Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Search Results
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- Records returned: 96
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- [ 1 ]
Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge bird list. [electronic resource]. [2002] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I 49.44/2:C 28/2. [[0612-C (online)]].
- Rank: 1000
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- [ 2 ]
Studies in battle command. [electronic resource] /. [1995?] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. D 110.2:C 73. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 998
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- [ 3 ]
2002 census of agriculture. Puerto Rico municipio profiles. [electronic resource]. [2004] United States. A 92.53/52:P 96. [[0015-B-52 (online)]].
- Rank: 980
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- [ 4 ]
Demonstration aids for aviation education. [1980?] Nonpowered flight -- Aerospace and the environment -- Space exploration -- Aerospace communications. Aviation Education Programs (U.S.) TD 4.25:Ai 2. [[431-A-21]].
- Rank: 980
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- [ 5 ]
Analyzing workplace exposures using direct reading instruments and video exposure monitoring techniques. [electronic resource]. [1992] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HE 20.7102:AN 1. [[0499-F-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 965
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- [ 6 ]
Brazil /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:B 73/(DATE). [[0749-E (online)]].
- Rank: 965
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- [ 7 ]
Envisioning future warfare /. 1995. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press. D 110.2:W 23/2. [[0359-C]].
- Rank: 961
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- [ 8 ]
A guide to the study and use of military history /. [1979] Center of Military History. D 114.12:ST 9. [[0344-F]].
- Rank: 960
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- [ 9 ]
A student guide to tropical forest conservation. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SO-123. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 958
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- [ 10 ]
Sharp corners : urban operations at century's end. [electronic resource] :. [2001] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press. D 110.2:UR 1/2. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 958
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- [ 11 ]
An annotated bibliography of thinning literature. Microfiche. [1992] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-91. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 956
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- [ 12 ]
Influences on prescribed burning activity and costs in the National Forest System. [electronic resource] /. [2000] United States. A 13.88:SRS-37. [[0083-B-06 (online)]].
- Rank: 956
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- [ 13 ]
The foundations of the science of war. [electronic resource] /. 1993. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press. D 110.2:SCI 2. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 955
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- [ 14 ]
Wood densities of tropical tree species. Microfiche. [1992] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-88. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 954
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- [ 15 ]
Practical guidelines for producing longleaf pine seedlings in containers. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SRS-14. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 953
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- [ 16 ]
Walk on the wild side : explore your public lands : activity book. 2004 printing] United States. I 53.2:W 15/5. [[0631]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 17 ]
Hatchery production ... summary. [electronic resource]. 1997-. Annual. United States. A 92.9/6:(DATE). [[0021-F (online)]].
- Rank: 951
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- [ 18 ]
Bano de Oro Natural Area Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-111. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 950
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- [ 19 ]
Namibia /. 2003-. Annual. United States. L 29.16:N 15/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 950
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- [ 20 ]
A guide to major insects, diseases, air pollution injury, and chemical injury of sycamore. Microfiche. [1999] United States. A 13.88:SRS-28. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 950
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- [ 21 ]
Census methods for Caribbean land birds. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-98. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 949
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- [ 22 ]
Vietnam /. [2002]-. Annual. United States. L 29.16:V 67/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 949
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- [ 23 ]
An old-growth definition for tropical and subtropical forests in Florida. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SRS-13. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 24 ]
Plant Protection and Quarantine : safeguarding America's harvest and environment. [electronic resource] :. 2004. United States. A 1.68:1783. [[0014-A]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 25 ]
An old-growth definition for western and mixed mesophytic forests. Microfiche. [1997] A 13.88:SRS-16. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 948
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- [ 26 ]
A land manager's guide to point counts of birds in the Southeast /. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SO-120. [[0083-B-06]].
- Rank: 947
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- [ 27 ]
Insects of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-105. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 946
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- [ 28 ]
Uneven-aged silviculture for the loblolly and shortleaf pine forest cover types. Microfiche. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SO-118. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 946
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- [ 29 ]
Assessing uncertainty in expert judgments about natural resources. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-110. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 945
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- [ 30 ]
Program VSMOKE--users manual. Microfiche. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SRS-6. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 945
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- [ 31 ]
High speed research system study : advanced flight deck configuration effects. Microfiche. [1992] Langley Research Center. NAS 1.26:189650. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 945
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- [ 32 ]
The Southern Appalachians : a history of the landscape. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SRS-18. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 945
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- [ 33 ]
Ryukyus. 2004. Center of Military History. D 114.7/5:R 99/2004. GPO stock no.: 008-029-00316-3. [[0344-G]].
- Rank: 945
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- [ 34 ]
An atlas of upper tropospheric radiances observed in the 6 to 7 micrometer water vapor band using TOVS data from the NOAA weather satellites during 1979-1991. Microfiche. 1992. Goddard Space Flight Center. NAS 1.15:104563. [[0830-D (MF)]].
