive in Manchuria. [electronic resource] :. [1983] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:7. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 689
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- [ 95 ]
Providing for consideration of H.R. 418, REAL ID Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 71). 2005] United States. Y 1.1/8:109-3. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 689
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, [Full Record]
- [ 96 ]
California Missions Preservation Act. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-420. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00222-7. [[0575]].
- Rank: 689
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, [Full Record]
- [ 97 ]
Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program--1988. Microfiche. 1989. Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program (U.S.) NAS 1.15:4130. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 688
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 98 ]
Providing for further consideration of H.R. 418, REAL ID Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 75). 2005] United States. Y 1.1/8:109-4. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 688
Locate Libraries
, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 99 ]
Patibat tam khanton ngai ngai laoni die oni phua pongkan rok baowan. 2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/17/THAI. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 687
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 100 ]
Defending the Driniumor : covering force operations in New Guinea, 1944. [electronic resource] :. [1984] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:9. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 687
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 101 ]
Dragon operations : hostage rescues in the Congo, 1964-1965. [electronic resource] :. [1988?] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:14. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 687
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 102 ]
Sedimentation and occurrence and trends of selected chemical constituents in bottom sediment of 10 small reservoirs, eastern Kansas /. 2004. Kansas. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5228. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 687
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, [Full Record]
- [ 103 ]
Rocky Mountain National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2004 : report (to accompany S. 2181). 2004] United States. Y 1.1/5:108-367. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 687
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 104 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Wisconsin post-September 11 before the Wisconsin Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Milwaukee, April 11, 2002. [electronic resource]. 2002?] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91/2. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 105 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Ohio post-September 11 before the Ohio Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, November 14, 2001. [electronic resource]. 2002?] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 106 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Indiana post-September 11 : before the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, May 30, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91/3. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 107 ]
Final environmental impact statement for the Galileo Mission (Tier 2). Microfiche. [1989] United States. NAS 1.15:101825. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 108 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Minnesota post-September 11 before the Minnesota Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, February 12, 2002. [electronic resource]. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91/5. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 109 ]
NASA/MSFC FY88 Global Scale Atmospheric Processes Research Program review. Microfiche. [1989] George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:100357. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 110 ]
Fighting the Russians in winter : three case studies. [electronic resource] :. [1981] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:5. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 111 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 4141 Postmark Drive, Anchorage, Alaska, as the Robert J. Opinsky Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-353. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00155-7. [[0575]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 112 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 411 Midway Avenue in Mascotte, Florida, as the Specialist Eric Ramirez Post Office.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-402. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00204-9. [[0575]].
- Rank: 686
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 113 ]
Rangers : selected combat operations in World War II. [electronic resource] :. [1985] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:11. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 114 ]
Industrial noise control manual. [electronic resource] /. Rev. ed. [1978] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HE 20.7108:N 69/978. [[0499-F-03 (online)]].
- Rank: 685
Locate Libraries
, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 115 ]
Present law and background relating to employer-sponsored defined benefit pension plans and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Program (PBGC) : scheduled for a public hearing before the Senate Committee. [electronic resource] :. 2005] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:D 36/2. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 116 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 11110 Sunset Hills Road in Reston, Virginia, as the Martha Pennino Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-407. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00209-0. [[0575]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 117 ]
The U.S. Department of Education's Race-neutral alternatives in postsecondary education, innovative approaches to diversity : are they viable substitutes for affirmative action? [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.2:ED 8/2. [[0288-A (online)]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 118 ]
Processing of DMSP magnetic data and its use in geomagnetic field modeling. Microfiche. 1989. Goddard Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:100750. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 119 ]
Chemical warfare in World War I : the American experience, 1917-1918. [electronic resource] :. [1984] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:10. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 685
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 120 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 2811 Springdale Avenue in Springdale, Arkansas, as the Harvey and Bernice Jones Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-392. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00194-8. [[0575]].
- Rank: 684
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 121 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at United States Route 1 in Ridgeway, North Carolina, as the Eva Holtzman Post Office.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-403. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00205-7. [[0575]].
