World Development Indicators CD-ROM
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Last Updated on June 30, 2004


World Development Indicators provides annual cultural, demographic, economic, environmental, and health data for 210 countries since 1960. Many of the economic files compare countries in U.S. dollars. WDI replaces the World Bank's World Tables. The full list of indicators is only available on CD-ROM in the Documents Center. Order Information for the CD-ROM is available on the web. A corresponding printed copy is located in the Documents Center as: HC 59.15 .W6561 - Stats Ref. The World Bank has placed some sample tables of its paper product on the web at

This guide provides screen shots for using the CD-ROM. There are two additional guides so users outside the Graduate Library can pre-determine whether WDI will suit their needs. The Variables List defines subjects. It can be browsed by first letter in the alphabet or searched. The Countries List provides income level, debt level, name of currency, benchmarks for population and economic data, and the country's membership in international economic organizations. Browsing the list should suffice but it can be searched for hard-to-locate information. The source for both is the World Development Indicators CD-ROM itself.

Using the CD-ROM

1. The most recent edition of the World Development Indicators CD-ROM (CD-ROM DoX78) is located on the Documents Center's CD-ROM LAN.

2. The 2003 version is in test mode on the TERMINAL SERVICES CD-ROM LAN. Identify a library workstation with a WINDOWS XP operating system.

3. The default query screen below lists the four steps to preparing a table.

    a. Choose Country/Countries

    b. Choose Series (variables)

    c. Choose Years

    d. Show Data

WDI Main Search 

4. Choosing Countries.

There are four ways of choosing a country: an alphabetical list, a classification, criteria you establish, or a geographic or income group. Within each category, you can choose one country by highlighting it and selecting; choose multiple countries using a control-left click and then selecting; or choosing all countries by pressing the select all button.

Once you select a country/countries, the information will transfer to the right side of the screen. Click on OK.

5. Next click on Series.

You can choose your series or variables by either an alphabetical list or by category (eg. population, economic) After you choose the series, click on Select or Select All. The series will be listed at the bottom of the screen. Click OK.

6. List and select individual or all years. Choose ascending or descending order. Click OK.

7. The screen should show countries, series, and years. Click on Show Data.

8. There is a default format for the table which can be changed.

9. To print data, you must first highlight the first row and first column; then click on the freeze/unfreeze icon (blue and black lines). Highlight the area to be printed in black. Then Choose Format/Set Print Area. Print Preview to make sure you are printing what you want.

10. To save the data to a floppy disk, click on the File/Export As menu at the upper lefthand side of the screen.

Grace York, Documents Center
Documents Center
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