- Rank: 944
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- [ 35 ]
Work-related lung disease surveillance report, 1991. [electronic resource] /. [1991] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HE 20.7102:L 97/3/991. [[0499-F-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 944
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- [ 36 ]
An old-growth definition for wet pine forests, woodlands, and savannas. Microfiche. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SRS-2. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 943
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- [ 37 ]
Sicily. 2004. Center of Military History. D 114.7/5:SI 1/2004. GPO stock no.: 008-029-00272-8. [[0344-G]].
- Rank: 942
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- [ 38 ]
Judge advocates in Vietnam : army lawyers in Southeast Asia 1959-1975. [electronic resource] :. [2003] U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press. D 110.2:J 89. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 940
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- [ 39 ]
Malaysia /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:M 29/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 940
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- [ 40 ]
Photos for estimating fuel loadings before and after prescribed burning in the upper coastal plain of the southeast. Microfiche. [1999] United States. A 13.88:SRS-26. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 940
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- [ 41 ]
Toward a woody plant list for Antigua and Barbuda : past and present. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-102. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 939
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- [ 42 ]
Drugs of abuse /. Annual. United States. J 24.2:D 84/(DATE). [[0967]].
- Rank: 938
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- [ 43 ]
Microcomputer software for predicting growth of Southern timber stands. Microfiche. [1992] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-89. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 44 ]
Tree seed technology training course : student outline. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-107. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 45 ]
An interim old-growth definition for cypress-tupelo communities in the southeast. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SRS-19. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 46 ]
An old-growth definition for southwestern subtropical upland forests. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SRS-21. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 47 ]
Atlantic white-cedar : ecology and management symposium. Microfiche. [1999] United States. A 13.88:SRS-27. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 48 ]
Developments in fiber optics for distribution automation. Microfiche. 1991] Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.) NAS 1.26:190454. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 937
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- [ 49 ]
Current distributional information on freshwater mussels (family Unionidae) in Mississippi national forests. Microfiche. [1995] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-119. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 936
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- [ 50 ]
An old-growth definition for western hardwood gallery forests. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SRS-22. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 936
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- [ 51 ]
Real-time processing of radar return on a parallel computer. Microfiche. 1992. United States. NAS 1.26:4456. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 936
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- [ 52 ]
Hurricane Hugo : South Carolina forest land research and management related. Microfiche. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SRS-5. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 935
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- [ 53 ]
Cote d'Ivoire /. [2002]-. Annual. United States. L 29.16:C 83/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 934
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- [ 54 ]
Singapore /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:SI 6/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 933
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- [ 55 ]
An old-growth definition for evergreen bay forests and related seral communities. Microfiche. [1996] United States. A 13.88:SRS-3. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 933
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- [ 56 ]
Mexico /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:M 57/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 933
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- [ 57 ]
Estate planning for forest landowners : what will become of your timberland. Microfiche. [1993] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-97. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 932
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- [ 58 ]
An old-growth definition for seasonally wet oak-hardwood woodlands. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SRS-8. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 932
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- [ 59 ]
Boundary-layer receptivity due to distributed surface imperfections of a deterministic or random nature. Microfiche. 1992. United States. NAS 1.26:4439. [[0830-H-14 (MF)]].
- Rank: 931
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- [ 60 ]
Chloroform in the hydrologic system--sources, transport, fate, occurrence, and effects on human health and aquatic organisms /. 2004. National Synthesis on Volatile Organic Compounds (National Water-Quality Assessment Program) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5137. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 931
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- [ 61 ]
An Annotated list of the flora of the Bisley area, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, 1987 to 1992. Microfiche. [1993] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-94. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 930
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- [ 62 ]
Tree seed technology training course : instructor's manual. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-106. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 930
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- [ 63 ]
An old-growth definition for southern mixed hardwood forests. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SRS-9. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 930
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- [ 64 ]
An old-growth definition for dry and dry-mesic oak-pine forests. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SRS-23. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 929
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- [ 65 ]
Tunisia. 2004. Center of Military History. D 114.7/5:T 83/2004. GPO stock no.: 008-029-00261-2. [[0344-G]].
- Rank: 927
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- [ 66 ]
Korea /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:K 84/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 926
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- [ 67 ]
The Alcohol Summit : a roadmap for fraternities and sororities. [2004] United States. TD 8.2:SU 6. [[0982-D-51]].
- Rank: 926
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- [ 68 ]
English-Portuguese equivalents of forestry and conservation terms. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-109. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 925
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- [ 69 ]
Morocco /. 1989-. Annual. United States. L 29.16:M 82/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 925
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- [ 70 ]
The Ouachita and Ozark-St. Francis National Forests, a history of the lands and USDA Forest Service tenure. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SO-121. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 924
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- [ 71 ]
An old-growth definition for red river bottom forests in the eastern United States. Microfiche. [1997] United States. A 13.88:SRS-10. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 924
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- [ 72 ]
Work-related lung disease surveillance report. Supplement, 1992. [electronic resource] /. [1992] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HE 20.7102:L 97/3/991/SUPP. [[0499-F-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 922
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- [ 73 ]
Sri Lanka /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:SR 3/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 922
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- [ 74 ]
Long-term research does pay off : a summary of the Southern Station experience. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SO-124. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 75 ]
Updated computations and estimates of streamflows tributary to Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California, 1990-2002. [electronic resource] /. 2004. Douglas County (Nev.) I 19.42/4-4:2004-5179. [[0624-B-02 (online)]].