- Rank: 684
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 122 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in Wisconsin post-September 11 before the Wisconsin Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Milwaukee, April 11, 2002. [electronic resource]. 2002?] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91/2. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 684
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 123 ]
Briefing on tragedy along the Arizona-Mexico border : undocumented immigrants face death in the desert : before the Arizona Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Tucson, August 23, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002?] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:T 67. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 684
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 124 ]
The use of computerized mapping in crime control and prevention programs /. [1995] National Institute of Justice (U.S.) J 28.15/2-2:M 32. [[0717-J-01]].
- Rank: 683
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 125 ]
Providing for consideration of H.R. 54, Congressional Gold Metal Enhancement Act of 2005 : report (to accompany H. Res. 42). 2005] United States. Y 1.1/8:109-1. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 683
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 126 ]
USAREC electronic library. [electronic resource]. Semiannual. United States. D 101.129/6:L 61/CD (DATE). [[0307-A-08]].
- Rank: 683
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 127 ]
Vegetation of forested uplands in the Massabesic Experimental Forest. [electronic resource] /. 2004. United States. A 13.88:NE-320. [[0083-B-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 683
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 128 ]
Water use in Kansas, 1990-2000 /. [2004] Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.127:2004-3133. [[0621-L]].
- Rank: 683
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 129 ]
Briefing on civil rights issues facing Muslims and Arab Americans in North Dakota post-September 11 : before the North Dakota Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, May 23, 2002. [electronic resource] :. 2002] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:M 91/4. [[0288-A-11(online)]].
- Rank: 682
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 130 ]
Issues in midterm analysis and forecasting. Microfiche. 1996-1999. Annual. United States. E 3.2:IS 7/. [[0429-T-11 (MF)]].
- Rank: 682
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 131 ]
Controle la diabetes por su y de por vida : consejos para ayudarlo a sentirse mejor y a mantenerse saludable. 2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/15/SPAN. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 681
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 132 ]
Yu fang tang niao bing : xian zai cai qu yi xia bu zou, nin hui huo de zhong sheng de cheng guo. 2004] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/17/CHINESE. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 681
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 133 ]
Rapid deployment logistics : Lebanon, 1958. [electronic resource] :. [1984] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.11:3. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 681
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 134 ]
August storm : Soviet tactical and operational combat in Manchuria, 1945. [electronic resource] :. [1983] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:8. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 680
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 135 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 10 West Prospect Street in Nanuet, New York, as the Anthony I. Lombardi Memorial Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-397. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00199-9. [[0575]].
- Rank: 680
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 136 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 1115 South Clinton Avenue in Dunn, North Carolina, as the General William Carey Lee Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-395. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00197-2. [[0575]].
- Rank: 680
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 137 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 555 West 180th Street in New York, New York, as the Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda Post Office.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-388. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00190-5. [[0575]].
- Rank: 679
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 138 ]
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 19504 Linden Boulevard in St. Albans, New York, as the Archie Spigner Post Office Building.. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-398. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00200-6. [[0575]].
- Rank: 679
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, [Full Record]
- [ 139 ]
Thermal barrier coating life prediction model development : phase 1, final report. Microfiche. [1989] Lewis Research Center. NAS 1.26:182230. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 679
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, [Full Record]
- [ 140 ]
The determination of the orbit of the Japanese satellite Ajisai and the GEM-T1 and GEM-T2 gravity field models. Microfiche. 1990. Goddard Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:100763. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 679
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 141 ]
Floods of November 1996 through January 1997 in the Umpqua River basin, Oregon /. [2004] United States. I 19.127:2004-3134. [[0621-L]].
- Rank: 677
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 142 ]
An Act to Establish Wilderness Areas, Promote Conservation, Improve Public Land, and Provide for the High Quality Development in Lincoln County, Nevada, and for Other Purposes. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-424. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00226-0. [[0575]].
