principalstresses3D.nb calculates the three stress invariants (equations (1.20-1.22), the three principal stresses (1.17-1.19) and the Von Mises equivalent tensile stress (1.23) from a given set of stress components in three dimensions.
Michell.nb lists the stress function for the Michell solution (equation (8.31) and Table 8.1) and the corresponding stress components. The displacement components (Table 9.1) can be obtained by a subsequent run of the program `urt'.
uxy.nb determines the displacements in Cartesian coordinates associated with a given Airy stress function. It can be called after the solution of a boundary-value problem to determine the displacements.
urt.nb determines the displacements in polar coordinates associated with a given Airy stress function. It can be called after the solution of a boundary-value problem to determine the displacements.
S522.nb solves the problem treated in Section 5.2.2. A two-dimensional rectangular beam is simply supported at the two ends and is loaded by a uniformly distributed normal load on the upper surface.
S742.nb solves the problem treated in Section 7.4.2. A two-dimensional rectangular beam is accelerated from rest by equal and opposite shear forces applied at the ends.
ABErtz.nb lists the expressions for stress and displacement components for solutions A, B and E in cylindrical polar coordinates given in Table 22.1.
ABErtb.nb lists the expressions for stress and displacement components for solutions A, B and E in spherical polar coordinates given in Table 22.2.
Txyz.nb lists the expressions for temperature, heat flux, stress and displacement components for solution T in Cartesian coordinates given in Table 23.1. The corresponding expressions for the isothermal solutions A, B and E are also included.
Trtz.nb lists the expressions for temperature, heat flux, stress and displacement components for solution T in cylindrical polar coordinates given in Table 23.1. The corresponding expressions for the isothermal solutions A, B and E are also included.
Trtb.nb lists the expressions for temperature, heat flux, stress and displacement components for solution T in spherical polar coordinates given in Table 23.2. The corresponding expressions for the isothermal solutions A, B and E are also included.
The file cyln.nb contains bounded polynomials expressed in cylindrical polar coordinates which when multiplied by Cos[n*theta] or Sin[n*theta] generate non-axisymmetric harmonic potentials.
The file hol0.nb contains axisymmetric harmonic functions in cylindrical polar coordinates that are singular on the entire axis r=0. The bounded axisymmetric functions from `cyl0' are also included for completeness.
The file holn.nb contains functions in cylindrical polar coordinates which when multiplied by Cos[n*theta] or Sin[n*theta] generate harmonic functions that are singular on the entire axis r=0. The bounded non-axisymmetric functions from `cyln' are also included for completeness.
The file sp0.nb contains both bounded and singular axisymmetric spherical harmonics expressed in spherical polar coordinates.
The file spn.nb contains functions which when multiplied by Cos[n*theta] or Sin[n*theta] generate both bounded and singular non-axisymmetric harmonic functions in spherical polar coordinates.
The file Qseries.nb generates axisymmetric spherical harmonics from the logarithmically singular Q-series Legendre functions of equation (25.22). These functions are singular on both the positive and negative z-axes.
The file sing.nb generates axisymmetric spherical harmonics that are logarithmically singular only on the negative z-axis. The first few functions of this form are given in equation (24.9).
The file conebending.nb solves the non-axisymmetric problem of a solid cone loaded at the vertex by a concentrated moment, treated in Section 27.2.3.
The file `Carlson' evaluates the Carlson elliptic integrals of equations (28.41, 34.13, 34.14).
principalstresses2D.m | principalstresses3D.m | polynomial.m | Michell.m |
uxy.m | urt.m | ABExyz.m | ABErtz.m |
ABErtb.m | Txyz.m | Trtz.m | Trtb.m |
cyl0.m | cyln.m | hol0.m | holn.m |
sp0.m | spn.m | Qseries.m | sing.m |
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