- Rank: 921
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- [ 76 ]
Current and future applications of mechanical fasteners for light-frame wood structure : proceedings of Mechanical Fasteners Plenary Session at the. Microfiche. [1993] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-92. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 918
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- [ 77 ]
Neotropical migratory birds of the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana : abstracts for selected species and management considerations. Microfiche. [1995] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-115. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 918
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- [ 78 ]
Invasion, intervention, intervasion : a concise history of the U.S. Army in Operation Uphold. [electronic resource] :. 1998. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press. D 110.2:H 62/3. [[0359-C (online)]].
- Rank: 917
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- [ 79 ]
Japan /. Annual. United States. L 29.16:J 27/(DATE). [[0749-E]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 80 ]
Guadalcanal. 2004. Center of Military History. D 114.7/5:G 93/2004. GPO stock no.: 008-029-00259-1. [[0344-G]].
- Rank: 914
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- [ 81 ]
Techniques in experimental mechanics applicable to forest products research : proceedings of the Experimental Mechanics Plenary Session at. Microfiche. [1998] United States. A 13.88:SO-125. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 912
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- [ 82 ]
Abstracts, Workshop on Harvesting Impacts on Bottomland Hardwood Forest Ecosystems. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-103. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 911
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- [ 83 ]
Proceedings of the Symposium on Ecosystem Management Research in the Ouachita Mountains: Pretreatment Conditions and Preliminary Findings : Hot Springs, Arkansas, October 26-27, 1993. Microfiche. 1994. Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-112. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 908
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- [ 84 ]
A Workshop to Resolve Conflicts in the Conservation of Migratory Landbirds in Bottomland Hardwood Forests. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-114. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 907
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- [ 85 ]
Trace elements and organic compounds in sediment and fish tissue from the Great Salt Lakes Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 1998-99 /. 2004. National Water-Quality Assessment Program (U.S.) I 19.42/4:03-4283. [[0624-B]].
- Rank: 906
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- [ 86 ]
Total dissolved gas and water temperature in the Lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2004 : quality-assurance data and comparison to water-quality. 2004. United States. I 19.42/4-4:2004-5249. [[0624-B-02]].
- Rank: 904
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- [ 87 ]
Child product safety : do current standards provide enough protection? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, October 6, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-129. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32334-1. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 900
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- [ 88 ]
The Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2004 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 3266, Mayy [sic] 11, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-102. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31960-3. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 894
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- [ 89 ]
Conquering obesity : the U.S. approach to combating this national health crisis : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, September 15, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:OB 2. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32425-9. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 894
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- [ 90 ]
The Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2004 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.R. 3266, Mayy [sic] 11, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.C 73/8:108-102. GPO stock no.: 552-070-31960-3. [[1019-A-01]].
- Rank: 893
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- [ 91 ]
Remote sensing for tropical forest assessment : Evaluacion de bosques tropicales utilizando la tecnica. Microfiche. [1994] Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.) A 13.88:SO-113. [[0083-B-06 (MF)]].
- Rank: 891
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- [ 92 ]
Developing biomass potential : turning hazardous fuels into valuable products : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, Wednesday, June 23, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.R 31/3:108-99. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32336-8. [[1023-A]].
- Rank: 887
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- [ 93 ]
Ensuring accuracy and accountability in laboratory testing : does the experience of Maryland General Hospital expose cracks in the system? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, May 18, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:AC 2/21. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32428-3. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 880
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- [ 94 ]
Where's the CIO? : the role, responsibility, and challenge for federal chief information officers in IT investment oversight and information management : hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, July 21, 2004. 2005. United States. Y 4.G 74/7:C 43/19. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32427-5. [[1016-A]].
- Rank: 879
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- [ 95 ]
High-performance computing : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2176, the High-End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004, which would authorize the Secretary to carry out a program of R D to advance high-end computing through the Office of Science, and to receive testimony regarding the Department of Energy's high-performance computing R D activities in both the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Office of Science, June 22, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.108-674. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32044-0. [[1040-A]].
- Rank: 865
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High-performance computing : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on S. 2176, the High-End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004, which would authorize the Secretary to carry out a program of R D to advance high-end computing through the Office of Science, and to receive testimony regarding the Department of Energy's high-performance computing R D activities in both the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Office of Science, June 22, 2004. 2004. United States. Y 4.EN 2:S.HRG.108-674. GPO stock no.: 552-070-32044-0. [[1040-A]].
- Rank: 864
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