- Rank: 677
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 143 ]
Summary of a study to determine low-velocity impact damage and residual tension strength for a thick graphite/epoxy motor case. Microfiche. [1990] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.15:102678. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 677
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 144 ]
Seek, strike, and destroy : U.S. Army tank destroyer doctrine in World War II. [electronic resource] :. [1985] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:12. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 676
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 145 ]
Make your own paper fossils. [electronic resource] /. 1994] Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.76:94-667-B. [[0624-H]].
- Rank: 676
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 146 ]
Report of the Joint Committee on Taxation relating to the Internal Revenue Service as required by the IRS Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 : prepared for the House Committees on Ways and Means. [electronic resource] :. 1999] United States. Y 4.T 19/4:IN 8/11. [[1002-A (online)]].
- Rank: 676
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 147 ]
Providing for consideration of House Concurrent Resolution 36, expressing the continued support of Congress for equal access of military recruiters to institutions of higher education : report (to accompany H. Res. 59). 2005] United States. Y 1.1/8:109-2. [[1008-C]].
- Rank: 676
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 148 ]
Ua tej yam me me raws li ntawm no nquis tes ua tej yam mes li hais tamsim no los : tiv thaiv kom txhob mob ntshav qabzib. 2004] National Diabetes Education Program (U.S.) HE 20.3302:D 54/17/HMONG. [[0507-A-25]].
- Rank: 675
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 149 ]
Quality and sources of ground water used for public supply in Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah, 2001. [electronic resource] /. 2004. Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.42/4:03-4325. [[0624-B (online)]].
- Rank: 674
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 150 ]
Estimating flood-peak discharge magnitudes and frequencies for rural streams in Illinois /. 2004. Illinois. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5103. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 674
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 151 ]
Health insurance coverage in the United States. [electronic resource]. [2003] Annual. U.S. Census Bureau. C 3.186/34:(DATE). [[0142-C-21 (online)]].
- Rank: 673
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 152 ]
Toward combined arms warfare : a survey of 20th-century tactics, doctrine, and organization. [electronic resource] :. [1984] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.11:2. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 673
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 153 ]
Pesticides and their breakdown products in Lake Waxahachie, Texas, and in finished drinking water from the lake. [electronic resource] /. [2002] Geological Survey (U.S.) I 19.127:032-02. [[0621-L (online)]].
- Rank: 672
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 154 ]
Historical publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. [electronic resource]. 2001-. United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.18:(DATE). [[0288-A-12 (online)]].
- Rank: 671
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 155 ]
An analysis of the contact sintering process in III-V solar cells. Microfiche. 1990] United States. NAS 1.15:103179. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 671
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 156 ]
Identity theft and your social security number. [electronic resource]. United States. SSA 1.19/3:(DATE) A. [[0517-E-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 670
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 157 ]
Changes in streamflow and water quality in selected nontidal sites in the Chesapeake Bay basin, 1985-2003. [electronic resource] /. 2004. Chesapeake Bay Program (U.S.). I 19.42/4-4:2004-5259. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 670
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 158 ]
Digest of United States practice in international law : Office of the Legal Adviser. [electronic resource] /. [2001]-. Annual. United States. S 7.12/3:(DATE). [[0864-A (online)]].
- Rank: 669
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 159 ]
Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow and land-surface subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer system, Texas /. 2004. Texas Water Development Board. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5102. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 668
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 160 ]
Effects of surface applications of biosolids on soil, crops, ground water, and streambed sediment near Deer Trail, Colorado, 1999-2003 /. 2004. Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Colo.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5289. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 668
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 161 ]
Japan's battle of Okinawa, April-June 1945. Microfiche. [1990] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:18. GPO stock no.: 008-020-01230-1. [[0359-C (MF)]].
- Rank: 668
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 162 ]
Identification documents fraud and the implication for homeland security : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, October 1, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-28. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32193-4. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 668
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 163 ]
An Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Increase the Authorization of Appropriations for Grants to Benefit Homeless Veterans, to Improve Programs for Management and Administration of Veterans' Facilities and Health Care Programs, and for Other Purposes. 2004] United States. AE 2.110:108-422. GPO stock no.: 869-054-00224-3. [[0575]].
