Research Articles
- Distribution of irregular primes, Illinois
J. Math. 9 (1965), 553-558.
(L. Carlitz)
- A note on the large sieve, J. London Math.
Soc. 43 (1968), 93-98.
MR37#184 (W. G. H. Schaal)
Mean and large values of Dirichlet
polynomials, Invent. Math. 8 (1969), 334-345.
MR42#3029 (B. Berlowitz)
Zeros of L-functions,
Invent. Math. 8 (1969), 346-354.
(K. Thanigasalam)
Primes in arithmetic progressions, Michigan
Math. J. 17 (1970), 33-39. MR41#1660 (W. Schwarz)
- (with P. E. Blanksby)
Algebraic integers near the unit circle, Acta Arith. 18
(1971), 355-369.
(L. Carlitz)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) The large sieve,
Mathematika 20 (1973), 119-134.
(J. W. Porter)
- The pair correlation of zeros of
the zeta function, Analytic Number Theory (St. Louis, 1972),
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 24, Amer. Math. Soc. (Providence), 1973,
pp. 181-193.
MR49#2590 (J. Knopfmacher)
- (with R. C. Vaughan)
Error terms in additive
prime number theory, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 24
(1973), 207-216.
MR49#2624 (B. Garrison)
- (with P. J. Weinberger)
Notes on small class numbers, Acta Arith. 24 (1973/1974), 529-542.
MR50#9841 (M. Jutila)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) Hilbert's inequality,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 8 (1974), 73-82.
(E. Grosswald)
- (with Norman Levinson)
Zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta-function,
Acta Math. 133 (1974), 49-65.
MR54#5135 (B. C. Berndt)
- (with R. C. Vaughan)
The exceptional set in Goldbach's problem, Acta Arith.
27 (1975), 353-370.
MR51#10263 (A. Sarkozi)
- (with A. Fujii & P. X. Gallagher) Some hybrid
bounds for character sums and Dirichlet L-series, Topics in
Number Theory (Debrecen, 1974), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos
Bolyai 13, North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1976, pp. 41-57.
MR55#7949 (M. Jutila)
- Distribution questions concerning a
character sum, Topics in Number Theory (Debrecen, 1974),
Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 13, North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1976,
pp. 195-203.
(K.-H. Indlekofer)
A note on
rearrangements of Fourier coefficients, Ann. Inst.
Fourier (Grenoble) 26(2) (1976), 29-34.
MR53#11292 (E. Grosswald)
- (with J. M. Masley) Cyclotomic fields with
unique factorization, J. Reine Angew. Math. 286/287
(1976), 248-256.
MR55#2834 (W. Johnson)
- (with A. Schinzel) Some arithmetic
properties of polynomials in several variables, Transcendence
theory: advances and applications (Cambridge, 1976),
Academic Press (London), 1977, pp. 195-203.
(R. Tijdeman)
- (with P. J. Weinberger)
Real quadratic
fields with large class number, Math. Ann. 225 (1977),
(M. Jutila)
- (with R. C. Vaughan)
Exponential sums with
multiplicative coefficients, Invent. Math. 43 (1977),
(M. Jutila)
- Extreme values of the Riemann zeta
function, Comment. Math. Helv. 52 (1977), 511-518.
MR57#249 (E. Stankus)
- (with H. Niederreiter) Estimation optimale
de sommes exponentielles,
Bull. Soc. Math. Grèce (N.S.) 18 (1977), 291-301.
MR80c:10042 (E. Stankus)
- (with J. C. Lagarias & A. M. Odlyzko)
A bound for the least prime ideal
in the Chebotarev density theorem,
Invent. Math. 54 (1979), 271-296.
(L. J. Goldstein)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) Mean values of
character sums, Canad. J. Math. 31 (1979), 476-487.
(H. G. Diamond)
An exponential polynomial formed with the Legendre symbol,
Acta Arith. 37 (1980), 375-380.
MR82a:10041 (A. I. Vinogradov)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) The distribution of
squarefree numbers, Recent progress in analytic number theory,
Vol.\ 1 (Durham, 1979), Academic Press (London), 1981, pp. 247-256.
