The ISBN number is 978-3-031-15213-9.
If you want to explore this resource, I suggest you start by clicking on either Programming in Maple or Programming in Mathematica and then on to `Catalogue of Maple files' or `Catalogue of Mathematica files'. If you have never used these methods to solve problems, you will surprised how effective they are. You will however need to have Mathematica or Maple installed on your computer system.
The subject of Elasticity can be approached from several points of view, depending on whether the practitioner is principally interested in the mathematical structure of the subject or in its use in engineering applications and, in the latter case, whether essentially numerical or analytical methods are envisaged as the solution method. My first introduction to the subject was in response to a need for information about a specific problem in Tribology. As a practising Engineer with a background only in elementary Mechanics of Materials, I approached that problem initially using the concepts of concentrated forces and superposition. Today, with a rather more extensive knowledge of analytical techniques in Elasticity, I still find it helpful to go back to these roots in the elementary theory and think through a problem physically as well as mathematically, whenever some new and unexpected feature presents difficulties in research. This way of thinking will be found to permeate this book. My engineering background will also reveal itself in a tendency to work examples through to final expressions for stresses and displacements, rather than leave the derivation at a point where the remaining manipulations would be mathematically routine.
The first edition of this book, published in 1992, was based on a one semester graduate course on Linear Elasticity that I have taught at the University of Michigan since 1983. In three subsequent revisions, the amount of material has more than doubled and the character of the book has necessarily changed, but I remain committed to my original objective of writing for those who wish to find the solution of specific practical engineering problems. With this in mind, I have endeavoured to keep to a minimum any dependence on previous knowledge of Solid Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics or Mathematics. Most of the text should be readily intelligible to a reader with an undergraduate background of one or two courses in elementary Mechanics of Materials and a rudimentary knowledge of partial differentiation. Cartesian tensor notation and the index convention are used in a few places to shorten the derivation of some general results, but these sections are carefully explained, so as to be self-explanatory.
Modern practitioners of Elasticity are necessarily influenced by developments in numerical methods, which promise to solve all problems with no more information about the subject than is needed to formulate the description of a representative element of material in a relatively simple state of stress. As a researcher in Solid Mechanics, with a primary interest in the physical behaviour of the systems I am investigating, rather than in the mathematical structure of the solutions, I have frequently had recourse to numerical methods of all types and have tended to adopt the pragmatic criterion that the best method is that which gives the most convincing and accurate result in the shortest time. In this context, `convincing' means that the solution should be capable of being checked against reliable closed-form solutions in suitable limiting cases and that it is demonstrably stable and in some sense convergent. Measured against these criteria, the `best' solution to many practical problems is often not a direct numerical method, such as the finite element method, but rather one involving some significant analytical steps before the final numerical evaluation. This is particularly true in three-dimensional problems, where direct numerical methods are extremely computer-intensive if any reasonably accuracy is required, and in problems involving infinite or semi-infinite domains, discontinuities, bonded or contacting material interfaces or theoretically singular stress fields. By contrast, I would immediately opt for a finite element solution of any two-dimensional problem involving finite bodies with relatively smooth contours, unless it happened to fall into the (surprisingly wide) class of problems to which the solution can be written down in closed form. The reader will therefore find my choice of topics significantly biassed towards those fields identified above where analytical methods are most useful.
As in the earlier editions, I encourage the reader to become familiar with the use of symbolic mathematical languages such as Maple, MatLab and Mathematica, since these tools open up the possibility of solving considerably more complex and hence interesting and realistic elasticity problems. They also enable the student to focus on the formulation of the problem (e.g. the appropriate governing equations and boundary conditions) rather than on the algebraic manipulations, with a consequent improvement in insight into the subject and in motivation. Finally, they each posess post-processing graphics facilities that enable the user to explore important features of the resulting stress state. The reader can access numerous files for this purpose at the website for this volume on or at my University of Michigan homepage, including the solution of sample problems, electronic versions of the tables in Chapters 22, 23, and algorithms for the generation of spherical harmonic potentials. Some hints about the use of this material are contained in Appendix A, and more detailed tips about programming are included at the above websites. Those who have never used these methods will find that it takes only a few hours of trial and error to learn how to write programs to solve boundary-value problems in elasticity.
This new edition contains four additional chapters, including one on the Eshelby inclusion problem, and a brief introduction to anisotropic elasticity. Also discussed are Love's theory of `moderately thick plates' and the three-dimensional Hertz contact problem.
The new edition contains numerous additional end-of-chapter problems. As with previous editions, a full set of solutions to these problems is available to bona fide instructors on request to the author. Some of these problems are quite challenging, indeed several were the subject of substantial technical papers within the not too distant past, but they can all be solved in a few hours using Maple or Mathematica. Many texts on Elasticity contain problems which offer a candidate stress function and invite the student to `verify' that it defines the solution to a given problem. Students invariably raise the question `How would we know to choose that form if we were not given it in advance?' I have tried wherever possible to avoid this by expressing the problems in the form they would arise in Engineering --- i.e. as a body of a given geometry subjected to prescribed loading. This in turn has required me to write the text in such a way that the student can approach problems deductively. I have also generally opted for explaining difficulties that might arise in an `obvious' approach to the problem, rather than steering the reader around them in the interests of brevity.
I have taken this opportunity to correct the numerous typographical errors in the third edition, but no doubt despite my best efforts, the new material will contain more. Please communicate any errors to me.
As in previous editions, I would like to thank my graduate students and more generally scientific correspondents worldwide whose questions continue to force me to re-examine my knowledge of the subject. I am also grateful to Professor John Dundurs for permission to use Table 9.1 and to the Royal Society of London for permission to reproduce Figures 13.2, 13.3.
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