- Rank: 668
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 164 ]
Identity theft and your social security number. [electronic resource]. United States. SSA 1.19/3:(DATE). [[0517-E-01 (online)]].
- Rank: 667
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 165 ]
Energy storage for a lunar base by the reversible chemical reaction, CaO+H<-b2<-sO[reversal reaction]Ca(OH)<-b2<-s. Microfiche. 1990] United States. NAS 1.15:103145. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 667
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 166 ]
Summary of sediment data from the Yampa River and upper Green River basins, Colorado and Utah, 1993-2002. [eletronic resource] /. 2004. Colorado. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5242. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 667
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 167 ]
Seasonal LAI in slash pine estimated with Landsat TM. Microfiche. 1990] Ames Research Center. NAS 1.15:102278. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 666
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 168 ]
The Department of Homeland Security's security initiatives to secure America's borders : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-14. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32057-1. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 666
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 169 ]
Russian-Soviet unconventional wars in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Afghanistan. Microfiche. [1993] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:20. GPO stock no.: 008-020-01307-2. [[0359-C (MF)]].
- Rank: 665
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 170 ]
Associations among land use, habitat characteristics, and invertebrate community structure in nine streams on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1999-2001 /. 2004. National Water-Quality Assessment Program (U.S.) I 19.42/4:03-4256. [[0624-B]].
- Rank: 664
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 171 ]
Assessing the security needs of the west : hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism of the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, August 21, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-22. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32332-5. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 664
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 172 ]
Native American health care disparities briefing : executive summary. [electronic resource] :. [2004] United States Commission on Civil Rights. CR 1.8/2:AM 3. [[0288-A-11 (online)]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 173 ]
Power pack : U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966. [1988] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:15. GPO stock no.: 002-020-01149-5. [[0359-C]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 174 ]
Hearing on electronic voting system security : hearing before the Committee on House Administration, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, July 7, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 81/3:V 94/17. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32356-2. [[1018-A]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 175 ]
The road map : detours and disengagements : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 20, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.108-723. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32333-3. [[1039-A]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 176 ]
Carbon in U.S. forests and wood products, 1987-1997 : state-by-state estimates. [electronic resource] :. [2003] United States. A 13.88:NE-310. [[0083-B-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 177 ]
Lunar science and resources : future options : hearing before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 1, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-53. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 663
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 178 ]
Industry speaks on cybersecurity : hearing of [sic] the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, and Research and Development before [sic] the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, July 15, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-16. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32300-7. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 662
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 179 ]
The conflict between science and securtiy in visa policy : status and next steps : hearing before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, February 25, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-43. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 662
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 180 ]
Hearing on response to terrorism : how is the Department of Homeland Security improving our capabilities? : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 19, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-11. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32054-7. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 662
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, [Short Record]
, [Full Record]
- [ 181 ]
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy preliminary report : hearing before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 5, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-57. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 662
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- [ 182 ]
Preserving America : historic preservation and heritage tourism in housing and community development : a guide to using Community Development Block Grant funds for historic preservation and heritage tourism in your communities. [2004?] Community Development Block Grant Program (U.S.) HH 1.6/3:P 92/2. [[0582-E]].
- Rank: 662
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- [ 183 ]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Organic Acts : hearing before the Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-67. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 662
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- [ 184 ]
The 9/11 Commission Report : identifying and preventing terrorist financing : hearing before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, August 23, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49/20:108-107. [[1013-C]].