MR83d:10010 (J.-M. De Koninck)
- Maximal variants of the large sieve,
J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. 1A Math. 28 (1981), 805-812.
MR83g:10033 (D. R. Heath-Brown)
- (with D. E. Rohrlich)
On the L-functions of canonical Hecke characters of imaginary
quadratic fields, II,
Duke Math. J. 49 (1982), 937-942.
MR84e:12014 (R. Bölling)
- On a question of Ramachandra,
Hardy-Ramanujan J. 5 (1982), 31-36.
(B. C. Berndt)
- (with G. Halász) Bernstein's inequality
for finite intervals, Conference on harmonic analysis in honor of
Antoni Zygmund, Vol I, II (Chicago, 1981), Wadsworth (Belmont),
1983, pp. 60-65.
- Zeros of approximations to the zeta function,
Studies in pure mathematics (to the Memory of Paul Turán),
Birkhäuser (Basel), 1983, pp. 497-506.
MR87a:11081 (M. Jutila)
- (with D. J. Lewis)
On zeros of p-adic
forms, Michigan Math. J. 30 (1983), 83-87.
MR84f:10029 (V. Laohakosol)
- (with A. M. Odlyzko)
Gaps between zeros of the zeta function, Topics in classical
number theory, Vol I, II (Budapest, 1981), Colloq. Math. Soc.
János Bolyai 34, North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1984, pp. 1079-1106.
MR86e:11072 (A. Perelli)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) The order of magnitude
of the mth coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials, Glasgow Math.
J. 27 (1985), 143-159.
MR87e:11026 (T. M. Apostol)
- (with R. C. Vaughan)
On the distribution of
reduced residues, Annals of Math. (2) 123 (1986), 311-333.
MR87g:11119 (S. W. Graham)
- (with D. A. Goldston) Pair correlation
of zeros and primes in short intervals, Analytic number theory and
Diophantine problems (Stillwater, 1984), Progr. Math. 70,
Birkhäuser (Boston), 1987, pp. 183-203.
MR90h:11084 (A. Ivić)
- Fluctuations in the mean of Euler's phi
function, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 97 (1987),
MR90e:11138 (A. Ivić)
Prime-like sequences, Acta Arith. 49 (1988), 277-280.
MR89c:11038 (F. Roesler)
- Minimal theta functions, Glasgow
Math. J. 30 (1988), 75-85.
MR89d:11029 (S. Böcherer)
- (with A. M. Odlyzko)
Large deviations of sums of independent random variables,
Acta Arith. 49 (1988), 427-434.
MR89m:11075 (A. Laurincikas)
- Irregularities of distribution by
means of power sums, Proc. Congress on Number Theory (Zarauz,
1984), Univ. País Vasco (Bilbao), 1989, pp. 11-27.
MR93m:11072 (D. Hensley)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) A basic
inequality, Proc. Congress on Number Theory (Zarauz, 1984),
Univ. País Vasco (Bilbao), 1989, pp. 163-175.
MR94a:11154 (J. D. Vaaler)
- (with J. D. Vaaler) Maximal variants of basic
inequalities, Proc. Congress on Number Theory (Zarauz, 1984),
Univ. País Vasco (Bilbao), 1989, pp. 181-197.
MR94d:11062 (E. Stankus)
- (with D. W. Boyd) Cyclotomic partitions,
Number Theory (Banff, 1988), de Gruyter (Berlin), 1990,
pp. 331-338.
MR92b:11073 (A. J. Hildebrand)
- (with R. C. Baker) Oscillations of quadratic
L-functions, Analytic number theory (Allerton Park,
1989), Progr. Math. 84, Birkhäuser (Boston), 1990, pp. 23-40.
MR91k:11071 (M. Jutila)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) On the
Erdős-Fuchs theorems, A tribute to Paul Erdős,
Cambridge Univ. Press (Cambridge), 1990, pp. 331-338.
