day 0 - The Airport
well...some bastard in Chicago ran thru security so they had to evacuate the whole wing of the airport and my plane to colorado happened to be coming from chicago so my flight was delayed by i just kinda hung out in the airport for awhile and wished i had brought a book with me or a pencil and paper so that i could hit the airport people over the head or stab just kidding, they did what they could and once the plane arrived the flight went very smoothly...arrived in denver and my sister drove me to her crib in golden...
my sisters gay cat...shortly before i beat his ass for sleeping in my bed...and drinking my porridge...
day 1 - Lookout Mountain
woke up kinda late...decided to go for a bike ride on the chimney glutch trail on lookout mountain...this is when i realized that riding up mile long hills sucks...i think it was more like 6 miles to the top...took me about 2-3 hours to go up and then about 30 minutes to get down...almost wiped out a few times but i was able to save myself, decided that next time i should wear a helmet...
the foothills around golden...
looking down at the chimney gultch trail which i biked down soon after...
heres a deer id like to mount...oh no people, no...i mean mount as in kill it, chop its head off, rip out all of its entrials, stuff it, mount it on a piece of wood and put it on my thought i meant something sick like sex didnt you?...
a look at denver from lookout mountain...
looking towards the start of the real mountains from the top of lookout mountain...
day 2 - Rain
the british have surrounded us on the hill and we are outnumbered...luckily the higher ground gives us an advantage over them so hopefully we can hold them off until more renforcements come...ah...flashbacks are a bitch...if anyone ever asks you to fight in a revolutionary war just say no, its not worth it...on my second day in colorado, it rained...something that doesnt happen a whole lot there, colorado is so dry its almost like a dessert...over 300 days of sunshine is what they average each since it was raining, my sister and i went up to an outlet mall in the mountains...really cool location for a mall, right on a rolling river and surrounded by mountains...almost makes shopping enjoyable...i got a pair of hiking 3 - Indian Peaks Wilderness Area
we hiked this trail that went around a lake...and then we were like what the hell, all we did is walk around a lake...thats pretty then we hiked up a trail that went up into the mountains...and then we were like what the hell, that mountain didnt look that far away when we started...actually i would have liked to have gone on but we had some weaker ones in the group so we headed back down...really a beautiful area...
me and my sister by brainard river...
brainard river...
me by brainard river...
my sister crossing a log over a river on the way back from blue lake in roosevel park...
me and my sister...
probably mount audubon...
day 4 - Mathew/Winters
after taking a break from biking i figured i was ready to ride up some hills again...the ride to the Mathew\Winters park was a bitch (up up up and up) and i think thats mostly because of the altitude...there simply wasnt a high enough concentration of oxygen in the air for me...but i got to the park, and the park itself was really nice....the trail had a good balance of up and downs rather than just up for 4 miles and then down for 4 miles...and it went through the "red rocks" so the scenery was great...i only wiped out once...i was coming down a hill and braking and i hit a pretty big rock and flipped over the handle bars...just got some minor scratches and it didnt actually hurt that bad...i stopped and hiked up one of the bigger red rocks and had was pretty cool...except when i dropped my camera off it...
"red rocks" from a distance...
"red rocks" from the top of one of the red rocks...
my hand after doing some rock scrambling, flipping over the handle bars of my mountain bike, and wrestling a grizzly bear to the ground...
day 5 - Mt. Evans
mt evans is a 14,000ft+ mountain which makes it among the tallest in colorado...unlike most mountains tho, this one has a road that goes just about all the way to the top...but its not a good road to be driving around on when youre me and my sister drove up the road and then hiked up the last few remaining hundred or so vertical feet to the top of the mountain...we saw some mountain goats in the distance and tried to hike over to them but they disappeared into the great expanse of the can see so far when youre up on a mountain that it makes it really hard to judge distances...the mountain seemed so sterile, just a bunch of rocks, like walking on the moon or something...surprising that it supports any kind of life...after hanging out at the top for a bit we drove down to summit lake which is at the base of the mountain...we saw a few mountain goats crossing the road on our way...i just told my sister to run them over...but she wanted to stop and take pictures...they were very friendly and not scared of us at all...almost seemed as if you could have gone up to them and petted them...they are probably used to having people feed we got to summit lake and started hiking around a bit...and my sister points out this snowfield way up on the mountain and says i should go up and get some snow...she was just family, or at least my dad and sister, think i have really bad judgement when it comes to hiking, like i am too i pretended that her suggestion was preposterous and looked too dangerous...even tho in my head i was like, that sounds kinda i kept hiking in the general direction of the snow and when i got to where the real slope started i was like what the hell, im here, its here, and my sister was barely visible in the distance behind i started hiking up and it wasnt too bad except that the rocks were very crumbly and very loose and they were on a very steep slope......but eventually i made it up to the snowfield and it was actually quite huge...there was a nice sound of water melting off the glacier and running down the mountain...i hung out there for awhile and then began to make my descent, this is when i realized how steep the mountain was and how far up i had climbed...i couldnt stand up with out slipping and feared that if i started sliding i would never i ended up coming down on my hands and feet, like the spider crawl you learn in elementary school...i caused a few small avalanches but made it down ok...ok, maybe i dont have the greatest judgement...
me on the top of mt evans (elevation ~14,200')...2,000 feet below me you can see summit lake...dont ask what the "G" stands for on my hat...
me somewhere else on mt evans...
a baby mountain goat...
the baby mountain goats mom...
hi mom...
summit lake and mt evans...
hopping rocks on summit lake at the base of mt evans peak...
puddles of water below the snow field...
my sister hiking along summit lake (elevation 12,500') at the base of the peak of mt evans...
snow field up on mt. evans....
looking back at summit lake from the snow sister is down there somewhere sitting on one of those boulders waiting for me to come back...
summit lake and me...
my sister somewhere on mt. evans...she wasnt ready when i took this picture, hence the strange facial expression...i guess youre supposed to say "say cheese" or something before you take a picture of someone...
me and a river that flows down from mt evans...