- Rank: 661
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- [ 185 ]
Protecting the privacy of consumers' social security numbers : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 28, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-128. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32331-7. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 186 ]
Cyber security education : meeting the needs of technology workers and employers : hearing before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 21, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-68. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 187 ]
Protecting our commerce : enhancing the security of America's ports : hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 21, 2003. 2005. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-12. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32363-5. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 188 ]
Poverty in the United States. [electronic resource]. [1996-2003] Annual. U.S. Census Bureau. C 3.186/22:(DATE). [[0142-C-07 (online)]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 189 ]
BPHC Uniform Data System manual : for use with calendar year 2004 UDS data. 2004 rev. 2004. United States. HE 20.9108:UN 3. [[0532-E-12]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 190 ]
Deciding what has to be done : General William E. DePuy and the 1976 edition of FM 100-5. Microfiche. [1988] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.9:16. [[0359-C (MF)]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 191 ]
Atlas of depth-duration frequency of precipitation annual maxima for Texas /. [2004] Geological Survey (U.S.). I 19.42/4-4:2004-5041. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 660
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- [ 192 ]
Federal regulation of boxing : hearing before the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Foreign Commerce and Tourism of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, May 22, 2002. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/7:S.HRG.107-1098. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32233-7. [[1041-A]].
- Rank: 659
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- [ 193 ]
Strength through knowledge : homeland security science and technology setting and steering a strong course : hearing before the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, and Research and Development of the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, October 30, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-33. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32297-3. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 659
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- [ 194 ]
Protecting our financial infrastructure : preparation and vigilance : hearing before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 8, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49/20:108-108. [[1013-C]].
- Rank: 658
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- [ 195 ]
VA's current procedures for background checks and credentialing : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 31, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.V 64/3:108-35. [[1027-A]].
- Rank: 658
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- [ 196 ]
Simulated effects of the 2003 permitted withdrawals and water-management alternatives on reservoir storage and firm yields of three surface-water supplies, Ipswich River basin, Massachusetts /. 2004. Massachusetts. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5122. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 658
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- [ 197 ]
Health information technology : improving quality and value of patient care : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 22, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-132. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32339-2. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 658
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- [ 198 ]
Increasing the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers : field hearing before the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform and Oversight of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, Spartanburg, SC, November 17, 2003. 2003. United States. Y 4.SM 1:108-45. [[1031-A]].
- Rank: 658
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- [ 199 ]
Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States. [electronic resource]. [2004]-. Annual. U.S. Census Bureau. C 3.186/41: (DATE). [[0142-C-33 (online)]].
- Rank: 657
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- [ 200 ]
Digest of United States practice in international law. Microfiche. c2001-. Annual. International Law Institute (Washington, D.C.) S 7.12/3:(DATE)A. [[0864-A (MF)]].
- Rank: 657
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- [ 201 ]
Human subjects protections in VA research : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 18, 2003. 2005. United States. Y 4.V 64/3:108-18. [[1027-A]].
- Rank: 657
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- [ 202 ] [electronic resource] /. Monthly. National Endowment for the Arts. NF 2.17:(NOS.). [[0831-B-21 (online)]].
- Rank: 657
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- [ 203 ]
Continuation of the national emergency with respect to terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification stating that the emergency declared with respect to foreign terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process is to continue in effect beyond January 23, 2005, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d). 2005. United States. Y 1.1/7:109-6. [[0996-A]].
- Rank: 657
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- [ 204 ]
Aviation security under the Transportation Security Administration : an update on screening passengers, checking baggage, ticket counter security, and new technology : field hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, August 8, 2002. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/7:S.HRG.107-1099. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32325-2. [[1041-A]].
- Rank: 656
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- [ 205 ]
Income in the United States. [electronic resource]. [2003] Annual. U.S. Census Bureau. C 3.186/32:(DATE). [[0142-C-23 (online)]].
- Rank: 655
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- [ 206 ]
NASA contests and prizes : how can they help advance space exploration? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.SCI 2:108-66. [[1025-A-01]].
- Rank: 654
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- [ 207 ]
Structural imbalance of the District of Columbia : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, special hearing, June 22, 2004, Washington, DC. 2005. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-744. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32299-0. [[1033]].
- Rank: 654
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- [ 208 ]
Restoring forests after catastrophic events : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Thursday, July 15, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.R 31/3:108-103. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32335-0. [[1023-A]].
