An International Internet Mailing List which discusses the television series
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, related articles, historical material, the actors
and staff. After you have subscribed to DQMW-L, you'll receive information
on how to post to the group. Send the following message to join the mailing
group: SUBSCRIBE DQMW-L YourFirstName YourLastName
The producers of DQMW have an official web site.
An excellent web site on the series; maintained by Barney Jernigan.
A fun web site for a very special and talented actress.
The site is maintained by P. Ball and J. Coles.
A spirited web site for a very special and spiritual actor.
The site is maintained by P. Ball and J. Coles.
Robin Mack has created a web site with an extensive selection of pictures, video
clips and print materials. The site received a high rating from Yahoo, Internet
Carol Moorehouse has a good start on a terrific web site. Nice pictures with a
broad collection of articles on Joe. The chance to see Joe with other fans is an
added treat.
Susan Etheridge has a wonderfully designed photo gallery site. A great visual
trip of Joe!
A fun and very unique web site with lots of interesting photos and news.
The site is maintained with much love by a talented group of Hank's Hussies.
You just have to visit the site! It's filled with funny anecdotes and amusing stories
about the series and the Goodbody sisters.
Official web site for CBS. The site features regular updates and listings of current
programs and other related items.
A web site of short fiction stories written by fans.
A radio show broadcasted on Saturdays from the CBS Radio Network.
Email discussion groups for Joe Lando and Jane Seymour.
1. The official DQMW Fan Club publishes a newsletter, "The Quinn Quarterly"; to join,
send a check for $12.00 [U.S. funds] to:Fan Club at Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Building 1, Room 115
4024 Radford Ave.
Studio City, CA 91604
(818) 991-56002. You can also write cast members and the production staff at the address mentioned above.
3. If you have an account on AOL, you can participate in a weekly chat to discuss the episodes.
The chat begins at 12 midnight, Saturday EDT. On AOL go to the keyword "People" connection,
select the option "rooms, and then click on "private rooms." Type "Quinn" at the prompt and
identify yourself when you enter the room.
4. The American Library Association has published a poster of DQMW cast members to promote
literacy. The Dr. Quinn READ poster [item #5023-0196] costs $8.00; include $4.00 for shipping
and handling on orders under $20.00. Requests for orders between $20-$50 should include an
additional $6.00 for shipping and handling.To order the poster by phone: 1-800-545-2433 Ext. 7 for ALA Graphics [VISA, MasterCard,
or American Express] or send mail to: ALA Graphics, 50 E. Huron St. , Chicago, IL 60611.5. Several books based on the series are available:
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: New Friends
Author: Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKenna
Scholastic Paperbacks ISBN: 0590603728
List Price: $3.99Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Queen of the May
Author: Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKenna
Scholastic Paperbacks ISBN: 05090603736
List Price: $3.99Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Author: Teresa Warfield
Berkley Pub. Group ISBN: 1572970367
List Price: $5.99Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Wall Edition 1997 Calendar
Landmark Calendars: 0781915848
List Price: $11.99