MR92f:11128 (K. W. Lau)
- (with B. Beauzamy, E. Bombieri, P. Enflo)
of polynomials in many variables, J. Number Theory
36 (1990), 219-245.
MR91m:11015 (F. Beukers)
- Distribution of small powers
of a primitive root, Advances in number theory (Kingston,
1991), Oxford Sci. Publ., Oxford Univ. Press (New York), 1993,
pp. 137-149.
MR96j:11112 (D. R. Heath-Brown)
- (with R. C. Vaughan & T. D. Wooley) Some
remarks on Gauss sums associated with kth powers, Math.
Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 118 (1995), 21-33.
MR96e:11110 (R. J. Cook)
- (with J. D. Vaaler) A further generalization
of Hilbert's inequality, Mathematika 45 (1998), 35-39.
MR2001c:11105 (S. W. Graham)
- (with P. Erdős)
Sums of numbers with many divisors, J. Number Theory
75 (1999), 1-6.
MR99k:11153 (J. Wu)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) Extreme values of
Dirichlet L-functions at
1, Number theory in progress, Vol. 2 (Zakopane-Koscielisko, 1997),
de Gruyter (Berlin), 1999, pp. 1039-1052.
(K. Soundararajan)
- (with J. T. Barton & J. D. Vaaler)
Note on a Diophantine inequality in several variables,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), 337-345.
MR2002j:11090 (R. C. Baker)
- (with D. A. Goldston & S. M. Gonek)
values of the logarithmic derivative of the Riemann zeta-function
with applications to primes in short intervals, J. Reine Angew.
Math. 537 (2001), 105-126.
MR2003a:11108 (D. W. Farmer)
- (with R. C. Vaughan)
Mean values of
multiplicative functions, Period. Math. Hungar. 43
(2001), 199-214.
(J. Steuding)
- (with K. Soundararajan) Beyond pair
correlation, Paul Erdős and
his mathematics, Vol. I (Budapest, 1999), Math. Studies 11,
Bolyai Society (Budapest), 2002, pp. 507-514.
MR2004b:11133 (J. B. Friedlander)
- (with U. M. A. Vorhauer)
Greedy sums of
distinct squares, Math. Comp. 73 (2004), 493-513.
MR2005b:11026 (P. J. Grabner)
Ten GREEDY SUMS DOS programs
(source code and executables) in a self-extracting .zip file (200 Kb)
- (with K. Soundararajan)
Primes in short
intervals, Comm. Math. Phys. 252 (2004), 589-617.
MR2005f:11205 (T. H. Chan)
- (with H. G. Diamond & U. M. A. Vorhauer)
Beurling primes with large
oscillation, Math. Ann. 334
(2006), 1-36.
MR2006j:11131 (A. Sankaranarayanan)
- (with U. M. A. Vorhauer) Changes of sign
of the error term in the prime number theorem, Funct. Approx.
Comment. Math. 35 (2006), 235-247.
MR2008c:11123 (N. Watt)
- (with R. C. Vaughan) Local variation of Euler products,
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 39 (2008), 273-288.
MR2010h:11157 (A. Sankaranarayanan)
- (with H. Maier) The sum of the Möbius function,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 41 (2009), 213-226.
MR2010b:11131 (T. H. Chan)
- The combinatorics of moment calculations,
Hardy-Ramanujan J. 33 (2010), 2-22.
- (with P. X. Gallagher) A note on Burgess's estimate (Russian),
Mat. Zametki 88 (2010), 355-364; English translation in Math. Notes 88
(2010), 321-329.
- On a random minimax (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 66 (2011), 217-222;
English translation in Russian Math. Surveys 66 (2011), 421--426.
- (with S. M. Gonek) Zeros of a family of approximations of the Riemann zeta-function,
Int. Mat. Res. Not. IMRN 2012, rns187, 22 pp.; doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns187.
- (with J. G. Thompson) Geometric properties of the zeta function, Acta Arith.
155 (2012), 373-396.
- (with G. Tenenbaum) Low moments of Dirichlet series, Acta Math. Hungar. 144
(2014), 425--432.