- Rank: 654
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- [ 209 ]
Freddie Mac's accounting restatement : are accounting standards working? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, January 28, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-105. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32045-8. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 653
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- [ 210 ]
Creating secure borders and open doors : a review of DHS-State collaboration on U.S. visa policy : hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 9, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:B 64/5. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32353-8. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 653
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- [ 211 ]
Balancing security and commerce : hearing before the Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security of the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 16, 2003. 2005. United States. Y 4.H 75:108-10. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32377-5. [[1018-C]].
- Rank: 653
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- [ 212 ]
Harbert and Shaw nominations : hearing before the Committee on Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, to consider the nominations of Karen Alderman Harbert to be Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy and International Affairs and John Spitaleri Shaw to be Assistant Secretary for the Office of Environment, Safety, and Health, September 21, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.108-732. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32294-9. [[1040-A]].
- Rank: 653
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- [ 213 ]
The international aspects of fish and wildlife conservation and management activities : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Thursday, April 29, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.R 31/3:108-92. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32176-4. [[1023-A]].
- Rank: 653
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- [ 214 ]
Nevada Test Site annual site environmental report for calendar year ... /. Annual. Bechtel Nevada (Firm) E 1.2:N 41/ (DATE). [[0429-A]].
- Rank: 652
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- [ 215 ]
Iraq : winning hearts and minds : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 15, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:IR 1/5. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32253-1. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 650
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- [ 216 ]
Preventing chronic disease through healthy lifestyles : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, special hearing, July 15, 2004, Washington, DC. 2005. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-747. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32298-1. [[1033]].
- Rank: 650
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- [ 217 ]
G.I. finances : protecting those who protect us : hearing before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Entereprises [sic] of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 9, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49/20:108-109. [[1013-C]].
- Rank: 649
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- [ 218 ]
H.R. 992, H.R. 993 and H.R. 994 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, June 24, 2003. 2004. United States. Y 4.ED 8/1:108-22. [[1015-A]].
- Rank: 649
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- [ 219 ]
National Parks Air Tour Management Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, to conduct oversight on the implementation of the National Parks Air Management Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-181), July 22, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.108-731. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32329-5. [[1040-A]].
- Rank: 649
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- [ 220 ]
Money matters : coin and counterfeiting issues : hearing before the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 28, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.F 49/20:108-82. [[1013-C]].
- Rank: 648
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- [ 221 ]
Ensuring the U.S. intelligence community supports homeland defense and departmental needs : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 13, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-724. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32265-5. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 648
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- [ 222 ]
The Iraq Oil-For-Food Program : starving for accountability : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 21, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:IR 1/6. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32287-6. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 647
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- [ 223 ]
Marijuana and medicine : the need for a science-based approach : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 1, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:M 33/5. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32321-0. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 646
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- [ 224 ]
Balancing act : the health advantages of naturally-occurring hormones in hormone replacement therapy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 22, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:AD 9/13. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32345-7. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 646
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- [ 225 ]
Making America safer : examining the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 30, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-741. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32374-1. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 646
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- [ 226 ]
Government and industry-wide efforts to address air traffic control delays : hearing before the Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, May 10 2001. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/7:S.HRG.107-1096. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32264-7. [[1041-A]].
- Rank: 645
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- [ 227 ]
Status of ocean observing systems in the United States : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Tuesday, July 13, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.R 31/3:108-102. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32275-2. [[1023-A]].
- Rank: 645
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- [ 228 ]
Report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy : hearings before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and [sic] State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies and the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, special hearings April 22, 2004, Washington, DC, September 27, 2004, Durham, New Hampshire. 2005. United States. Y 4.AP 6/2:S.HRG.108-757. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32343-1. [[1033]].
- Rank: 645
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- [ 229 ]
Nomination of Gregory Eugene Jackson : hearing before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on the nomination of Gregory Eugene Jackson, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, October 5, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-735. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32324-4. [[1037-B]].
- Rank: 644
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- [ 230 ]
Annual report : fiscal year ... : report on performance and accountability. [electronic resource] :. [2000?]-. Annual. United States. L 1.1/4:(DATE). [[0744-H (MF)]].
- Rank: 643
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